MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 982 The Change of Horror (Medium)

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  Chapter 982 Horror Change (Part 2)

The secret path of the Cao family is located in the library pavilion on the east side of the back house. Outside the wall is a forest with a width of one mile, and beyond this forest is the Chongxin Gate. Since this forest is also the land of the Cao family, there is no The development has always maintained the original style, and it is a relatively rare forest in Lin'an City.

At this time, at least 6,000 soldiers were deployed in the woods. They surrounded half of the Cao Mansion from the east and south, and another 9,000 soldiers were deployed to the north and west. In order to completely kill Li Yanqing, Zhao Ji spent his blood. Fifteen thousand troops were deployed around Cao's mansion.

  The soldiers in the east and south are the closest to Cao Mansion, only a few tens of steps away. They are hidden in the woods and are difficult to be found, while the ambush soldiers in the north and west are hundreds of steps away. They are afraid of being discovered by Li Yanqing and breaking out.

The secret passage of the Cao Mansion is about two hundred and fifty steps long. It comes out from the secret passage. The exit is located in the center of the forest, just behind the ambushing soldiers. A few of Li Yanqing's personal soldiers came out of the tunnel first and looked west. For a moment, there was still a faint figure swaying in the west of the woods, that was the soldiers ambushing in the woods.

  Seeing that there was no abnormality in the east, they waved their hands, and the soldiers in the tunnel came out one by one, quickly lined up, and ran towards the Chongxin Gate in the east.

Chongxin Gate is not the main city gate, but a corner gate, which is only half the size of the main city gate, and there are not many soldiers deployed. There are about a hundred soldiers during the day, and half of them are fifty at night. At this time, a large number of troops are in the city as an excuse The assassins were searched and controlled the streets and alleys of Lin'an City, especially the area near the imperial palace, which made the area around Chongxin Gate with few residents look very deserted, there were no lights, and the city was pitch black.

  Li Yanqing did not use force to seize Chongxin Gate. He knew in his heart that before the palace coup broke out, all soldiers did not know that the sky was about to change, and his status in the army was still high.

  He came to the guard team and came under the city gate. The guards stepped forward and shouted. After a while, a guard on duty rushed down, "See Du Tong for humble posts!"

   "Whose subordinate are you?"

   "Reporting to Dutong, the humble post is the subordinate of Commander Yang Qing."

  This name is a bit familiar, Li Yanqing thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that Yang Qing seemed to be Pan Yue's general, and now Pan Yue has been transferred to Changzhou for military training, and the former troops have also been dismantled.

  Li Yanqing's heart moved, and he asked again: "Who is Yang Qing's boss?"

   "Reporting to Dutong, General Yang's boss is General Miao Fu."

  Li Yanqing pondered for a while, took out a dagger, handed it to the **** and said: "Give this dagger to General Yang, and say that I gave it to him, and he will soon understand what it means."

   "Remember the humble job!"

   "Let's open the city! I'm going out of the city now."

The **** did not dare to disobey Li Yanqing's order, and immediately ordered to open the city. The city gate creaked open, and the suspension bridge was slowly lowered. Li Yanqing quickly led the guards out of the city, and the last guard who left the city whispered to the escort: "If you don't want to die, absolutely don't reveal that Dutong left the city from here. If you say so, you will die."

   After the soldier finished speaking, he left him and left quickly, quickly disappearing into the darkness.

  The faces of the guards changed drastically, and they didn't know what happened. At this moment, there was a low bell in the city, 'Boom! Boom! Boom! '

   It's time for the second watch, and the **** hastily ordered his subordinates, "Close the city gate!"

  The gates of the city were closed suddenly, and the suspension bridge was pulled up. It was as if nothing had happened. The **** felt uneasy, and hurried to find their boss, Yang Qing.

  . . . . . . .

Li Yanqing couldn't help but stop when he heard the bell, and turned his head to look in the direction of the palace. He couldn't help but sighed secretly. Compared with his father Zhao Ji, Zhao Gou was still a little too young. No, he was assassinated at noon, and Zhao Ji launched a coup at night, which was obviously ahead of schedule.

   Now even Li Yanqing has been tricked, if not for the Cao family's secret way, he might be in trouble today.

He never imagined that when the old man heard that he had been assassinated and had a heart attack, and finally passed away unfortunately, it would be a trap set by Zhao Ji. Dangerous, let alone rescue Zhao Gou.

  Li Yanqing sighed in a low voice, now he can only depend on God's will.

"let's go!"

As soon as Li Yanqing gave an order, he left the official road with two hundred soldiers and ran northward along the hilly path. They had no horses, so they could only run on foot. It's basically safe.

  In Zhao Ji's layout, the first important thing is to kill Li Yanqing, after killing Li Yanqing, and then launch a palace coup, it will be safe.

When the bell rang, Miao Fu immediately led a thousand soldiers to the gate of the Cao Mansion. After all, the Cao family was the leader of a meritorious family. Keep them neutral.

