MTL - Poor Family-Chapter 4 , **** off one, stabbed one to death

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  Chapter 4, **** off one, stabbed one to death

  Hu Yanji put away the secret letter, carried the burden on his back, and went down the secret passage, holding the fire fold in his hand, and moved quickly in the secret passage with the help of the faint light.

   After walking two or three miles, I suddenly heard a small sound behind me.

  Huyanji instantly became vigilant.

   Not good, there are people in the secret passage!

   Hu Yanji clenched his saber tightly and quickened his pace.

   Immediately afterwards, the child's laughter sounded.

   "Hee hee~"

  On normal days, the child's laughter would definitely make people smile knowingly, but at this moment, in this dark and narrow tunnel, there is an indescribable creepiness.

   Rao was Hu Yanji, who was used to licking blood on the tip of a knife, swallowed at this time, looked back from time to time, and started to run.




  The sound of stones hitting, from far to near, resounded once and for all.

  Hu Yanji's face was condensed, and he held the Huo Zhe high, trying to see who was following him behind him, but unfortunately, the range of Huo Zhe's illumination was too small to see anything.

   At this moment, with a sound of "whoosh", a stone flew over and directly knocked Huo Zhe onto the ground.

  In an instant, only black remained in Huyanji's sight.

   "Who?! Who's playing tricks? Get out!"

  Hu Yanji realized that the situation was wrong, and ran forward quickly while shouting.

   But at this time, the sound of "bang, bang, bang" stone beating became more and more intensive and closer.

  The man behind is also accelerating!


  A stone hit Hu Yanji's ankle, Hu Yanji staggered and almost fell to the ground.

  In the dark and closed tunnel, facing unknown dangers, Hu Yanji panicked for a moment, but soon forced himself to calm down, enduring the severe pain in his feet, and ran forward desperately without saying a word.

   It's just that, in the dark passage where you can't see your fingers, Hu Yanji's eyes were darkened, and he ran stumblingly, unable to increase his speed at all.

  Behind him, the sound of stone hitting was getting closer.


   A second stone struck, hitting his other ankle.

   This time, Huyanji inevitably fell to the ground.

  Huyanji reacted extremely quickly, and wanted to stand up with his hands on the ground, but the stone hit him faster than him, and hit his wrist squarely with two "swoosh, swish".

  The severe pain in his hand made him unable to get up, and immediately, he became a target.

  The stones seemed to have eyes, and greeted Huyanji directly on the head. Even if Huyanji tried his best to dodge, he was beaten badly in a short while.

   "Who are you? Come out!"

  At this moment, Huyanji was really aggrieved. As a seventh-rank master of Beiyan, he didn't even know who was attacking him, and he was suppressed so that he had no power to fight back.

  From the day he became a killer, he was ready to die under the sword of the enemy, but he never thought that one day he would be stoned to death.


  The rock that struck this time was a bit big, and it hit Huyanji directly on his back and fell to the ground.

  The stone beating was still going on, and Huyanji could clearly feel the blood in his body was draining little by little, but he was already powerless to struggle.

   How unwilling to die like this!

  Huyanji widened his eyes in despair, as if he wanted to penetrate the darkness to see clearly the person who shot him.

   He could hit him accurately in the darkness, and he couldn't avoid the stones that hit him. The person who shot must be a master of the seventh rank or above, right?

  He died at the hands of a master stronger than him, and he deserved to die.

  Hu Yanji suddenly felt a little relieved. A killer either kills or is killed by others. This day will come sooner or later.

  Time passed bit by bit, and Huyanji's eyelids became heavier and heavier. When he was about to close his eyes completely, the sound of the stone hitting stopped, and then, a faint fire suddenly lit up in the dark passage.

  Huyanji's expression perked up, and he tried to open his eyes wide.

  He wants to see who killed him?

   Then, he saw a vague figure.

  A dwarf who was less than three feet tall, holding a torch in his left hand, and throwing stones with his right hand, walked towards him at an unhurried pace.

   That's a little doll

Little Doll.


  Hu Yanji's heart seemed to be hit hard by something, a big mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, then his neck tilted, and he was completely out of breath.

   A few minutes later, Li Wuya stood in front of Huyanji, and after confirming that he was really out of breath, she knelt down and took away the burden on him, and then opened it on the spot.

  Looking at the four blood ginseng, five blood mushrooms, and a small pack of caterpillar fungus in the bundle, Li Wuya suddenly smiled and narrowed her eyes.

   Finally, the healing ability can be improved!

  Li Wuya almost couldn't wait to grab the blood ginseng. In an instant, the plump blood ginseng shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it turned into withered grass.

  Leaving a blood ginseng, a blood mushroom, and a handful of Cordyceps, Li Wuya absorbed the rest.

  Healing ability, externally can save people, externally can strengthen the body.

