MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1013 sweep the yellow river

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  Chapter 1013 Sweeping the Yellow River

  These fifty soldiers were selected by Yan Qing from the elite of ten thousand soldiers. All of them are highly skilled in martial arts and have rich combat experience.

  They also gave up the bamboo ladder method, but used soft ladders to climb up against the city wall, which is more concealed.

   Not long after, fifty soldiers came to the northwest corner under the guidance of Chen Jiang. Chen Jiang went up and down from here every time he entered and left the city.

  He looked at Zhao Wu and waited for Zhao Wu's order. Zhao Wu looked at the direction of the city tower and calculated in his mind for a moment. No matter it is far from the north city or the west city, it is indeed a very understandable place to go up the city.

  Zhao Wu nodded, "Let's go!"

Chen Jiang spit into the palm of his hand, rubbed it twice, and jumped up lightly to climb the two gaps in the city bricks. He was extremely proficient and climbed as quickly as a gecko. In a very short time, he climbed to the top of the city wall. Zhao Wu secretly sighed, if he trained a thousand climbers like this, there would be no need for siege ladders at all, and a sneak attack on a city would be invincible.

   Chen Jiang climbed onto the battlements and looked at both sides. The walls on both sides were empty, without a single soldier. He gently rolled up the walls and waved to the bottom.

  A soldier with a big arm and a round waist threw a rope ladder up with all his strength. Chen Jiang leaned forward and grabbed it, put the rope ladder on the battlements, smoothed the rope ladder, and threw it down.

  Zhao Wu was the first to climb the rope ladder, and quickly climbed to the top of the city. The soldiers below followed one after another. Soon, all fifty soldiers climbed to the top of the city.

The soldiers of the Song Army did not stop, and quickly ran towards the stoop of the city wall against the city wall. According to the information collected by the intelligence station, Jin Bing stipulated that there were 100 soldiers on duty at night at each city gate during non-war periods, of which 80 soldiers were on duty at the city gate. People, twenty people under the city.

At this time, it was already hot, and the soldiers guarding the city leaned on the tower to sleep crookedly. The soldiers of the Song Army moved quickly, each responsible for controlling one person, covering their mouths and slashing their necks. The soldiers were all killed by them cleanly. They put on the enemy's armor and walked down the corridor to the city.

  Twenty soldiers under the city were also leaning against the corner to sleep, but there was a faint sound of shifting in the distance, and it was time for the third watch.

   One **** waved his hand, and the twenty sleeping soldiers died before they could understand.

  The soldiers of the Song Army quickly started to open the city. They put down the suspension bridge and slowly opened the city gate. A soldier lit a torch and threw it down the city. This was the signal agreed by the two parties.

  Yanqing in the distance was overjoyed, and immediately ordered: "Go to the city!"

  10,000 soldiers ran immediately, and they speeded up and rushed towards the city gate.

  Seizing the city gate is only the first step, but the second step is to wipe out the 20,000 Hebei troops in the city. This is the main reason why Yan Qing does not want to use Zhentian Lei, because he is afraid of disturbing the defenders in the city.

The military camp is near Beicheng, which is completely opposite to the Jinbing camp outside the city. The military camp of the Ji Army covers an area of ​​more than two hundred acres at most. It is small and narrow, and there is no training ground. A few people stood guard, but they didn't fall asleep, but they all yawned.

   At this moment, a soldier suddenly noticed something unusual. Countless people appeared on the opposite street. He was taken aback and asked anxiously, "Who are you?"

   What answered him was a storm of arrows, and more than a dozen soldiers were hit by arrows one after another, screaming and falling down.

  Yan Qing drew his sword and shouted: "Rush in, those who surrender will not die, and those who resist will be killed!"

   Ten thousand soldiers of the Song army rushed into the camp like a torrent, and the soldiers of the Ji army who were sleeping were about to face a catastrophe.

At five o'clock, about twenty miles east of Daming City, several Song soldiers climbed on a big tree, looking at the direction of Daming City eagerly. The mobile beacon is responsible for sending messages to the Ruan brothers by the Yellow River.

  At this time, three rockets soared into the sky over the top of Daming City, and three red flames streaked across the sky. A soldier of the Song Army pointed at the rocket and shouted excitedly, "Look, the signal is coming!"

The three soldiers of the Song Army did not dare to delay, they immediately drew out three gunpowder arrows, opened their bows and set the arrows, lit the matchlock, and shot towards the sky with the full bow. Twenty miles to the east, three more gunpowder arrows rose into the sky.

  On the Yellow River about 30 miles away from Liaocheng Wharf, the Ruan brothers led fifty warships quietly moored on the water, waiting for news from the direction of Daming City.

