MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 143 Hello Director (17)

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The book said that there was something to tell Chen in a few days, and Chen asked every day, what is a special sentence? "A few days."

Many days have passed.

Chen grabbed the arm of the script, and his face was very unsightly. "I found out that you don't itch or catch it. There is no inflammation at all. You just don't want to fight with me." The gun is right?!"

The book was in the flower arrangement, and the scissors were in his hand. He was afraid of inadvertently hurting Chen. He sank the voice and the power of the body was also released. "You stand far and speak."

Chen grinned, very wronged. "You yell at me."

The book smacked him, and said fiercely, "Give me tears back, you don't let go, I don't just miss you, but you will hit you **** || Shares."

Sucking the nose, Chen screamed heavily, and without saying anything, Tara slipped his slippers and turned to the gate, ready to run away from home.

阎书揉揉眉心, "Bring your phone and wallet."

Chen’s footsteps, he’s right, he’s been away from home for the first time. He doesn’t know what it’s like. Anyway, he can’t treat himself badly, so he took a step back and two steps. The back of the hand reached over and grabbed the phone and wallet on the coffee table.

The book said behind Chen and said, "Don't eat KFC."

The answer to him is the slamming of the door.

The book shook his head and smashed the squid. He put the flower in the vase and threw the scissors to the balcony. After a while, the tall figure walked out of the corridor, and walked, wrapped in trousers. | Butt|| Still one is upside down.

"What are you running..."

The face of the book was gentle, and he muttered with a smile. "Who said that I don't want to play with you? | Cannon, you sleep like a pig at night, how do you know that I got up in the cold shower several times?"

He sighed, full of eyes, "stupid."

Chen under the floor suddenly looked back, the balcony on the 9th floor did not even have a personal bird, the illusion of hate.

The greening of the community is quite good, wooden bridges, pavilions, fountains, pools, and many well-known, unknown flowers and plants.

There was no one in the wooden bridge. Chen went over and stood on the bridge and looked down. There were a few big goldfish under the bridge. They were motionless and lying in the body.

"You said that I shouldn't leave home? This is what girls will do. I have a big man to do this, so I don't have a face."

Chen said that he had a big push for a few goldfish. "Before, he wants to play with me every day. I can't say that he can't live or die. He wants to play, and he still plays well. Time, I haven’t seen it recently. He likes to let me get dizzy and smashed. Now it’s just mouth-to-mouth. It’s really not my doubt.”

"Yes, listen to me, do you think he is not right? It is obvious."

A few goldfish are still.

Chen’s body leaned forward and squatted on the railing. He put his two arms down and swayed back and forth. “I certainly won’t doubt who he is with. Really, I still have this confidence. After all, my legs are so long. It’s so handsome, I just think that he has something to do with me.”

"Do you know that a beautiful woman under his hand committed suicide because of AIDS? I didn't see his inspection report. You said, can I not think about it?"

Chen made a cold war. "To tell the truth, I regretted running away from home. If he doesn't come out to look for me later, how can I go back?"

Hey, you are going to die, no, just find a place to eat something to calm yourself.

After a while, Chen sat in the leisure club near the apartment, ordered a dessert, a bowl of beef fans, and a pot of tea, waiting for the beauty.

This club is the first time he came. He usually has a lot of rest when he is resting. He is almost always tired of reading books. Both of them rarely come out to spend. They are at home. After eating, they can immediately squat, saving time and saving the room. Money.

The waiter came over with the beef fans. Chen moved the bowl to himself. He removed the wrapper from the chopsticks and put it into the bowl. The beef was cut into chunks, and the thickness was even. He took a bite. Satisfied shaking his head, too soft, not chewy, the taste is not embarrassing, and he bought the fresh beef back to the vegetable market and the difference is far.

Suddenly a mechanical sound was heard in the brain. Chen was shocked. The spicy oil wrapped in the fans was completely blocked in the eyes of the blind. He was so hot that he rushed to drink the tea that had been cooled in advance.

"Where, you don't come out, scare me when you come out!"

The system said, "I will inform you that the latest progress of the mission is 69."

Chen and Yan, "Really, then I am not going to get the task soon, leave the world?"

The system said, "Maybe."

"Oh, it’s still very smooth," Chen poured a cup of tea. It’s a very important thing to think about it. He buckled the cup on the table and questioned the system. "Say, have you done anything to me?" My world is not the first world, it is the seventh one. The six worlds in front of me have completed the tasks, and the goals are the same. The script has told me everything!"

The system is very calm, "What do you want me to say?"


Chen has little seriousness, and he doesn't have a point. "I want you to tell me again."

The system is half dead, "that's it."

Chen rolled his eyes again. "Are you the default words that the script says? Can you tell me why the mission objectives are the same, whether it is me, or every host is like this? ?"

The system refused, "I don't want to say."

Chen was mad at it, "... don't you think you are doing too much?"

The system said, "I regret it."

Chen was shocked and unfortunate. Is this the beginning of reflection? He concentrates on listening and seeing if the other person can tell a story full of ups and downs.

Silent for a while, the system said, "Forget it."

