MTL - Protect Our Patriarch-v6 Chapter 77 open! senior officer training academy

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, the fastest update to protect our patriarch!

The two of you are the disciples of Yunpeng Shengzun? Baiyu Chaolu's expression is a little complicated.

Girl, don't be afraid. Wang Baoguang thought she was worried that she would be targeted, so he immediately patted his chest to reassure her, even if it is Master, we will not protect him for the sake of sales. If he feels sorry for you, public opinion will decide for you.

That's right. Senior Brother Bai Tao also added in a groaning voice, if you have any grievances, we can't be the masters, but the Taoist masters can still be the masters.

This Baiyu Chaolu showed an embarrassed but polite smile, in fact, Yunpeng Shengzun and I have never met

It was inevitable that Ye Chang had many dreams and caused other misunderstandings, so she quickly told about Lici's recommendation for her to work in the Wang family.

She really doesn't want to stay in this place anymore, she feels that there are pitfalls everywhere, as if if she is not careful, she will be ganged up as a public enemy.

It turned out that it was introduced by the ancestor of Lici, who came to work in our house

Wang Baoguang was immediately disappointed.

But in the blink of an eye, he seemed to think of something again, his eyes became excited again, and there was a strange light in his eyes looking at Bai Yu Chaolu: Did Li Ci mention to you about our ancestor and grandpa? kind fourth uncle

Is it Patriarch Shouzhe? Bai Yu asked with blinking green eyes.

That's right, that's right, you don't mind if I interview you, right? Wang Baoguang's eyes are shining, don't worry, the pace of this interview will be fast, and in return, I will reimburse you for the boat tickets to the Tianrui pilgrimage.

To be honest, Bai Yu Chaolu didn't want to be interviewed at all, but when she thought about the price of the boat ticket, she gritted her teeth and agreed.

After a few days.

Bai Yu Zhaolu finally boarded the cargo ship heading for Tianrui Shengchao.

Because of Wang Baoguang's operation and care, the cabin assigned to her was specially isolated, the area was quite large, and the interior decoration was also very high-end, which was much better than the cubicle when she came here. But even so, recalling Wang Baoguang's interview, she still shuddered.

That guy's interview was so tricky from various angles that it seemed to hollow out her heart. After a few words, it seemed to have figured out all her thoughts


That guy seems to be the younger sister of Lici's younger sister. Sister Lici is so simple and honest, so kind, so kind, why are the younger generations in her family so scary?

As Yunzhou left Hong Kong and slowly headed towards Tianrui, Baiyu Chaolu's heart gradually became entangled, full of hope, and feeling uneasy at the same time.

The Wang family introduced by Sister Li Ci is probably not a thief ship, right?

Fortunately, the journey is far away, and we have to sail for many years~

She has plenty of time to slowly worry.

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed.

Longchang calendar 3594, summer.

In the past ten years, the world of Shenwu has been developing steadily and rapidly without too many twists and turns.

The only major event is that the Shenwu Terran won a complete victory in the battle with Yincha and the other three demon gods. The three major demon gods were defeated and retreated all the way. In the end, they had no choice but to lead their remnants to seek refuge with the Nine Prison Demon Gods.

Faced with the refuge of the three major demon gods, the Nine Hell Demon God was naturally overjoyed.

While appeasing the three new demon gods, Yincha, Dragon Blood, and Mingsha, it launched a war mode to prevent the human race from expanding again.

And the Shenwu Human Race also accepted it as soon as it was good, and began to build a large number of military facilities such as defensive checkpoints on the border to prevent the Demon Race from counterattacking at any time, as if preparing to silently digest the large piece of land they got now.

When everyone thought that the Demon God of Nine Prisons would unite with the three major demon gods to launch an attack to regain the lost land of the demon race, the huge demon army under the command of the Demon God of Nine Prisons stood still, as if they were going to confront the human race until the end of time. .

Of course the Dragon Blood Demon God and the other three major demon gods quit, and rushed to the Nine Prison Demon God Temple together, questioning the decision of the Nine Prison Demon God to kill him.

The Demon God of Nine Prisons was not upset, but took the three major Demon Gods to the Void Sea outside the Demon Realm, invited them to visit the hyperspace signal tower, and the Demon God Black Feather reported the situation.

