MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 553 With the gaze of the cracked seat, Quecchis died!

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  Siekongzuo, known as the **** of the sky, is also known as the guardian of the sky.

  It can release special particles through its whiskers, affect the composition of the atmosphere, and then control the weather.

   According to legend, its dominance of the sky is enough to rival the gods.

  The sky is its exclusive domain for Rikkakuza.

  It was born here and grew up here, and guarding this place is its creed for life.

  Therefore, Rikkakuza will never allow powerful enemies to invade its domain.

  And the behavior of not only appearing, but also actively releasing its own breath is a kind of provocation for it.

   So, here it comes.

  Departing from the distant Hoenen Skyline, after dozens of minutes of flying, we finally arrived at this land.

  As soon as he approached, Likongzao felt an extremely powerful breath of dragon.

  Its eyes were fixed, and the aura on its body climbed up suddenly, golden particles lingered around its black body, and a symbol meaning Delta appeared on its forehead.

  In an instant, Rikakuza transformed into a super Rikkakuza, ready to face the next big battle with a complete attitude.

  The air flow in the sky kept surging, and large white clouds gathered.

  The mighty body of the super cracked space pierced through the white clouds, leaving a conspicuous white trace in the sky.

  The next second, it arrived at the "battlefield".

  There was a "god" anger in Rikakuza's eyes, and it stared at the giant dragon Pokémon with a strong breath and a strong and strong body on the opposite side.

  Aquamarine energy is brewing crazily on Likongzao. Its upper half is tall and its head is high, with huge golden eyes looking down at the white dragon opposite.

   This movement is Rikuzao's signature move, the prelude to the finishing touch.

  It's just that when Likongzao was about to attack, he suddenly saw a familiar figure on the dragon.

  Crack empty seat: "?"

  The white cloud vortex covering the sky quickly dissipated, and the green brilliance on Rikakuza dissipated into the clouds.

  People far away in Feiyun City looked up at this sudden vision, and they all showed puzzled faces.

   Skyscraper roof.

   Cattleya, Cross and Lei Gong stood on the roof, looking up at the sky.

  Looking at this scene, Cattleya frowned slightly: "Do you know what he did?"

  Cross shook his head, his intuition told him that the master was doing something capable of changing the world.

  Where no one noticed, Lei Gong's eyes flickered, and it could sense the

   Received an extremely powerful force.

   Just now, there was something terrifying that came here from afar.

   And that vision was caused by its power.

   Above the sky.

  Liekongzuo looked at Populus euphratica opposite, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want from me?"

  Looking at Likongzuo whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, Hu Yang had a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and he said:

  「I would like to ask you a favor. After this is done, I can grant one of your wishes, whether it is a powerful move or an item.」

   Li Kongzao was silent for a while, and asked: "What's the matter?" "I want you to help me find something."

  Hu Yang shared the information of the plasma destroyer in his impression with the cracked seat through the waveguide.

  Kakuza closed his eyes and looked at everything in his mind. After a while, he opened his eyes, "I see,"

  Its thick snake-like body hovered in the sky, and the airflow in the air was constantly surging. Through the induction of those airflows, Rikuzao soon found the target on a certain hidden cloud layer and locked it.

   Obtained the specific position of the plasma destroyer, Populus euphratica rode Yanbai Kyurem back to Feiyun City.

  He looked at Cattleya and Cross who were waiting on the roof, and said, "I found it, do you want to go together?"

   Cross agreed without thinking


   Cattleya thought about it: "Please wait for me, I need to notify the alliance first."

   As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and sent a text message, and then said to the two: "Okay, let's go!"

   Populus euphratica rode Yanbai Kyurem, Cross rode a fast dragon, and Cattleya directly used superpowers to float herself into the air, and flew into the sky with them.

   Above the sky, the Rift Seat is still waiting there.

  Seeing Rikuza, Cross and Cattleya were shocked


   "Cracked Seat!?" Cattleya exclaimed. Likongzao glanced at her, but did not respond.

