MTL - Pokémon Modifier-Chapter 600 Plant flowers and drink tea at work

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  Chapter 600 Planting Flowers and Drinking Tea at Work

  Fifteen minutes later, Melomele Island, Pokémon School.

  Cheng Ye looked at Populus euphratica opposite, and let out a long sigh of relief: "You are finally here, I thought you would not come!"

   "I'm very sorry, Principal Cheng Ye." Hu Yang was a little embarrassed: "I was busy with other things just now, and forgot when the school starts."

  Chengya Damu is very tolerant, "It doesn't matter, as long as the person arrives, it happens to be the day when the students start school. Everyone already knows that a mysterious new teacher will come to the school today. Those children are looking forward to it!"

  Hearing this, Hu Yang also laughed: "I am also looking forward to meeting them."

   "Haha!" Cheng Ye Damu said with a hearty smile: "I have thought of you before, but before that, you need to meet the teachers in the school first, let's go, they are all in the office!"

  Hu Yang had no objection, nodded and followed Cheng Ye Damu to the teaching building along the school's gravel path.

  At this moment, many students have gathered in the school.

  They were playing with Pokémon on campus, chatting with other students with smiles on their faces, giving people a lively and extraordinary feeling.

   "Seeing them, I feel a lot younger." Seeing Hu Yang's gaze on the group of students, Cheng Ye said with a big smile.

   Hu Yang nodded in agreement, with a touch of emotion in his tone: "Yes!"

  The beautiful innocence and vigorous atmosphere of the student days are the most likely to infect others.

  Staying here makes people feel as if they have returned to the carefree youth.

   "Huh?" Cheng Ye Damu was a little surprised, he thought about it and said, "If I remember correctly, you seem to have just turned eighteen this year, right?"

   This is what he saw from the entry materials submitted by the other party.

   Regarding this, Hu Yang didn't explain much, just laughed a few times.

   Chengya and Oki didn't say much, because the classroom office has arrived.

   "It's here!" He pushed the door open.

  Hu Yang looked into the office.

  There are not many teachers in this Pokémon school, Hu Yang glanced over them, and finally settled on the most visible teacher in the crowd.

  It was a man with dark skin, wearing a white coat on the upper body, which was not buttoned, revealing a strong chest and a few abdominal muscles, wearing a pair of loose Arrow pants on the lower body, and a man with a mustache on his chin.

  Seeing the classic dress, a familiar name immediately appeared in Hu Yang's mind—Dr. Kukui.

   "Everyone, this is the newly recruited teacher of our school! He will be in charge of the classroom teaching content of the students in the future!" After speaking, Cheng Ye Damu looked at Hu Yang and said to him: "Could you introduce yourself to everyone?"

  Hu Yang looked at these familiar teachers, with a smile on his face, "Hello, everyone, I am Hu Yang, from Fengyuan area. I will work with you here from now on, and hope to get along well with you."

   After the voice fell, the office fell into a brief silence.

   Almost all teachers have a long-standing name in their minds.

   Populus euphratica and Fengyuan area, are they the legendary trainers?

But soon, Dr. Kukui who stood at the front came back to his senses, showed a generous and refreshing smile, and said enthusiastically: "Welcome, hello Populus euphratica, my name is Kukui, except for some classroom content teaching, Also acted as a team leader for the students in the outdoor classes."

  Hu Yang smiled and nodded at him.

  After this scene, other teachers also introduced themselves to the newcomers one by one.

   And when the last teacher finished his introduction, a bell rang outside.

   Populus euphratica looked up.

  Chengya explained with a smile: "That's my koala ringing the clock. Whenever the sound rings, it's time for class. Just take this opportunity, let me take you to the classroom!"

  Hu Yang nodded, he is still very clear about this process.

   On the first day of school, I am not in a hurry to go to class, but to show up in front of the students and get acquainted with each other.

   "See you later!"

   Saying goodbye to Kukui and others, Hu Yang followed Cheng Ye Oki to the classroom.

  The classrooms of Pokémon School are not big, unlike the schools Hu Yang has been in contact with before, there are only six students in a class here.

  The reason why the number is so small is that this Pokémon school not only teaches students about Pokémon in the classroom, but is also keen to let everyone go out and see Pokémon for themselves.

  This is what Kukui just said about outdoor lessons.

  The two walked to the front of the classroom, and before they entered, they heard lively chatter coming from inside.

  Cheng Ye pushed the door open, and the eyes of several students in the classroom were immediately attracted.

   "Hello everyone, this is our new teacher from now on, let me introduce myself to you!" Cheng Ye Oki said.

  Hu Yang nodded, smiled and said to the familiar figures below: "Hello, I am Populus euphratica, Populus euphratica, from the Populus euphratica tree, and I will be responsible for teaching everyone about Pokémon from now on."

