MTL - Problematic Sister Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1237 】 Uncle, brother-in-law

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The atmosphere of this meal is not good. network

Zheng Yuqiu is beautiful, fashionable and sexy, lively and extroverted, and said euphemistically, she feels like a well-groomed lady in social situations, but vulgarly speaking, to say that this girl is a lingering nightclub. I'm afraid there are few people who don't believe it, but the facts are far from her impression. This fox spirit reincarnation is only like a girl who eats at work in the workplace. In fact, the rules are even for wine. I ca n’t drink it, but it ’s often said that no wine can not be served, just because the wine can be a boost, it is a lubricant for emotional communication, there is no wine on the table, and there is no activist like Grandma Cheng or Tiger Sister who is so excited when you drink. Just think how boring this meal is. The expensive seafood stuffed into the mouth is tasteless like chewing wax. It's better than Chu Yuan lazily making my egg fried rice taste delicious.

Sister Zheng ’s family has no topic. I ca n’t find the topic, buddy. It ’s not easy for the family to sit and eat together. There is only business to talk about. Isn't the relationship getting more and more alienated? Talking about private matters? Looking at Mrs. Duanmu's eyes, I wished I could start my head and ask me the truth about Zheng Yuqiu's "adultery". How dare I run into the muzzle? If Miss Zheng had no ghost in her heart, she would be so bluffing now, would she be so quiet now? Bacheng was sad and frustrated at seeing Mrs. Duanmu, and began to regret that she had fooled her too much.

When eating is just eating and dropping chopsticks with your hands, it ’s too ugly. Although I can feel some subtle and benign changes in the relationship of the Zheng family, I hope this change will be more significant, but unfortunately Let me think of a better way, and everyone will be full.

One of Zheng Yuqiu's shoes broke his heel and walked deep and shallow, which was very strenuous, because she wore a long dress similar to an evening dress, there was no way to carry it, it was easy to walk away, and the princess hugged. Honestly, I do n’t mind She's not so thick-skinned, so either go barefoot and walk on her own, or you need to help and walk slowly—

I was carrying Zheng Yuqiu in front of the elevator, and when I was about to enter the elevator, the phone rang, so I naturally pushed Zheng Yuqiu to Mrs. Duanmu and laughed: "I answered the phone, the signal in the elevator is not good, you go down first."

Duanmu Liushui probably understood my intentions, and said, "I have to go to the bathroom first, mom, wait for me downstairs."

Mrs. Duanmu nodded again and again, but Zheng Yuqiu suspected that the timing of my phone ring was too coincidental, as if she had intentionally made her alone with Mrs. Duanmu, and asked, "Who's calling?"

I simply showed her in the future, "Wu Lefeng ..."

The sisters of the Zheng family were all embarrassed. Mrs. Duanmu smiled and appreciated, but was more grateful. Zheng Yuqiu gave me a glance and said nothing.

I did think hard about how to make Zheng Yuqiu's relationship with Madam Duanmu closer, and the gap was smaller, but Wu Lefeng called at this time, but it was not my intention. Before I heard that Zhang Mingjie went to Macau, I secretly texted Wu Lefeng, asking him to call back in time, and he asked for something. I didn't expect him to see the text message and call me back so soon.

The thing I asked for was very simple-just asked Wu Lefeng's marketing department to Feng Chang to show his position. I couldn't see Zhang Mingjie, and spoke for the contract.

As for the others, I did not elaborate, and Wu Lefeng did not ask. The tacit understanding and trust of each other is like old friends who have known for many years.

Seeing that I hung up the phone, Master Duanmu who didn't even go to the bathroom said, "Isn't my mother saying she'll help you bring Zhang Mingjie back?"

I put away my cell phone and said, "If tension is so easy to believe in a person, he's not tension."

Master Duanmu satirically said, "You know more about tension than my mother?"

"It has nothing to do with how much I know about him," I said. "I just try to estimate my opponents with optimism, no matter who they are."

"Fuck--" Duanmu Liushui snorted, and then asked again: "If the surname Zhang is not my mother, and you want to run away, you let Wu Lefeng not see Zhang Mingjie's face, so there is no use for endorsements. Isn't he? Still running? "

"No," I said, "I asked Wu Lefeng to make a statement. I didn't show it to Zhang Mingjie, but I told everyone that Zhang Mingjie was a problem. If he ran again, he would not only abstain from crime, but also Carrying the guilty of losing Wu Lefeng's endorsement contract, and tension still did not dissuade or unable to dissuade Zhang Mingjie from running after Wu Lefeng's statement. It is impossible to completely get rid of the responsibility, and then I will say that I will hold him a 7% stake unless he really gives me Otherwise, as long as I do n’t admit it, anyone will feel that he is making excuses, frame me, to cleanse himself, and justify his son, so it ’s worth the loss ... you do n’t think I ’m a little person who opens his mouth Is it too trivial to ask him for a seven percent stake? "

Duanmu Liushui took another "fuck" and asked: "But you just told Wu Lefeng that you can't see Zhang Mingjie to avoid talking. If Zhang Mingjie met Wu Lefeng, did he get the contract and run away?"

