MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1319 invite

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It was dangerous to avoid the strong siege of various races and set foot on the teleportation array, and the stars moved, and for a moment, Poplar and others did not know how far away from Taicang Xing came to another place.

There was no accident, and she was relieved a little. Aspen looked at the surrounding environment and looked up to see the wheel-sized white sun on the sky. At last, Aspen could be sure that they had returned to Celestial Star.

At this time, they were on a platform on top of white clouds, surrounded by clouds and mists, glowing clouds, and even more spirit birds and beasts hesitating in the clouds, and further away, the colorful clouds rolled like a tide, and stretched to the sky. Among the waves of colorful clouds, the splendid eaves and arches are looming. Obviously, there is a huge palace in the colorful clouds.

Above the palace, Jin Xia is surging, as if there are dozens of layers of golden kingdoms overlapping. Inside, nine breathtaking nine-claw golden dragons are looming, occasionally exposing a scale and a half-claw to make people tremble.

Below the palace, floating islands float in the void, with some snow and greenery dripping, and more flowers blooming, exquisite buildings standing on it, like a fairyland.

Beneath the numerous floating islands, there is a city that is so large that it cannot be described with words, and it stretches to the end of sight.

When Aspen stopped and looked at the environment a little, there were five Emperor-level strong men wearing standard battle armor around them, with a look of vigilance.

These five emperor-level powerhouses are responsible for guarding the teleportation formation. Several pope-level emperors from Baiyang came to them all at once, and they could not tolerate their vigilance.

However, their arrival, Yu Huayun just waved gently: "Back down"

Looking at Yuhuayun, five people walked in a footstep, and their faces became extremely respectful. They said that the word “Yes” immediately receded, and Yuhuayun sent them away. Instead, they did not notice the heart of Tian Yang beside him. Princess, otherwise it is estimated that she will kneel on the spot.

Standing next to Bai Yang, the baby said, "Brother Bai, we have now come to Tiandu. There are ninety-nine main teleportation arrays in the capital, each leading to the sky. There are thousands of teleportation arrays below that can reach Tianyuan Star. Everywhere, we are now one of the ninety-nine major teleportation arrays. Do you see the palace in the colorful clouds over there? Where is the palace? I live there. Would you like to see it? "

Upon hearing the baby's words, Poplar's face moved slightly.

This is Tiandu, the capital of the Tianyuan Empire. It can be described as the center of the entire Tianyuan star, and it can be called the first holy place of the entire star family!

The Tianyuan Empire is indeed the world ’s first nation. The strength of the National Games can be seen. In comparison, if the National Games of the Tianyuan Empire are the sea, then the national movement of the Daguang Dynasty that Bai Yang saw at first was simply a basin of water. There is no comparability at all.

Now that it has been confirmed that it has returned to Tianyuanxing, the threat from the starry sky will be much smaller. Poplar did not want to stay here, and broke his baby's hand slightly and looked at her and said, "His Royal Highness, the minister will not do much. Stopped, have a chance to say it again, it's time to go back for a few days after leaving home "

The home that Bai Yang refers to refers to the Hulu Valley. Although there are no important people in Bai Yang at the moment, it is his first home in this world, and the meaning is very different.

"This way, then I will have time to take Brother Bai to tour the palace again. Now I will go with you to your hometown to see." The baby lost his eyes and looked forward expectantly.

Aspen has a headache, why can't it be thrown away?

Just as Bai Yang wanted to evade, a palace girl wearing a colorful summer dress appeared on the stage, with a beautiful appearance and an emperor-level practice. When she came here, she first saluted respectfully, and then looked at the baby and said "His Royal Highness Princess, the Empress Dowager misses you. Her Highness Princess has not returned home for many years, so she noticed the slaves to come to you as soon as the Empress Dowager knew you were back."

Someone sent by Tianhou, Tianhou, Emperor Tianyuan ’s wife is undoubted. The Queen of Tianyuan Empire summoned the baby. Great, should you be able to get rid of her?

Hearing the words of the maid, Bai Yang secretly said.

In this case, the baby frowned immediately and looked at Yu Huayun dissatisfied. How could she not be stupid that she could not guess that this must be a ghost of Yu Huayun, but then, facing the mother's summons, the baby had to Go, but want to follow the poplar again, tangled extremely.

"His Royal Highness, please go back, don't let the Queen Mother wait for a long time," Bai Yang said immediately.

It's not that Bai Yang waits to see the baby, but she doesn't want to be involved with her too much, especially Jiang Nan is in the middle. If this problem is not solved, Bai Yang can only keep her away.

He pursed his lips, and the baby looked helplessly at Bai Yang and said, "Brother Bai, I'll see my mother first. Anyway, I know where your hometown is. If you are not in a hurry, wait for me. If you are in a hurry, I will find you"

Can't you just throw it away?

Heartless, Poplar nodded and said, "His Royal Highness, please."

Then, the baby walked towards the palace girl three times, and came to her without a good face and said, "Let's go."

The court lady respected her salute and did not dare to feel the slightest emotion.