   While absorbing the medicinal materials, Li Wuya could clearly feel a warm current flowing in her body, making her feel as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

   Within a few minutes before and after, the medicinal materials were completely absorbed.

  Li Wuya was a little bit unsatisfied, seeing the light green light emerging from her hand, she was in a surprisingly good mood: "Finally, I don't have to worry about being injured or sick anymore."

  The level of medical care here is so poor that a typhoid fever can kill a person.

  Although the herbs she got this time were not many, they were more powerful. After absorbing them, she could still treat some minor injuries and ailments.

   Thinking of Li Qilang who was still waiting for her, Li Wuya got up quickly, wrapped the leftover medicinal materials, and went forward to search Huyanji's body.

   Soon, Li Wuya got a secret letter and a purse from Hu Yanji.

   Li Wuya was not interested in the secret letter or something, and quickly opened the purse, and saw a few pieces of silver inside, and immediately smiled with joy.

   "It's not a waste of work!"

  Received the secret letter, as well as medicinal materials and silver, Li Wuya was very happy, picked up Huyanji's saber and quickly ran towards the entrance of the secret passage.


  Li Qilang hid obediently in the pit, and when he saw Li Wuya coming back, he was overjoyed: "Fifth sister, you're finally back!"

   "Look what this is?"

Li Wuya handed the purse to Li Qilang with a smile, and watched him open the purse and take out the broken silver inside: "This is silver, you can buy a lot of food, after the people outside leave, fifth sister will take you to the town Go eat buns."

  Li Qilang was overjoyed: "Really? Can we eat steamed stuffed buns?" He paused, "Steamed buns are too expensive, let's eat dry buns, buy a few more, and share them with mother."

  Li Wuya smiled and rubbed Li Qilang's head, just about to say something, but her complexion suddenly changed.

   Didn’t the third brother go back to the army with his mother?

  When did he come to the station?

  'Looking at' in the lobby of the inn, Li Sanlang was pushed to the ground by a strong man, Li Wuya was anxious and worried.

  Through the past five years, although the living conditions are poor, her parents, brothers and sisters have taken good care of her, and she has long regarded them as relatives.

  Seeing her brother being bullied at this moment, Li Wuya's heart seemed to have been stabbed severely by something.

   "Qilang, you continue to hide here, I will leave for a while, and I will be back soon."

   Li Qilang, who couldn't put it down and held the broken silver, his eyes lit up. The fifth sister just left for a while and brought back the silver. Could it be...

   "Fifth Sister, are you going to pick up silver again? Then pick up more!"

  Li Wuya: "." Patted Li Qilang on the head, told him to hide well, and then left quickly.

  When he came to the entrance of the secret passage, Li Wuya didn't go out immediately, but thought about how to save Li Sanlang.

   At this moment, Li Sanlang was held hostage by a strong man out of the lobby, and walked straight towards the kitchen.

  As soon as the two of them came out of the lobby, the archer outside the station immediately raised their longbow, and several sharp arrows shot at the two of them like raindrops.

  The strong man used a knife to shoot a few sharp arrows into the air, and quickly grabbed Li Sanlang to stand in front of him.


  The arrow shot directly at Li Sanlang's left shoulder.


  Li Sanlang screamed out in pain.

  The strong man used Li Sanlang as a meat shield, looked coldly at the people outside the station, and continued to lean towards the kitchen.

  Li Wuya 'watched' this scene, her face was terribly gloomy, she quickly turned on the switch, went out of the secret passage, took the saber she just got, and hid at the back door of the kitchen.

   "Get in!"

  Li Sanlang was pushed into the kitchen, kicked to a bump on the ground, and fell directly on the ground, the arrow wound was pulled, and his facial features were distorted in pain.

  Li Wuya, who was hiding at the door, 'watched' silently, her hand holding the long knife was tightened, her expression was tense, her eyes were indifferent, like a hunter ready to go.

  Li Sanlang endured the pain, and tried to get up with his hands, but just as he stood up, Li Wuya, who was hiding behind the door, caught sight of Li Wuya from the corner of his eye, his pupils shrank, and he froze there.

   "I'm so hungry, where is the food?"

  The strong man stepped into the kitchen right after him, and saw Li Sanlang laying on the ground motionless, he stepped forward two steps and raised his fist to hit him.

  Just before the fist fell, there was a sound of "呵", and a long knife pierced through his back quickly and ruthlessly.

  Looking at the tip of the knife protruding from his abdomen, the strong man still couldn't recover.



  Blood dripped down the tip of the knife to the ground. The strong man seemed to understand what had happened when he heard the sound, and a look of surprise and anger appeared on his face.

Just as the strong man was about to turn around to see his attacker, Li Sanlang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up, grabbed the kitchen rag, and rushed at the strong man, threw him to the ground, and covered him tightly with the rag snout.

  (end of this chapter)

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