MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 142 Hello Director (16)

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Jiang Meiren committed suicide, and a small part is public opinion. Most of them are unable to go through this hurdle.

If a person faces the self, whether it is right or wrong, it is definitely the most difficult thing in the world. If it can be done, then even if it is not successful in school, successful in business, it will have achievements that others will never surpass.

Every kind of accidents are there every day, and you will still get the attention of netizens. If you don’t care about yourself, you will have a lot of thoughts.

The hospital was very embarrassed to hear about this news.

They whispered privately, and some said that they had died a hundred times. It was really easy, and some were surprised. They said that they usually couldn’t see the extreme character of Dr. Jiang. They might have something to say, and some felt that Dr. Jiang Too selfish, regardless of the elderly parents.

Although each of them is clear, no matter how they evaluate, the parties will not see it, but this does not affect their hot discussion on the matter.

The hospital is the place where the old and the sick are dead, they will be numb, and they will fall into the secular, and they will feel a little bit sigh.

It’s only a few days, when it’s not a week, these things happened. First, Dr. Jiang carried hiv, then the doctor and nurse outside the heart did the examination, then the doctor and the patient made trouble, and finally the death of Dr. Jiang, one Then one, the big guy is still immersed in the first thing without slowing down, and suddenly he is forced to accept the third thing.

Life is beautiful and cruel.

It gives you red roses and desserts like a gentle and considerate lover. It makes you laugh and laughs at you. It tells you that you are not old, you are not old, I don’t die, you may give you a big mouth when you are Dizzy you, draw your teeth, vomit blood, and fall to the ground.

Dr. Jiang’s parents came from the field and only caught up with the daughter’s body. The pictures of their crying were photographed and placed on the Internet. There was no cover at all, which attracted a lot of netizens’ arguments, sympathy, criticism, indifference. Or scorn.

The people who do this are for their own rice bowls, morally immoral, and can only stand by, you have to say that they are condemning them, and they may be able to excavate them seriously. They will find that there are one or two "old fathers seriously ill in bed, for medical expenses. Stories that work hard, "the family is in debt, and life is miserable."

Good and evil are sometimes opposites, and sometimes they are juxtaposed.

The body of Jiang Meiren||The body was cremated, and the ashes were buried in the **** cemetery. The day she was buried was the best weather since this winter. The sun was clear and there was no wind at all.

Chen and the book stand in the hospital, the two are also black, but very eye-catching, because they wear the same paragraph, scarves, coats and pants, shoes, including watches.

Others silently rolled their eyes, and they looked at them quickly, and the dog food was flying.

The doctors and nurses outside the heart looked at the whole nose and eyes, and ignored the exchanges of other departments.

Today is to come to the funeral, what are the hatreds and blame, have been thrown away and did not bring over, after all, people are alive, all kinds of things, this death, it will be gray.

Do you think, how do you care about a gray?

Is it necessary to sweep the ash, or to swear in the hand, it is no different from a neuropathy.

Jiang Jialai has very few relatives. The reason is very simple. It is also very straightforward. Jiang Meiren is because of AIDS suicide. Those relatives are afraid of getting dirty things, and they are also alienated from Jiang’s father. If they commit suicide for other reasons, they will come a lot.

Two relatives are appeasing Jiang's father, Jiang, and Chen has listened to him. It is probably that people can't resurrect, want to open, let the children walk with peace of mind.

Chen put his hand in the coat pocket, the index finger and the thumb pinch the door key. It is really uncomfortable for the white-haired person to send the black-haired person. If he can't get all the tasks back, Dad will experience the grief of Jiang's father Jiang.


When the script heard the young man sighing, he looked down and asked.

Chen grinned, and did not whisper with the script in this occasion, which was rendered with strong sadness, but only returned a "I'm fine" look.

It’s not that terrible to treat AIDS with the right attitude.

Jiang Meiren is a doctor. She knows more about AIDS than ordinary people. She also knows about the patients involved, knows the trend of the disease, and will not have panic depression in the end of the world.

Chen really thought that Jiang Meiren would slowly accept the reality and extend life to another place.

I know that I will commit suicide.

After a while, everyone sent it to the white ||Chrysanthemum, and greeted Jiang’s father Jiang, and the dean said a few more words, mainly to comfort the two old people, he also has children, how much can experience.