The battle plan given by the commander-in-chief is interlocking and very thorough. Once Yanqing captures the famous city, the Fan brothers will immediately lead the water army to destroy the ships on the Yellow River, cut off the return of the cavalry going south, and cut off Hebei and even Yanshan Mansion at the same time. The way for the Jin soldiers to cross the river in the Central Plains, at least until winter, the Jin soldiers could not go south. By the time the Yellow River froze, the whole Central Plains had already changed.

   This is the fundamental reason why Li Yanqing put the breaking point in Liangshanbo.

  At this time, a watchman on the mast shouted: "Two generals, the rockets on the shore have appeared!"

  The Ruan brothers stared into the distance, and sure enough, they saw three gunpowder arrows soaring into the sky, and bright flames streaked across the sky. This meant that the famous city had been captured, and Ruan Xiaowu immediately ordered, "The fleet set sail and attack the dock of Liaocheng County!"

  Fifty large ships pulled up their anchors one after another, spread their sails, formed a diamond-shaped battle formation, and headed towards the Liaocheng Wharf thirty miles away.

  The Liaocheng Yellow River Wharf is still 30 miles away from Liaocheng County, but it is currently the longest wharf on the Yellow River. This is also because it is more convenient for Jinbing to go south from Daming Mansion.

In the past two years, Jin Guo has expanded it twice in a row, making it able to accommodate more than 200 cargo ships at most. transit transport.

The 30,000 troops were all transported across the Yellow River just after nightfall. More than 100 ships were mooring at the wharf. Tens of thousands of civilians were carrying grain and fodder overnight. The wharf was brightly lit, and 80 large ships were already filled with fodder and The food was moored quietly on the other side, and the boatmen all found their own places to sleep.

The other forty cargo ships were moored at the pier, and groups of peasants were carrying fodder and grain bags to the ships. Several soldiers of the Ji Army stood viciously at the bow of the ship, holding whips in their hands, and kept waving their whips towards the ship. The civilian husband took it away, "Hurry up! Hurry up for me!"

At this moment, several shots came from the darkness, and three soldiers were hit by the arrows at the same time. With a scream, they fell into the Yellow River. The peasants next to them were stunned. Run, "The enemy is coming!"

  At this time, hundreds of rockets shot from the darkness and landed on the ship one after another. A lot of fodder was ignited, and there was a commotion on the pier.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Hebei Army on the pier rushed to the pier one after another, only to see dozens of warships appearing in the dark, and countless rockets flew out from the warships, shooting densely at the big ship full of forage and food, nearly half The grain ship was already on fire, and more than a dozen boatmen were eager to move out the fodder, but they were shot by merciless arrows and fell into the water one after another.

  The soldiers were stunned by the sudden arrival of dozens of warships. They didn't know where the warships came from. Was it the Song army or the rebel bandits?

  At this time, three warships rushed from the slanting thorns, and the soldiers on board fired arrows densely, all of which were all god-armed crossbows. They immediately shot down dozens of Hebei soldiers, and the rest of the soldiers screamed and ran away in all directions.

At this time, 500 sailors began to go ashore quickly. They held shields and short spears and ran to the warehouses. As one torch was thrown into the warehouses, fifteen large warehouses were quickly set ablaze, especially those filled with fodder. The fire in the warehouse was even more violent, and soon the entire warehouse would be engulfed.

  On the top of Daming City, Yan Qing looked into the distance. He could faintly see a little fire in the distance. It seemed that the whole sky was reddened by the fire. It should be the Ruan brothers who succeeded.

  At this time, Zhao Wu hurried forward to report: "The prisoners of war have been counted, and there are a total of 16,000 people."

   "How many people are willing to join the Song Army?"

   "About 8,000 people, the rest want to go back to their hometown."

Yan Qing felt a little regretful. He thought that there would be at least 10,000 people, but in the end only 8,000 people were willing to join the Song Army, accounting for exactly half of the prisoners of war. However, in terms of the number, 8,000 people are quite satisfactory, and they will be recruited from the city. Some civilians can basically resist the first wave of the enemy's counterattack. Yan Qing estimates that the first wave of counterattack should be dominated by the Ji army and will come soon.

He nodded and said: "Release the other prisoners of war and tell them that as long as they don't help the tyrants and work honestly at home, they will not be held accountable for serving the Jin soldiers in the future, but if they are caught by the Song army again, it is There is no doubt that they will be killed, go and explain to them clearly, and then give each of them a bucket of rice and let them go home."

   "Humble post obeys orders!"

   Zhao Wu left in a hurry, Yan Qing thought for a moment, then turned and went down the city.

  (end of this chapter)

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