MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1003 Liangshan old general

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  Chapter 1003 Liangshan old general

Liangshanbo, Yunzhou, since Song Jiang’s second uprising was completely suppressed, Liangshanbo has finally calmed down. Some of the generals who participated in the Liangshanbo uprising were suppressed to death, such as Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Li Kui, etc., and some became The generals of the Jingzhao Army, such as Yan Qing, Guan Sheng, Hua Rong, Ruan Shi Sanxiong and so on.

   Some died in the invasion of the Jin soldiers, like the Sun Li brothers in Dengzhou, and some disappeared in the grass, such as Lin Chong, Wu Song, Lu Da and others.

  However, some still live in Yunzhou, and after being pardoned by the government, they became local tyrants. Currently there are three people including Liu Tang, Shi Xiu, and Zhang Rong.

This afternoon, two men came from the south gate of Xucheng County, Yunzhou. After experiencing previous wars, Xucheng County has long been dilapidated, the city walls have collapsed, and the city gates are in disrepair. However, the main commercial street in the county is still relatively prosperous. The main commercial street is three miles long, and on both sides are large and small restaurants, teahouses, brothels, Guanpu shops, silver shops, cloth shops, grain shops, butcher shops, snack shops, etc., selling one after another, and it is very lively.

There are no guards at the city gate, only a few old soldiers are responsible for opening and closing the gate. Although Yunzhou has been occupied by Jin soldiers, it is now under the jurisdiction of King Qi. There are no Jin soldiers stationed here, and it belongs to the rear area, and there are few troops. , only a thousand soldiers were stationed.

The two big men are Ruan Xiaowu and Ruan Xiaoqi. They came to Yunzhou to contact their old friends under Li Yanqing's order. As far as they know, there are three old Liangshanbo generals living in Xucheng, one is Zhang Rong, the other is Shi Xiu, The other one is Liu Tang. Seven or eight years have passed since the Liangshan Army was destroyed, and everyone has already started a new life. Whether they can be persuaded is a big question, and the Ruan Brothers are not sure.

  The two of them walked slowly along the street, Ruan Xiaoer suddenly pointed to a restaurant not far ahead, "It should be it!"

When the Ruan brothers were salt lords, they had contacts with Zhang Rong in Xucheng County. They knew that Zhang Rong opened a big restaurant in Xucheng County in name, but actually kept hundreds of water thieves in Liangshanbo. Still doing the business of intercepting merchant ships and grain ships.

This is a large restaurant covering an area of ​​eight acres, the largest restaurant in Yunzhou, with the word "Rongji" written on the huge signboard, a four-story restaurant in front, and a dozen small courtyards in the back. A gardenia lantern hangs above the main entrance, indicating that there are prostitutes sleeping in the restaurant. This is quite common in the Song Dynasty. Basically half of the restaurants have pornographic services. The gardenia lantern hanging at the door is a sign.

  Of course, prostitutes are not raised by restaurants, but restaurant staff can go to brothels to invite people at any time, and restaurants also provide places.

  The Ruan brothers walked into the restaurant, and a bartender greeted them immediately, "The guest officer hasn't come for a long time, please sit upstairs!"

  Ruan Xiaowu scolded with a smile, "I haven't been back for almost eight years, yet I still know me?"

  Ruan Xiaoqi sneered, "Where did he know you, he said that to everyone."

   Turning around, I saw the bartender greeting two guests again, "The guest officer hasn't come for a long time, please go upstairs!"

   It was really a verbal greeting, Ruan Xiaowu could only shake his head, and walked to the second floor.

   "Call the shopkeeper, I have something urgent to do with him!" The Ruan brothers sat down at a table and ordered the waiter.

   Not long after, the shopkeeper hurried over, "The two guest officers are looking for me?"

   "I'm a friend of your boss, I want to meet him!"

   "Who are the two?"

   "Tell him, our surname is Ruan, the Ruan brothers."

  The shopkeeper is an outsider, and he has never heard of the Ruan Brothers. He nodded, "Take a seat, you two, I will come as soon as I go!"

  The Ruan brothers didn't order, just sat and waited. After a while, the shopkeeper came back and said, "You two Ruan masters, please follow me!"

  The Ruan brothers got up and followed him to the backyard. When they came to a single courtyard, the shopkeeper pointed to the room, "The proprietor is waiting for you two inside."

   "Thanks a lot!"

The Ruan brothers opened the door and walked into the room. As soon as they entered the room, two steel knives were placed around their necks at the same time. Zhang Rong was sitting at a small table drinking, and the other two sitting opposite were Shi Xiu and Liu. Don.

  Zhang Rong snorted and said, "Are the two generals here to arrest us?"