Forget it? Lying in the trough, Laozi waiting for a long time, you want to use these two words to send? Chen is dissatisfied. "Why should I get rid of my memory?"

The system said, "For your good."

Chen and Hehe, at that time, the mother gave him a class, a large class and a small class, forced him to death, saying that he was good for him. As a result, he not only did not learn well, but also produced physiological aversion and rejection.

In the first half of the college entrance examination, he gave him a variety of supplements, saying that he was good for him. As a result, he fell ill in the hospital, dropped many courses, and almost missed the college entrance examination.

Really, you can't ask his thoughts, listen to his opinions?

Chen didn't know what to say, a little bad. He said to the system, "You have restored my memory, I am still with you."

The system is cut off, "Impossible."

Chen Hehehe, "Do you have to play with me like this?"

The system said, "With the computer data, your memory has been cleared and cannot be recovered."

Chen is dead again.

The liar, lying back, lying, still teasing me, must be!

He sneered. "Do you really treat me as a mental retardation? I tell you, I have long known that the value of the bad book is because of me. As long as I think of the past and find my memory, his evil value will disappear."

The system paused and said, "You are so clever that I hate it. I still like you with mental retardation."

Chen is angry and does not want to talk to the system.

After eating a bowl of beef fans, Chen’s stomach was gone. He wiped his mouth with a paper towel and squatted on the sofa. When he didn’t support it, he went to kill the dessert.

"Okay, I am not unreasonable, I don't know how to be awkward. I know that your purpose is to help me and let me go home. I am very grateful to you about this, but the fourth child, can you come, honesty? First, are you saying yes?"

The system said abruptly, "breaking the record."

Chen did not understand, "What do you mean?"

The system said, "You used to be angry for no more than three seconds, this time is five minutes and twenty-six seconds."

Chen took a look and even recorded this. You loved me deeply. "The six worlds I used to have were very good with the script. I ended up with each of his worlds. What is it like?" It may not be very happy. You will know the value of the evil thoughts in the book.

The system said, "The spoiler is not interesting."

Chen added, "You are not saying that the memory is clear, I will never ... lying, you mean, I can still think of it?"

The system is invisible.

Chen was excited to shake his legs. This is one of his faults. If he can't control it, he will shake it. If he is small, he will be able to change his body to the world of the mission.

It turns out that he still has a chance to remember, it’s good.

Routines are all routines, but this time the routine is quite cute.

The winter is short, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is holding a black curtain, a little bit unfolding, trying to cover the entire sky.

Chen came out from the clubhouse, wandering around the community, singing songs in his mouth, and the little man in his heart jumped up and down, why didn't he come out and look for me? What is the meaning of Director Yan? Really no matter what?

For the third time, he went to the main entrance of the community. There was no, and there was no such thing as a director.

So so calm? Chen was unhappy and grinned, squatting on the steps of the flower bed, playing with the big cat opposite, "喵~"

The big cat is not reasonable and continues to be cold.

Chen has screamed at it a few times, I am so bored, I am so lonely.

Probably too embarrassing, the big cat finally loved to answer the question and found that it was not with his own country, he stepped back into the flowers and ran away.

Chen is very speechless, yes, the only little partner is gone, he sighs, sadly touches the phone brush, text message, no, phone, no, very good, swearing, you are really good!

The two levels at the entrance of the community are very busy. There are cars of various price points. The old man pushes the child back from a park or playground. The young and beautiful female white-collar workers step on high heels. .

Chen yawned again. He put his hand down in the air and accidentally picked up a figure and came out from the door. Oh, you have a conscience.

Director Chen called for a puppy, "Chen Chen."

When the steps are given, I will put my own eyes on the front, and Chen will not twist the bar again, and then step down the steps, "Hey!"

He licked his legs and passed by, involuntarily spoiled, and left home, and he was wronged. "It’s so cold, you touch my hand, I am freezing."

When I touched the book, it was really ice. "Who will let you stay at the door, don't you find a place with heating?"

Chen whispered, "I am not afraid that you can't find me..."

Therefore, only on the door of the community, the most conspicuous place, I lost a big flag on my back.

The book is helpless, reaching out and pinching his face, "Go home."

Chen followed the man. "A lot of people just now, your reputation is quite big. You pinch my face, will not be misunderstood?"

The script says, "No matter what they are."

Chen and Xiaohe, don't say, Director Zhang, I love you like this.

The first time I tried to run away from home, it took two hours and forty minutes, and finally came home to find the tail.

In the evening, I got a stove, noodles, parsley, potatoes, mushrooms, greens, carrots, bean bulbs... no meat, all vegetarian dishes, and Chen made a braised hoof alone, golden, very sweet, he Take a chopstick to pick out a piece of fat to eat, mouth full of meat, delicious.

It is a pity that the book does not eat meat, which has to pass by many foods.

Chen made a piece of pure lean meat soup in his hoof and ate it in his mouth. He curiously asked, "Why don't you eat meat?"

The book is eaten with coriander. "There is no reason, just don't like it."

Chen ate and ate, and suddenly he showed a stunned expression. "I know."

He raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

Chen swallowed the food in his mouth. "Your predecessor is a rabbit, and the rabbit does not eat meat."

