MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 144 I am a dead bird (1)

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Chen is in a bad mood.

Why, because his memory has problems again.


Chen felt that his memory was a long river, like something was stirred in the river||, now the river violently rolled, the mud at the bottom of the river was all blown up, and the fish, shrimps and crabs were also ravaged and died.

The river in the entire river is turbid.

Chen’s head hurts. He uses yellow claws to get enough. He can only go to the neck. He is desperate and wants to cry.

"444, can you not do this? You are so annoying when you play like this!"

The system is scolding other hosts, and suddenly there are pots and pans coming over it.

"It doesn't matter to me."

Chen Hehehe, "I still don't recognize it."

The system says, "Believe it or not."

Chen’s little eyeballs turned around and felt that the attitude of the system was a bit strange. Did he misunderstand?

However, his memory is indeed confusing. Those worlds are not clear, they can barely remember, and they will be forgotten at any time.

Just a crack has appeared in a line, and the kite will soon be disconnected.

"Then tell me, what is this?"

The system said, "When you first signed up for the functional experience of clearing the data, you were cleared by one button. In the last world, you made a small bug and data recovery."

"Now the meeting is still in an emergency, and we have to come up with a solution for this situation."

"So your exception is not what we get."


Chen Youzhen, "Don't tell me, it's my own reason."

The system said, "Do you?"

Chen added, "Cute me."

The system said, "You peeled the soul out of the body in one of the worlds and stayed outside for too long. I told you that your spiritual aspect will have some influence."

Chen added, "I remember, what you said is waiting for me to return to the real world."

"And there is a mental problem, what does it have to do with memory?"

The system says, "Intelligence."

Chen Zai, "..."

So, he hasn't gone back, he started to go on the road to mental illness?

There is a vague mouth in the brain, Chen is shocked, lying, the system will swear? He is angry. "Are you greeting my mom?"

The system said, "Not your mother, it is another host fucking, just like this, I am busy."

Chen called it again. "What do I do? You can't leave me alone."

"Do you want to be a target?"

The system is swearing, very fierce, and Chen is much more normal here. "I am really busy, I can only make a long story short."

Chen’s beak was pumping, “You said.”

The system said, "Pray."

Chen added, "Goodbye!"

He knelt down and lay down, taking the bird's paw on the left and placing it on the right side, making a contemplative look.

I believe the system is good for the time being.

The mission goal of this world should be to write a book, and he said that he wants to walk with himself.

If you dare to lie to him, this thing has not been played.

Chen instinctively took the beak of the bird's beak and touched it, unable to control the bird cage.

Terrible, I am a bird, not a small bird, a big bird.

Although it is not said to be called above, but with his bird's eye observation, at least it can be comparable to an old hen.

Chen raised a bird's paw and let the bird fare|| shares are not so squatting. He tried to calm himself down and receive the memory of this bird, a large group. It is a bird with a story.

When the big blackbird was still small, the bird dealer was encountered and sold to a family.

There is a little boy in the family, and he loves to lick the white bird hair on his forehead. The first thing to go home from school every day is to put down his schoolbag. The second thing is to lick the black bird's hair.

How can a bird in a cage fight with someone? It can only be abused.

Under the tireless efforts of the little boy, the **** bird's forehead soon became bald. The male master looked at it and squatted, how to become so ugly, watching the mood, selling and buying one.

So the **** bird changed to the second family, no children.

The **** bird's forehead is not suffering, and it is replaced by an ear.

There is a male owner at home, the hostess is a good wife and a good mother, talking softly and whispered, put the proper care of the home, go out, absolutely the male owner for the sky, let the male master have a face, she is very good, pick Not a little bit of a problem.

Husband and wife can't do it.

Once the male owner works overtime, the hostess will replace a conservative dress, 袒||胸||露||背||上夜店嗨.

The male owner is engaged in construction projects, often on a business trip, it is a must, the hostess is scrambling to do things.

