MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1012 night attack daimyo

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  Chapter 1012 Night attack on daimyo

The Yellow River Ferry in Liaocheng County is one of the seven ferries built by Jin Bing. There are more than 100 ferries. The first batch of 200,000 tons of forage has arrived at the ferry. Send it to the warehouse on the pier.

  The boats on the wharf of course first transported the Jin soldiers across the Yellow River, and then transported grain and grass materials, and then went around the Beiqing River and entered Jishui.

  So more than a dozen grain and grass warehouses were also built on the wharf. The grain and grass that were transported from Daming City were first placed in the warehouses, and then transported to Yunzhou by ships.

   Tens of thousands of civilian husbands lined up in more than a dozen teams, which looked like ants from a distance. Hundreds of Jurchen cavalrymen held leather whips and viciously supervised the civilian husbands carrying forage.

This time Wanyan Xie also approved Jin Bing to transfer 1 million dans of fodder and 300,000 shi of grain to the south. Of course, it cannot be done at once. It will take a month to transport them to the dock in batches, and then transfer them to Yunzhou. This time Wanyan Xie also approved the time limit for suppressing the bandits to be half a year, and the Liangshan bandits must be completely wiped out within half a year.

The main general Wanyan Zongqian stood on the pier immediately, and was watching the opposite side of the Yellow River from a distance. Wanyan Zongqian was about forty years old. He was the eldest son of Wanyan Aguda. It is said that Wanyan Aguda and a female slave were born. His status is not high, but Wanyan Xie still thinks highly of him, specially transferred him from Huanglong Mansion, and appointed him as the chief general of Jinbing in Hebei.

  Wan Yan Zongqian had never fought in the Song Dynasty, and he was also full of expectations this time to suppress the Liangshan rebels.

  Beside Wanyan Zongqian is Zhang Wenzhu, a Han official. He will be the governor of Jingdong Road, in charge of the government affairs of Jingdong Road, and will assist Wanyan Zonggan in suppressing Liangshan rebels.

   "General Zonggan, it's getting late, let's cross the river first!"

  After Yan Zonggan nodded, he ordered to the left and right: "Pass my order, the army will start to board the boat and cross the river!"

  More than 100 ships are large ferries of 3,000 shi, which can transport 10,000 cavalry at a time, and all 30,000 horses can be transported across the river in one day.

  'Woo—' the horn sounded.

  The golden soldiers who were resting got up and lined up one after another, and groups of golden soldiers led their horses and began to walk towards the big ship.

  Yan Qing led 10,000 troops to march in a roundabout way, heading straight for Daming Mansion, stopping and walking all the way, and finally arrived 30 miles north of Daming City on time when night fell.

  The soldiers were resting in a forest, while Yan Qing leaned against a big tree and closed her eyes to rest, while patiently waiting for news from the scouts, while thinking about tonight's siege tactics.

  In fact, the intelligence scouts in Daming City have sent them a lot of information about the city. Yan Qing probably knows more about Daming City than the enemy generals stationed in the city.

Daming City is nearly three feet high, with wide and thick walls and a compact structure. It was overhauled in the third year of Zhenghe, and they were all built with fired big green bricks. This structure is exactly the same as Jingzhao City. They have done experiments, and the ordinary It can't be collapsed by blasting the sky-shattering thunder. The only way to collapse the city wall is to put it inside the city wall, but it's useless to put it outside. The city gate is also wrapped in pig iron, which is extremely thick and strong.

But it has only one weakness, and that is the water gate. The water gates in the major cities of the Central Plains are all similar. It can be broken, as long as they attack the water gate, they can almost succeed in every attempt.

  Of course, if there is a problem with the defense of the army at the head of the city, they don't necessarily have to blow up the water gate.

  This time, they brought three portable ladders made of bamboo. If conditions permit, Yan Qing still wants to use these three ladders, so as not to alarm the defenders in the city.

  While she was contemplating, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes in the distance. If the sound of horseshoes did not stop, it meant that the scouts had returned. Yan Qing stood up and walked quickly out of the woods.

  Under the moonlight, two scouts arrived on horseback, but one of the scouts was carrying a person behind him, which made Yan Qing startled slightly.