Shu, "..."

He clipped a chopsticks of greens to Chen and the bowl, and worried about the long-shouldered voice, "Don't always eat oil|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Chen took the green vegetables to the side and went into the mouth with a meal. He said vaguely, "Know it."

After the meal, the script is responsible for brushing the dishes and washing the dishes. Chen is also responsible for cutting the fruit. Later, the two of them will watch TV in the living room, and they will be jealous.

Chen thinks so.

Who knows that the fruit has been wiped out, and the shadow of the hip-hop is not there.

Chen crossed his legs and faced the man who was tweaking the TV. He didn't talk, so he looked.

The book was transferred to a TV station, and the martial arts film was playing. The brush was all knives and swords, and the feelings of the sound and the framing were very good. "What?"

Chen still didn't talk. During the day, he asked the person about the fight|||cannon||, the other party did not have a positive answer, opened the topic, and now does not want to play with him, which makes him feel at ease.

The script put down the remote control and pinched his chin and kissed him. "Don't watch TV?"

Chen hooked his neck, and the other hand also took it up, pulled him down and went to kiss, look at the fart, and watch the big things matter.

The hand of the book is placed on the back neck of Chen, and the index finger and the **** are gently rubbed ||挲, he half-eyed and kissed Chen, and did not know what he was thinking.

After a while, the two went from the living room sofa to the bedroom.

In the middle of the night, Chen was lying on the bed again. The body was washed, and the smell of shower gel was emitted. His hair still had a little tide, and he didn't want to blow it. Half of the reason was lazy. Half of the reason was that there was something in his heart.

When the book is played with him, it is obviously very different.

How to say it is to change from a tiger to a snail. The difference is really unacceptable.

Listening to the sound of the water in the bathroom, Chen asked the system in his heart. "Do you tell me the truth, is there something to slap me?"

The system said, "Pray."

"..." Chen is bothered, "Okay, you still keep stealth."

The system said, "Remember to pray."

Chen was surprised by the unchanging mechanical sound. He stayed and sat up, praying piously to the Lord.

Lord Almighty, I am coming again.

When the book was showered, I saw the young hands together and my eyes were still closed. It seemed to be doing something. He rubbed his hair and asked, "What are you doing?"

Chen finished the prayer. "I am talking to the Lord."

The face of the book is dark, "What do you say to the Lord?"

Chen and Yu quilt, "I introduce you to the Lord, saying that you are my man, asking it to bless you."

When he wrote a book, he laughed. "You."

Chen patted the quilt, don't you, ah, hurried to bed, tomorrow is a good day.

The script went to dry the hair, lying next to Chen, carrying him in his arms, pressing the quilt with the vacated hand, and then went to sleep.

Two days later, Chen was inspecting a patient with more severe eczema. The nurse came to knock on the door and said that the dean asked him to go there. He did not say anything.

Chen gave the patient a prescription and went after the meal.

The atmosphere in the office was very depressed. The dean sat in a chair and had tea. "The director has just been here. Do you know what he is doing?"

Chen shook his head again. I don't know. Director, he is a big boy. Everything is his own.

The dean said with a deep sigh. "He doesn't do it."

Chen’s mouth was so wide that he couldn’t speak, wouldn’t he be the dean, I didn’t see it at all?

The dean stared at the youth and found that the other party was really horrified. He was not wearing it. He frowned. It seemed that he had misunderstood. The edict had the decision, not the wind blowing on the pillow.

"I thought it was your idea."

"..." Chen twisted his face again, and he said, "President, I am completely unclear about this matter."

The dean coughed. "I think more."

He looks at the youth, looks good on the one hand, the most special is the feeling of giving people, very sunny, like a growing tree, "You have nothing to do with the director? Is there any contradiction?" ”

Can't you be satisfied with things? Chen is too embarrassed to tell this out, afraid to scare the dean of his old man, "should not."

The dean frowned. "Hey, the director is leaving, what about you? How do you plan?"

This, he is here, he is not there, I am definitely not, Chen said, "President, can I go to the director to ask the situation and say?"

Dean Shen Shen, "Go."

Chen went to the outside of the heart and knocked at the door of the office of the book, and the voice came out inside, "Come in."

He went in and saw that the man was cleaning up his desk at a glance.

The book lifted his eyes. "You just came, I have something to do with you..."

"I already know." Chen walked quickly to the desk and asked his hand on the table. "Well in the hospital, why didn't you suddenly do it?"

"Get tired." Briefly said, the book looked at Chen and looked deep and gentle. "Take me back to my hometown."

Chen is also forced.

go back home? Does the script have a hometown? Where? He didn't see this from his personal information. Did he see it?

The book held Chen’s hand and slowed down the tone. “I took you to a life that I have never experienced before, okay?”

The man's eyes are gentle, the voice is also, the listener is dizzy, like a step on the top, Chen is confused, and no matter what to ask.

The next day, the tractor stopped at the side of the road.

Chen jumped down with his backpack, and his **** trembled, not far from death.

He looked at the pits on the ground, even the small bugs are not willing to climb the mountain road, distressed their own fart | | shares, God knows how many times he wants to jump.