Chen and the book went out of the cemetery and found that the dean stood not far away, and was clearly waiting for them.

In a short time, Chen returned to the car first. He reached out to play with the bear pendant. His eyes went through the glass of the car to sweep the elders and the dean standing there. I don’t know what to talk about, see the expression of the dean. It seems complicated.

The car glass on the left was knocked, and Chen was shocked. He turned his head and saw a big fat face that was posted. It was Dr. Zhou.

Two people in one car, one outside the car, I saw you, you can't see me.

Until the car glass was knocked again, Chen decided that Dr. Zhou knew that he was in the car and that he was really looking for him instead of knocking on the glass to listen to the sound or to look in the mirror.

He opened the door. "Doctor Zhou, have you left yet?"

When Dr. Zhou spoke, his mouth was white. "I have to go. When I see you alone, I will come over and talk to you."

Chen got off the bus. "What do you want to say, Dr. Zhou?"

Dr. Zhou kicked the small stones at his feet and suddenly deepened. "I thought about it and decided not to go to work in the hospital next year. I went home and took my dad's company."

Chen and Yan, he does not know, Dr. Zhou is an invisible rich second generation?

It seems that Chen is thinking about what he is thinking. Dr. Zhou grabbed his head and said, "It is not a big company, it is a small company with dozens of people."

Chen does not think that a few people's studios can do big things, let alone dozens of people. He doesn't know what to say, and he doesn't know that Dr. Zhou suddenly made such a decision. Is it affected by Jiang Meiren's affairs? .

Working in a hospital, and death, sick | | poison are very close, in addition to doing a good job of defense, the rest is to watch.

Dr. Zhou Zhou wants to change a living method in the latter half of his life. In fact, he is also very good. His own life is responsible for himself. He is an outsider and it makes no sense to say more.

"Is it told the director?"

"Not yet." Dr. Zhou smiled. "You are the first to know."

"Dr. Chen, I think you are very powerful. When you first came there, I hated you very much. I saw you very dissatisfied. Later, I was able to go to work with you, eat, and have something to look for. Talking, chatting, waiting for me to decide to go, I found out that you have become the best friend I have ever worked in in the hospital for many years."

Chen is clear and clear, "Really? Well, you go back and change the number to me. You can find me if you have nothing to do."

“Can you?” Dr. Zhou just gleeed and said, “I am afraid that the director is jealous.”

Chen coughed, "No matter who he is."

Dr. Zhou lowered his voice. "I heard that there are several countries in foreign countries that allow same-sex to become legal couples. When are you going, let me say, I will send a big red envelope."

Chen added, "Let's talk about it."

Dr. Zhou looked at him like that, he was the head of the family. Everything was caught in the hands of the big things. It is hard to imagine that the director was accused of busy busy, washing the laundry, washing the dishes and washing the dishes.

It should not be possible.

“Is the director spleen angry?”

Chen Hehehe, "He dares."

Dr. Zhou’s Yu Guang’s face went to a place, and his face’s expression changed slightly. He still asked, “Dr. Chen, that’s why you are with the director, and he’s listening to you?”

"That must be." Chen made a cry from his nose. "If he doesn't obey, I will..."

There was a voice behind him. "How are you?"

Chen’s face was stiff and he quickly glanced at Dr. Zhou. You said, how can you be so kind? I am still in the ranks of good friends just now. We have to give up one minute and don’t want to talk to you.

He turned his head and smiled brighter than the flowers. "Have you talked to the dean?"

The script and the doctor nodded and asked the mentally retarded Chen. "If I don't obey, what would you do?"

Chen secretly squinted at him, Director Zhang, don't do this, let me have a face in front of my colleagues.

The book is pretending to be invisible. "Not here, what are you running?"

Chen Youzhen took his head. Like a naughty child who was reprimanded by the parents, he grinned and didn't say anything.

When Dr. Zhou saw the serious posture of the script, he hurriedly explained, "Hey, Director, don't blame Dr. Chen, he was supposed to stay in the car, I was looking for him."

If you don’t respond, the brow’s brow wrinkles and looks down on the young man under the eyes. “Why don’t you talk?”

Chen did not say goodily, "What do you want me to say, that is what Dr. Zhou said!"

