MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v6 Chapter 76 Yunxiao Tianhe!

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, the fastest update to protect our patriarch!

The world of martial arts.

Above the heavens.

A small boundary ferry boat is quietly shuttling through the void sea at the edge of the world.

Inside the ferry, the immortal Emperor Dixiu, with white beard and hair, was standing by the porthole of the main control room, looking out at the void through the transparent reinforced glass on the porthole.

From this perspective, the Shenwu world not far away is like a floating island suspended in the vast void sea, huge, majestic, and incomparably spectacular.

The thick wind and clouds are like a layer of tulle covering the world of Shenwu, shining brightly under the reflection of the scorching sun. It makes the entire Shenwu world looming, but it cannot be seen clearly, full of mysterious and mysterious beauty.

Looking at our hometown from this angle, no matter how many times we look at it, we still feel so beautiful. Dixiu whispered.

Before he set foot on the thirteenth step, he could rely on his strength to pass through the wind layer, the cloud layer, and the sky layer, and come to the Nine Heavens for a stroll.

This is the so-called Lingxu Taxu, and it is also the origin of the word Lingxu in the realm of Human Race Lingxu Realm.

However, Lingxu Realm's ability is limited to this.

Flying higher, you will leave the cradle of the world and face the threat of the endless void sea. Only those who are strong in the real fairyland can step into the magnificent void sea with physical strength alone, and survive in this environment.

Of course, it's just about survival.

If you want to travel comfortably in the sea of ​​void, you must use means of transportation such as boundary ferry boats.

However, such a small crossing boat can only wander in the void sea close to the world of Shenwu, and it is still very dangerous to go deeper.

Bang! Bang!

While Dixiu was muttering with emotion, the small ferry under his feet suddenly shook violently, like a flat boat in the sea hit by a storm, rolling up and down.

The sound of Didi's alarm instantly resounded through the entire boundary ferry boat.

The staff in the main control room immediately became busy. The protective formations, balance formations, and gravity formations were opened one after another. The emergency spiritual energy pool was quickly activated, and even part of the spiritual energy supply in the ferry was temporarily reduced. , in order to maintain the operation of the defensive formation.

The urgent report of the staff kept ringing.

Dixiu also hastily deployed his energy, and cooperated with the defensive formation to protect the small ferry boat, trying to control and balance it.

On the other hand, Wang Baosheng, who was beside him, still had a calm expression on his face, calmly issued a series of instructions, and ordered the staff in the main control room to carry out a series of emergency operations in an orderly manner.

This is just a small void sea storm, and it's just the aftermath passing by.

Regardless of whether it was in the previous life or in this life, he has long been used to such scenes, and naturally he will not panic, not to mention that he is not able to help with his current strength, which is only in the purple mansion, so it is better to trust the staff on the ferry.

After half an hour, everything calmed down.

Only then did Dixiu remove the scattered energy, and the defensive formations on the surface of the ferry that consumed a lot of energy were also shut down one by one. The facilities in the ferry gradually recovered their energy supply, and everything gradually returned to its original calm.

However, even though the staff and Dixiu responded in a timely manner, there were still many damages on the surface of the small ferry.

Obviously, even if it is just a small aftermath of a small void sea storm, it is still a challenge for this small and small boundary ferry.

After going back, I'm afraid it will take some careful restoration and maintenance before it can be restored to its original appearance.

Of course, this small void sea storm also swept through the Shenwu world, but the huge Shenwu world has a multi-layer Tiangang force field shield. A void sea storm of this level can't make any waves at all.

Senior Dixiu, let's search for another month, if there is no result, we have to return first. Wang Baosheng glanced at the energy reserves, skillfully activated the self-check system of the boat, and checked the talisman control device in the boat. Our energy reserves are limited, and there are too many dangers in the void sea.

After a long time, once the energy reserve is exhausted, the physical defense of the boundary crossing boat alone will definitely not be able to withstand the void sea storm.

There are many dangers in the void sea, and the void storm is just one of them. Those who live and migrate like passing by are even growing happily in Wang's family now.

Emperor Dixiu's expectation for him is to hope that he can surpass the thirteenth rank in the future, preferably the fifteenth rank!

As a result, massive resources are indispensable.

Immortal Emperor Dixiu wanted to earn more contribution while he was still earning Wang's contribution value, so as to accumulate more foundation for Wang Baoxiu, but he couldn't help tossing.

While talking.

A band of energy light suddenly appeared obliquely in front of the porthole.

The attention of Dixiu and Wang Baosheng was immediately attracted.