   Miao Fu decided to give courtesy first and then soldiers. If Li Yanqing resisted arrest, they would have no choice but to attack by force.

   After a while, Cao Yan came out of the mansion. He looked at the crowd of soldiers in front of him, and at the dense army in the distance. He secretly thanked Li Yanqing for taking a step earlier, otherwise today would be really dangerous.

  He pretended to be stunned for a moment, "General Miao, what are you doing?"

  Miao Fu held up a gold medal, "By order of the emperor, His Royal Highness King Jin is invited to enter the palace. The emperor has an urgent military situation and wants to discuss it with him."

  Cao Yan shook his head, "His Royal Highness Prince Jin has left, doesn't General Miao know?"

   Miao Fu's eyes widened suddenly, and he asked anxiously, "When did he leave?"

  "About half an hour ago! It seems that someone sent him a letter, so he said he had something urgent and left first."

  Miao Fu turned around and found the soldiers watching outside, and asked in a low voice, "Did Li Yanqing leave?"

  The soldier trembled in fear and said: "The humble officer is responsible for monitoring the main gate, and the humble officer dares to guarantee his life. Li Yanqing must have not left, only two or three people came in and out, but it was definitely not Li Yanqing."

  Miao Fu arrested the soldiers who were in charge of monitoring the back door and the east side door for interrogation. They all swore that they didn't see Li Yanqing leave.

Miao Fu was anxious, and it seemed that he was about to tear his skin apart. He stepped forward and cupped his fists and said, "Cao Shangshu, I'm sorry, I don't want to embarrass the Cao family, but I have to find Li Yanqing, it's a very important matter, please Cao Shangshu Cooperate with us!"

  Cao Yan looked at him for a while, then said coldly, "You can come in and search the house, except for the mourning hall, you can search anywhere!"

   Miao Fu heaved a sigh of relief, as long as Cao Yan made a concession, it would be easy, "Then I will offend you!"

  He turned his head and waved his hand, "Go to the house and search!"

  Soldiers swarmed into the Cao mansion, several Cao family children were about to get angry, but Cao Yan stopped them with a wave of his hand, now he wanted to buy time for Li Yanqing, the longer the soldiers spent searching the mansion, the better.

  Cao Yan is not worried that the soldiers will find the secret passage, unless they are interested in a certain book on the shelf, otherwise, they will find nothing in the library.

Miao Fu looked very nervous. Although the soldiers were still searching the mansion nervously, he already felt that something was wrong. If Li Yanqing was still in the mansion, Cao Yan would not let himself search the mansion like this, nor would he be so calm, could it be that Li Yanqing Did it really run away?

   Miao Fu's scalp tingled for a while. If Li Yanqing really escaped, the Supreme Emperor would definitely not be able to get around him.

  Although Miao Fu was very worried, the unfortunate result finally came. Soldiers continued to report, but no trace of Li Yanqing and others were found. Miao Fu's heart turned cold.

At this time, a lieutenant ran over and whispered to Miao Fu: "Brothers found two hundred war horses in the stables, which should be the mounts of Li Yanqing and his subordinates. I suspect that Li Yanqing must be hiding in a secret passage underground. , or escape through the tunnel.”

   "Have you found the tunnel entrance?"

   "Not found yet."

   Miao Fu paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. Since the horses were still there, it meant that Li Yanqing escaped after he found out that he was surrounded, and it wouldn't be too long.

With Li Yanqing's strength, it is impossible for him to still hide in the Cao Mansion. He must have escaped through a certain tunnel. Miao Fu was shocked and angry. He immediately ordered 3,000 troops to search the outside, and continued to search the Cao Mansion. No corner can be missed.

   Miao Fu suddenly stared at the mourning hall. Could it be that the tunnel entrance is on the mourning hall?

  The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became, so he rushed towards the mourning hall with two hundred soldiers. At this time, more than a hundred Cao family men and women gathered in the mourning hall, and more than a dozen Cao's children stood in front of the mourning hall with weapons in their hands.

   Cao Yan saw Miao Fu rushing towards him, he drew his sword and said coldly, "So, General Miao must disturb my father's soul?"

   Miao Fu also drew out his sword, and said coldly: "I am carrying out military orders, Cao Shangshu should consider the lives of Cao's family first!"

  At this time, Cao’s disciples came out of the mourning hall one after another, and they all glared at Miao Fu. Miao Fu gritted his teeth and said, “If you don’t let me search the mourning hall, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

  At this moment, a soldier ran over and whispered: "General Qi, the brothers found the tunnel exit in the woods!"

   "Have you gone in and searched?"

   "I went in and searched, and it went straight to the library in the back residence of Cao Mansion!"

  Miao Fu finally understood, he drew his sword and shouted: "Go to the library!"

  He led hundreds of soldiers towards the library, and Cao Yan also breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, Cao Xuan stepped forward with a worried face and asked, "They have discovered the tunnel!"

  Cao Yan waved his hand, "It's not a big problem, Yanqing should have already left the city, it's okay to find out!"

  (end of this chapter)