MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1005 containment force

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  Chapter 1005 Containing power

  In the late March of the first year of Song Xing, Zhang Rong, the former general of the Liangshan Army, joined forces with Shi Xiu and others, and raised the Anti-Jinyi Banner again in Liangshanpo.

   Zhang Jian, the prefect of Jinan, was furious when he heard the news, and immediately summoned 5,000 troops, and rushed to Liangshan Yunzhou in a murderous spirit, but Zhang Rong led the army to retreat south to Jeju, and Zhang Jian went to Jeju again.

At this time, Liu Tang led an army of 3,000 people to attack Licheng County successfully and arrested Zhang Jian's family. The army ambushed, and Zhang Jian's army was defeated. More than 2,000 people were killed, and nearly half of them surrendered. Zhang Jian also died among the rebellious army.

Bianliang City in Tokyo, at this time, Bianliang has become the seat of King Qi Liu Yu's palace. Perhaps out of nostalgia for Tokyo, after Liu Yu established his capital in Bianliang, he asked people to organize civilians to restore the outer city wall However, only some buildings in the south city and east city remained in the outer city, and the north city and west city were in ruins. Liu Yu had no choice but to turn the north outer city into a military camp, and use the west outer city to grow food and vegetables.

In the prosperous Tokyo of the past, there are only more than 300,000 people left, and only the area around Daxiangguo Temple and Panlou Street is the place where business flourishes. One of the ten famous restaurants, the original owner was Zhang Chong, a foreign relative, who fled to Lin'an a long time ago, and opened a Shilou in Lin'an. The Shilou in Bianliang was sold to Liu Yun, a big grain merchant. He was killed, and his family property was auctioned off. This building has changed hands several times, and it is no longer clear who its real owner is.

  This morning, a man with the appearance of a businessman walked into Shilou. It was the afternoon break, and Shilou changed to sell tea, and there were many tea customers upstairs and downstairs.

  The businessman walked into the gate and said to the waiter: "Three guests, I want to go to the backyard!"

   "Guest officer backyard please!"

  The clerk enthusiastically led the merchant to the backyard, and when he saw no one was around, the clerk whispered: "The shopkeeper is in the account room, go by yourself!"

   Perhaps no one thought that the real owner of this restaurant was Jing Zhaojun, but a businessman surnamed Wu bought it on behalf of Jing Zhaojun, making this restaurant an intelligence base for Jing Zhaojun in Bianliang.

  The businessman came to the accounting room and knocked on the door. The shopkeeper opened the door, and there was another person inside, about 30 years old, named Li Xiaotian. He was the accountant of the restaurant, but he was also the intelligence chief of Jing Zhaojun in Bianliang.

   "How is it, any news?" Li Xiaotian asked with a smile when he saw the businessman walk into the house.

The businessman's surname is Su, and his name is Su Liang. He is also an intelligence agent. He is in charge of inquiring news from the palace of King Qi. At this time, the shopkeeper has already gone out. Su Liang takes a chair and sits down. Now, transfer 20,000 troops from Sizhou and another 10,000 from Bianliang to join the army, a total of 30,000 troops, commanded by Liu Yi, will go to Liangshanbo to suppress Zhang Rong's rebellion."

   "Are the golden soldiers in Xuzhou not moving?"

   "There is no news about Jin Bing, maybe Liu Yu thinks that suppressing the rebellion does not need to use Jin Bing."

At present, Liu Yu has 120,000 troops, 60,000 of which are deployed in the southeast, 20,000 in Luoyang, 30,000 in Bianliang, 5,000 in Jinan, and 5,000 in Dengzhou. Now the 5,000 in Jinan have been wiped out. Liu Yu had to mobilize heavy troops to suppress, and 30,000 people were only against Liu Yu, which is indeed a heavy force.

   "Where is the deployment of troops now?"

   "Half an hour ago, I just sent people to Sizhou to pass the order. It will take six days to go back and forth from Sizhou, two days to integrate, and two days to march. I estimate that it will take ten days to arrive at Liangshanbo!"

  Li Xiaotian immediately wrote a pigeon letter and tied it to the pigeon's leg to send it away. The carrier pigeon flew up and circled twice to the south of Lin'an City.

Li Yanqing stood in front of the pottery map with his hands behind his back in the Jianguotang of the Lin’an imperial city, watching the changes of the red flags on the map, red flags, yellow flags, white flags and black flags, which indicated that the red flag was the Song army, and the yellow flag was the Qi army in the Central Plains. Army, the white flag is the Hebei Army, and the black flag is naturally the Jinbing.

There are two black flags in the Central Plains and Hebei, one is in Xuzhou, marked with 20,000 people, and the other is in Daming Mansion, marked with 30,000 people. Hebei and the Central Plains are actually controlled by these 50,000 golden soldiers hands.

The strategic breakthrough point Li Yanqing refers to is Liangshanbo, which actually refers to the Shandong Peninsula. There are only 5,000 troops in the entire Shandong Peninsula. It can attack Hebei, attack the Central Plains to the west, and connect with Jianghuai to the south.