It was an energy light belt with a hazy five-color halo all over the body.

It traverses the sea of ​​void in a meandering manner, from one end of the field of vision to the other end. It is like a magnificent Milky Way, where it does not know where it comes from, and where it ends. The vast energy turbulence rushes and surges in it, like a torrential river, flowing continuously, extremely magnificent, and extremely mysterious.

Under the collision of energy, rays of light continuously burst out. From a distance, it looks like splashing waves. When illuminated by the scattered rays of light in the void, it emits a hazy five-color halo, adding a bit of dream and confusion.

Shocked by the magnificence of this scene, Dixiu froze for a moment, and suddenly realized: This refers to the energy tidal flat formed by the slowing down of the Tianhe River in the legend.

The spiritual void in front of them appeared due to the influence of the energy field of the Shenwu world.

The Yunxiao Tianhe passes near the Shenwu World. Due to the influence of the energy field of the Shenwu World, the Tianhe widens and the energy flow rate slows down. The void dust, void garbage, energy substances, etc. contained in the Tianhe gradually settle here. Over time, The shape of the Tianhe also changed, an arc-shaped Gulf Stream appeared, and then gradually formed a tidal flat where energy and matter gathered, that is, it was swimming in the Tianhe in the sky.

Under the action of the surging energy turbulence in the Milky Way, Yuehui Palace is like a fish going down the river. Apart from the need to control the direction, it hardly needs any power, and the speed of travel is so fast that it flies.

At this moment, it has not been long before starting from the world of Shenwu, but the distance between Yuehui Palace and the world of Shenwu is already very far away.

This [Yuehui Palace] is the residence of the Immortal Emperor Hanyue.

It was the palace that stopped near Shenwu Tianxu before.

Compared with the two giant flying palaces left over from the era of great refuge, that is, Asgard and Immortal Court, it is an order of magnitude smaller in volume and size, but it is better in dexterity and faster.

Back then, the Tan family was the number one supporter of the Holy Emperor. When the Holy Emperor had just risen, he followed the Holy Emperor to dig various relics and made a fortune. The appearance of the instrument. And this Yuehui Palace was also captured by the ancestors of the Tan clan together with the Holy Emperor from a relic called [Sun Moon God Sect Immortal Market] in the sea of ​​void.

It is also for this reason that the Tan clan was deposed by the Holy Emperor.

Choose to become the executor of the seed saving plan.

Later, in the era of great refuge, the ancestors of the Tan family took on the important mission of protecting the bloodline foundation of the Shenwu human race. During the tens of thousands of years of refuge in the void sea, even if they found some ruins, they did not dare to explore deeply, for fear of giving them Humans bring disaster.

Even later, when the Hanyue Immortal Dynasty was established and human civilization re-emerged, the ancestors of the Tan clan did not dare to re-explore those ruins, because the Shenwu Human Race at that time was too weak to afford to lose any real fairyland powerhouse.

But now the landscape has changed.

There are more and more powerhouses at the real fairyland level in the Shenwu world, and someone can take over the burden of revitalizing Shenwu. Mu Yunxian Huangtan Tiange feels that whether she personally falls or not has nothing to do with the operation of the Shenwu world. Therefore, she decided to Lead the crowd out to explore the footsteps of our ancestors.

Although this move requires risk, once it is successful, it can increase the background of the Tan family and the Shenwu Human Race.

Compared with the small cross-border boats, Yuehui Palace, as a private palace, is much stronger in terms of the strength of the manufacturing materials and the level of defense. Even in the turbulent Tianhe, it is like a fish in water, without any burden at all. .

From the railing of Yuehui Palace, one can see the magnificence of the Tianhe River.

From a distance from the outside world, the Yunxiao Tianhe looks like an incomparably beautiful light belt, but only when you are in it can you know the size of the Tianhe. With the huge Yuehui Palace in it, it can only be regarded as a small fish in the big river.

Herland. On the edge of the palace, Immortal Emperor Mu Yun, who was dressed in a heroic battle robe, was lazily leaning on the railing, looking at the radiant Tianhe around him with blurred eyes. Do you know why I chose you to accompany me out?

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When she came out, she brought a lot of people, many of them were the heroes of the Yan family.

The second princess [Princess Helan] of the Hanyue Dynasty was also recruited by Immortal Emperor Mu Yun, and she is accompanying her at this moment.

Princess Helan has a standard oval face, white teeth and bright eyes, and a gentle and demure temperament. Even though she was wearing a goose-yellow outfit and a suit of armor in order to cope with the battle that might come at any time, she looked full of aura, but she still exuded an inexplicable gentleness.

Gentle, but not weak, that's her.

She doesn't seem to be well-known, she is not as well-known as Princess Suiyun, nor is she as self-contained as the fourth princess of Chuannan, which makes people talk about it.

But all along, she has been sitting in the Immortal No. 2 base that borders the Bone Saw Demon God's territory, and she has been conscientious. She has cooperated tacitly with the commander-in-chief of the Immortal No. 2 base. She has never made a mistake, and her temper is very stable.

old ancestors. Hearing the words of Immortal Emperor Mu Yun, Princess Helan smiled gently and spoke in a very respectful tone. As a princess of Xianchao, I should dedicate everything to Xianchao, and I am also willing to talk with my ancestors.

You are sweet. Immortal Emperor Mu Yun laughed. In fact, the four princesses of your generation are not bad. If there is a chance to make you all become immortals, it will naturally be the greatest blessing for my family. Now Suiyun already has the Immortal Scripture, and you have also reached the late stage of the Divine Ability Realm.

I brought you here just to make two-handed preparations. If I unfortunately fall away, you will take on the responsibility of inheriting the Hanyue Xianjing and inherit the mantle of the emperor.

Old Ancestor!! Princess Helan's heart skipped a beat when she heard the words, her face changed instantly, it's impossible! You are a powerful existence in the mid-stage of True Wonderland, how could you fall!?!

In the vast sea of ​​void, there are countless dangers. Immortal Emperor Mu Yun waved his hand to signal her to calm down. She looked indifferent about life and death. What I came out to pursue is the holy way, so how could it be smooth sailing? Just in case, it is necessary to keep a hand. Do you know where our Shenwu world is located in the sea of ​​void?

Hearing this, Princess Helan's face gradually calmed down, and she shook her head honestly: Helan doesn't know, and asked her ancestors for advice.

The southeast side of the Realm of Destruction. Immortal Emperor Mu Yun looked at the turbulent and turbulent energy halo around him, his eyes seemed to have penetrated the Milky Way, and arrived at an unknown place. Following this Yunxiao Tianhe, within ten years, we will be able to reach the shattered near the domain.

Princess Helan looked puzzled, as if she had heard something strange, wasn't the Domain of Destruction

Did you pass through the [Void Tunnel] on the side of Asgard? I heard it is still next to the Sanctuary.

Hehe, do you know how big the Realm of Destruction is? Immortal Emperor Mu Yun poked her on the forehead, with a teasing smile on her face. The direction of the void tunnel should be the other end of the Realm of Destruction-Northwest side. But our Shenwu world is actually located on the edge of the southeast side of the Realm of Destruction, separated by almost the entire Realm of Destruction.

According to the records of our ancestors of the Tan clan, His Majesty the Holy Emperor led us to explore the Realm of Destruction, and solved a small part of the secrets in a small part of the Realm of Destruction. When the Xianmeng and the Jingu clan fought, they secretly built a large void tunnel, leading directly to our world of martial arts.

At that time, our Shenwu World was originally under the jurisdiction of the Xianmeng, but it was taken down by the Jingu Clan later, but in fact it already belonged to the rear of the Jingu Clan.

It was through this large void tunnel that the high-level officials of the Immortal League attacked the rear of the Jingu Clan, which turned the balance of the war around.

Princess Helan suddenly realized: So that's the case, I said that we also have a realm of destruction here. So, does Patriarch Shouzhe know this information?

Er, of course I know. Immortal Emperor Mu Yun was a little embarrassed. When I first discovered the Great Void Tunnel, I talked about it with Shou Zhe. This is not our Yan family's secret, the Xianzun lineage also has records. Everyone cooperates sincerely, how can such information be hidden?

When Princess Helan saw her expression, she knew it was tricky, so she couldn't help but smirked and changed the subject, pointing to the Yuehui Palace not far away and shouting in surprise: "Old Ancestor, there is a fish in the Milky Way that is so long, it looks like a dragon." ~~

Huh? It's Tianhe Silver Hairtail. Immortal Emperor Mu Yun glanced at it, and he was also interested. It is recorded in the letters left by our ancestors of the Tan family that this kind of Tianhe silver hairtail can grow to at least the eleventh stage. They live in the Milky Way almost all their lives, and they are delicious and nourishing. I heard that Shou Zhe likes to eat fish, so I caught him first and frozen~~~

After all, she scratched at nothing.

A giant energy hand broke through the air and grabbed the ninth-level Tianhe silver hairtail.

