MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1320 Be clear!

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The husband is guilty and guilty of guilt. The fountain of life is a good thing that is not fake, but also the source of misfortune. This thing can make the Dahuang Taoist truly resurrected. It can be imagined how precious it is. Already.

From the starry sky, he avoided alien siege, and when he came to Tianyuan Xing, he could not rest in peace. He was called to the door immediately.

Maybe because it is the scope of Tiandu, maybe because of the same human relationship, or because they are restraining each other, in short, the big guys who came to the door didn't start immediately.

This is not a great effort, not only the two palm teachers in Haotian Holy Land, Qingyun Holy Land, but also the Dragon Emperor and Dragon Emperor have come, while Bai Yang sighs at the speed of the message, while I am afraid that it will not take long for a group of big brothers to run Come.

If you think about it, Bai Yang finds that he seems to have not used his brain seriously for a long time. At this moment, a group of big guys surround him, and he must not be beaten. The strength cannot be solved by wisdom.

Considering that these guys are all grown-up monsters, they can't hold back easily, so they have to come up with some dry goods!

My heart suddenly turned, and Poplar suddenly found that these guys were still too anxious. They actually came to the city of Tiandu. This is the capital of the Tianyuan Empire. Regardless of their strength, they would not dare to be too pretentious here. Come and give Aspen a chance to deal with it.

This is also afraid that the fountain of life will fall into the hands of others if you come late. If you leave the city of Tiandu in the wild, your chances of dealing with yourself will be much smaller.

While secretly speaking in his heart, Bai Yang looked at several big brothers around him, and said with a distressed expression: "Qing Yunzi, Long Di and senior Hao Tian Holy Land's predecessors are inviting younger, how can I be good? "

It is still difficult for Poplar to face one person alone. However, at this moment, there are three people, and they form a constraint to each other. Instead, it gives Poplar an excuse to shirk.

"It depends on you, Mr. Bai, I just invite you to tell me, just in this city, it won't go far, and it won't let you go thousands of miles away, or if Mr. Bai accepts my invitation first How? "Qing Yunzi smiled.

While the emperor scolded the old fox, he looked at Bai Yang and said, "No, no, Bai Gongzi, what do you and Qing Yunzi have to talk about? Go to my dragon palace, my son's Longling and daughter Long Xue are also fast. Come back, your young people will definitely have more topics, and my husband is fast enough, and it wo n’t take me much time to go to my dragon palace. "

"You two old guys, bully your sister and a weak woman? I have a long history and beautiful scenery in Haotian Holy Land, and I want to come to Fengxiaoxiao and that girl should take a tour with Bai Gongzi, Bai Gongzi, do you mean?" Hao Heavenly Holy Land teaches with a smile.

Dragon Emperor and Qing Yunzi were speechless. You Wu Riyue claimed to be a weak woman?

At this moment, there were a few big figures around, including the Emperor of the Wind Empire, the Lord of the Sword God Palace, the Master of the Snow Mountain Holy Land, the Chief of the Turtle Tribe, and so on.

This is just the beginning. I want to know with my ass. There will only be more and more people coming.

There are more people. The more people, the better. The more people there are, the more they will restrain each other. As a result, the poplar is more secure.

The people who came came without exception to Poplar. To be exact, it was the fountain of life. They did not tear their faces and tried to pull Poplar to their side.

Bai Yang Shan Qiu Lin Ya Ya, they were surrounded by groups, they couldn't leave at all.

"You are all old seniors, do you want to humiliate a younger one?" At this moment, a vicious and heroic voice appeared.

Hearing this sentence, all the big guys around him looked ugly. The so-called see-through did not say, but he angered the public in the face.

Everyone looked sneer at the speaker.

Bai Yang also looked at the man, with a slight surprise. The other party was obviously helping himself, but Bai Yang didn't know him.

The comer is a big fat man whose height and waist diameter are more than two meters. The whole man is a ball, obviously old, with white hair.

The old fat man was not afraid of the pair of cold eyes around him, and stood not far from the poplar and said with concern: "Baizi, am I not here late? With me here, these guys do n’t want to bully you, they also No, even a dead husband can pull one or two backs! "

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people around them became even more ugly. At their level, if they really fight their lives, it is not impossible to pull one or two backs.

Looking at this fat man, Aspen didn't even know him. Is he so enthusiastic about trying to win my favor?

Faced with Bai Yang's expression of "you actually want to set me up", the old fat man smiled and understood, explaining: "Bai son, I'm Bai Xiaojing's grandfather, I know that you take care of him, you can rest assured, my husband is definitely not like them With such a devastated heart, I just want to help you. If you don't believe it, the old man can swear! "

Listening to his explanation, Bai Yang felt relieved instantly. It turned out that he was Bai Xiaojing's grandfather and the patriarch of the whale family. No wonder he stood on his side and spoke.