She specializes in bringing young young||fresh||meat||back, and when I enter the door, I hold a squat, and the madness is a good old horse.

The **** bird is hung in the living room, the eyes can be closed, and the ears can't be sturdy.

Two days a day, the **** bird began to suspect the bird, and it took more than two months to get sick.

Not surprisingly, it was sold again, this time it was also abused | | After a while, do not give food or drink.

Who is the **** bird? It is not a bird that is easy to admit. In the end, it is where it fell from where it came from. It survived with its strong willpower and finally ushered in the dawn of life.

It is now this family.

There are delicious, delicious, no naughty children, no mistresses with different appearances, no strange sounds, very good.

There is a saying how to come, born in sorrow, died in peace.

The **** bird is too much for the days ||Easy, to the point of being lazy, the body is fat and the ball is not exercised, and every day, when you eat and die, you hang.

It is dying.

Chen also knows that the big blackbird has a death law with himself, silently sighing, bird brother, both of them are dead, no one is better than anyone.

He continued to fix the memory of the big blackbird, grabbed the bird, and asked the system in his heart. "The fourth child, what bird are I?"

The system only responded after a while, busy, "big black bird."

Chen added, "What about the variety?"

The system said, "It is a **** bird."

"..." Chen circled in the cage again, "What about the name?"

The system says, "black."

Chen turned the bird's eyes up. "A bird, I am asking you, my name?"

"Who is yelling at you?" The system said, "I am talking about the black of the big blackbird, the double sound."

Chen is desperate, and the names are so casual, I really have nothing to say.

There was a voice at the door, and the hostess took the daughter who was in college from the station.

The parents of this family raised their daughters in their hearts, and they went to the sophomore year. They will pick it up after school on Friday, and then send it to the station on the weekend afternoon. Be sure to call the daughter to report safety, five days a week, twice a day.


Parents are determined not to allow their daughters to live in school dorms.

That nervous look, it seems that the dormitory is a group of cows and ghosts.

Chen came out from the memory of the big blackbird. He did not evaluate an outsider. A family has a family education.

This is all life.

After the door lock turned, it was the voice of the hostess and taught her daughter.

"Where is the school, the place to study, the holy place, now you young people, think of it as a place to meet the fox-dog party, it is really better than a generation."

Behind it is a young voice, crisp and full of energy, mixed with anger at the moment.

"Mom, are you finished? You went to the school to monitor me without a sound. In front of my classmates, I was embarrassed. I kept talking along the way. I was laughed at by the people in the car. When I got home, I said, What do you want me to do?"

"I didn't fall in love at school, I didn't let the grades fall. I've already done what you said. Why can't you make me feel better when I go home?"

The ponytail girl walked from the entrance to the living room and the shoes were not changed. "If you do this again, I will stay at the school next semester and will not come back."

Hey, the hostess put the key to the coffee table and a mean face on her neck.

"Who are you talking to? I am your mother, you are so big and small, is your teacher taught, or which friend did you learn with?"

The bird cage on the balcony shook, and Chen wanted to listen to the play. As soon as he was excited, the bird's claws went into the small water tank.

It’s not dead, at this time, Chen’s bird’s body is out of balance, and it hits the cage door with a flash of sparkling crystals.

Lying in the trough, when the bird is really difficult.

Chen struggled to get up, only the family drama could save him.

The quarrel in the living room continued, and the voices of both the mother and the daughter were raised, and suddenly the treble began.

The hostess said that it is nothing more than "I am your mother, my starting point is for you." "You don't listen now, there will be times when you regret it."

The Mawei girl is taking the classmates and saying that whoever has no family at home, whoever and who is talking about friends in junior high school, is still not able to go to college and work with her.

In short, every sentence is reversed with your own mother, and the effort to sing the opposite is very powerful.

At first glance, it is the technique of forbearing, thick and thin technical.

After a while, the mother and the daughter began to turn over the old books and put some old things out to say.

Look at the posture, today is not your death, or I am dead.