Your Majesty, colleagues. The Black Feather Demon God talked eloquently, with a proud expression on his face. Eight years ago, we had already repaired this hyperspace signal tower inherited from more than 100,000 years ago, and got in touch with our Demon Race Base Camp.

This connection has received great attention from the base camp of the Demon Race, and even layers of reports have alarmed Dawei to completely open up the space passages on both sides, so that our reinforcements can rush to arrive through the hyperspace corridor.

Now, we have obtained the blueprints for comprehensive repairs, related technologies, and the first batch of repair materials barely transmitted by the residual energy of the hyperspace corridor, and we have already started repairs.

The headquarters of the demons? The hyperspace corridor? The Demon Lord of Shura? The Great Commander of Destruction?

Demon God Yincha and Demon God Mingsha were terrified when they heard this, and felt their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, so cool.

Isn't this so special that we have just joined the enemy army, and our reinforcements are about to arrive?

Xia Yang's face at the dragon blood demon altar suddenly became serious, his heart was turbulent, and he couldn't help but sweat for the gods and warriors.

He never expected that he had just gotten into the Nine Hell Demon God Group as planned, and he would actually learn such amazing news.

No wonder, no wonder the Demon God of Nine Prisons didn't even think about getting revenge after suffering such a big loss, but instead willingly hibernated for so long, the feelings are waiting here~!

The Nine Prison Demon Gods didn't know what the Three Demon Gods were thinking, and only thought that they were overwhelmed by the huge good news.

It was in a good mood, laughed loudly and said: "So, you three, be safe and don't be impatient. It can be as short as decades or as long as a hundred years, and our reinforcements will arrive. At that time, what is the trouble of the mere human race? Destroying them is nothing more than a piece of cake. And the Great Commander of Destruction has already given us a guarantee that after the demon world and the world of martial arts are recovered, the right to rule will still belong to us.

Dragon's blood, evil spirits, ghosts, the dawn is approaching, the most important thing for us now is to save our vitality and welcome the arrival of reinforcements, why bother to fight the human race at this dawn?

As the Demon God of Nine Prisons continued to talk, Tan Xiayang finally recovered from the shock.

His Majesty Nine Prisons is wise. There was a smile on his ferocious dragon face, and he made a look of ecstasy and said, I didn't expect His Majesty Jiu Prison to do such a big thing in silence. This is really great! With the continuous support of the base camp , the human race is doomed this time.

When he said this, he had already made up his mind.

As soon as he left here, he immediately looked for an opportunity to inform Shou Zhe of this important news.

This Laoshizi hyperspace corridor is too much of a threat to the human race, so we must quickly find a way to blow this thing up!

Fortunately, when he took advantage of the advantage, he had already imposed various restrictions on the demon souls of Yinsha Demon God and Mingsha Demon God. Once they dared to rebel, they would be wiped out, and there was no need to worry about them rebelling again.

Otherwise, as soon as the news comes out, these two demon gods will definitely rebel immediately, and I will be in danger~

It's so risky~

Almost at the same time period.

In the void sea outside Shenwu World.

After ten years of exploration, Wang Baosheng and Di Xiu finally found the target of this trip—the Nine Heavens Meteor in a hidden space fold in the Void Sea.


The location is too hidden, completely stuck in the crevice of space folds, if it wasn't for Tixiu who explored a little deeper and searched a little more carefully when picking up trash, he would have almost missed it.

Moreover, probably due to the impact of the explosion power of the Chaos World Destroyer Orb, or because it has been tempered by energy storms in this sea of ​​void for hundreds of thousands of years, its appearance is much different than before, and its body shape is also different. It has shrunk so much that Wang Baosheng almost didn't recognize it.

Fortunately, after some identification and testing, Wang Baosheng finally confirmed that this is the host of the academy cave that he personally opened up in his previous life.

The Academy of Senior Generals is located in this cave.

In order to facilitate subsequent exploration, Dixiu directly unfolded the main body, coiled Jiuxiao Meteor with his extremely thick roots, and dragged it out of the folds of space little by little.