This road is very difficult, first the plane, then the bus, the bus, the van, the tricycle, and finally the tractor.

Say, take me through a life I have not experienced, is that the case?

Chen desperately threw the backpack on the ground, and pitifully went up. He looked at the man asking the way with the tractor master. If he didn't really have physical strength, he really wanted to rush to take a few men's farts.

It’s noisy, I know the trouble, I want to take me to my hometown. I don’t know where my home is. The director is watching me without a joke. I specially gave me a whole, expecting me to laugh next year?

Chen turned over his eyelids and snored. He was too tired. He didn't have a motion sickness. He vomited on the bus, vomiting to die, and lying on his legs couldn't get up, putting the front and back and the uncle next to him. The aunts were scared and thought it was a problem.


The edict finally finally said hello to the driver's master. He came over and said to the young man sitting on the bag, "Go."

Chen's fart||The stock is on the bag, "Hugh."

The book is next to the children. "It’s not far from the front. When you get home, you can rest again."

Chen took a head and looked forward. Looking at it, there was only one mountain road that couldn’t be seen, the liar! "You can tell me clearly, how far is it?"

The book said, "It’s almost like turning over a hill."


Chen pulled his hand and choked and said, "Brother, I want to hurry to the place, take off my shoes and let my feet blow, then lie down and drink, can you help me?"

The face of the book was slightly pumped, and the young people on the bag were forcibly picked up and went on the road together.

They turned over a mountain and walked across a river, not to.

Chen looked at the man's brow's word, and wanted to take off his shoes and block his nose.

Look, lost again, let me say what is good for you? In the big winter, I really don’t have such a play.

The book is guilty, "Go ahead."

Chen didn't even look at his eyes, he was angry.

The two walked for a while, saw an old man grazing cattle, the old man is a real old man, the cow is also a real cow, not an illusion.

One of the books carried a baggage, and Chen took it in one hand and strode to the old man. "Is there a Shatang village in front?"

The old man suddenly saw a stranger, but he was still a little embarrassed.

The edict has introduced myself and said that he is the grandson of who and who has not returned for many years.

When the old man heard it, he suddenly burst into tears. "Wa, it’s you, I didn’t expect the uncle to see you in his lifetime..."

The next step is to recognize the pro.

It turns out that the old man is the uncle of the book, although it is not a pro, but there is still a relationship.

Chen clapped his hands in his heart. Well, the greatest fortune in this year is to see the people you want to see when you are alive, and do what you want to do.

He is looking at the big yellow cattle. Hello, I will meet for the first time. Please advise me.

The big yellow cow turned over and it was estimated that this person was too enthusiastic. It was a country doll, and it was a bit too much to eat.

The rest of the book was swept away. He told the old man that his companion's foot was hurt. Can you lick it on the back of the cow?

When the old man said nothing, he communicated with his own big yellow cattle. The big yellow cattle licked their tails and twisted the front and rear hooves.

Chen’s eyes are wide open, so good, I want to give the uncle a thumbs up.

The script called Chen went up again.

Chen was afraid to tell him, "I am afraid that the cow will take me out."

When the uncle heard it, he said, "No, no, my family will only kick people, and I won’t take people out."

Chen Zai, "..." Uncle, you are so straight, I like it.

After doing some ideological struggles, Chen grabbed the script and took advantage of the shackles on the back of the big yellow cattle. He found that the big yellow cattle were very docile, and slowly relaxed their hands and feet and began to look at the scenery.

Chen’s point of view is his height and the height of the big yellow cattle. Although this place is sparsely populated, it can be said that it is a beautiful scenery. It is different from the gardens of the big city, Xiaoqiao and the river, and it can reflect everything that nature has given.

Ten minutes later, three people arrived at the entrance to the village.

The village is full of old people and children. They see two strangers, all showing curiosity and alert expression.

The old man came forward and said things, the old people put down their guard and welcomed the new two young people.

The children are hiding behind the old man, afraid of life.

Chen looked up and found that it was a girl, no boy, he guessed a possibility, but did not say at this time.

The old man took the script and Chen to the front of the old house and pointed it with his dry fingers. "It's here."

The old house has not lived for many years and is very worn.

Chen looked up again and felt that the old house could be shaken by the wind. He was afraid that he would sleep at night and would not see the sun of tomorrow.

In contrast, the script is very calm.

The old man took the big yellow cow back to himself, and brought his quilt and many supplies with his wife, very polite.

Chen another mouth thank you for sending the two old men back, worrying about the old house, he took a breath, all the special is dust.

The book is taken off the coat. "You sit, I will clean up."

Pull it down, you can come, a few days can not be fixed, Chen and his eyebrows turned around in the old house, began to show the head of the family, let the script come over and talk.

After the exchange was completed, the two reached an agreement. One was responsible for the yard, the chicken shed, the kitchen, the pig pen, the house responsible for the house, the south house, the west house, and the house with the garbage.

The sky is completely dark, and the moonlight is shy and hangs in the sky. From time to time, Chen, who is watching it, throws a fascination||eye.

Chen looked at the neck and looked sour. He didn't look at it. He sat on the threshold and held a bottle of mineral water. He had already cleaned up several houses. It was so fascinating. Then look at the one in the yard, although in surgery. The room is better than him, but it is not good to come here.

He sipped a few mouthfuls of water, and Chen shrank his neck. A gust of wind blew, cold and cold. He blew his body's smelly sweat into his nose. He was dizzy when he smoked. "Don't do it, eat it first, I'm hungry!"

Put down the broom and lift your arm to wipe the sweat from your forehead. "Okay."

Fortunately, I bought two barrels of instant noodles on the road. Otherwise, I don’t know what I can eat at night. It is estimated that I can only eat the soil.

Chen ate his own bowl and his eyes went to the bowl of the book. "Is your food delicious, spicy?"

The script said that it was okay. He picked up the marinated egg in the noodles and put it in the Chen bowl. "Eat."

Chen took the chopsticks and dialed the marinated egg, sandwiched in half, and half of the book, and even the soup was drunk. "The yard will help you clean up tomorrow, wash the bath and sleep, what do you say?"

Put the bubble box into the bag, "Okay."

The two went to get a kettle to boil water, and one pot and one pot burned and filled a large bucket.

Then the problem is coming. They are not dead pigs. They are definitely afraid of being boiled. So a large bucket of hot water, at least half of the bucket of cold water can be used to get off, but there is a well in the village, in the east of the village. There is still a little distance in the old house.

Chen is still dead.

The forehead of the script was pumping, and he did not use any strength to kick him. "Be at home, don't run around, hear no?"

Chen said that he heard it. He watched the man carrying two empty buckets and suddenly felt that the other's back was particularly stalwart, especially tall. "Slow down, something is calling me."

After shouting, Chen took out his mobile phone and brushed it over the air. The signal was not so good. He brushed up in the yard and watched the news. The director returned.

Chen quickly took the phone to help bring the bucket out of the house. "It’s hard."

The book curled up with cuffs, "Go get clothes."

Frozen in the cold, holding a bucket on the ground, what is the feeling of pouring a scoop of water on the body, so let's just say, like a dream, the water has been poured, and there is no heat.

Chen and even the ash of his elbows are not flawed. He wears Qiuyi Qiuku. "Brother, promise me, is it better to recruit people to press a water heater?"

The book is squatting on the knees. "I will bring you over and out, that is to live this kind of faint life. If you want to be comfortable, then simply go back."

Chen blurted out, "Okay!"

The book gave him a look.

Chen made a cold war and hurriedly put the pants of the long pants into the hood of one foot.

It is estimated that it is too urgent, his body is out of balance, and he will be planted in a bucket and hugged by an arm in the air.

The book has helped people, "I am wearing it."

Chen relied on the past, quickly put both feet into the trouser legs of the long pants, pulled the long trousers, went to the man, could not help but squat, and went to squat, "walk, I accompany you."

The script was slowly rolled over and covered with autumn clothes. "That's fine, don't let me go."

Chen Youh, my heart said that I dare to make trouble with you. If you look at your eyelids, I can get goose bumps. I really don’t know if I owe you in my life.

The sleeping house is southward, and the moisture is not big. It is cleaned up by Chen, and it is very neat, especially the bed of wood, the old-fashioned wardrobe of wood, the table of wood, all exude a sense of simplicity, they are silent. The message conveys the story of that era.

Chen went down to the quilt and smelled it. It was estimated that the old man didn't take it out. He thought that tomorrow he must blow it under the sun. "Right, ask you something, I will see it in the village." How are all little girls?"

The short book explained to Chen.

It is the so-called patriarchal, every family is born a girl, then born, or a girl, reborn, anyway, a boy will come out to live and die, if not, then it will not lift in front of the neighborhood.

The child's mother will be looked down upon, and the child's dad will be laughed at by others and said that the husband and wife can't live well. A family is not like a family.

Chen’s conjecture is completely correct. He grins, it’s terrible. “Would we like to give you some money for the uncle? He gave us a few quilts, and a lot of pots and buckets.”

"I have plans." The book turned over and took the man in his arms and said with his hand, "Sleep."

Chen yawned again, too tired during the day, and he quickly fell asleep.

The book listened to the sound of breathing in his ear, and he sighed low and closed his eyelids.

The next day, the sky was still cold, and the **** cried.

Chen and the script are both arrogant, as if they are dreaming, and the chicken cry is heard in a dream.

Two or three minutes later, there was a sound of Wang Wangsheng, from the east of the village to the west of the village, like a naughty child, sprinkling and wanting the adults to play with it.

Chen was on the bed, rolled his face sheets, and after two rounds, he woke up.

The book was not rolled, and it was impossible to do it. He was awake by Chen’s iceman who was resting outside.

The two heads turned their heads and looked at each other. The new life officially began.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, busy, breathing is not the car exhaust, only the smell of grass mixed with mud, filled in the air, open during the day, at night, never dissipate.

The old man came over from three to five, and gave some to eat, all of which are long in their own home, absolutely green food.

Chen Youte likes to eat the bottle of pickles given by the old man. It is crunchy, a bit sweet, and a little spicy. In his opinion, he still has to eat more than Laoganma.

The book made him eat less. "Pickled foods are more carcinogenic."

Chen also bite the chopsticks in his mouth, his voice is blurred. "If I don't eat pickles, I will fade out the birds."

When the young man spoke to the young man, the chopsticks in his mouth shook and he was afraid that he would not pay attention. The chopsticks poked at his throat and reached out to kneel down. "Speak well."

"I want to eat meat."

Chen grinned and said, "Director, I want to eat meat."

The book was pressed according to the eyebrows. The family raised a carnivorous animal. It was not good to wait for it. In the afternoon, he went up the mountain. When he came back, he was carrying a special bird.

Chen, who was sitting on the threshold and wiping his shoes, heard footsteps. As soon as he looked up, he saw the script and saw the bird, his eyes were green.

The shoes were lost, and Chen cheered and ran to meet, and the posture was properly treated as a victory ||仗大||王, "How do you get something to fight? Or when you go up the mountain? I happened to see a bird crashing to the ground?"

The script gave him the bird. "Don't rely on it, take it, how do you burn it?"

Chen took the bird in one hand and went to the man's neck with one hand and kissed him on his face. "You are awesome."

After I finished, I went to the kitchen happily and prepared to do a big job.

Standing in the same place, the book shook his head and it seemed that the problem of eating birds could not be changed.

He took the slingshot and knocked the bird. The slingshot was asked by the old man. The old man was originally engaged to the grandson. Later, the grandson was picked up by his son and daughter. The toy was gone, and the slingshot was thrown into the pile.

When the old man listened to the script and borrowed it, he directly found the slingshot and gave it to him. He said that he would do whatever he wanted, and it would be fine if it was broken.

Chen again simmered the bird and ate it for almost a week. It was not his appetite. He was eating it tightly. He didn’t dare to let go. Who knows when the next time is, maybe it was years ago, maybe in the year. After that, maybe in the next winter.

It’s almost the New Year, and even the shadow of a snowflake is not called. The old man in the village said that this place is rarely snowy or wet.

Chen held the book tightly, hugged during the day, and hugged at night. He used to be a big heater for moving, so tired.||Oh, I didn’t even do anything, not only the food, but also the lightness of the days. It is.

The children here can't compare with the big cities. They don't have big and small playgrounds to play. They can only hide and seek in the haystacks, play with mud, climb trees, and make themselves covered with gray.

On the day of the 30th, a group of children went to the mountains to beat the persimmons. A child climbed the tree and picked it up. He accidentally fell and hit his forehead with a stone.

When Chen heard the movement outside, he looked up from the yard and asked an aunt to ask, "What is this?"

Aunt hurriedly said, "No, it’s a big deal. The old Chen’s baby fell from the tree, broke his head, and shed a lot of blood. Lao Chen was crying and said he didn’t want to say It!"

Knowing what it was all about, Chen went to the house and shouted a book, and said things in the fastest way. "Quickly, let me go out and see what it is."

The script sat on the chair and did not move. The two hands on his lap were curled up, and there were some small holes on it. It was just the roof of the old house.

Chen suddenly had cold hands and feet. "You are not infected?"

The script didn't lift the eyelids, "What?"

Chen rushed over and grabbed his collar. "I ask you, do you feel when you are in the hospital?|I dyed?!"

The script didn't make a sound.

Chen made a chill, and immediately went to grab the hand of the book, but he was avoided. His eyes were red. "You can't lie to me."

The script was half-sounding, "Yes."

Chen’s hand hangs down, and the man falls to the ground and squats.

When I read the look of the young man, I felt a pain in my heart, and I went to hold my arms in my arms. "I am fine."

Chen shouted, "You feel all||I dyed that stuff, how could it be okay?"

The book said, "I said nothing, there will be nothing."

His voice is very low, and he rings in the ears of the youth. "As long as you don't feel it, I have a way."

Chen is still dull, "Do you have a golden finger?"

The book smirked, and the fingertips of the fingers pressed over the corners of the youth. "I have a big golden man."

Chen Meng eyes wide open, "Really?"

Hey, "Yeah."

Chen still doesn't believe, "Then you swear, you will accompany me to ninety-nine."

"Ninety-nine?" The book is crying and laughing. "At that time, my teeth were gone, my hair was gone, my face was pleated, my eyes were spent, are you sure?"

Chen said yes, "You swear."

The book said helplessly, "I swear, I will accompany you to ninety-nine."

Chen also spit out a sigh of relief. "You are leaving the hospital. This is the reason."

"Not at all."

The book said, "I mainly want to bring you here, live a life we ​​have not experienced."

Chen looked at his face and looked at the man's injured hand. He thought that the other party could let the system's big goblin die half-lived, and certainly have great ability.

There must be a way to deal with AIDS.

When I think about it, Chen is more relaxed. "What about the child?"

The book is frowning. "Go first, maybe you can handle it."

They smelled crying, and the villagers were surrounded by each other, talking and talking, not knowing how to get it.

Chen said that he was a doctor and instantly became an angel in the eyes of the villagers.

When I got closer, Chen went down and said softly, "Uncle, you let the children loose and let me marry."

