MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1004 Raise the flag of righteousness again

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  Chapter 1004 Raising the flag of righteousness again

The leader of the garrison in Xucheng County was surnamed Chen, named Chen Liu'er, a native of Yuncheng County, Jezhou. Like other generals, he surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin, and his thousand-xiang army transformed into the Han army, and soon changed its banner to become the Qi army.

One thousand people are currently stationed in Xucheng County. The barracks are located near the North City Gate. Chen Liuer has no ambitions. His soldiers are also living for nothing. They were originally Xiangjun with relatively low combat effectiveness, but now they have no ideals and goals. , the combat effectiveness is even lower.

  In the evening, Chen Liuer came to Rongji Restaurant with five or six men.

  Of course Chen Liuer knew that Zhang Rong was the former general of Liangshan, and now he is a local tycoon in the nearby five prefectures and six prefectures.

  He can't afford to mess with such a person, so everyone usually calls them brothers and sisters. Chen Liuer has benefited a lot from Zhang Rong, so naturally he turns a blind eye to some of his illegal activities.

  Zhang Rong set up a banquet in the backyard for Chen Liuer and his men to drink. The night had already fallen, the room was brightly lit, and everyone was pushing and changing glasses, drinking in full swing.

At this time, Chen Liuer was drunk and passed out under the table. Zhang Rong saw that he was almost drunk, so he gave his men a wink. The two men helped Chen Liuer down to sleep. He raised his glass and stood up and said, "There is a saying The words have been held in my heart for a long time, and I can't spit them out!"

  The five generals were all blushing from drinking, their tongues became bigger, and they stammered: "Brother Zhang wants to say something, just say it!"

   "I was thinking, you are all dignified men of the Song Dynasty, why are you working for this dog Liu Yu now?"

This sentence was so abrupt that the five generals were stunned. They looked at each other with guilty expressions on their faces, and the leading general said: "Everyone is from the village. Brother Zhang also knows us. There are old and young in the family. , I want to go to Song Dynasty, but my family can't leave it. I have been a soldier for so many years, and I can only eat this bowl of rice. To be honest, we are also useless! We are blamed at home and pointed at outside. Who doesn't Where's the face?"

  Zhang Rong nodded, "In that case, let me show you the way!"

The five quickly agreed, and Zhang Rong said: "To be honest, His Royal Highness the Regent of the Song Dynasty sent an old brother to me, hoping that I can contribute to the recovery of the Jingdong Road by the Song Dynasty. Since the Song Army's counterattack is imminent, of course I will He agreed without hesitation.

I invited you to drink today. I wanted to cut you all down one by one, but I couldn't bear it when I thought of so many friendships. Yang Er and Yang San came from the Liangshan Army, so I persuaded you with good words, follow me, and I will protect you in the future. You join the Song Army as the commander, if you don't want to do it, it doesn't matter, you let you go home, but if someone betrays me behind my back, hum! I know your background, so let's just say it! I will even dig up the graves of my ancestors. "

  The five people were stunned. At this time, Yang Er and Yang San stood up first and said: "We are also the old army of Liangshan Army. Since Brother Zhang is going to start a new uprising, we brothers are willing to follow!"

   "Okay!" Zhang Rong patted the shoulders of the two, "With me, Zhang Rong, you brothers will be indispensable."

  He looked at the other three, "Where are the three, do you want to go home or come with me?"

   "Brother Zhang, what about Chen Liuer?"

  Zhang Rong said coldly: "If you want to do great things, you can't be soft-hearted."

  The three of them were so frightened that they got up quickly and said: "We have been depressed for a long time, and we are willing to follow Big Brother!"

Zhang Rong laughed, "They are all good brothers! Each of you lead your troops to join me on the shore of Liangshanpo. Don't worry about your family members. I have already sent people to move them to Caoxie Island. There is my manor over there. They've been taken care of very well."

   Several generals were shocked that their family members were controlled by Zhang Rong.

  Zhang Rong smiled faintly, "It's about hundreds of lives, I have to be more cautious, as long as everyone boards the boat, they will be brothers from now on!"

  The five of them had no choice but to bow and salute together, "I am willing to work for Brother Zhang!"

  Zhang Rong got a thousand troops to surrender without bloodshed, and he picked out some old and weak men, and got more than 800 strong men, plus more than 600 of the three of them, almost 1,500 men.

Zhang Rong occupied Xucheng County, drove away all the officials in Yunzhou, and publicly beheaded the general judge Li Yao who had great public grievances. The slogan has infected countless people. He is the first anti-golden banner in Shandong area. With every response, anti-golden fighters from all over the world rushed to join him. In just a few days, nearly 20,000 young and strong were recruited and sent money and food. The people are countless.

  Five days later, Ruan Xiaoqi came to Xucheng County again. The county town had banners waving, and the morale was high. Hearing that Ruan Xiaoqi was coming, Zhang Rong greeted him personally.

On the school grounds, Shi Xiu and Liu Tang were training soldiers. They wore leather armor for almost half of the time, holding spears and knives. Yunzhou has been in war for many years, and almost every household has some stock. Unite.

  Ruan Xiaoqi smiled and said, "Brother, it's not easy to raise 20,000 troops in just five days!"

  Zhang Rong glared at him, "I need armor now, you promised."

   "Many of your soldiers have armor!"

   "It's all old stuff left over from the past, things from more than ten years ago, and the knives are all rusty."

  Zhang Rong stared at him, "Stop talking nonsense, are you going to give it or not?"

   "Of course, I'm here to take you to pick up weapons. I need ships."

   "No problem, we have plenty of fishing boats!"

  Ruan Xiaoqi took out another pigeon letter and handed it to him with a smile, "You guys are so loud that even Marshal Du was alarmed. This is his official post, see for yourself!"

At this time, both Shi Xiu and Liu Tang came over. Shi Xiu heard that there was an official, so she rushed forward. Liu Tang was a little more reserved, showing a look of indifference, but his ears were pricked up. It was related to their future. How could you not care about wealth?

  In the pigeon letter, Zhang Rong was clearly appointed as the fifth-rank general Dingyuan, the first-level commander, Shixiu and Liu Tang were the sixth-rank Zhaowu captains, and the second-level commander.

  The three of them were overjoyed. This was just the beginning, and they had already obtained high positions. As long as they fought against gold and made contributions, they would definitely be promoted to another level.

Zhang Rong, in particular, had a smile on his face. Back then, Song Jiang Zhaoan was only at the fourth rank, and they were still false posts. They were all eighth rank and ninth rank deputy envoys, county captains, etc., but now Li Yanqing generously gave him regular appointments. How can he not be moved by the actual position of the leader of the fifth rank.

  Zhang Rong bowed solemnly to the south, "The humble post must live up to the expectations of Marshal Du, fight against the golden soldiers, and regain our homeland!"

  Ruan Xiaoqi smiled and said, "Send thirty fishing boats with me to Jinan Prefecture to move troops!"

  The three of Zhang Rong were stunned, why are they in Jinan Mansion?

  At night, 30 large fishing boats sailed along Jishui to the northeast quickly. Zhang Rong personally led 300 men to follow Ruan Xiaoqi to carry the soldiers.

At this time, Zhang Rong already understood why Bingjia was in Jinan Prefecture. It turned out that the ships transporting Bingjia came from the sea and entered Jishui. Because Jinan Prefecture had 5,000 garrisons, the ships did not dare to go too deep, so they had to stop at Qingzhou Bo Xingxian area.

On the bow of the leading ship, Ruan Xiaoqi slowly said to Zhang Rong: "The reason why Marshal Du values ​​you is because Liangshanbo is an extremely important strategic node. Once the army of the Song Dynasty appears on the Shandong Peninsula, Liu Yu will definitely send an army from Bianjing came to support, food and grass logistics must go by water, Liangshanbo is the only way for the other party's logistics fleet, so the task of intercepting the puppet Qi army's logistics fleet is entrusted to you."

   Zhang Rong suddenly realized that the main force of the Song army was going to go northward by sea. This was a surprise move, and it would definitely catch Liu Yu by surprise.

  He thought for a while and said, "If it's just to intercept food and grass, five or six hundred people are enough, so why recruit an army?"

  Ruan Xiaoqi shook his head, "Marshal Du is far-sighted, and his vision lies in the overall situation of the world. He must have a reason for such a request. We can't imagine it. We just need to obey the order."

  Zhang Rong nodded silently, for the first time he had a sense of awe towards Li Yanqing.

Two days later, 30 fishing boats arrived in Boxing County, Qingzhou. There was no garrison along the river, and it was far away from the county town, so even the government officials would not come over. There were only two big boats moored alone on the north bank, and Zhang Rong rolled his eyes. Liang, these two large ships are worth at least three thousand stones, and it would be great if there is such a large ship in Liangshan Po.

At this time, Ruan Xiaowu appeared at the stern of the boat and waved to them. The fishing boats approached the sea boat one after another and removed the awning. Only boxes and straw bags were slowly lowered from the big ship. The boxes contained armor and swords, and the straw bags contained spears.

After filling up one fishing boat, he went on to load the second fishing boat. At this time, Ruan Xiaowu stepped off the boat and said with a smile: "Old Zhang, your first battle may be about to start, and the Jinan government has already started mobilizing troops from all over the world." , Qingzhou's 500 garrisons have rushed to Jinan this morning."

  Zhang Rong also knew that the 5,000 garrisons in Jinan Prefecture were usually scattered in various states, and it would take at least three or four days to gather together, and a day or two to reorganize, which was completely in time.

  He asked again: "How do we fight this battle?"

  Ruan Xiaowu laughed, "Have you forgotten? How our Liangshan Army fought the official army back then, it's still the same this time."

  Zhang Rong nodded, he knew how to fight the first battle.

  (end of this chapter)

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