MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1236 】afraid of you

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Things seem simpler and more complicated.

When I thought that Mrs. Duanmu, who was still not frank, would insist on seeing and try her best to persuade Zheng Yuqiu not to quit Fengchang's cooperation with Moon Valley, she unexpectedly compromised.

"That being the case, I can say what méiyoushime is, and I will not manage the tension, and I will give 7% of the shares to Xiaocheng. I also disagree with Méiyou, but Xiao Nan, I must remind you that my compromise, never Not only because of Xiao Qiu's stubbornness, but also based on the consideration of the overall interests, so it does not mean that I will help and take care of Xiao Cheng unconditionally in the future. I think in your business, you should be very qingchu this yidiǎn, Xiao Cheng is not you. Many things may not be considered in every way like you, and I am not a clear public and private person, so I do not rule out some shihou I will stand on the opposite side of her kěnéng. In short, it is not difficult to reach the sky in one step The hard thing is not to fall down in the sky, otherwise the higher you hold her, the worse she falls, and the comedy will become a tragedy. Without a doubt, you gave Xiao Cheng a pair of wings, but also wanted her to fly. You can fly "" Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated and faster! "

"I mingbái what you mean," I Zhidào Duanmu was questioning the ability of tassel, very confident: "Tassel is really not mature, but what she lacks is jingyàn, not ability, she just used to rely on me to set off me , But as long as she thinks, she can do better than me, no matter what, moreover, there is no shime. "

In fact, I want to say that 7% is only one of my goals, but it is not my ultimate purpose. In fact, until now, I still have tension in my heart. I will not prepare for this 7%. Tassel yijing is ten anyway. As the second leader of the Tri-Cities Planning Team, as long as she doesn't leave Fengchang, her future will not be bad, so I don't demand it. The real purpose of 7% is mainly to force Zhangli to play the card of the sand boat. Of course, it is the best tension for ruguo to give money before handing in. Even if I give this 7%, it will still be because of rubbing. The huge debt that does not clean the bottom is difficult to gain a foothold in the wind. With the reputation of Lao Mo's character, the Zhang system that lost the backbone is sure to be everyone's self-danger. At this time, Lao Zhang's henchman Sima Yang is assisted with tassel and is bound to Help Tassel Zuoyou Fengyuan.

Zhang Xi needs to seek new asylum in order to prevent Lao Mo from killing himself, and Lao Mo also needs to appease the internal agitation of the company. Even if he really wants to kill him, he does not choose to start at this initial stage of cooperation with Moon Valley. The image is harmful and useless. Tassel only needs to use this buffer period to let Sima Yang draw Zhang Zhang, and Zhang Xi can't do anything, and even if the old ink is clear that zhidào is counted, he can only open one eye and close one eye.

That's why I said that Sima Yang is a key piece for my future layout.

I'm not worried that Sima Yang is unwilling to assist Tassel, because this product wants an opportunity to display his talents, and compared to the old Mo, who is afraid to suspect him and most likely won't really convince him, he must be more inclined to be inevitable Will rely on his tassel for his life.

Sima Yang is a wise man, but the wise man has the most childish and rongyi understanding. He is just a traitor and a meritorious deed. He may not be able to get important but he will be scolded by others. It ’s very different. Not only can he get the space to use Ziji's ability, but he can also help him alleviate the guilt and guilt of betraying Lao Zhang, and the delicate position can be hypnotized and excused to and defeated Lao Zhang. The Mohist continued to contend with loyalty and tenacity.

Why not do it?

I can understand that neither Lao Mo, Mrs. Duanmu, or anyone else will put a Cheng tassel in their eyes, but I am also sure that whoever is the same méiyou can place a Cheng tassel with a part of the tension or most of the class Not to look at, let alone, behind this woman, there is a silly + forcing man who is willing to calculate everyone for her, but does not plan any reward.

Silly + forced is terrible, because no one zhidào silly + forced will do shime, just like I never zhidào Xiao fairies will do something more amazing for me shime next yiyàng.

Tassel made me an idiot for a while, and I made her silly + forced for a lifetime. I felt very romantic and content.