Uncle's crying nose was a tearful face. He didn't have a culture. He didn't understand it. He was nervous.

Chen looked at the child's shackles and made an uncomfortable voice. He said, "Uncle, you are holding her."

Uncle is unclear and still wants to let Chen go.

Chen has a temper, but he is soft-hearted, can't help, and has no patience to tell the uncle some knowledge that the wound should be dealt with in time.

Uncle can't understand, but also bangs again.

The book was brought to the uncle, and the other party said the uncle, and the words were heavy, saying that he had delayed the child’s injury.

Others also said that doctors will not harm your family.

The uncle's face was red, and he was dubiously let go of the child's hand.

There is a **** mouth on the child's head, not deep, purely scared by the adult's battle.

Chen brought a medicine box, a simple medicine, he disinfected the child, and the work of the back seam wound was also his own.

There is a wound on the hand of the book, and you can't make a joke about the child's life.

If the child has something unlucky, they will live for the rest of their lives.

Because of this incident, Chen and the script were recognized by the villagers and gave them a lot of things.

They are all simple people. Although they know little, they are the most indispensable.

After the year, the weather is warming up.

Everyone is busy planting the land. The uncle gave a lot of peanuts, sesame seeds, and some rapeseed. At this time, I have to be busy, otherwise I can only drink the northwest wind in the second half of the year.

With the help of the big guy, Chen made a piece of vegetable land with the script, and planted the rapeseed. The next step was to focus on the manure.

That is definitely a hard work.

Chen is resolutely disobeying the arrangement of the superiors, let me pick the dung, dream!

Director Zhang said in a word, "I am stinky."

Chen blinked, so, you have to be a special face, you are so stinky, let me go? I have two nostrils on my face. Isn't it better than you?

"Scissors and stone cloth, lose the pick, and win the vegetables."

The book agrees.

Chen and Xiaoxiao said, "I am out of stone."

The book said, "I also have stones."

As a result, Chen’s scissors were out of the stone.


Smile, "I know you are good to me, wife, thank you."

Chen’s angry man, “rolling.”

His eyes turned, "Hey, wait, we have two wins in three games."

The shackle is in a pocket. "It’s late, this victory has been fixed, next time."

Chen erected the **** against the man's back.

He found something to plug his nose, went to the latrine to dig the dung into the barrel, and picked it up to the vegetable field.

There is absolutely no such thing in this kind of thing.

With nutrition, a green field grows quickly in the vegetable field.

Chen and the book have a sense of accomplishment, waiting to eat their own dishes.

One day a few months later, the postcard of Shanliang came to Chen’s hand.

It was sent by a strange man. The other hand handed it to Chen and left. No extra words left.

Chen took a postcard and saw a few lines of words on it. It was very correct.

He looked at the words as if he saw the young man sitting at the table and holding the pen seriously.

It was a good student when I was at school.

The contents of the postcard told Chen that, Shan Liang went to a village on a cliff. The villagers had to go far and far to pick up the water every day. They had to climb the ladder hanging on the stone wall, and the danger was hard.

Every drop of water is not easy.

Chen put the postcard in the book and didn't return his head. "If you have something to say."

The book is leaning against the door. "Don't let the other person rely too much on you."

"Chen, you and I are all leaving."

Chen also said that she would meet new friends, more friends, and would forget him. He turned and said, "Don't be jealous?"

The script touched his face. "What do you say?"

Chen is creepy and hurriedly hooked the man to come.

In the third year of the village, Dr. Zhou got married and sent Chen another package of candy.

Trouble, the courier has to go to the town to take.

Chen took the joyful candy back and peeled off a sugar.

He snorted twice, Dr. Zhou developed, sugar is imported, sweet in the acid, bitter in the sweet, eat last, and a little spicy.

The taste is very strange, and it can make people who eat sugar remember deeply.

Based on this, it shows that Dr. Zhou Zhou has spent his time and revealed a message that he truly loves the other half of his future.

The script didn't know what to do in the house, and didn't come out for a long time, or Chen called several times before opening the door.

"Happiness, Dr. Zhou."

The book is sorted with cuffs. "You run this town for this thing, and you don't want to toss."

Chen used his tongue against the candy and rolled his mouth. "It is exercise and familiarity with the terrain."

“There is a barber shop in the town. When we look back, we have to manage a hair, there is a small supermarket, and there are a lot of things...”

Chen said and said that he was not right, and the man’s silence made him panic.

The taste of the sugar in the mouth could not be eaten, and Chen looked for the system. "Can you get anti-drug medicine for the script?"

The system says, "No."

Chen added, "Help me, please."

The system is still the answer.

Chen is desperate, and he is eager to ask for the system. What kind of face is not to be dignified.

The system was not bothering him. "The medicine is, it has been stolen."

Chen is also angry, "Which **** is stolen?"

The system said, "It is your man."

Chen Zai, "..." is sincere, even the platform can get things.

He didn't feel right, "How is the face of the book so white?"

The system said, "I want you to let him accompany you to ninety-nine. In order to prolong his life, he naturally wants to shoot||shoot a lot of drugs and suffer."