   Seeing this, Cheng Ye Damu said to Hu Yang: "I'll leave first. In the first class, you should get acquainted with them first! If you have any questions, you can ask Kukui, or ask me in the principal's office."


  Hu Yang nodded and watched Cheng Ye Damu leave the classroom.

  When he turned his head again, he immediately met five curious, excited, or excited little faces.

  Looking at the empty seat in the classroom, Hu Yang thought: "It seems that Xiaozhi has not come here yet at this time."

  However, winter has passed and the weather is getting warmer. Xiaozhi's trip should start soon.

  Looking at the five children, Hu Yang collected his thoughts and asked them: "Shall I introduce myself to the teacher first?"

"Yes!" Sitting near the door, a muscular young man with dark complexion and flame-like hair stood up and introduced himself with a smile: "My name is Kaqi, and I come from Akara Island next door. I run a ranch there. If the teacher needs to order Moomoo milk, I can help deliver it!"

   "Okay, I remember, there are a large group of Pokémon living in my house, and I really need Moo Moo's milk!" Hu Yang said to Kaqi with a smile.

  The second person who introduced herself was a cheerful girl with green hair and wearing a short skirt.

After Kaqi sat down, she stood up immediately and said enthusiastically: "My name is Maou, and I live in Hauole City on the island. I like grass-type Pokémon very much, and I also like cooking food. If there is a chance in the future, the teacher must come and taste the dishes I made!"

   "Well, I'm looking forward to it." Hu Yang said.

  He turned his attention to the next one.

   There, sitting there was a young girl with blue hair and a quiet and gentle personality.

   Sensing the teacher's gaze on her, the girl stood up gently, "Teacher, that... My name is Suilian, I like the sea and Pokémon with water attributes, please take care of me in the future!"

  Hu Yang hummed, "I like water lilies in the sea, I remember."

  Behind the water lotus, there is a little fat man with orange hair.

   "Teacher, my name is Mamane. Well... My hobby is developing some useful machines and equipment, and I also like electric Pokémon very much!"

   "Very well, there are people in my family who are good at developing machines and equipment, maybe you can have a common language!" Hu Yang said with a smile.

  Hearing this, Mamane's eyes lit up: "Huh?"

  Hu Yang: "If there is a chance in the future, let me introduce you to each other!"

  Mamane nodded happily: "Yes!"

   "So, this classmate, can you tell the teacher your name?" Hu Yang looked at the last cute girl with a hat and long light yellow hair.

  Seeing that it was her turn, the girl stood up slightly cautiously, and introduced herself in a low voice: "Hi teacher, my name is Liliai."


  Time passed unknowingly. After class, Hu Yang bid farewell to Liliai and the others, turned around and returned to the office.

When he sat down, Kukui not far away took a piece of paper from the table and handed it over: "This is the Pokemon School's timetable, because the number of teachers is a bit small, so most teachers bring Two or three classes, I have already marked your class for you, and you can go to the classroom according to the above time in the future."

   "I'm sorry, Dr. Kukui." Hu Yang took the schedule and thanked him.

  Hearing this, Dr. Kukui was a little surprised: "Huh? You know me?"

  Hu Yang: "A doctor who came to the Alola area to do some research and study Pokémon battles and moves."

   Kukui suddenly said: "So it is!"

  Hu Yang slightly nodded.

   Kukui wanted to say something more, when a teacher suddenly called him from behind.

   Kukui glanced back, and said to Hu Yang: "Then let's talk about it first, I still have something to do, let's talk later!"


  Watching Kukui go away, Populus euphratica heaved a sigh of relief, and then took out the small potted plants and cups that he had prepared in advance from his backpack to decorate the desk.

  The table he was sitting at was in a very good location, close to the window, and the sunlight could just shine on the table.

   Populus euphratica put the small pot of flowers in the sun, took out the books distributed by the school and put them away, and finally got up to make a cup of tea.

  The fragrance of tea curls up, the breeze blows outside the window, and the little flower sways gently in the sun.

   Populus euphratica quietly enjoyed this beautiful and peaceful time, sipped tea, and admired the blue sky and sea in the distance.

  He doesn't plan to go out in the future, and plans to live a peaceful life here all the time.

   As for saving the world or something, let the young people do it!

  Suddenly, he felt a bunch of eyes cast on himself, as if something was watching over here.


  Hu Yang didn't turn his head, but pretended nothing happened and released the waveguide power.

   Soon, he found a sneaky figure among a lush bush in the Pokémon school.

  Is that... Tapu Mingming?

   What is it doing?

  Hu Yang felt a little puzzled in his heart, after thinking for a moment, he used the golden finger on Kapu Mingming.

  In the next second, the information of that Tapu Mingming appeared in his mind.

