MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 554 Mewtwo and Genesect, Raven City, Goodbye North

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  Plasma clusters have been destroyed, but the series of events triggered by them has not ended.

  The Hezhong Four Heavenly Kings headed by Cattleya dealt with the crashed plasma destroyer, but Adek, the champion of the Hezhong region, never showed up.

  Fukiyo City, Fukiyo Gymnasium.

  Gym Master Feng Lu looked at the green-haired young man opposite, handed him the Fukiyo badge, and said, "I lost, this Fukiyo badge belongs to you."

  The green-haired boy reached out to take it. He didn't speak, but turned and left the gym directly.

  Walking in this ancient city, N was surprised to find that all the members of the plasma group that his father had arranged to follow him secretly had disappeared.

  Just when he was a little confused, the communicator in his hand suddenly received a call from Wei Ao, one of the Seven Sages.

  N pressed to answer, and after hearing the message from the other end clearly, his eyes flickered slightly.

   And at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.


  N turned around and saw a teenager running towards him.

  He was wearing a blue zipper jacket, a pair of loose brown trousers on the lower body, a **** pack across his waist, and a red and white hat on his head.

  Looking at the boy, a name emerged in N's mind: Toya.

  The young man greeted him enthusiastically, but there was a trace of solemnity between his brows.

  N looked at him like this, and felt a little shaken in his heart. "What's wrong? N?"

  N pursed his lips and said softly, "You know what? Touya."

What? Tou also froze.

  N looked into his eyes, and slowly said: "Before I experienced a battle, I always thought it was a stupid and pathetic behavior for Pokémon to fight under the command of humans."

  「In the name of mutual understanding, trainers are fighting with each other. Humans think that Pokémon battles are very cool. Maybe I am the only one who can feel how painful Pokémon is injured in the battle.」

  Tou also opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

  N sighed softly, and the scene of riding the Ferris wheel together in the past appeared in his mind.

  He continued: "However, after personally experiencing the battle, combined with what I heard from your Pokémon, they seem to like to fight with you."

  N was lost in thought, and murmured: "If it's really consensual, then can your practice be regarded as a kind of liberation?"

  Tou couldn't help but said: "N, you"

  N looked at him and shook his head lightly: "The plasma cluster no longer exists, he is ready to awaken the Dragon God's black branch

stone. "

  「I came to awaken the Dragon God, not for war, but to change the world for the better.」

   After speaking, N's gaze became firm again.

  He turned around and resolutely embarked on his own heroic path.

  The far north, a land covered by snow and ice.

  A humanoid Pokémon is flying alone in the sky.

   Chaomeng looked at the vast white snowfield below, wondering what he was thinking.

  Suddenly, in the blizzard, Chaomeng heard a voice.

   That voice said "I really want to go home".

   Chaomeng froze for a moment, swept across with powerful superpowers, and soon found a group of confused beings in the distance.

  It got up and flew towards there. After passing through the blizzard, Chaomeng saw a group of creatures that he had never seen before on a vast snowfield.

  There were five creatures in the group, one of which was red, leaving the other four purple ones in place, and went to explore the snow field ahead.

  However, at this moment, a drastic change suddenly occurred on the snow field. The originally calm and thick snow mountain suddenly collapsed, and snow rolled down from the mountain like a torrential flood.

  The four creatures that stayed in place and waited were submerged in it in an instant.

  Looking at this scene, Chaomeng's pupils shrank, and a thick white light flashed on his body. It transformed into a super evolutionary posture, and used superpowers to rescue the four creatures submerged in the avalanche.

   Mewtwo took them to a safe place and returned to normal.

  It looked at the four strange creatures, and asked telepathically, "What happened?"

   One of the smaller, young creatures

   A guy who saved them made a sad voice: "The home is gone"

  From this sentence, Chaomeng felt their loneliness, and also realized that they were the ones who had connected with it just now.

  Using their superpowers, Mewtwo reads their memories.

  From memory, I learned that their name is Genesect, they have no home, and are wandering alone in this world.

   "A Pokémon who suffers from the same disease as me?" Mewtwo murmured in his heart. It looked at them and decided to help the group of Genesects.