Chen shook the wings, flew up in the cage, and landed. He was a bit worried that he didn't have dinner tonight.

The two people in the living room seem to be shaving.

This mother-daughter war ended with a ponytail girl slamming the door.

The hostess wiped her tears on the sofa in the living room.

This is the side that the ponytail girl can't see. Chen saw it again.


All the same, the mother also controls the east of him, the reason is a "good for you", absolutely universal.

Chen went down through the glass window of the balcony. In the evening of summer, the sky was still bright. Grandparents and grandchildren played in the community with their grandchildren.

The sneer of the child is clamoring.

Chen has a bird's head, and he is in a heavy mood. Can he not stay in the cage of his fart?

So what is his chance to see the mission goal?

The goal is the male owner of this family? Chen is thinking again, the door is open again, this time is the male owner.

He saw the male owner's beer belly with two bird eyes, and the amazing hairline, short and fat body.


Chen can be sure.

So far, the target's accessories are very uniform, beautiful face, long legs, waist lean, wide shoulders, chest muscles and a variety of muscles.

On this point, Chen is grateful for the system. If the target has a big golden tooth, he really does not know how to go to the mouth.

The TV series is played like this. The male owner is double-sided glue, and the wife and the mother are glued together. You can't do without me. I can't do without you.

This method is used by the wife and the daughter.

There are male masters doing communication on both sides, and the mother and daughter are reconciled when they have dinner.

It’s all family.

Chen smelled the food, he fluttered in the cage, come and see, there is a **** bird that just starves to death!


Chen was tired again, and he was weak and squatting, giving me a meal...

The ponytail girl came over and pulled out the toffee board under the bird cage and brushed it with a brush.

Chen is full of blood and resurrected, and has eaten!

Mawei left for a while, holding a small bug, her smile screamed, "black, do you want to eat?"

Chen glared at the little bug, and his stomach trembled, and immediately his neck twitched, his claws slammed and fell into the cage.

"I want to be dark." The ponytail girl threw the bug into the window. She said to the cage, "Black, are you going to heaven? It must be."

Chen jumped up, no, sister, I am in front of you, your eyes are falling?

The voice of the hostess came, "Did you not say your dad, go out and buy one tomorrow, and buy it in the dark."

The ponytail girl pouted, "Even if it is exactly the same, it is not black."

Her look is sad, sad, "black, I miss you..."

Chen is creepy.

So, am I not only a bird, but also a dead bird?

The ponytail girl touched the cage and whispered, "You have been away for almost a month. I feel like I am dreaming?"

Chen has a cold war, sister, not only you, I feel so.

Yes, it’s a dream, a fake, it’s all fake!

The man said something when he picked his teeth.

The reaction of the Mawei girl is very intense. "Is there a cage for the little gray of the family? Why do you want to be black?"

Her eyes are red, "black is not there, and its home is to be given to others?"

"Dad, I don't agree!"

The male owner said that she was not sensible, and that the birds were dead. What did the balcony hang with an empty cage?

The Mawei girl said, "Is it not necessary to buy another bird? That cage is useful."

The male master took the table. He just didn't want to see a cage used by a dead bird when he came back. He was cautious. "Now you want it, give it to her, buy a bird, and the cage will buy a new one."

"Okay, don't say anything about this, go to your house tomorrow morning."

The hostess also spoke and said a cage, what a big deal.

The ponytail girl slammed her feet and went back to the room.

Chen shivered in the corner of the cage. "444, what happened? They can't see me!"

The system said, "You are dead."

Chen looked down at the bird, his claws were claws, his hair was hairy, it was normal, "... Why didn't I feel at all?"

The system said, "I am still the same sentence."

Chen added, "You go!"

His scared claws kept shaking, and I had a big slot. The world couldn't play.

All night, Chen was crying in the cage, and he was dying in the morning.

In the morning, the dead bird Chen was placed in the back seat by the male master and went on the high speed.

Read The Duke's Passion