Liu Yu was originally the magistrate of Jinan, and the Shandong Peninsula was his lair that he would never give up. He would not just sit back and watch the rebels in Liangshanbo, but would send troops to wipe them out. I am afraid that before he could react, Liangshanbo would become the place to wipe out his war resources. Huge black hole.

  Li Yanqing stretched out his hand to plant the black flag of Daming Mansion into Liangshanbo. This is what Li Yanqing hoped, and the black hole of Liangshanbo engulfed the tens of thousands of Jin soldiers.

   "His Royal Highness, there is a pigeon letter from Bianliang!" A soldier reported behind him.

  Li Yanqing turned around, took the pigeon letter from the soldier, and slowly unfolded it. There was only one sentence on it, "Sizhou 20,000 troops, Bianliang 10,000 troops, and they are about to conquer Liangshanbo. The Sizhou troop dispatch order will be sent out in the morning." '

  Li Yanqing nodded. In this way, Han Shizhong and the others faced only 40,000 Qi soldiers, which was also within his expectation.

   After pondering for a long time, Li Yanqing reached out and took a red flag from Qingzhou, and inserted it directly into Liangshan Po.

In the dark night, 10,000 Song army elites were marching rapidly southwest along the south bank of Jishui River. Fifty thousand-stone ships were also sailing in Jishui River, loaded with various strategic materials and 1,000 sailors. Their marching The direction is Liangshan Po.

The 10,000 Song army was commanded by Yan Qing. They landed in Boxing County, Qingzhou, and immediately marched towards Liangshanbo. The army is still very cautious, trying to march at night, so as not to be discovered.

  For Li Yanqing, the Shandong Peninsula is already in his pocket, and he is not in a hurry to occupy it. His immediate task is to turn the rebel army in Liangshanbo into the eye of the storm and stir up the situation in the entire Central Plains.

   Then fished in the muddy water, and when the Jin soldiers realized that the Song army had sent troops, the Song army had already established a firm foothold in Hebei.

At dawn, 10,000 Song troops arrived in Xucheng County. Zhang Rong, Shi Xiu, Liu Tang and others came to welcome Yan Qing's arrival. Everyone was an old Liangshan general. They hugged each other tightly, especially the relationship between Liu Tang and Yan Qing. Very deep, after Chao Gai's death, he hated Song Jiang extremely, and completely took refuge in Lu Junyi.

  Yan Qing did not put on the airs of a boss in front of everyone. Although he was in charge of the capital and his rank was much higher than everyone else, he might not be able to accept these three reckless people who had just joined the Song Army emotionally. He had to take it easy.

  Yan Qing clasped her fists and laughed: "Brothers, from now on, the 10,000 troops I lead will also become part of the Liangshan Rebel Army. I hope we can fight side by side and regain our homeland as soon as possible."

  Zhang Rong had known in advance Marshal Du’s arrangement to mix 10,000 elite troops into the rebel army. Of course he welcomed such an arrangement. This strategy of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger would definitely hit Liu Yu’s puppet army hard.

In particular, Yan Qing said to fight side by side, which shows that Yan Qing is not here to annex the rebel army, which is very important to Zhang Rong and others. Although they have accepted Li Yanqing's appointment as officials, their reckless thinking has not changed yet. There is still a lack of understanding of the unity of the world's military. This is also a gradual process of transformation and cannot be achieved overnight.

   "Welcome Yan Dutong to fight side by side with us. We will obey Yan Dutong's dispatch. Just as Yan Dutong said just now, everyone will work together to regain our homeland as soon as possible."

  Zhang Rong also expressed his position in time, he will obey Yan Qing's dispatch, and also obey Yan Qing's order.

  The crowd entered the city and came to the state government office, which has been temporarily changed to the army government office of the rebel army.

Yan Qing took out a map and spread it out on the table, and said to everyone: "According to our information, 30,000 Qi troops have set out from Bianliang and marched towards Yunzhou along Jishui River. It will arrive here in two days, and Marshal Du asked us to wipe out this army."

  Zhang Rong hesitated and said: "But we are not very clear about the other party's situation."

"Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. I have sent scouts to investigate the enemy's situation, and news will come soon, but I suggest that we still divide our troops into two groups. General Zhang Rong will lead 20,000 people to retreat to Jinan Mansion. On the front line, I will lead 10,000 troops to wait for the opportunity to attack and defeat the enemy one by one."

   After Yan Qing finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Rong, and waited for his statement. Zhang Rong pondered for a moment, discussed with Shi Xiu and Liu Tang, and then nodded, "I would like to obey Yan Dutong's arrangement!"

  Everyone took action immediately. Zhang Rong led the army to move all kinds of food and military supplies from Xucheng County into Liangshanbo. He then led an army of 20,000 to retreat towards Jinan Prefecture.

  Yan Qing led 10,000 troops to hide in the vast water pond of 800 miles, waiting patiently for the arrival of the fighter plane.

  (end of this chapter)