  Euphratica nodded, and said: "It is it that helped us find the specific location where the plasma cluster is."

   Cattleya pursed her lips, "I understand."

  The three of them flew into the sky, Rikakuza turned around, and swooped in the direction of the target.

  Plasma destroyer, in the secret laboratory.

   Quizzes and Zero's leader 0 stood in front of the glass containers.

   Each terrarium holds a giant bug Pokémon.

  They closed their eyes tightly, their bodies were tightly wrapped in purple armor, and a giant cannon was mounted on their backs.

  Among all the containers, in a taller container, a crimson Pokémon also closed its eyes tightly.


   Quizzes looked at it and knew in his heart that it was the leader, the leader, of this group of Genesects.

   "Congratulations, you succeeded." Queches said lightly.

  0 glanced at him and said with a smile, "I should congratulate you, how about it? Do you need me to introduce the abilities of these Genesects?"

   Quizzes nodded slightly.

0 said: "I changed their bodies. In addition to this form, these Genesects can also gather their limbs and bodies. Change into a high-speed flying form. In that state, their speed will be greatly increased. With an increase in range, you can launch a surprise attack on the enemy, which is perfect for you to rule the Hezhong area.”

"On their backs, I have installed amazingly powerful cannons, which can turn Genesect into a turret, covering the enemy with terrifying firepower. Of course, these firepowers have no attributes, as long as you install them If you have a cassette with relevant attributes, you can change their attributes at will, and use restraint to deal with the enemy’s Pokémon.”

   "Very good." Queches nodded in satisfaction.

  He wanted to say something more, but suddenly heard a subordinate rushing to report: "Report to the boss! Something is approaching our destroyer!"

   "What?" Queches was slightly taken aback.

  For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and hurriedly walked towards the main control room.

  0 hesitated, and followed behind him. With the relationship of the laboratory door, no one noticed that in those glass containers, a Genesect's eye flickered.

   Immediately afterwards, a voice sounded in the quiet laboratory.

  「I really want to go home.」

   Quizzes and 0 hurriedly walked on the corridor leading to the main control room.

  When they arrived there, just as Quizzes was about to speak, he saw a huge figure slowly descending from the sky in front of the destroyer.

  Through the transparent porthole, Quecchis stared blankly at the huge creature.

  At such a close distance, he could even see every line on that creature's body.

"That is."

  Everyone present immediately opened their eyes wide, with expressions of disbelief in their eyes.

   "Splitting Seat? How did it come here?!" Queches was shocked.

  The cracked empty seat did not launch an attack, it slowly staggered its position, revealing the Yanbai Kyurem, Populus euphratica and others behind.

   Quecchis dreamed of acquiring Kyurem, and using its power to rule the Hezhong area.

   now see

  The flame white Kyurem, Quecchis understood everything in an instant:

  「Damn it, it turned out to be you!」

  0 also felt the fluctuation of the ghost slate, and he said quickly: "Good opportunity! Quecchis, kill that human right now, and Kyurem will belong to you after it is done.

  The board is mine!

  「I know you are holding an ice-freezing missile. They can't dodge it at such a short distance!」

   Hearing this, Quecchis was instantly moved.

  Ice Freezing Missile, that is a powerful weapon that can freeze a city in an instant.

  Thinking of this, Quecchis gave the order without hesitation: "Launch ice-freezing missiles!"

  A member of the plasma group quickly said: "Yes!"

  The metal plate on the destroyer quickly separated, and a turret protruded from it, locking the direction of everyone. The next second, a powerful ice-freezing missile was fired.

   Populus euphratica locked his eyes on the missile, and with a thought, Shanaido emerged from the elf ball, and a dense light shone from it.

  The light dissipated, and Xanadu turned into Super Xanadu, releasing a terrifying superpower, wrapping the ice-freezing missile, and teleporting it into the sky.

  Accompanied by a loud bang, a powerful wave of ice

   Sexual energy spreads towards the surroundings.

  Looking at this scene, before Hu Yang and the others could react, the sky lord, Likongzao, let out an angry roar.