"That's over?" Miss Zheng asked, chopping her plate with chopsticks.

Mrs. Duanmu is still a little uncomfortable, and you can hear from the tone, "You still have shime not mǎnyi?"

"My mǎnyi is strange!" Zheng Yuqiu said, "Where is Zhang Mingjie ?! You can let him go, and tension can still give Chunan that 7%? One day, Zhang Mingjie touches Chunan with a knife. kěnéng, right ?! "

Mrs. Duanmu said lightly: "I went back and said to Zhang Li, Xiao Nan promised not to have that 7%, Zhang Mingjie will come back this time. I will not help Zhang Li this time, yijing offended him, and care if I lie to him? For a person like Zhang Li, he has to tear his face thoroughly, and he will be guilty of imagination. In the future, he will only lose ziji, and he will be more hypocritical than cheeky, and méiyou will win. "

Although the way to lie is so simple, I dare not expect the proud Mrs. Duanmu to put down her body to do such a price-cut. Zheng Yuqiu asked this, obviously because of her sister's understanding. When he said it, he was relieved. Indeed, taking Lao Zhang as his man, Mrs. Ruodu Duanmu did not take the initiative to tear his face with him. Even if he hated Madam Duanmu, he would never take the initiative to tear his face with his wife. It must be like dealing with Lao Mo. In general, continue to forgive, calculate, and small movements, looking for opportunities for revenge and turning over.

In other words, Mrs. Duanmu said: Zhang Li pays great attention to interpersonal guānxi, and it is not a rongyi thing to try to anger him and turn his face. This time, it was just an opportunity.

Mrs. Duanmu paused, glanced at me, and smiled a little bit unclearly, like exaggeration and loss, "Moreover, Xiaoqiu, you also look down on Xiao Nan too, ruguo, I insist on helping tension, you think he is not Did you invite Zhang Mingjie back? Rugoo succeeded because of self-confidence, nàme, he was not confident enough to think that ziji would not fail, because it was arrogance, but confident to fear no failure, he could face up and accept any Failure Xiaonan, before you came, did you think about it, ruguo couldn't convince me? "

Zheng Yuqiu was curious, and I smirked, not at all.

Mrs. Duanmu sighed and said: "Xiao Qiu would rather quit the cooperation between Moon Valley and Feng Chang for you, which makes me very angry, but if I insist on refusing to rely on her, I will only annoy her, But I ’m Ziji, and I also think that this may just be an excuse for me to choose to compromise. Like you said, what you did for Xiao Cheng ’s girl makes people helpless, and probably I ’m more afraid that Ziji will become The next tension is today I can zuoyou your success or failure, because you did not expect that I will become your enemy, but what about the future? I ca n’t predict your growth rate, at least your yijing makes me unable to underestimate me. I ’m really old, no longer afraid of being afraid of the day like I was when I was young, I do n’t care about success or failure, I just want to be happy. Now I am very afraid of losing shime and kěnéng. From the day I fled into Duanmu family, I started Yijing has become like this, but I have never confessed to it. For more than 20 years, I have lived like a loser, and I am afraid that others will tell me, so I always hide in that yard and never dare to come out. "

Duanmu Liushuidao: "Mom, Zheng Yuqiu's broken mouth never talked, she talked nonsense, do you really go to your heart?"

This time Zheng Yuqiu did not raise the bar with Master Duanmu again, kěnéng, she never saw Mrs. Duanmu's so low expression, no longer like a child, but a puppet woman who was suffering from remorse.

Mrs. Duanmu shook her head, méiyou ignored Duanmu's flowing water, but smiled at me: "Xiao Qiu is right, I am sensitive, inferior, and childish, but I have been deceiving myself, but sitting here today, looking at you, Xiao Nan, I found that I could n’t cheat Ziji any more. You made me have to admit that, for more than 20 years, except for being no longer young, I have grown up. I do n’t even like Zheng Xuedong at the time, at least a bit of self-confidence. ”

Zheng Yuqiu stopped talking and didn't know how to comfort, but he was still embarrassed to speak to comfort.

And I, let alone zhidào should say some shime.

It turned out that guog had too many surprises as I wished.

Read The Duke's Passion