  Ruan Xiaoqi said coldly: "It turns out that you have taken refuge in the Jin people and humiliated your ancestors!"

'boom! ’ Zhang Rong slammed the table and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? When did we join the Jinren?"

   "Since you didn't join the Jin people, what are you afraid of when you see Song Jun?"

   Zhang Rong was speechless for a moment, Shi Xiu smoothed things over and said, "Forget it, we are all brothers who grew up together in Liangshan Po, why should we be so divided?"

   Zhang Rong winked at the subordinates next to him, and the two subordinates took the steel knife away, and the Ruan Brothers didn't care about their expressions, they went forward and sat down, and poured themselves a glass of wine.

  Shi Xiu smiled and said: "You two have been promoted, have you forgotten your brothers?"

  At this time, Liu Tang, who had been silent all this time, said coldly: "It's okay to be an official in exchange for slavery!"

Ruan Xiaowu was furious, "Am I a servile? Do you know how many Xixia people and Jurchens I killed? I destroyed Xixia and expelled Jurchens from Hedong. This is my credit, my Ruan Xiaowu's control Be upright, unlike you, lingering under the iron hooves of the golden soldiers."

These few words were so serious that Liu Tang couldn't hold back anymore. He snorted and got up to leave, but was grabbed by Shi Xiu, "Ruan Wulang speaks like this, he never shows mercy, don't you?" have no idea!"

  At this time, Zhang Rong asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

   "By order of the Regent, you are invited to participate in the Northern Expedition, expel the Jin soldiers, and recover your homeland. Will you do it?"

  Shi Xiu couldn't help but asked with emotion: "It was Li Yanqing who named us?"

   "Exactly! I named the three of you, and I hope you can raise a rebel army to assist the Song army in counterattacking the Jingdong Road."

   "Then what benefits do we have?" Zhang Rong asked.

   "If you are willing to be an official, you can be named a commander, if you don't want to be an official, you can be named an honored officer, rewarded with silver and land, you choose yourself?"

  Shi Xiu is more keen on fame and wealth, he pondered for a while and said: "But I heard that there are three levels of commanders, and the lowest is the general."

   "It should be a second-level commander. We were also in those days, equivalent to partial generals. When we joined the Song Army, we also had this position. If we made great contributions, it is possible to be a first-level commander, or even a third-level commander."

Ruan Xiaoqi persuaded again: "Everyone who is around forty years old, in another ten years, this life will be almost the same. Should we just go on like this and leave nothing for our offspring? Let the grandson say, my grandpa I used to be a bandit in Liangshan, but I still patted my chest and said, my grandfather is an anti-golden hero who expelled the Tartars and restored his homeland? Think about it for yourself! This should be your last chance in life, and it is up to you whether you can seize it gone."

   After Ruan Xiaoqi finished speaking, the room fell into silence. Shi Xiu finally couldn't help but said to Zhang Rong: "Third brother, I think it's not bad, what do you think?"

  Zhang Rong nodded, "If it's really what Li Yanqing said so well, I'd be willing too, just afraid of changing my mind in the end! It's just like how the imperial court recruited us back then."

Ruan Xiaowu said: "You don't have to worry about this, the regent's wife is Hu Sanniang, everyone is familiar with her, the leader of the army was Yan Qing, now Yan Qing is a general, and they are all in control, Zhang Shun was a Yangtze River pirate, now He is the deputy commander of the Scout Battalion, first-level control, Guan Sheng is the chief general of the heavy armored infantry, and second-level control, Hua Rong is the chief general of the God Arm Battalion, second-level control, and the three of us are in charge of the navy. Just promoted to the second level of control, these are your old brothers, living examples are in front of us, otherwise how dare we come to recruit you."

  Zhang Rong was also really tempted. He looked at Liu Tang, who drank a sip of wine and said in a muffled voice, "I don't care if I become an official or not, but I am willing to expel the Tartars and restore my homeland!"

  The three of them agreed, and Zhang Rong said: "Then what should we do?"

  Ruan Xiaowu asked: "How many people do you have now?"

  Zhang Rongdao: "There are only dozens of Zhuang Ding in Liutang Manor. Shi Xiu opened a martial arts gym, and he can gather more than a hundred disciples. I have five hundred brothers in Liangshanbo. Let's add up to six or seven hundred!"

  Ruan Xiaowu said: "Then take these five or six hundred people as the foundation, set up a banner to recruit rebels, and openly raise the anti-golden banner. We will provide the necessary armor and weapons."

  Zhang Rong was a little puzzled, "How does Bingjia provide it?"

  Ruan Xiaowu smiled faintly, "We have prepared 10,000 pairs of armor, which can be transported to Weishan Lake at any time."

  (end of this chapter)

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