The maid who followed her baby left her a little behind. When she was about to leave the teleportation circle, she quietly turned back and sent a message to Bai Yang, saying, "Baiduzi, slaves pass the words of the Empress Dowager, and she let me tell you that your decision is right , I hope you have always kept it like this, do n’t make her unfavorable behaviors and thoughts.

After saying this secretly, the maid left the baby.

Aspen frowned slightly, and then smiled indifferently. Obviously, after knowing the things about herself and the baby, she has been paying attention all the time. Now she is reminding herself not to eat swan meat.

Unhappy and unhappy, Aspen did not take it to heart. For now, he has no idea about the baby, so he does not need to worry about it.

He didn't think it was being beaten. He compared his heart to his heart. If anyone dared to hit his girlfriend's idea, Bai Yang would probably twist the knife and warn himself ...

Leaving this episode behind, Aspen looked at Yu Huayun and arched his hand: "Public rain, let's go back first, don't stop there"

"Yeah, our family has to go back to support the injury, so we won't entertain Baigong. If he comes to Tiandu every day, our family must accompany him personally," Yu Huayun nodded, and left immediately.

The rain clouds went away, and Bai Yang looked at Shan Qiulin and said, "It's not a good time to stay here. Let's go. Let's go back to the valley and talk."

The fountain of life is in his own hands. Aspen can be described as in crisis at all times. Unless the fountain of life has lost its memorable effect, the crisis will not be lifted, and this crisis cannot be avoided, countless The strong have a way to figure out their whereabouts.

Shan Qiulin did not object, and nodded gently.

After the two had completed their discussions, they came to the Empire State of Tianyuan for a short while and did not stay here.

However, as soon as the two poplars left the teleportation array, an old man with white beard appeared in front of them, and said kindly, "Please stay away, Bai Baizi!"

"I don't know what happened to the predecessor?" As the way was blocked, Poplar stopped and asked slightly frowning.

Looking at the other party when questioning, Bai Yang found that the old man was so unfathomable that a blue air surged over his head, condensing into a canopy, as if a blue sky was over his head.

"The old man Qingyunzi, Qingyun Holy Land took charge of teaching, and asked Baigongzi to take a ride, what happened?" The white-bearded old man who claimed to be Qingyunzi said kindly.

The visitor is not good, Bai Yang secretly said in the heart, I am afraid that the news in the sky was passed to him through the secret method, so that the other party arrived on his forefoot and he came on his hind foot.

Shaking his head gently, Bai Yang said, "My foreheads forgive me. My juniors have been away from home for many days and I miss them. Why don't you wait for me to go back and settle down?

After Bai Yang's understanding during this time, Qingyun Holy Land is also an extraordinary behemoth. The ancestor of the former Qingyun Holy Land is a Taoist-level strongman, but it has already died for tens of thousands of yuan, but although there is no Taoist rank behind Qingyun Holy Land The strong man can't be overlooked in the town. He has deep foundations. He has the Tiangong Collection left by his ancestor Qingyun. He also has an extremely powerful soldier as the town's teaching artifact. To the extent that he can't be guilty, Poplar doesn't want to stand up with each other. conflict.

Although Bai Yang had explicitly refused, Qing Yunzi still laughed: "Bai Gongzi is not in a hurry, and can't delay you much time, just a narrative, how about giving the old man a face?"

"Qing Yunniu nose, how much is your face worth?" Just then, a hearty voice suddenly sounded.

The voice fell, and on the other side, another person came, wearing a golden robe, frowning, especially the pair of dragon horns on his head seemed extremely domineering.

The caller first spoke of Qing Yunzi, and then looked at Bai Yang and said, "Baiduzi, the old man's endless sea dragon emperor, heard that Baiduzi had a friendship with my dragonling child. I just learned that he had gone this time. The eternal boat ~ ~ will return from the starry sky. Wouldn't you go back to the Dragon Palace with your husband and wait for my child to return to the old days? "

The Dragon Emperor Dragons on Tianyuanxing are here. Although they say invitations, they have the taste of forcibly soliciting, and the purpose is not pure!

Waiting for Poplar to speak, another person came. A middle-aged woman in a long red dress came to her. She looked at Poplar with a scorching sun behind her head and said, "Baizi, I heard you were in the deserted city with I have a friendship with Haotian Holy Land, Feng Xiaoxiao, what if you go to my Haotian Holy Land for a few days? Feng Xiaoxiao, the girl is coming back from the starry sky, she should be very happy to see you. "

Needless to say, it is estimated that the Haotian Holy Land did not run away. It is rumored that the Haotian Holy Land practiced the Da Ni Wu Jing left by Haotian Supreme. Looking at the appearance of this woman, she achieved extraordinary results.

With the arrival of one after another, the poplars remained calm on the surface, but their hearts were cold.

Their purpose is self-evident, and it is definitely for the fountain of life.

With a sneer in his heart, Bai Yang secretly said that since Lao Tzu returned to Tian Yuan Xing, you will not let me go, so I will have fun with you!

Read The Duke's Passion