He may be helping himself sincerely, but it is impossible for Bai Yang to truly believe what he said, but there should be some expressions. Archer said, "Thank you, Bai Bai."

"Anyway, I'm Bai Xiaojing's baby and grandson. If it weren't for you, my grandson wouldn't know how many times he had died. Help you, my husband is justified, don't call me a senior, just call me Uncle Whale. The old fat man patted his belly and said.

The two of them were chatting here, the others would not do it, and if they continued like this, the poplar would probably follow the fat whale.

Qing Yunzi interrupted their conversation and said, "Bai Gongzi, are you thinking about it?"

Although he was inquiring, he had a meaning of ultimatum.

Honestly, in the face of this sentence, Bai Yang wouldn't answer anyhow, either offending one or offending a group.

Bai Yang sneered, the harder you are now driving me, the more fierce you will be!

When the whale fat man saw the embarrassment of Aspen's face, he was about to get ahead for him, but unexpected things happened again.

A gorgeous frame pulled by three colorful phoenixes came here, and there was a palace lady wearing a colorful Xia clothes beside the door, and there were more than a dozen imperial guards around.

When the frame came here, the maid at the door saluted in the direction of Bai Yang, saying, "White son, after the mother and daughter of the Empress Dowager met with your mother and daughter, I heard many deeds from you, and ordered the slave to come and invite Bai son to come. Syria, please ask me to come with me. "

Although the palace maid saw the group of important men around her, she turned a blind eye, apparently relying on the power of the Empress Dowager, or she simply instructed it to do so.

Aspen frowned secretly, couldn't she sit still? Oh, woman ...

I was also rumored to give me a look before, knowing that the fountain of life also showed disgusting faces in my hands.

Tianhou is the wife of Emperor Tianyuan. Who would dare not give him face?

However, some people now do not give her face, but it is not Bai Yang, but a group of big men around.

Joke, if Bai Yang had gone to the fountain of life in the palace, would we still have our share? We dare not easily offend your mother-in-law, but so many power leaders are here, can your mother-in-law be able to clean us all up!

Haotian Holy Land is the first to teach Wu Riyue to speak. She said to the maid, "Troublesome, you should report to the Empress Dowager. Just tell Bai Gongzi to go to our Haotian Holy Land as a guest. How about visiting the Empress Dowager when I return?"

After speaking, Wu Riyue also looked at the poplar, as if to say, I help you to stop the threat from the queen of the sky, how do you feel about me?

"No, no, Bai Gongzi is going to visit me in Qingyun Holy Land," Qing Yunzi said indifferently.

He shook his head secretly in his heart. To be honest, Bai Yang couldn't stand the faces of these guys, and all his face wanted his own face, and he said that the sounding words weren't a robber.

To be honest, if they try to grab Aspen and admire the three-pointer, this kind of face looks really disgusting.

What else would happen to them if they were at their mercy? Poplar simply stated clearly: "Dear people, no one speaks secretly. I know what you are doing. It is nothing but a fountain of life. In my hands, everyone wants it. But However, it is a problem. This thing has a virtue. The junior knows that it is not worthy to own. I think people are not here yet. If not, let ’s make a appointment in time and tomorrow. We will rent a venue for public auction. The fountain of life, I will give it to anyone who gives a higher price. What do you think? "

When this poplar sentence came out, Shan Qiulin frowned slightly and asked in secret: "Lao Bai, you are ..."

He thought that Aspen couldn't hold back the pressure to hand over the fountain of life, how could this be, big deal to kill it!

Bai Yang secretly responded: "Lao Dan is calm and calm ~ ~ I have my own concerns, and they don't want anyone to think about the fountain of life, and they have to let these guys bite the dog's hair and pay a bitter price!"

After hearing this, Shan Qiulin understood, but he was still worried: "I understand what Brother Bai meant. I don't know what your plan is, but if you count them, will it be too dangerous? After all, you will offend. It's all of them! "

"Oh, old man, do you think they will let me go?" Bai Yang replied.

Shan Qiulin thought that was really the case, so let them pay the price first.

When they were here to discuss, the old whale fat man gave the poplar a thumbs up and laughed and said, "Bai Gongzi is so courageous, you can rest assured that if anyone dares to make your idea before the public auction tomorrow, the old man will never die without him! "

"Thank you very much" Bai Yanggong said. At this moment, my heart was slightly touched. The old whale said something like this. I guess I really didn't think about myself, but just wanted to help myself.

Moreover, with the reminder of the old whale, all parties will be wary of others' ideas, so aspen will be safe ...

Read The Duke's Passion