   However, at this moment, a beam of light cannon suddenly blasted from above.

   Chaomeng looked up, and saw that the red Genesect had returned here at some point, and it dodged it with a flash.

   "I didn't hurt them." Chaomeng explained aloud.

  But Crimson Genesect didn’t seem to hear anything

   Like, launched an attack on it again.

  A red light lit up in its eyes, and the eyes of the other four Genesects all lit up red as if they had received some kind of order.

  The turrets behind them were lifted high, and they used a high-tech light cannon at Chaomeng in front of them, knocked it down to the ground, and then flew towards the distance.

   Chaomeng lay on the ground, watching their leaving backs, frowning slightly.

   Raven City.

   After sending Diya Luka away, Hu Yang brought Cross here.

   Contrary to the highly tense working atmosphere in Feiyun City, the commercial center they had been to before, Leiwen City, known as an entertainment city, is full of leisurely atmosphere.

  The buildings here are generally not very tall, and will not give people a cold and suffocating sense of oppression like skyscrapers.

   Raven City is full of entertainment facilities, like musicals

   Guild hall, gear station, large arena, small sports field, trial room, amusement park and Ferris wheel, etc.

  The atmosphere in the city is not as serious as Sanyo City before. At least, there are no teams on the street to promote the release of Pokémon and throw away the Poké Ball.

   Hu Yang looked at the travel guide in his hand and asked, "Want to go to a musical?"

  Cross nodded, so the two took a few Pokémon around them to the musical hall and watched a performance there.

   Soon, the performance ended, and Cross asked, "By the way, Hu Yang, you said before Miss Cattleya that you were going to meet someone. Who is that person?"

   "He?" Hu Yang said softly, "He's an old acquaintance of mine."

   It's just that N doesn't know him.

   "Old acquaintance?" Cross was slightly taken aback.

  Hu Yang nodded: "That was a long time ago."

  The memory about N in his mind told him that after defeating all gym masters and champion Adek, N would take Zekrom to his castle, where the coronation ceremony would take place.

  Although the Plasma Corps and Quecchis have been destroyed, with N's character, he probably won't give up because of this.

  Hu Yang suddenly felt a little tired.

He looked at Cross with a smile and said, "You don't have to worry about that matter. Now that Zero has been resolved, Dialga also promised you to stay in this era for a while, so feel free to play here! Well, go to the amusement park Would you like to have a look over there?"

  He remembered that there was a Ferris wheel over there, the one that Toya and N sat on.

  「.” Cross said in his heart that I am no longer a child, but after thinking about it, he has never been to an amusement park with his master before, so he nodded and agreed: “Then let’s go!”

  The two came to the location of the amusement park. Before entering the park, they saw a huge Ferris wheel inside.

  The Ferris wheel rotates slowly, standing on it can clearly see every corner of the city.

  Hu Yang originally wanted to experience it, but when he bought a ticket, he was told by the conductor that the Ferris wheel is only for couples.

  Hu Yang looked confused, so why can Tou ride with N? !

  The conductor apologized: "I'm very sorry."

   Populus euphratica: "."

never mind.

  Hu Yang looked at Cross.

  Cross is very generous: "It doesn't matter, go and look elsewhere!"

  Hu Yang nodded, and suddenly thought of fighting Beishang and Nanxia in the subway.

  According to Xiao Juer, Beishang had been missing for a while, and his younger brother Nanxia posted missing person notices all over Leiwen City.

  But later, without knowing what happened, Beishang came back here suddenly, but lost part of his memory.

  So, he brought Cross to the gear station again,

   This is the starting point of the battle subway, and all eight lines of the battle subway depart from here.

   On the other side of the battle subway is a small town called Jinlun Town, which is the best place to watch the sunset, and many tourists will go there specifically to watch the sunset.

  Hu Yang opened the map of the Hezhong area to check, and was going to take the battle subway to Jinlun Town, and then transfer to N's castle from there.

   But before that, you need to fill your stomach first.

  Started from Feiyun City, dealt with the plasma group, and then rushed all the way to Raven City without eating.

   Not only Populus euphratica, Cross is also very hungry.

   The two looked at each other, then turned around and entered a restaurant, released all the Pokémon, ordered more than 3,000 Union Coins of food, and ate together with them.

   After eating, it was evening.

   Fortunately, the battle subway is open even at night, and there are many types of trains here.

  There are ordinary cars that do not need to fight, and there are singles

   There are 1v1 carriages for battles, and there are also special carriages for doubles battles.

  Hu Yang learned from the subway sales staff that Nanxia and Beishang will be the subway owners of the Orange Line today, where they will meet the challenges of the challengers, so they bought tickets for the Orange Line.

  He wants to see Bei Shang.

  The two of them boarded the train with Lei Gong, and as the train door slowly opened, Hu Yang also had a clear view of the scene inside.

  The space inside the train is very spacious, which is comparable to the battlefield of gymnasium competitions.

  There are seats for rest at both ends of the carriage, and there are two windows next to the seats, through which you can clearly see the outside scenery while the train is running.

   On the opposite side of the carriage, stood two young men in the uniform of the chief executive. They looked very similar.

  Hu Yang recognized Bei Shang at a glance.

  Wearing a dark blue supervisor uniform, with a cold expression, and a white sticker on his face, I don't know if it is a Band-Aid or a decoration.

   And it just so happened that Beishang's eyes also stayed on him.

   As the two looked at each other, Hu Yang saw a ripple in Beishang's originally calm eyes, and he pursed his lips.

  Nan Xia on the side was also looking at the two challengers. Compared with his twin brother, his personality was much more lively.

   "Hi, welcome to take the battle subway. I'm Nanxia, ​​the subway supervisor here. Are you going to start the battle now? I'm looking forward to it!" Nanxia said cheerfully.

   "Of course." Hu Yang replied, he looked into Beishang's eyes and knew that he had recognized him.

  「Then, let’s get started!」

  Nan Xia took out the poke ball, and with a flash of white light, an iron bone native appeared above the battle subway.

   Beishang's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't release his Pokémon immediately.

  Aware of her brother's actions, Nanxia couldn't

  Turning around in solution: "Brother?"

   "Hu Yang, thank you." Bei Shang said.

   "It's good if you can come back." Hu Yang smiled lightly.

  Hearing the conversation between the two, Nan Xia at the side froze in place.

  He remembered the things his brother told him after he came back, and soon realized something in his mind: "You helped this guy Beishang?!"

   As he said that, before he could answer, Nan Xia said gratefully: "Forget it, the battle subway is closed today, so let me treat you two well!"

   As he spoke, Nan Xia took out his mobile phone and made a call.

   Soon, the door of this subway car was pushed open, and a flight attendant came here pushing a sumptuous food.

  Nan Xia combined the tables and put the food on top. After finishing this, he remembered and asked, "Oh, by the way, have you guys had dinner yet?"

   Populus euphratica: ". I have eaten."

  Nanxia was very disappointed: "Huh?"

  The kindness is hard to stop, Hu Yang said with a smile: "But you can eat a little more."

  The purpose of his trip to the battle subway was not to fight, but to see Beishang.

   Sure enough, after hearing him say this, Nan Xia's expression became visibly happier.

   Four people sat around the dining table, which was filled with very rich food.

  Hu Yang looked at Beishang and chatted with him: "Did anything interesting happen in Zhuqing Village after I left?"

"Interesting thing." Beishang thought for a while, and said, "There is one, Xiaozhao has completed the test of the legendary Pokémon Arceus, and Arceus left his clone by her side to wash with her. Then Xiaozhao used Arceus to defeat all the field leaders in one go.” 1

   Populus euphratica: "."


  Hearing this, Cross and Nanxia on the side almost

  The food in the mouth sprayed out.

  "Arzeus?" Nan Xia asked, "Isn't that the legendary God who created all things?"

   Beishang looked puzzled: "Yes, what's the problem?"

  Nansha: "How could it follow a human being?!"

   Beishang: "I don't know, Xiaozhao said that it is only a small part of the real Arceus power, and it is his clone."

   "What about the real Arceus?" Nan Xia asked again.

  Beishang thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm just a director."