Chen listened to his heart very uncomfortable. He went to pick up the man's clothes. "You don't accompany me to ninety-nine."

I didn’t hear the script, "Well?"

Chen’s voice was crying. “I don’t want you to accompany me to ninety-nine.”

The book is frowning. "What happened? I promised you, I will do it."

I know, the more you say this, the more I panic, and Chen is unreasonable, that is, don’t ask him to accompany him to ninety-nine.

The script must be based on him.

From that day on, the face of the script was obviously better.

A person's life is fixed, long or short, forced to change, is against the sky.

It is necessary to pay a huge price.

In the seventh year of the village, Chen discussed with the singer for several nights, chose a good weather, and went abroad to obtain the certificate.

They swear by the priest's testimony and promise not to leave until they are old.

Shortly after completing the biggest wish, an unexpected person came from the village, Bai Xu.

Chen is still busy in the kitchen, not managing the house.

The book was sitting on the side with Bai Xu, and there were two cups of tea on the table.

Bai Xu’s first mouth, “The second year after you left, I suddenly had a doubt.”

"So many years have passed, and that suspicion has not been eliminated."

I didn't change my color in writing. "I am infected."

Bai Xu is as calm as him. It may have been suspected for many years and has been subconsciously accepted.

"Then, how do you take the medicine in a place where the bird is not squatting?"

"I am not living well?"

Bai Xu didn't ask for anything else. He said that he had to say something about it. Besides saying that his life was not good, he could say anything else. He was very surprised that the old classmates were different from ordinary people and could even be said to be weird.

Switching to him will only blame others, and feel that life is hopeless and life will be a mess.

Drinking tea, Bai Xuyu went to the ring on the ring finger of the old classmate, and was surprised, "When is the matter, don't call me."

The book is said to be last month.

Bai Xu smelled the food. "You are better than me. I don't have a personal meal."

Looking at the direction of the kitchen, the eyebrows of the script are gentle.

It’s hard to meet someone you like, and it’s been a while to find someone.

Bai Xu left after eating, and did not stay overnight.

After a few more years, the old man in the village fell back to the roots, and the child grew up and went to the big dye tank of the city, waiting for the colorful dyed.

The whole village is quiet.

Chen and the two people have been through the days of no one to disturb.

Shan Liang’s postcard has never been broken. The content above is no longer a cold thing. There are more girls he likes. It seems that for him, as long as someone is in a certain place, it is good to talk to him.

No need to respond to anything.

Chen did not return, the postcard was received, and I saw it, even if it happened.

That feeling is quite special, just like watching a falling person slowly stand up, face life again, face yourself.

In the fall of the year, the book is ill, not working.

Chen sat in front of his bed, touched his face, touched his hand, touched his arms and legs, and was saddened by the sigh.

Although it is good, I will see you again.

However, if you can see you again, it is true that life and death are happening at this time.

The book is helpless, "Cry what, you said that I don't want to accompany you to the ninety-nine."

"I said so, but you can't say hello without leaving, let me go?"

Chen’s heart is very chaotic, you are gone, my mission is yellow, and I am not going to follow you.

He couldn't tell, the **** restriction would not let him say.

The expression of the script becomes stubborn. "Chen, why haven’t you remembered me..."

Chen’s back is cool, “I don’t know.”

The script hangs down the eyelids, his lips move, and he can't think of it, it's too late.

One night, Chen suddenly woke up, and he screamed in the man's ear. "Look at the book, you open your eyes and look at me, I think of it."

"Really, I really remembered, the first time you are the second master, the second time we are in prison | | prison know you..."

Chen said that his face was full of tears. He wiped his eyes. "Oh, you can’t hear it, I think about it!"

The man closed his eyes and there was no response.

Chen went to explore his breath, his fingers trembled, and he burst into tears.

In the next second, Chen’s body shook and he heard the prompt of the mission completion.

At the last moment of the disappearance of consciousness, the script heard Chen’s words, and the value of evil thoughts was zero.

Chen Youzhen sat down, and after a while he raised his hand and touched the curvature of the man's lips, watching you happy.

Hey, he finally recovered his memory, and almost the mission failed.

God still helped him at the end.

Chen went to get a new set of clothes and put it on the book. He went to find the comb and combed him with a lot of white hair combs. Okay, very handsome.

"The fourth child, when I am gone, you will get the fire, burn me and the book, even this old house."

The system promised.

When the countdown time came, Chen was taken out of the world and appeared in the next mission world. He habitually grabbed his head and found that he was lifting a big claw.

There was still a vague sense of consciousness that suddenly woke up and was scared.

Chen and the grass are looking around, it is on the balcony, the space is quite big, and there are many flowers and plants. It doesn't matter. Really, the important thing is that he is still a bird cage in the cage.

After stiffening for a while, Chen looked down at himself and looked at the black bird hair. He was shocked. "I am not a person?"

The system says, "You are not."

Chen trembled and used his claws to shoot his little head. It hurts. This is not a dream. "I am a **** bird?"

The system said, "There are not many people who can make a dream come true. You are lucky."

Chen Zai, "..."

Read The Duke's Passion