Look at your embarrassed, 阎 摇 摇 摇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Chen is warmer and he **** his nose. "I know it is wrong."

The face of the script is from the cold winter to the warm spring. The lines on the face are soft, and the atmosphere of the whole body is mild. "It is not an example."

Chen is very embarrassed this time, "Hey."

On the side of the director, Zhou has turned over two big eyes, and you are really good at the director, and the surgery is very powerful. It is also a set of contacts with Dr. Chen.

He was stuffed with a large pocket of "Chen Yu brand" dog food, and he ate it.

He greeted Chen and He, and Dr. Zhou turned and left. He thought as he walked, and when he got home, he asked his parents to arrange a blind date and find a wife.

On the way back, the book opened the car to the nearby farmers market, and stopped the car around and let Chen go with him.

Chen is shrinking inside the leather chair. "What are you doing?"

The book untied the seat belt and said, "I want to eat dumplings tonight. Let's buy dumplings and meat."

Chen was languid. The place in the cemetery was heavy and he felt that his yang was sucked away a lot. "That would not be enough to go to the restaurant to save food."

"I don't like the dumplings outside." The book said, "I want to eat your bag."

Chen is still languid, "I don't want to pack."

The book said, "That counts."

I am most afraid that the whole world will suddenly be quiet. This is the case in the car.

The book is not angry, just a dumpling, but in Chen, there is a poor big bug, where there is a breath of unbearable love. "Oh, I am so unhappy, I want to eat dumplings, no one gives me." Bao, I am still alive, forget that I am not alive."

Chen squinted, "Get off the bus."

The script did not respond.

Chen looked at his stupid look and just wanted to laugh. "Isn't that about eating dumplings?"

The lips of the book were hooked and kissed him on his face. "Wife, you are so good."

Chen Youzhen, knowing that I am good, then it is not a bit of a profit, give up the value of the evil thoughts left in my heart, let me quickly finish the task to go to the next world?

Said to be with me, I see you are with me, and you are not moving in this world.

The farmer's market was so big that Chen went into the book with the script, and he was filled with mixed tastes, and it was a first impression.

This place should not be left for a long time. They reached an agreement in the shortest time and decided to split the two sides. One was responsible for buying dumplings and ginger, one was responsible for buying cabbage and mushrooms, and half an hour later at the first entrance.

Chen quickly got the first two things, and bought a pound of strawberries and a pound of cherries. He went to the entrance and saw no one.

At the other end, the script is not so smooth.

He bought cabbage and shiitake mushrooms. He stopped his footsteps before the meat stall. He remembered that although he didn't eat meat, Chen was very fond of eating. He cooked the vegetable dumplings. He should pack some leeks for Chen.

Avoiding an old man, the edict is confronted with a piece of pork arranged side by side. It is a bit tricky to buy food for the first time. It is not clear which piece of meat to buy.

Uncle sent one away, and sent one away. He put the money away, grabbed a piece of rag and rubbed the oil||||", greasy hands, couldn’t help but ask, "This gentleman, are you going to buy meat?"

To stand still, even if it is standing for a day, the uncle will not ask for something to ask, but people will stand in front of his booth, still so tall, blocking business.

The edict is dressed neatly, tall and tall, and looks handsome. It is incompatible with the background of the farmer's market. In this film, it caused a lot of sensation. The aunts and sisters were all stunned and fresh.

He screwed the eyebrows. "How is the meat sold?"

The uncle is so moved, it is an opening. "Which meat do you want? Pork belly, or lean meat?"

The book said, "The meat of the dumplings."

"Then the pork belly." Uncle picked up a piece. "Mr. Can you see this piece?"

The book lifted his eyes, he didn't understand, "Go."

The uncle is looking for a bag of meat, and he is enthusiastic. "Mr. is the first time to come back here? I want to say, this is the job of buying meat and buying vegetables. Our grandfathers are not so safe. You can let your wife come over."

The book said, "Come on, buy something else."

Uncle oh, he handed the meat over. "Do you want ribs? The platters here are fresh."

Look at the book, "Let's be a little."

The uncle copied the ribs and asked, "Three?"

The script says.

The uncle and the uncle began to squat, and the sorrow was very good. When he finished, he asked, "The pig liver is either blood? Your wife must eat this more, and it is good for the body."