Even though the silver hairtail struggled desperately, it couldn't resist the grab of Immortal Emperor Mu Yun, and was captured alive in Yuehui Palace.

Hee hee, I'll help the ancestor deal with it, this is a good thing to nourish Patriarch Shou Zhe in the future. Princess Helan smiled and stepped forward to help.


Immortal Emperor Mu Yun felt a slip of the tongue, and he blushed a little in front of the juniors.

On the side of Shenwu World, everyone is busy with their own goals. On the side of Sanctuary, Bai Yu Chaolu and his party finally arrived at the sphere of influence of the Taoist Palace of Absolute Beginning after a long journey.

This is a large floating island called [Xiantu Island].

As one of the portals of the Taoist Palace in the early days, there are many cities and facilities here. The area alone is larger than the entire Longzuo County, and even tens of millions of [mortals] live there. Of course, there are more so-called mortals in the Lingtai realm than in the Qi refining realm.

As soon as he got off the giant cargo cloud boat and entered the port, Bai Yu Chaolu and his party felt the lively atmosphere rushing towards them.

Newspapers, newspapers~~

Among the hustle and bustle of the crowd, young people in similar attire were walking back and forth on the way of escape, holding up newspapers and trying to sell newspapers.

The freshly released Taichu Monthly Report. Tianxuan Holy Island's 14th-level peak town island fairy beast [Nine Heavens Fairy Bird] failed to attack the holy bird for the third time, and ran away from home with a bad heart.

The youth competition in Lihuosheng Island ended, and Huoyun Xiaoxianzun won the crown again.

[Wanhua Holy Island] A senior brother confessed to a certain senior sister in [Star Falling Holy Island], but a certain senior sister expressed that she had a crush on her, which triggered a triangular contest. A senior brother has publicly stated that he will implement the three stalking tactics of not giving up, not giving up, and not shrinking back. Our newspaper will continue to follow up and report on it

Driven by the overwhelming yelling and the explosive content, even though the newspapers here are expensive, they still sell very well if you ask for one copy.

Even Princess Baiyu Chaolu bought a copy and read it with gusto


It turns out that there are so many interesting things in Taichu Dao Palace.

However, gossip can be read later, or to get down to business first.

By the way, she found a fairy in white clothes, greeted him politely, and asked about the location of Tianpeng Holy Island, expressing that she wanted to pay a visit to Yunpeng Saint.

Bai Yu Chaolu was also a little excited when he had the opportunity to hug the thigh of the Holy One~

However, just as she asked her question, a thunderbolt exploded in the sky.

Two figures tore through the space one after another and appeared in the sky.

These two figures, one male and one female, one in front of one and the other in the back, exude an incomparably terrifying power from their bodies. Between chasing and fleeing, the sky was full of wind and clouds, like a monstrous storm.

Yunpeng old thief! You have the guts to rely on Tianpeng to run away in an instant, and see if my aunt won't cut you into seventy-two pieces! The woman chasing behind was angry, as if she was very angry.

Jinyu's older sister. UU Reading Yunpeng Shengzun who was running away in front flickered and erratically, so fast that he could hardly see the figure clearly, all he could hear was his aggrieved cries, everyone knows about the mess between you and Yunhai , what does it have to do with me being reported?

When Bai Yu Chaolu saw this scene, her brows twitched, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in her heart.

no no no

Miss, who did you say you were looking for just now? Saint Yunpeng? Immortal Lord in white clothes fluttered at her strangely, and asked, what is your relationship with him? What do you want to do with him? Recently, Saint Yunpeng Zun has offended many people.

Bai Yu Chaolu's body trembled suddenly, and she hastily gritted her teeth and said: I am at odds with Yunpeng Shengzun, and I came this time to trouble him.

Immediately, she secretly praised her little cleverness.

When you go out, you have to follow the wind so that you can get everything in order.

But she just finished speaking.

A handsome young man holding a stack of newspapers appeared behind her.

Senior Brother Bai Tao, this winged girl troubled our master so angrily, could it be the blood of the master who has wandered outside? Tsk tsk, I can't tell, our master still has such a romantic past

Immortal Monarch Bai Yi's eyes lit up, and his face was full of admiration: Junior Brother Baoguang is really smart, and he can see something strange at a glance. The headlines for our next newspaper are here. Girl, what's your name? Is our unknown mistress also a Yiren race?

The two of you glanced at me and said a word, and they actually made up a story in an instant, and even had an idea where to get evidence.

Bai Yu Chaolu's eyes were filled with dizziness.

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Who, where am I? Why is the outside world so dangerous?

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