  Feeling being violated and provoked, Rikuza instantly transformed into a super Rikuza, and put the finishing touch on the destroyer in front of him.

  The green straight line runs through the sky.

  The next second, the plasma destroyer was split into two, and a violent explosion occurred while falling downward.

   Cattleya stared at this scene dumbfounded.

  Hu Yang was also a little speechless. He originally wanted to catch Quecchis and bring him in front of N, so that N could see his ugly face.

  Likongzao floated in the sky, looked at the scene below, then returned to Hu Yang, and said to him: "Let's go!"

   "You haven't been paid yet!" Hu Yang said hastily.

   Li Kongzao did not refuse, but said: "I will

Look for you. "

"All right."

   Watching the figure of Likongza go away, the three of Hu Yang followed the plasma destroyer and landed on the ground.

   A raging fire broke out in the plasma destroyer. Looking at that scene, Cattleya was a little unresponsive: "Is this resolved?"

  Hu Yang nodded: "The leader of the Plasma Corps, Quecchis, is dead. Apart from Asura, who was arrested by the Interpol, there should be five Seven Sages active outside."

   Which includes N.

   Cattleya felt relieved: "We will deal with those guys slowly."

   Next, the most important thing is to wake up those who have been deluded.

  Thinking of this, Cattleya looked at Hu Yang and asked, "What can you do?"

  Hu Yang smiled and did not intend to reveal it now: "You will know when the time comes."

   Quizzes is dead, and the next thing is to develop a new Poké Ball.

  However, before that, Hu Yang wanted to meet N.

   Calculated the time in my mind, and now N should be challenging gyms around.

  He looked around and after confirming that there was no one from the plasma group, he said to Cattleya, "I'll leave this to you."

   Cattleya was slightly taken aback: "What are you going to do?"

  Hu Yang: "Go to see someone."

  The figure of N appeared in his mind.

   This should not be the first time he met N.

  At this time, Cattleya heard a siren, and it was Junsha and the others from a nearby city who came.

  Cattleya glanced at him and said: "In this case, then I won't keep you. If you want to take a vacation later, you can go to Lian

   Yi town there! "

  Hu Yang smiled and said, "I will."

  He stood up, took the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, and turned away with Cross.

  This place is located near Leiwen City, Hu Yang plans to go to Leiwen City for a rest.

   But before they could go too far, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared in the air.

   Immediately afterwards, Dialga's figure flew out of it, and slowly landed in front of the two of them.

   Seeing Di Yaluka, Hu Yang was slightly taken aback.

  Dialga glanced at him, then looked at Cross, and said to him: "Your task has been completed, thank you very much, Cross."

  zero's people all perished with the crash of the plasma destroyer.

  Hearing this, Cross opened his mouth. He knew that when the mission was completed, it was time to leave here and return to the future.


  He doesn't want to leave yet

  Di Yaluka did not immediately send the child back to his own time and space.

It looked at Cross and said in a voice that only he could hear: "The timeline has changed, and the future will change with it. Sorry, I can't see that future, and I don't know what the future is." what happened."

  Cross was stunned: "But... aren't you the God of Time?"

  Di Yaluka shook his head, did not answer this question, but said:

  「Let me ask you one last time, even if what you do next will lead to changes in the future you are in, will you stick to it?」

  Cross' eyes became firm: "Yes, I want to continue, even if my fate will change!"

  Hearing this, Dialga's tone suddenly softened, and it whispered: "Then, please persevere."

  Hu Yang glanced at Cross, then at Di Ya

  Luka was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Are you going back?"

  Cross shook his head and said with a smile: "Dialga allows me to stay here for a while."

   "That's good." Hu Yang looked at Dialga and greeted it: "Long time no see, Dialga!"

   At the same time, in the crashed plasma destroyer.

  A scorched iron sheet was blasted away by a cannonball, and a crimson Genesect flew out of it.

   Immediately afterwards, another group of purple Genesects broke out of the ground.

   They looked around blankly, and then flew towards their hometown in the direction they remembered.

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