"He didn't dare," I laughed. "If you change, you don't dare-if you are Zhang Mingjie, Wu Lefeng said that he can't see you without talking about the contract. You still don't understand that he knows you have a problem, it's me and him. Collude and seduce you to hook? Under this premise, as long as you show up, can you believe that you have not been watched? Do you dare to run? Attempting to run, not only adds one degree of sin, but also exposes your lack of sincerity, in vain Give me a reason to slaughter more, you are stupid to be Zhang Mingjie? Because he is not stupid, can I play him like this. "

Duanmu Liushui frowned for a few seconds, and opened his mouth three words of "fuck", "Fuck, fuck, fuck-Chu Nan, do you dare to be more insidious? Malegobi, I want to work with people like you, Calculating each other, I would rather be a nerdy nerd for a lifetime, lest he be sold back to you and his mother to help you count the money. "

"You are right, I dare not, because the benefits and risks are relative. Win, everyone wins, but lose, but not everyone can lose. Do you think I am willing to fight with the surname Zhang? I ca n’t hide too late, just because I want to hide and I ca n’t hide, he and his mother are doing everything they can to make the best interests for themselves, ”I said in a tone, and laughed again:“ Finally, Master Duanmu, you also I'm humble, and I want to sell you, but also have the ability to do it? You can be a pig and eat a tiger. You are better than me. "

"You're welcome," Duanmu Liushui snorted coldly, "I'm better than you at pigs, even if I eat a tiger, I'm willing to be confused for life, because there are two things I am not at all confused, first, I'm not a pig Second, I ca n’t eat a tiger as a pig. "

Duanmu Liushui's words resonate with me quite a bit, and I have always been so positioned to me-living a sloppy life, not because I am really confused, but because I really understand.

After entering the elevator, I said to Master Duanmu, "Should I say thank you?"

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for hitting me as soon as I meet."

Duanmu Liushui's instinct took a step back and warned, "Why? You won't suffer, right?"

I waved my hand: "You don't need to be nervous. You can take a loss or take advantage. I can tell clearly."

Master Duanmu loosened his tight shoulders and said, "You are not stupid."

"So you really did it with me on purpose?"

Duanmu flowing coldly: "If I want to pit you, I don't need to do anything with you, just hook up with you and call him brother and brother, Zheng Yuqiu turned and left, do you believe it?"

I smiled bitterly: "Faith."

Duanmu Liushui cursed: "I **** regret it now. If I knew that your seven percent stake was not for Murphy ..."

Buddy is embarrassed, guilty, and dares not to look at Master Duanmu, and shifts the topic: "You come up with me, is it for Miss Zheng to stand on your opposite side?"

Duanmu Liushui was undecided, "I know Zheng Yuqiu better than you."

I nodded in agreement because I didn't know Zheng Yuqiu at all, "Thank you, but you are acting with me, but you are not acting with her, right?"

"How?" Duanmu Liushui sneered: "Want to take her lead as her man, didn't you? Chu Nan, don't blame me for not reminding you. Last time in the Fengchang meeting room, I deliberately wanted to be ashamed before I gave you The opportunity hurts me, and I have no reason to let you. "

The stinginess of the words is lack of confidence-I'm not afraid of me, so there is no need to remind me, right?

"I have no reason to do anything with you today. After all, you helped me. I want to emphasize two things," I said. "First, I'm not Zheng Yuqiu's man, we are both innocent ... "

Duanmu Liushui just breathed a sigh of relief, and heard Yan Yan's eyes widened again, "Are you not her man, or are you not a man at all? No matter you haven't been to her, her **** are in your pockets, you two will not May be innocent! "

The innocence is also my innocence with Xiao Yaojing, but I have no need and cannot explain this to Duanmu Liushui and continue: "Second ... although I am not her man, but I am her friend, no matter if she is right Yes, she's a girl. I hope you can tolerate her and don't use violence against her in the future. Besides, she's still your elder, isn't she? "

Duanmu Liushui dismissed: "If you are not her man, you are not qualified to point at my family's affairs."

I smiled a little, and asked very seriously: "Would you like me to be your uncle or your brother-in-law? Or maybe one or three to be your uncle, two or four to be your brother-in-law, and Sunday to be your uncle Be your brother-in-law again? "

Guiqiu to share

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