The book is headed, "I want a little."

Uncle said, "How much? Ten dollars?"

The script says yes.

Uncle Ma Li cut the pig's liver and said it to the electronic. "I am sorry, I am cut, this is fifteen dollars, you see..."

The script does not talk nonsense with him. "That's it."

Uncle, this is to know that he has caught a fat sheep. He also put people on the trotters. "This is a beauty. Would you like to buy two of your daughter-in-law to go back to the stew?"

He raised his eyebrows, "That's two."

Uncle sent the **** of wealth to send people away, he grinned, oh, for decades, he did not meet such a good business person.

The opposite is the sale of tofu food, but also the uncle's set, "Mr., do tofu beans?"

So in the hands of the book, there are more than a dozen pieces of dried beans, two pieces of tofu, and a bag of beans.

Chen at the entrance saw a man across several food stalls and found that some young vegetable vendors stared at each other with a burning gaze. He said, you don't even have to stare at it. It is mine.

When he was close, Chen saw that the man had both hands full of bags. He looked at his eyes and went up. "Are you fooling people?"

There was a trace of unnaturalness on the face of the script, "No."

"I still don't admit it!" Chen picked up one of his bags. "What is this? I want you to buy cabbage and mushrooms. You, you bought so many pork ribs, tofu, and said that it was not fooled." ?"

The surrounding aunts were all sideways, and they pressed the detector like a detector. They immediately received a signal when they were busy.

The book whispered, "No noisy."

Chen closed his eyes and turned his head to the side. "I really want to be mad at you."

The face of the book is slightly pumped, and the kitten that is fried in front of the hair is smooth. "What kind of gas is good, the refrigerator in the house can be put down, and if you buy it, you will eat it slowly, and it will not be bad."

Chen also yelled at him. "You don't eat meat ribs. I can eat it alone. I can't eat it at the same time. I have to put it back and freeze it. Is it the same as fresh one?"

The book immediately shook his head. "No."

Chen added, "So you buy so much, is it not necessary?"

The script confessed to the fastest speed, "Yes."

Chen saw that he had a good attitude and he was not angry. "I told you, if you buy food later, you don't care, I will come. You are in the hospital. You come here, it is a big one. Fat sheep."

Shu, "..."

After returning, the two of them continued their division of labor. The script was responsible for cleaning all the ingredients needed and handing them over to Chen. The rest was all Chen.

In the evening, there was a hot, fragrant cabbage dumplings on the table, and a plate of vinegar was also made in the middle.

When Chen Gang just wants to eat, he puts down the chopsticks to turn over the wine cabinet of the book. He holds the bottle and can't see the vintage. It seems that the red wine is not cheap. He opened the pouring glass and took a sip of beauty. "I don't need to be on duty this year. ""

When he finished, he waited for the person on the side to respond. For example, that's good, where do we go to the hot springs, where to watch the sunrise and watch the sunset.

As a result, the other party did not put one.

Chen and the man licked a man with a dumpling, eating and eating, they knew to eat.

The book swallowed half of the dumplings in his mouth and licked his eyelids and said, "You don't eat dumplings, what do I do?"

Chen’s fart|The stock left the chair and stood up with his hands on the table. He leaned in front of the man and kissed his mouth. "Let's go on holiday in Chinese New Year."

The book put down the chopsticks and said, "Let's see it again."

Chen took the plate and ate it on the living room sofa. He also knew that the doctor's rest time was unstable. A surgical director like a scorpion book could easily break the rest day because of an operation.

However, knowing is one thing, adapting is another.

There was no bedtime activity after washing in the evening.

Chen did not sleep well. He woke up several times in the night. He was not awake by the urine, or his stomach was uncomfortable. He stood on the balcony and looked up at the night sky. Was the script already tired of my dish?

There is no warning at all.

Suddenly gorging, not touching, in the middle, what happened?

Chen turned and slammed into a meat wall. He ate his nose and screamed. "Why are you, standing behind me without a word."

The book is helpless, and the person touches his arms and does not answer. "You don't sleep, what do you do on the balcony?"

Chen is awkward.

He can say that it is because tonight, last night, the night before, is there no jealousy? Yes, I have done a lot of it, shy, this thing left home early, never come back.

