MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 599 blessed by god

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  Chapter 599 The place favored by God

   March 24, 216 in the Alliance Calendar.

  Alola Region, Melomele Island Sea Area Office.

  Wearing a work uniform, the female receptionist looked at the tall black-haired young man wearing a pair of sunglasses, and asked uncertainly:

   "Hello, are you sure you want to buy the uninhabited island in the northeast sea area of ​​Melomele Island?"

   Facing this person's inquiry, Hu Yang nodded firmly: "That's right, is there any question?"

   If he remembers correctly, there seems to be no policy in the Alola area that foreigners cannot buy houses or land here...

"Of course no problem!" Seeing his doubts, the female shop assistant quickly shook her head and explained, "It's just that there are no resources worth mining on that uninhabited island, and the scenery is not very beautiful, and there are not even wild Pokémon. Would visit there, nothing but a few coconut trees."

   Due to its geographic location, the Alola region has many islands nearby.

  Generally speaking, those customers who bought the uninhabited island wanted to build resorts and tourist attractions on it to make money.

   Almost no one would buy that kind of barren uninhabited island.

  Hearing what the female receptionist said, Hu Yang shook his head calmly and said: "It's okay, I can slowly transform myself."

   Transform yourself? Maybe he wants to plant trees on it, or raise the Pokémon he tamed on it?

   "Okay." The female receptionist didn't say any more, and helped him go through the uninhabited island formalities neatly.

  Three minutes later, she handed over the relevant proof: "This is your land certificate. From now on, the ownership and use right of that uninhabited island belong to you."


  Hu Yang thanked the other party, reached out to take the land certificate, and then turned and left.

   Walking outside, the sea breeze and sunshine unique to the Alola region will blow your face.

  Geng Gui's chubby figure emerged from the shadows, holding a bucket of ice cream in one hand and a big spoon in the other, and asked inarticulately while eating:

   "Are you done yet?"

   "Yes." Hu Yang nodded, reached out to help Geng Gui wipe off the ice cream stains on his face, and said, "Everything is ready, now we can go to that place!"

   As he spoke, he released the fire-breathing dragon and rode on it.

  The fire-breathing dragon spread out its pair of pitch-black dragon wings, carried Populus euphratica into the sky, and flew towards the destination.

  The speed of the fire-breathing dragon was very fast, and it didn't take long before they arrived at the uninhabited island.

   Populus euphratica looked down.

  The area of ​​this island is not large, almost only half of the ecological island. There are only a few coconut trees growing on it, and there are few wild Pokémon.

   Populus euphratica released the power of waveguide.

  In the next second, the situation of the entire island came to his mind completely.

   After a while, Hu Yang opened his eyes and thought: "It really is quite remote."

   But it doesn't matter, the island will change in a short time.

  Hu Yang had a smile on his face.

   This time, he did not ask Gulardo, but planned to do it himself, using the power of creation bestowed by Arceus.

  That power is not only as simple as restoring, destroying, and modifying, it can even create things out of thin air according to the user's ideas.

   For a long time, Hu Yang has used this power with the principle of "not affecting the world and other people".

   Now, just transforming an island should not have much impact on the world, right?

  Thinking of this, Hu Yang closed his eyes.

  The complete picture of the island in my mind has not disappeared.

   Populus euphratica's thoughts flowed above, and with the rumbling sound, the barren island below changed rapidly.

  The gravel and garbage washed ashore by the sea on the beach disappeared, leaving only a layer of golden soft sand.

  Coconut trees grow out of the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they grow tall and big, with two or three plump and juicy coconuts hanging on the heavy branches.

  The flowers and trees on the island are growing more and more luxuriantly, and the green and tough vines grow interlaced among the branches. This place can allow some Pokémon who like to climb to play.

  In the center of the island, on a lush grassland.

  A house similar to the ecological garden is slowly condensed and formed on it.

  Here is where he and the Pokémon will live together in the future.

   Wait until the cold winter, everyone can come here for vacation together.

   While Populus Hu Yang was busy, the poke ball around his waist suddenly shot out a white light.

  Then, the figure of Arceus emerged from the light. He looked at the scene below, and then his thoughts moved slightly.

  The next second, His body burst into divine golden light.

  In that round of golden light, countless original stone slabs shining with colorful light slowly emerged and rotated from the cosmic wheel around his waist.


   A majestic voice resounded out of thin air.

   Immediately afterwards, five stone slabs flew out of the sixteen stone slabs and flew over the island.

  The five stone slabs of electricity, grass, water, ground, and dragon merged in mid-air, and in the midst of the incomparably powerful light, they turned into an orb full of strong vitality.

  Hu Yang seemed to have sensed something. He opened his eyes and saw the eye-catching orb in midair.

   Is that... the Life Gem?

what happened? Hu Yang turned to look at Arceus.

   Noticing his gaze, Arceus didn't say much.

  His eyes stared straight at the life gem, and under his control, the life gem fell rapidly until it sank into the center of the island.

  The next second, a gentle green light spread to the entire island, covering this place below.

   "Let me help you too!" At this time, Arceus explained: "The power of the gem of life can make this place rich. As the brave of time and space, you should be rewarded."

  Of course, there is another reason He did not say.

  That is, He will also come to live here in the future.

  Hearing this, Hu Yang was a little surprised: "Since when did I become a brave man of time and space?"

   "..." Arceus said, "Your experience is worthy of this title."

   "Okay." Hu Yang thought of what happened in the movie version, and asked again: "What about the deadline?"

   Arceus was slightly taken aback, a little puzzled: "What time limit?"

  Hu Yang: "When you gave the Life Jewel to Damos, didn't you agree with him on the time limit for taking it back?"

  Arzeus just remembered, and shook his head in a majestic tone: "Then it will be at the end of your life!"

  Hu Yangxin said that he did not know how long he could live.

  In the end, the weapon extracted his vitality, and it seemed that it only extracted the excess energy that would have side effects on his body.

   Let's say make him a giant...

   And now, those side effects are gone, but elsewhere, it feels like nothing has changed.

  Hu Yang and Dazhi discussed this issue when they came back to discuss.

  Dazhi said that after dividing infinity by N, it is still infinite, but this question involves esoteric mathematics, which Hu Yang does not understand very well.

   However, it is too early to think about these things.

  Hu Yang nodded to Arceus, and the agreement was made.

  The construction of the island has not yet been completed, and the next step is to reclaim the fields and plant some crops and fruits suitable for growing in tropical areas.

   "Let me help too!" Arceus said. Although he is a god, he also wants to experience the life of ordinary Pokémon.

   And farming is part of it.

   In Arceus’ mind, the image of Pippi, Beautiful Flower, Blastoise and other Pokémon working together to harvest crops and plant new seeds every time the seasons change on the ecological island emerged.

   Seeing Arceus' expression, Populus euphratica looked strange.

  He remembered that when he was playing "Pokémon Arceus", he asked Arceus to farm the land.

  And now, that kind of thing actually happened before his eyes.

  In the past, this is something Hu Yang would never have dared to think about!

   But seeing Arceus’s high spirits, and thinking of his idea of ​​participating in the official competition and fighting like ordinary Pokémon, Hu Yang couldn’t help thinking:

  Maybe this **** really wants to live like a normal Pokémon!

  He shook his head, and began to seriously build their new home in the Alola region with Arceus.

   And while he was farming brotherly with Arceus, the remote islands of Melomele, Akara, Ula-Ura, and Poni.

  Tapu Mingming, Tapu Butterfly, Tapu Momoo, and Tapu Finfin felt a force full of life.

  They opened their eyes at the same time, flew into the sky, and looked in that direction.

  The four island patron saints looked at each other from a distance, and then flew in that direction in a tacit understanding.

  As legendary Pokémon, their speed is not slow.

  So soon, Kapu Mingming and others arrived at their destination, the very strange island.

   They floated in mid-air, silently looking at the scene below.

  On this island full of vitality, as if it had been reborn, they saw a human being and a group of Pokémon working on it.

  And one of the Pokémon that looks like an alpaca gives them a particularly mysterious and powerful feeling.

   "Could it be that the patron saint of the fifth island will be born in the Alola region?" Tapu Mingming had this thought in his mind.