   After a while, the three of them walked up quickly. The two scouts were thin men. Yan Qing suddenly recognized him, "You are. Chen Jiang!"

  The person who came was Chen Jiang, the intelligence scout. When he saw Dutong recognized him, he was very excited. He hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, "Chen Jiang, a lowly official, see Dutong!"

   "Get up quickly!"

  Yan Qing quickly helped him up, and asked in surprise, "Why did you leave the city?"

  Chen Jiang said: "We all reckoned that we would all be there today, so Lao Wang asked me to come out to see at night."

  Yan Qing suddenly heard something in his words, and asked quickly: "How did you get out?"

   "Of course they came out of the city wall."

  Yanqing was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Let's go to the woods to talk."

  He beckoned the two scouts to go in with them.

   "How are you guys?"

   "It's still safe, but three brothers have been conscripted to carry fodder. At the pier, it can be considered as a visit to the pier!"

  Yan Qing invited him into a marching tent, inside which was a wooden model of a famous city, Chen Jiang's eyes lit up, "This is good!"

  Taiyuan stepped forward to look around, and praised: "Like, it's so similar, it's exactly the same."

  Yan Qing smiled and said, "Let the two scouts talk about it first."

The leading scout saluted and introduced: "The moat of Daming City is about two feet and five feet wide, and the water is relatively deep. We dived into the water gate and found that there are three iron fences in the water gate. The first iron fence and the second one are iron fences. There is a corridor between the iron fences, which leads directly to the top of the city. It is estimated that it is convenient for tax collection. If we blow up the first iron fence, we can go directly to the city through the corridor. This is an advantage. The upper defense is very weak, it has not entered the wartime state at all, it is the defense level of the peaceful era, there are no patrols, only the four towers have some soldiers guarding the gate."

  Yan Qing nodded, then asked Chen Jiang, "Where did you come down from?"

  Chen Jiang pointed to the northwest corner, "I've been going up and down the city from here. There are several bricks missing here, so there is a foothold on the city wall, which is easier to climb."

   "What do you mean you have been going up and down the city from here?" Yan Qing grabbed his words and continued to ask.

"Qi Dutong, I have been observing the Jinbing camp for more than half a month. In order to avoid the patrolling of the Jinbing, I need to be in place every day before dawn, and leave after dark. The only way to return to the city is to climb the city wall." .”

   "Then have you ever encountered a patrol at the top of the city or encountered any other danger?"

Chen Jiang shook his head, "Regardless of Jin Bing or Ji Jun, they didn't patrol. Speaking of which, Jin Bing is better, at least there are people standing guard at the top of the city at night, but Ji Jun, I observed for two nights, and after three o'clock From now on, there will be no standing people on the city tower at all, and they will all be asleep."

   "If they are all asleep, how can they open the city gate on time?"

   "The watchman will wake them up then."

  Yan Qing immediately ordered the four commanders to be invited. After a while, Zhao Wu, Zhong Lie, Wu Baoguo and Cao Li all rushed over.

   "Tonight we will attack at the third shift. Generals, let your subordinates have a good rest. We will set off at the second shift!"

   "Follow the order!"

  The four commanders bowed and saluted, and then went to their respective armies to make arrangements.

  Yan Qing considered all kinds of details and tried to make sure that there were no omissions. Then he sent someone to inform the Ruan brothers by the Yellow River.

  Two corrections, the 10,000 troops left the woods under the cover of night and rushed towards Daming City along the official road.

  Before the third watch, the army arrived at the north of Daming City, and the army stopped one mile away from Beicheng.

  In the distance is the dark city wall, Yan Qing stared at the city wall from a distance, a moment later, a scout rushed over, bowed and said: "General Qi, there are indeed no soldiers standing guard on the tower."

   This should be Chen Jiang's description. After the third watch, there were no longer standing soldiers. Obviously, Daming Mansion is still in a non-wartime state.

  Yan Qing immediately said to Chen Jiang: "Brothers rely on you."

  Chen Jiang nodded. He suddenly felt that the pressure on his shoulders was extremely heavy. If something happened, he would be guilty of a great crime.

  He glanced back at the fifty soldiers and waved, "Let's go!"

  He took fifty soldiers and ran towards the northwest corner of the city, and disappeared into the night in a moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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