After finishing his work, he recovered his body and returned to the small ferry boat. He couldn't help but feel deeply moved: After ten years, we finally found the Jiuxiao Meteor, which is not easy.

Yes, it's not easy. Wang Baosheng was also full of gratification, and finally lived up to the great trust of his grandfather.

If it were Young Master An Ye, he would be able to find it in about a month, right? That's right, it took only three months to die, and Immortal Dixiu couldn't help complaining again.

The smile on Wang Baosheng's face stopped abruptly.

He couldn't help shouting in his heart: Senior Dixiu, can you stop mentioning my great-grandfather? Next page in the past ten years! Current Page 1/Total 3 Pages

, Wang Baosheng has heard from Dixiu no less than a hundred times that if Master Anye is around, searching for the Jiuxiao Meteor is not just a matter of luck, right?

Senior Dixiu, let's hurry up and notify the family~ Wang Baosheng changed the subject depressedly and helplessly, my grandpa and grandpa have been waiting for this book for a long time.

Infected by Wang Shouzhe and the many small manuscripts circulated since childhood, everyone in the Wang family is now used to calling various relics and caves dungeons, and the act of exploring relics is called copying.

Although Wang Baosheng did not have the habit of reading small manuscripts, he was also used to such sayings after being influenced by his ears and eyes.

After a while.

Wang's main residence.

In Shouzhe's courtyard.

The courtyard is full of flowers, the four seasons are like spring, and the rich aura flows in the air. From a distance, it is full of aura, just like a fairyland.

In the pavilion in the courtyard.

Wang Shouzhe was lying on the grand teacher's chair, basking in the sun, drinking fruit juice, and holding a palm-sized crystal screen, flipping through the recently transmitted information to learn about the latest developments in various fields.

And under the stone table in the gazebo at the side, Wang Zongzhu was buried in the bamboo shoots, writing homework with difficulty.

After so many years, Taiyi Golden Thunder Bamboo Wang Zongzhu has been catalyzed by Wang Shouzhe, and it is no longer the original small shoot, but has become a larger shoot. The original bamboo whip has grown a lot.

However, Wang Zongzhu would rather not grow up.

As Taiyi Gold Thunder Bamboo, the bamboo birth mode he started is too difficult.

The difficulty of ethnology is far more difficult than he imagined, especially after entering the elementary school recently, all kinds of knowledge points are bombarded.

He rolled up the pen with a bamboo whip, and rubbed it on the top of the bamboo shoots, but he still couldn't figure out the problem of itinerary. What A runs and B chases, B turns back and A chases, the bamboo shoots hurt, the bamboo shoots hurt.

I really want to summon a piece of Taiyi Jinlei and chop all these homework into ashes.

Compared with Wang Zongzhu's hard work, Wang Shouzhe on the side was quite happy.

The piece of information gathered in his hands is basically good news.

The first is the good news from Wang's Alchemy Director.

Thanks to the import of a large number of low-priced elixir and the continuous expansion of assembly line production, the production of Xiaopei Yuandan has reached a new peak! This year's output has exceeded 30 billion pieces, and the total annual output value has reached 15 to 16 cents The appearance of Lingshi.

Recalling that the children in the family had to be humble for a small Peiyuan pill

Today, the Wang family has really undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, even so, it is far from enough to satisfy the consumption of all Shenwu, let alone earning foreign exchange through export.

In the next few years, Wang's Alchemy Directorate will continue to expand production!

Wang Shouzhe casually picked up the stylus on the side, and wrote his own reply on the back: continue to expand production.

In addition, the seventh brother Wang Shouye had another breakthrough in alchemy technology.

Now, when he refines the Ninth Grade Infinite Pill, he can reach the level of five pills in one furnace without losing money. In terms of the refining level of Wuliang Dan, Wang Shouye is already the well-deserved number one in martial arts.

Ma'am, Lao Qi's alchemy talent is pretty good. Wang Shouzhe held the spirit melon that Liu Ruolan had washed and brought in his hand, and couldn't help praising it while chewing on it. As he got older, he became more calm and diligent.

If Shouye heard these words, he would probably vomit old blood.

Fourth brother, am I talented? I was forced! Have you ever tasted the feeling of losing money every time you refine a furnace?

This is not burning pills, but heartburning!

I've heard from my younger siblings that Uncle Qi is desperately studying the Ninth Rank Wuliang Pill. Liu Ruolan said, he has no other request, he just wants to earn back the money lost in alchemy before you ask him to refine the tenth grade alchemy.

Before he reached the Lingxu Realm, it was too difficult to refine the tenth grade pill. Wang Shouzhe pondered for a while and said, since he wants to make money, he should continue refining Jiupin Dan. This elixir is also very marketable in the sanctuary, so let the sanctuary development director buy medicinal materials to match his proficiency.

With that said, he put down the spirit melon, and made a quick reply.

After finishing writing, Wang Shouzhe read the next article.

Well, this is good news for the research institute.

The first small Void Sea laboratory has been built and is ready to be sent to the Nether Sea's Lingxu to study those Lingxu garbage dumps and try to build a smelting factory in the Void Sea.

This is good news~ It represents another small step forward for the civilization of the Shenwu Terran.

Huh? Hyperspace signal tower? The base camp of the demons, the commander of destruction, the Lord of Shura

Suddenly, Wang Shouzhe read the urgent information from Tan Xiayang, and his originally relaxed expression suddenly became serious.

After reading the information for a while, his expression became relaxed again, and he said with a smile: I already guessed that the Nine Hell Demon God is standing still and just confronting our human army. He must be holding back some kind of big move. . Fortunately, the reinforcements will not arrive immediately, we still have time to prepare.

Wang Shouzhe picked up the stylus, thought for a moment, and finally made a reply.

This time, he scribbled and wrote a lot.

Obviously, this matter is much more complicated than the previous news.

However, even so, after he finished chewing a mouthful of spirit melon, he was almost done writing.

After this one was approved, two pieces of news came from Tianrui Sacred Dynasty, which were sent by Jiang Muxian and Wang Youping respectively.

The two pieces of information are all about the same thing - one named Wang Shouzhe is still looking forward to it.

This should also be the last legacy left by the Holy Emperor to the descendants of the race.

Seriously speaking, the reason why the Wang family has come to this point is inseparable from the legacy of Shenwu. However, winning the Divine Martial Legacy also means that the Wang family has taken on the unfinished business of the Divine Martial Emperor.

This is not only an honor and benefit, but also a heavy responsibility.

However, no one in the Wang family will shirk this heavy responsibility. After all, even the Holy Emperor has been reincarnated into the Wang family now.


Wang Shouzhe then issued a patriarchal decree, which opened up the one with the highest IQ and the calmest temper among the Wang family immortals who had been preparing for many years. Although he was born late, his studies progressed very fast, and he has now joined the research institute.

His performance often makes Wang Shouzhe feel that this is not a world tree, but a tree of wisdom!

Zong Shi is back?

Wang Shouzhe was busy replying just now, so he didn't notice when he came.

He looked at Wang Zongzhu, then at Wang Zongshi, and smiled kindly: Are you helping your brother with his homework?

There is nothing to do in the institute today, so I came to visit my parents. Wang Zongshi said that after reading his brother's homework, he helped him sort out the knowledge system. To be honest, Zhu'er's knowledge is a bit scattered, and he has only a half-knowledge of many knowledge points. How about this, during this period of time, I will come back every day to make up lessons for him. Then print some more test papers for him.

I thank you~

Wang Zongzhu's face collapsed.

Among the brothers and sisters, Wang Zongshi is the one who bothers him the most. Every time he sees him, he is full of homework, knowledge, and practice papers.

It's not like Sister Lilong, Sister Lixian, Sister Lixuan, they always bring him all kinds of delicious and fun food, and even take him to see the big photo secretly, woo~ the big photo is so good~~

Okay, then Zhu'er will be handed over to Zong Shi for tutoring. Wang Shouzhe is very pleased with the unity between their brothers and sisters.

After that, it was Wang Zongzhu's miserable life.

In a peaceful and tense life,

Another whole year has passed.

This entire year, the most important thing for the Wang family is to prepare for the upcoming Senior General Officer Academy.

For this dungeon, Mrs. Wang has been preparing for it many years ago, and everything that should be prepared has already been prepared, so the preparations are naturally very fast now.

A year later, the preparatory work was finally completed, and the next step was to officially open the dungeon.

Two medium-sized boundary ferry boats were dispatched, picked up people, broke through the sea of ​​clouds and sky in the world of Shenwu, entered the sea of ​​void, and rushed towards the coordinate point.

In less than half a month, they successfully joined Wang Baosheng and Di Xiu in the sea of ​​void.

With Dixiu's efforts, the Jiuxiao Meteor has been dragged into the energy field of Shenwu World again. Under the restraint of the energy field, it will not drift at will, but will continue to circle the world in circles.

And this is its original position.

Grandfather and grandfather. Wang Baosheng boarded the medium-sized boundary boat and reported the situation to Wang Shouzhe, the leader of the team. The Senior General Officer Academy has been launched. Students who have a recommendation letter from the General Officer Academy can register at any time. After passing the test, they can become general officers. Academy students.

While reporting, an old man with a white beard also came forward: Baosheng, I haven't seen you for a while, I miss you very much.

This old man is naturally the next page! Current Page 2/Total 3 Pages

The Tree of Reincarnation 【Wangchen Wheel】

At this time, his face was flushed, obviously he had cultivated well in the Wang family, and he had recovered a lot of vitality.

Ancestor Chen Lun. Wang Baosheng saluted helplessly.

The seniority of the family is as big as the sky. Even if it is his natal Shengzhi, it is also his ancestor.

And he felt that the ancestor Chen Lun didn't miss him at all, and he lived a very nourishing life with his grandfather these years, and he never came to visit him once.

Wang Shouzhe didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Baosheng to activate the academy's cave spirit.

On the Jiuxiao meteorite, an energy portal appeared out of thin air.

at the same time.

An ethereal and graceful female voice also sounded: "Welcome to the Shenwu Senior General Training Academy. Prospective students are requested to show their admission recommendation letters. Accompanying family members please make way first. You can wait for the prospective students to complete the admission procedures." Go through the formalities of accompanied reading.

Wang Zong'an, with a calm demeanor, stepped forward and gave instructions: "Listen, everyone. Enrollment is done according to seniority, from childhood to adulthood. Everyone must be orderly, and don't let the spirit of the academy look down on our Wang family."

Uh, seeing the crowds and bustle of the academy, Qi Ling couldn't help reminding you that there are too many family members accompanying you, and a student can only have one or two family members accompanying you.

Family members? Wang Zongan replied: Senior Qi Ling, we have no family members here~ are all prospective students.


The voice of the academy's spirit suddenly froze.

She was dazed for a long time, feeling that the situation in front of her was beyond her comprehension, as if her computer had crashed.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

cough cough!

Seeing this scene, Wang Chenlun, the tree of reincarnation, finally couldn't stand it anymore, coughed lightly, and said: Qi Ling Jiuxiao, do you still recognize this deity?

It turned out to be Lord Samsara. Qi Ling Jiuxiao came back to his senses all of a sudden, and his tone became warm and respectful all of a sudden, welcoming the Holy Venerable back home, please disperse the onlookers first, and let the Holy Venerable go home first.

Cough~ I'm not in a hurry. Wang Chenlun introduced that these were not onlookers, they were indeed prospective students.

All, all prospective students? Qi Ling Jiuxiao's voice was trembling.


Wang Chenlun nodded firmly, but there was a violent wave in his heart.

Back then, when he and the Holy Emperor opened up a cave and established the General Officer Academy, they were planning to implement elite education. At that time, according to their expectations, there were absolutely no more than five students enrolled in this academy at the same time!

After all, those who can come here to study are all the favorites of heaven, and the worst ones will be at the level of army commanders in the future. and

There is only the Nine Route Group Army in the Shen Dynasty, and there are only about a hundred army leaders, and they are all generals in service. How many young people need to come to the academy to study at the same time?

It is normal to have only one or two students in the first phase. If the number of students in the academy can reach five, it is already a sign of talent blowout and great luck.

But it never occurred to me that the Wang family would bring in two medium-sized ferry boats for prospective students all at once.

When Wang Chenlun saw this grand occasion for the first time, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Patriarch Shouzhe, are you planning to smack the Generals Academy all at once?

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