The book looks at the youth through the thin moonlight, "Want?"

Chen confessed, "Think."

The book sighs.

Chen Zai, "..."

He grabbed the man's hand. "You tell me clearly, I said I want it, what do you mean by sighing? Do you feel embarrassed?"

The book is crying and laughing. "What messy things are in your little head?"

Chen Baibai gave him a look. "Isn't that what you are?"


The ear of the book is red, "Go to bed and wait for me."

Chen Youqi climbed into the bed and kicked off the slippers and asked, "Is it still lying down? I want to lie down and rub my knees."

The book is holding something in the drawer, "With you."

Chen is lying down, his belly is facing up, everything is ready, he only owes a big book, he waited, and the sound of turning things in his ear is still there. "What are you grinding?"

After a minute or two, the book took a thing and went to the bed. After Chen saw what it was, he squid a squid. "I don't want the stuff in your hand, I want you."

Seeing him so excited, the book said, "Health point."

Chen went to the remote control to turn on the light. After a bang, the bedroom glass was dark and brightened. He looked at the man and found that the little things in the other hand were not one, two.

Lying in the trough, using two at a time, it is still a fart, so boring.

Chen was quiet for a while and asked the man, "Do you have inflammation?"

The book said, "Yeah."

Chen’s eyes turned, “Is it? I look.”

The edict also did not stop, let him check, "There is nothing unusual outside, but it hurts a little."

Chen went over and looked at it from a professional point of view. He did not see anything unusual with the naked eye. "Don't get it, wait for you to get it again."

He is not a brain worm, knowing what is more important, will not let men sin at this time.

The book puts two t on the bedside table. "Don't you do it?"

Chen’s head was shaken into a rattle, and his hand hooked his neck. Hey, “Sleep!”

The book closed the light with one hand, let Chen rest his arm and kissed him on his forehead. "Good night, wife."

It was snowing on Laba.

There was a meeting in the book, and Chen ate a dandan in the big dining hall of the hospital. When he met Dr. Zhou in the middle, he went to the dormitory with him.

The dormitory is still the same, Dr. Zhou is going to go next year, so something is collected.

Chen ate the spring rolls that he bought from the cafeteria. His voice was blurred. "It’s so cold, people are frozen into dead dogs. Should they all die?"

Dr. Zhou said, "It is said that it is said that you will find a safe place to lay eggs before the winter comes. When the temperature rises, those eggs will give birth."

Chen suddenly felt that the horns of the dormitory had licking eggs, and the spring rolls in the mouth were not good.

Dr. Zhou took out a bag. "These are your information. I have sorted it for you. You see if there is any missing."

Chen turned over at random. "Nothing, it’s all there."

He left the dormitory with a bag, and he saw a figure under the tree opposite the old man. He didn't know what was going on. He only saw several times, and he could recognize it at such a distance.

Shan Liang wore a dark gray hooded down jacket, blue jeans, and white shoes. This dress made him look like a freshly graduated college student. It was even worse than the coffee shop. The whole face was transparent. The feeling of being eroded by death.

There was something in his hand that was covered with a piece of cloth and seemed to be very precious.

Chen went over there. "Looking for me?"

Shan Liang said that he pushed the things in his hand together with the cloth to Chen. "Doctor, this is for you."

Chen blinked his eyes and reached out to open the piece of cloth. He saw a castle, which was made of wood. "It’s so beautiful, is it your own?"

Shan Liang nodded, "Yeah."

Chen took the castle carefully and had light in his eyes. "I like it very much, thank you."

He was embarrassed to say, "You sent me such a precious thing, I invite you to eat?"

Shan Liang shook his head. "No, doctor, take care."

Chen looked at the young man's figure. He inexplicably screamed at the suicide of Jiang Meiren. The eyelids suddenly began to jump. "Single!"

The figure that walked did not stop.

Chen Youyue thinks that the more people feel infiltrated, the bad. This person is thinking about closing himself and not wanting to live. He said a lot of words to the other party in the coffee shop, and he could not match the stimulation of Jiang Meiren’s suicide. At this time, he couldn’t think of one thing, and quickly chased him up and pulled the person with his other hand. "You take a trip with me."

The single good image is like what is picked up, and it is swung away.