  [Race: Tapu Mingming (island patron saint)]

  Attributes: Electricity, Fairy

   Trait: Electrical Builder

   Race value: 570

   Known moves: electric shock, brave bird attack, point to the end, electric field, electric light, charging, crazy volts, electric ball, wrath of nature, high-speed movement...

  Current Mood: Curious (it thinks you are the Island King of Resurgence Island)

  Physical condition: perfect

  Friendliness: 10 (You and Arceus have attracted its attention and aroused its curiosity)

   Populus euphratica: "..."

What's the meaning? When did he become the king of the island?

  Also, is the island of recovery the name Kapu Mingming gave to the sub-island of the ecological island?

  Euphratica popped up in the mind of the four Tapu that appeared on the sub-island of the ecological island before, watching him and Arceus.

   "Perhaps, they regard Arceus as the patron saint of that island." Hu Yang guessed in his heart.

   After all, the four Tapu could not see through the strength of Arceus, but they saw the scene where Arceus bestowed the island with the gem of life.

  So, Tapu Mingming naturally mistook Arceus for the patron saint of the island.

  From a certain point of view, this view seems to be correct...

  Thinking of this, Hu Yang couldn't help naming Arceus in accordance with the name rules of the Kapu family.

   Tapu Camel

  Meditated silently for a moment, seeing that Kapu Mingming was still peeping at him, Hu Yang deliberately turned his head and looked over there.

  The next second, as he expected, before his gaze touched Tapu Mingming, Tapu Mingming's figure turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared quickly.

   Populus euphratica: "..."

   But he already found out...

  In the evening, as Nariya Oki's tree pillow kuma rang the bell, the entire Pokémon school also ushered in the end of school.

  The students carried their schoolbags, waved goodbye to their teachers and classmates with their Pokémon, and turned to go home.

   There were also some students from other islands, they all rode on the Pokémon mounts, flew into the sky, and flew towards the island where their home was located.

  Hu Yang also walked out of the school with the crowd, and the fire-breathing dragon who came to pick him up was waiting there early.

  Seeing him coming, the Charizard happily spit out a bunch of flames.

  Hu Yang walked forward with a smile, stretched out his hand and touched the head of the fire-breathing dragon, and asked, "How do you feel today? Are you used to that new island?"

  The fire-breathing dragon rubbed his palm affectionately: "Aww~"

   "That's good." Hu Yang smiled: "Let's go, let's go home!"

   As he spoke, he turned over and rode on the fire-breathing dragon.

  When going to school, Hu Yang put all the Pokémon he carried on the island and let them play there.

  Because he can't play with them during class, Pokémon have to stay in the Poke Ball.

   Waiting for him to get off work like this, every time I think of a group of Pokémon at home waiting for me to go back, I feel a deep sense of happiness.

  The Pokémon, after some discussion, decided to take Populus euphratica home from get off work every day in turn.

  The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and flew into the sky.

  Suddenly, a familiar shout came from behind.


  Hu Yang looked back and saw Kaqi also riding a fire-breathing dragon chasing him.

   Seeing the fire-breathing dragon under him, Kaqi couldn't help opening his eyes wide, shocked and excited: "Wow, a fire-breathing dragon of a different color is very rare!"

"Yes!" Out of his teacher's identity and habits, Hu Yang subconsciously said to Kachikopo: "According to the statistics in the Pokémon Science Magazine, the probability of a trainer encountering a different-color Pokémon in the wild It is one in four thousand and ninety-six."

   "The difficulty is indeed very high." Kaqi nodded, and then asked: "But then again, teacher, do you live on Akara Island?"

  Hu Yang shook his head: "No, I live between Akala Island and Melomele Island."

   As he said that, a lush island appeared on the sea in the distance.

  Hu Yang pointed there and said, "It's there."

  Kaqi followed the trend, and he couldn't help but wonder: "But, if I remember correctly, isn't there an uninhabited island?"

  Hu Yang smiled and said: "It used to be, but I bought it not long ago."

   As he spoke, he looked at the strong young man beside him, and invited, "Just on the way, are you going to visit the island? There are many Pokémon from the Hoenn region."

  As a trainer, there is no one who is not curious about Pokémon that he has never seen.

  Hearing this, Kaqi's eyes lit up, full of expectation.

  But soon, he calmed down, shook his head and said, "Sorry teacher, I'm going home to help the ranch deliver goods today."

   "Okay." Hu Yang said with a smile: "Then wait for a chance later."

  Kaqi nodded: "Yeah!"

  The two of them came to a fork in the road, and they couldn't walk together on the next road.

  The fire-breathing dragon turned around, and Hu Yang said goodbye to Kaqi: "See you tomorrow!"

  Kaqi also smiled and waved: "See you tomorrow, teacher!"

  (end of this chapter)

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