  It looked at the human being next to that Pokémon, and thought: "That is probably the human being chosen by the patron saint, the island king of this island of recovery, right?"

   At this moment, Populus euphratica and Arceus below also sensed the breath coming from the air.

  They raised their heads and saw four Tapu floating in the sky looking at this place.

   Seeing them, Hu Yang was a little surprised, but soon realized that they might be attracted by the power released by Arceus and the Life Gem?

   "They are?" asked Arceus.

   Populus euphratica: "The patron saint of the island in the Alola region, guard this place together."

   Arceus nodded silently, and didn't ask any more questions.

   Seeing that they were found, the four Tapu did not stay long, and left here one after another.

  Looking at this scene, Hu Yang was thoughtful.

  Looking at Arceus beside him, he couldn't help but think of the glorious **** recorded in the ancient legends of the Alola region.

   Arceus saw his expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Hu Yang asked: "Do you know the God of Radiance, Necrozma?"

   Arceus' voice revealed a hint of puzzlement: "Nekrozma?"

   Seeing this, Populus Hu Yang secretly said yes, and he explained: "It is said that the Alola region was a place shrouded in darkness when it was first formed.

  At that time, Necrozma, Solgaleo, and Lunala suddenly appeared in the sky. They injected energy into Alola, making the Alola region a place full of light.

  The ancient Alola people respected them, and called the most dazzling one the God of Radiance. "

  Hearing this, Arceus pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know."

   "Okay." Hu Yang nodded, not surprised.

  The Ultimate Cave is another world. The reason for its birth is unknown. It is connected to different time and space. Arceus has been sleeping before, so it is normal not to know.

  Hu Yang was still about to say something when the phone rang.

   Opened it and found that it was a call from Dazhi.

  Hu Yang pressed the button, and a dumb and helpless face appeared on the screen.

  Behind it, a large group of Pokémon were crowded together, looking at it expectantly.

   Dumbly said helplessly: "Everyone can't wait to go to the new island to play."

  Hu Yang slapped his head.

Almost forgot!

  He asked Geng Gui to take out the remote teleporter from his stomach. This machine is somewhat similar to the poke ball teleporter, but it can teleport far more things than the poke ball teleporter.

  Whether it is a human or an object, as long as you stand on it, you can be teleported to the destination in the blink of an eye.

  As early as last year, Dazhi began to develop this technology with Akromar, and finally succeeded in developing it after the year.

  Put the ufo-like machine on the ground and connect it to the power supply.

  The next second, a beam of light blue light was projected from above.

   Seeing that he was doing well, Dazhi also turned around and said to the many Pokémon behind him: "Okay, let's go!"

  The group of Pokémon screamed excitedly, they lined up into the teleporter, and were teleported to this new ecological island one after another.

   Immediately afterwards, Hu Yang was thrown to the ground by a group of Pokémon.

   "Didn't we just meet yesterday? Do you miss me so much?" Hu Yang helplessly raised a Pippi and asked.

   "Pippi~" Pippi started acting coquettishly.

   "Okay, okay." Hu Yang said with a helpless face, "I won't leave you this time, I promise you can see me every day, okay?"

  Hearing this, many Pokémon let out joyful cries.

   Populus euphratica took them into the ecological park he had just created, and introduced with a smile: "This is where we will live here from now on, how about it, isn't it good?"

   "Boga Boga? Boga!" (Is it an illusion? It always feels exactly like home!) Pogaman looked around and asked uncertainly.

   "Of course it's not an illusion!" Hu Yang explained: "This is what I created based on my home."

  Bogaman's eyes lit up like stars: "Boga!" (Amazing!)

   Populus euphratica also laughed: "Really? But I added a little Alola elements when creating it, like the palm tree in front of the door and the wooden roof."

  At this time, a stupid voice came from behind: "It's really amazing!"

  Hu Yang turned around and said to Dazhi: "I think so too, this is a good place for vacation."

  Denzhi nodded in agreement, and then reminded: "However, Hu Yang, have you forgotten that today is the day you report to Pokémon School."

  (end of this chapter)