Unexpectedly, Chen was waved back a few steps, almost fell to the ground, he was not angry, just wondering why the other party would have such a big reaction.

Even if you have AIDS, it is okay to touch your hand. Hey, it may be discriminated against by others.

Shan Liang is stiff and stiff, and her breath is a bit confusing. The pale face is a bit red because of some emotion. "Doctor, sorry."

Chen took a breath and said nothing, in a very gentle tone, "You go to me, I have something to tell you."

Shan Liang hanged his eyes, said half a loud, and did not ask what it was, just followed.

When I arrived at the apartment, Chen asked Shan Liang to come in. When he opened the shoe cabinet and took the slippers, he said, "You sit casually, don't be nervous. I will go in and find something for you."

Standing at the door, Shan Liang was somewhat cramped. He had not been invited to other people's homes for a long time, and he did not know how to open his feet.

Chen turned his head again, good guy, the other party was still in place, the shoes stuck to the ground, "Come in."

Shan Liang looked at the people in the door.

Chen tried to let him relax. "The shoes are here, you put on..."

His voice was interrupted. "Is there a disposable shoe cover?"

When Chen did not say anything, he took the sleeves of Shan Liang and pulled them in. You can't do this with your buddy. Your mentality is very problematic. Hey, how do you get it?

The words can't be said to be heavy. He has already discovered that the mental aspect of this person is a bit wrong.

"There are fruits on the coffee table. If you want to eat, take it yourself, wait for me."

When Chen finished speaking, he ran into the study room. He told him a few days ago that Jiang Meiren had left a paper bag. He did not know what was inside. He only saw two words behind the paper bag, Shan Liang.

Just two words, gave Chen a lot of information, all the guesses in his mind were verified, everything became clear and clear, but unfortunately one party is dead, and the other is always at any time.

Shan Liang didn't move, didn't touch it, just stood still, and separated from the intimate apartment in front of an invisible world.

Two or three minutes later, Chen of the study found the paper bag he wanted from the filing cabinet and took it out and said, "This is what Dr. Jiang gave you."

Shan Liang's eyelids trembled, but did not reach out and asked, "Doctor, do you know?"

Chen sighed.

Shan Liang pulled a lip without blood. "Do you think I am mean?"

Chen added, "I don't think so."

The body of Shan Liang was shocked. He no longer said anything. He looked down at the paper bag and his eyes passed a cold.

Chen guessed that this person would throw the paper bag away after going out and advised him to say, "Don't you look at it?"

Shan Liang said, "It doesn't make sense."

Chen’s breathing was stagnant. “You don’t look at it, how do you know that it doesn’t make sense?”

He talked about one thing in his body. "One time I signed up for the singing contest. As a result, I caught a cold, and my throat was particularly painful. My parents thought that I was like that. I just don't go to participate. It doesn't make sense anyway."

Speaking of this, Chen’s mouth was bent and smug. “I went, and I won the third prize for a broken scorpion.”

"I want to tell you, no matter what, you have to do it first, then you know if there is any meaning."

Shan Liang licked his lips. "Doctor, do you like singing?"

"Well, I like it very much, I am happy to be happy," Chen said. "I like "Nuclear" the most, or will I sing a few words to you?"

Shan Liang’s eyes flashed, “Okay.”

Chen Qingqing clears the scorpion, and this sings. When he sings to the excitement, he will wave his arms and legs and do a few cool break dance moves.

The kind of sunlight and the simple spread from his eyebrows are very clean and warm.

Shan Liang looked at it and entered the god. He remembered that he couldn’t wait to paint the youth of youth. He remembered the playground of the school, the ringing of the class, the teacher’s jealousy, the joyful laughter of the classmates, and the inexhaustible Question.

The song stopped, and the good time of Shan Liang disappeared. He returned to the cold and stinky reality.

Chen went to drink saliva and came back. "Look."

Half-sounding, Shan Liang opened the paper bag, there was a card inside, and there was a letter. He took out the letter and his eyes swept down. After a few moments, he trembled fiercely.

Chen has been staring, seeing Shan Liang looking at the letter, suddenly shaking his shoulders and smiling, laughing at his hair, how, what happened, look at it, why are you laughing?

Shan Liang smiled for a long time, the eyes of the smile were red, wet, and the disease in the woman's body||toxic was not because of him, it was so funny...

Who is it bad?

Shan Liang squeezed the letter paper tightly and slowly loosened it. It didn't matter. He turned and leaned against Chen for the third time. This time he maintained the grateful position and stood for a few minutes. The body.

"Doctor, I am very lucky to meet you."

Chen was forced to attack, until the person left, he did not return to God, did not know what he did, how the other party treated him like a benefactor?

"The trough, not good, I forgot to say a word to the script!"

Chen quickly grabbed the phone and found that there was no power to shut down. His hand shook a bit and was about to find the charger. The sound of the door lock turned.

When the director opened the meeting, he did not see his wife. When he inquired, he hurried back and was afraid that his wife would be turned away.

After all, people are stupid, and that kind of thing is likely to happen.

Chen laughed and explained, and said the matter without any concealment. "It is like this. The paper bag was taken away by Shan Liang. He also saw the doctor's last words. It has nothing to do with you and me. ”

The script called him to wash his hands.

Chen did as he did, and asked in the sound of the water, "Would you like to run back, can the hospital be?"

The book said, "Of course not."

Chen Zai, "..."

The script pinches the bridge of the nose. "My wife is willful, what can I do?"

Pumping his mouth, Chen went to him and slammed his wet hand on his face. "Who is willful? He said, I can't find me obedient with a lantern."

The book shook his head. "You praise yourself, is that okay?"

Chen is very shameless. "I don't think it's okay."

The script puts people in their arms. "You can say that there is no problem, no problem. Wife, can you not sing and say no next time?"

Chen looked up from his arms. "Well, it won't be in the future."

The two of them hugged each other, kissed each other, touched it, why should they do it, good.

Chen thought that it was the last time he saw Shan Liang. He didn't expect to spend less than ten days. He saw each other again, under the apartment building.

The book stopped the car, and Chen went on with his eyes and went on himself.

Although Chen still did not remember the past, but the familiarity that comes out of the soul is more and more, full of life, the most important thing between them is trust and tacit understanding.

I don't know if it is the moonlight tonight, and the feeling of Shanliang to Chen is not as dark as before. There must be something that has changed quietly.

Shan Liang said, "Doctor, I bought the ticket for tomorrow, I have to go."

Chen’s eyes glanced, “Where are you going?”

Shan Liang’s voice is very light, but she does not see the desperation of the past, and puts in something else. “Go and see the world outside, the world you told me about.”

Chen is happy for this person in his heart. It is a new beginning to take this step. As long as you continue to move forward, it will be better and better in the future.

However, the world I am talking about is a slap in the world. It’s okay. If you go and see, you will definitely be attracted by many novel natural scenery and humanistic things.

"Really, well, if you are convenient, can you write postcards for me?"

Shan Liang looked deeply at the person in front of him. The other party made this request. He was worried that he would give up, would not think about it, and make a suicidal thing.

Chen touched his nose and felt that his mind was seen through. "Inconvenient and not..."

"Convenient, doctor, I will send you a postcard every time I go to a place." Shan Liang glanced at the direction of the car and said to the person in front of him, "Can I hold you?"

Chen said yes, he was hugged.

It was just a short hug, so short that he had no time to respond, and the other party let go of the hand, stepping back, and walking in the direction of the back.

Chen looked at the back of the young man and gave him the blessing that he did not say face to face. "Sole, I wish you health and happiness-"

The back of Shan Liang’s back, his lips moving, silently said thank you.

Chen went up the stairs and said to the edict from the back of the car door, "In order to reward you, you don't have to be careful, go back later, I will give you a good meal."

"Don't eat well, just mix it with onion and oil. I haven't eaten it for a week." The book was striding closer and walked side by side with Chen. "There is something to tell you in a few days."

The reason why he did not ask about Shan Liang was because he knew Chen’s kindness and never changed it.

Chen hooked his shoulders. "Hey, Director, what do you say, God is mysterious, it will take a few days, can't you say it now?"

The book said, "No."

"You go well."

"Well, I am born like this."

The script presses the temple, and the person is caught in his arms, and his arms are imprisoned. "Stand up, or I will kiss you here."

Chen Youzhen, "You pull down the director, you just talk, scare me."

It’s really lawless to see the people in my arms.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion