MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 162 Real world (1)

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It is summer, at four o'clock in the morning, the sky is already bright.

On the street behind the university town, there are seven or eight Internet cafes. Students continue to come out from the Internet cafes. The face is full of fans. It seems that one night is sucked by thousands of goblins || Abolished.

In one of the Internet cafes, the second row is on the left row, sitting on four teenagers, the earrings guy is chatting with several sisters, the coughing sounds nonstop, busy, he is called Zheng Shuai, as the name is, it is true. Handsome, ranked second in the class's charm index.

However, he has a good sigh, only adjust | | love, do not talk about love.

The fat man on the side of Zheng Shuai is called Wang Yao. The two-layer swimming ring on his stomach is very affectionate to him. He can’t get rid of it. He is a male **** in the game. The hanging wire in life is now boring in front of the city gate. In the open space, play with a small Loli, and adjust by the way.

Wang Yao was afraid of accidentally killing the cute little Loli. When he was angry, he didn’t take care of him. He not only specially engaged in a set of **** equipment, but also did not put big skills. It was not easy.

Wang Yao is an inch-headed boy. He is called Pang Yilong. He has a dragon and a baby sister. The first thing in the family is that he is born with a dragon and a phoenix. Is there a name for this? His name is so come.

Everyone's age is almost the same, Pang Yilong's **** side is the most obvious, long hard, the move is also very rough, no one can compare the level of narcissism, he is the forward of the school basketball team, basketball is very good, working in the student union, Derogatory, good relationship, this is sophomore, my girlfriend has changed three.

Because Pang Yilong touched the steering wheel very early, he was the most in the dormitory. The car mechanics, the bulls forced it, and the mouth of one of them could make the other three people faint and vomit, and they were half-length.

At this moment, Pang Yilong watched the action movie with his headphones, his eyes were as big as the light bulb, and people entered a wonderful state in which I was in front of the computer and the mind and body had entered the movie.

Sitting inside is a handsome boy. He grabbed the black broken hair in front of his forehead with one hand and two silver rings in the other. His expression was a little confused.

The next second, a tear came down from the corner of the boy's eye, slipped through the tears, leaving a watermark on the face of childishness and sadness, very shallow, and was swept away by the air in a blink of an eye.

"Pomelo, don't go to the bathroom?"

Pang Yilong saw the person motionless, sitting in a dull moment, and he reached out and pushed it. "Stupid? Hey, where did the ring come, I didn't see you take it out."

Hearing the ghosts of Pang Yilong, Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao both stretched their necks and looked away. They were not able to see a few seats. They stood up and went to Chen. The two also rounded their eyes and lying. The ring is still a pair!

The three men secretly exchanged their eyes and finally confirmed a message. Their grapefruit had a favorite person. They bought the ring and did not send it out. They didn’t know it.

After a minute or two, Chen, who was sitting in the chair, suddenly hugged Wang Yao. Hey, it’s the words that are over and over. "Fat... you dare to beat me... fat..."

When did I hit you? Wang Yao is forced to push, not to push, not to hold, very helpless.

Pang Yilong took the person to his side. "Pomelo, you can make it clear, how do you beat the fat man, is it the hand that moves in the toilet at night? Pomelo... grapefruit?"

The people in his arms made a whimper, Pang Yilong’s words stopped, his face was not seen, his brows wrinkled and he was puzzled.

Next to Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao are all face to face.

The grapefruit cried, and it was very sad to cry. The problem is, they don’t know why the grapefruit is so sad. Is it a ring that was rejected by the sister? But it is not like, ah, this crying is too powerful, it seems that there is a stomach grievance, it seems very painful.

Wang Yao was prayed by Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai, and he was wronged. He shook his head and said that he really did not start playing grapefruit, and he also extended four fingers to swear.

Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai believe that although the grapefruit has been re-read for a year, but he is studying a few years earlier than them, they are a few months younger than them. Don’t say that they have been beaten, the fierce are not fierce, mainly because they have good personality and are happy. No one will not wait to see.

So, what the **** is this?

After a while, Chen cried enough, his eyes swollen, and he sat back, and the man fell to the table, his face buried in his arm, and he did not move.

Pang Yilong’s girlfriend’s t-shirt was not a snot, it was a tear, and he didn’t care. He worried that his buddy’s abnormality was really abnormal.

Realizing that now, I have never seen my buddy have lost tears, whether it is drinking more head sputum bleeding, or saving a classmate on the road, being broken, and not red eyes, this time actually crying like this, the family did not come out What happened? At 7 o'clock, the other party called home and was happy.

After a few days of continuous communication, my brain is broken?

The atmosphere is very depressed, Pang Yilong is joking, "Pomelo, is it abused in the game? Tell your dragon brother, your dragon brother brought your handsome brother, Yao brother, go up and kill him!"

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao both brothers are gearing up.

In the past, Chen will be hehehe, arguing that the game is dare to abuse Laozi, except for the server, there is no one else. At this time, it’s just screaming, incoherent self-speaking, “I thought I would go through two more worlds. I didn't expect that time passed so long. It was a second in this world. He, did he come over and couldn't find me? What should I do? No, I told him my address, he has Dajin people will definitely find me, yes, will definitely."

Pang Yilong three, "..." Which movie is this line?

Broken, the head of the grapefruit is really broken.

They thought about leaving the smoky Internet cafes, breathing fresh air, and should be able to do so. They reached an agreement for a short time and forced the people to pull them out.

At this point, there is a hint of coolness in the wind. When it comes up, it is like being beaten by drizzle.

Chen put the ring into the trouser pocket and pressed it inside. After the neurotic was safe, he took it out. He looked up and looked at the three treasures in the dormitory, slowly pulling his mouth and revealing a smile.

I haven't seen you for a long time, I am back.

The buddies laughed. The same sunshine as usual, Pang Yilong, Zheng Shuai, and Wang Yao are all relieved. It seems that it is all right. In this year, no one has ever had a bad feeling. It’s a matter of grinding people, it depends on time and newness. Feelings to heal, nothing, the world of flowers and flowers, the eyes can not see.

Chen kicked off the stone at his feet. "Who do you have smoke?"

"I just took out a pack of soft China." Pang Yilong touched the upper and lower pockets and touched the air. He slammed his head. "Looking at the trough, losing the Internet, waiting, I will go back and take it."

When he ran out of the Internet cafe, the three brothers were so stupid that they pulled their heads into a row, and they swallowed in the clouds, "..."

Zheng Shuai spit out the smoke circle. "Soft China has not been taken away? Hey, Lao Pang, you are lucky. You can’t say it without you. It’s grapefruit, Pharaoh, I want to say, don’t want big fish, wait. Breakfast for the children will do, one bowl of porridge, a few buns, a dish of pickles, less than ten dollars."

"You guys who have a trick, I haven't seen you invited once." Pang Yilong yelled at him. "Let's open the door and give you a big place."


Zheng Shuai took a sip, moving his feet back and forth, licking his buttocks and picking up a little, and made a vacancy between him and Chen.

Pang Yilong|Squeeze||Enter|Go, he is tall, strong and strong, and his body is more than 180 kilograms. In such a small place, he can't open his arms and legs. "Go somewhere."

Zheng Shuai bounces off the ash against the ground. "You | he | | mother | | fart | | shares are bigger than my fight with grapefruit."

Wang Yao said, "Let me be one."

Pang Yilong shook the smoke in the cigarette case and took out one with his teeth. "Envy."

Wang Yao and Zheng Shuai rolled their eyes.

Pang Yilong went to Chen and next to him, igniting the smoke, playing a lighter cool, this is also one of his sister skills, "Pomelo, please wait for your brother to have breakfast, just pick it up."

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao’s ears are all pointed, and they both listened to each other. They didn’t have a skin and no face, and they laughed into a small dried flower | chrysanthemum | flowers, “Old Pang.”

Pang Yilong’s two buddies grinned and cast a look at the “you are really good” eyes.

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao went to the sudden depression of the young Nunu mouth, and with the one who learned, they only learned a little fur, the essence is still early.

Hanging his eyelids, Chen smoked a cigarette. It may be that the speed of the cigarette rushing into the scorpion was too fast. He kept coughing and cried when he was in prison. When he came back, he was still not skilled.

Pang Yilong took Chen’s hand and took it to the ground. He took the shoes and stepped on it. “Forget it, grapefruit, don’t smoke if you learn to smoke.”

Chen stood up and patted the ash on his body. He has already transferred himself back to the real world. "Hungry, have breakfast, just now, you said, you treat."

Pang Yilong followed and stood up. His arm was lifted and he reached Chen’s shoulder. “I said, I want to eat anything. Don’t save money for your brother, or your brother will be upset.”

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao walked behind, listening to Pang Yilong’s squatting, and could not stand the arm and legs.

Zheng Shuai, "How old is Pang, how can there be a girlfriend?"

Wang Yao, "Look at the society of the face, no, you are much more handsome than him. How come you haven’t talked to a girlfriend?"

Zheng Shuai, "I correct a little, not that I don't have it, I don't want to have it, understand?"

Wang Yao, "Is it wrong."

Eat all over the bridge, the restaurant noodle restaurant has everything, there are several schools around, students are coming around every day, dragging and pulling away, the majority of the couple will be directly on the guest ||馆|过| | Night, affordable, but also very convenient.

Just crossing the bridge, Pang Yilong’s mobile phone rang. It was the girlfriend’s phone. He stood up and answered. “Why did you wake up so early? I? Yes, I am not in the dormitory, come out and play games with the grapefruit, really , lie to you for what you do, OK, sister, I don’t accept anyone, just serve you, wait."

Pang Yilong gave Chen to the mobile phone and said "Girlfriend Chagang" with his mouth.

Chen is not the first time to do this. He clears his throat and makes a sound to the mobile phone. "Good morning."

"Well, a few of us are in the **** Internet cafe."

Pang Yilong took the mobile phone. "This is the time to go, and then go to sleep, well, I know."

He pressed the call, slammed the sentence, and sinned the door. The girlfriends he interacted with had a common point. They liked to check the post. They only believed in Chen, and Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao did not believe it.

To say that long is good, Zheng Shuai is not worse than Chen, maybe it is the sixth sense of a woman? I don’t think Chen will lie.

Zheng Shuai yawned. "Old Pang, do you know why your girlfriend will check the post?"

Pang Yilong said, "Why are women not like this?"

"Not really."

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao said in unison, "I have the temperament of you."

Pang Yilong touched his face and was very surprised. "Is it? I was so handsome?"

Big handsome guy, not necessarily a scum male, **** male, must be a big handsome guy, this is his personal understanding.

Zheng Shuai has nothing to say with Wang Yao.

Chen, who was a few steps behind, suddenly came out of his mouth. "That scum male play||Get Qirui, very wicked, he saw me in the company the next day, he died in a car accident."

Pang Yilong did not hear clearly, talking and laughing, or else scared to death.

Chen stopped his steps, his eyebrows groaned, and there was a world. In order to prevent Xiao Ming from going to the battlefield, he would strip the soul away from the body. The system told him that he would return to the real world and would be affected. .

It seems to be insane.

What is gibberish or something that can’t be completely controlled.

Chen patted his face, cheered up, mentally retarded, you are dying, you can be born again, it is already a good luck that no one else can think of, don't be depressed, want to benefit, think it is back, isn't it? As long as you insist on praying every day, the Lord will bless you and your man.

I am afraid that all of them will be forgotten. There is no memory for all the people and things in the mission world. This is the most worrying thing after Chen returned. His spirit has gone wrong.

No one knows if tomorrow will change anything.

Chen took out his mobile phone and found that there was no electricity. He asked Pang Yilong to borrow a mobile phone to call his dad, prompting no one to answer, and 80% still slept, not knowing that his son had died.

Four teenagers sat in the small door face for breakfast, with crab yellow packets, porridge, pickles, spring rolls, clams, fried dough sticks.

Zheng Shuai is stingy, thief is smashing, Wang Yao is really poor, Chen has occasional treats, and the number of times with Pang Yilong is incomparable. The best of the family, the shot is also the biggest, every time you associate a girlfriend, it is spent.

Chen unconsciously opened the crab yellow bag halfway, blowing it with his mouth and handing it to the opposite side.

Sitting opposite Pang Yilong blinked, his face was pumping, "Pomelo, are you okay?"

Chen seems to realize that it is not right, just say nothing, just the arm is sour, said that he also did two stretching exercises.

Pang Yilong exaggeratedly wiped his forehead. "Where, I was scared to death. I thought you were going to feed me."

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao are also scared to death.

Chen Youxin said, Mom||Forcing, I am more than the fright of you, so annoying, I am afraid that this situation is only a lot more.

Unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, this disease is serious.

All four have computers, or they will maintain the habit of going out all night on Saturday nights. The dormitory will turn off the lights and there is no way to go online and play the arena.

The feeling of overnight is very complicated. It is very embarrassing between the two. I am excited about it. I want to use the time of one night, play games, watch movies, and sleep in the middle of the night. I will go out and smoke the cigarettes. Sleeping, wasting money, going back to sleep, and coming out the next morning, I don’t know what year it is.

Back to the dormitory, Chen couldn't sleep. He was calling the system all the way. He didn't respond at all. He felt like a fool. If he didn't have a ring in his pocket, it was just a illusion of a dream.

Fortunately, not a dream.

He can hold on to expecting, waiting for the man to appear, or expecting that at some point in the day, he will meet with each other on the street, in a place like a store, and then they recognize each other, hold each other, kiss each other. A cannon, and then find a good day to come out in front of Dad.

Cando went, and it’s good to go.

The dormitory is four people, two bunk beds are put together, the door is placed to the right, opposite is a row of wardrobes and computer desks, also four, the balcony is leaning against the toilet, the space is not big, the chairs and the bed are piled up in a mess. Clothes trousers, stinky sneakers, basketball under the bed, and stinky socks that were abandoned, can't be seen.

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao were the first to come to the dormitory. They occupied two lower berths. Chen and Pang Yilong were on the upper bunk. There were two plates in the middle of the two beds. There was something on the partition.

On the other side of Chen’s side, there is a short, chunky piggy bank, a small piece of gold coin chocolate, half a pack of old Beijing noodles, and a roll of eight rolls in the corner, left to eat, and a bag of spicy Article, sleepy at night, refreshing.

In comparison, Pang Yilong's bed is much empty, only a couple's cup, a roll of toilet paper, he does not like to eat snacks, do not like to eat before going to bed, mouth is not comfortable.

He didn't plan to sleep, promised to go shopping with his girlfriend, and he couldn't get up when he slept.

Stepping on the ladder, Pang Yilong prepared to take the cup down and pour some water. When he reached out, he was shocked. "You don't sleep, what is your eyes so big?"

Chen squinted and his vision was blocked by Pang Yilong’s face. "You move away, don't block me from seeing spiders."

Pang Yi followed Chen’s line of sight and saw a small spider on it. The silk dragged it down. He licked the toilet paper and pinched the spider.

Yes, I didn't have to look at it, and Chen could only look at the pale ceiling.

Pang Yilong said, "Pomelo, there are a lot of red blood in your eyes. Don't get through this month again, be careful to die."

Chen Zai, "..."

He sighed. "I know, I won't play anymore in the future."

Hey, Pang Yilong laughed and sprayed, hahahahahaha laughed. "You are more diligent than the female classmate's aunt, several times a month."

Chen rolled his eyes again. "Scroll, don't spray on the face of Laozi, the teeth are not brushed, stinking."

Pang Yilong’s face is red, and he’s just like you brushing. When you sleep, you eat snacks. What is the qualification of someone who is stuffed with chocolate in your mouth?

"Hey, do you have tooth decay?"


Chen turned over again, and his thin blanket pulled on his body, not taking care of it.

Pang Yilong took the cup and went to the water dispenser to make a large cup of water to drink. Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao came back to sleep, did not wash the bath, did not brush the teeth, and then slept first.

Putting a t-shirt full of smoke and nose and tears, Pang Yilong went to the bathroom to shower, put on a clean clothes, and looked at the mirror for a while, then went out to meet his girlfriend.

Quiet in the dormitory, only the whistling of the electric fan.

Chen closed his eyes and said in a confused way, "It’s so hot, Chang Qin, you can play down the degree of air conditioning."

He opened his eyes, breathing a little quickly, really special... crazy.

After a while, there was a noisy sound in the hallway. Tara walked with slippers, talking, closing, making phone calls, and intermittent intervals. This is the feeling of being alive.

Chen Pingping lay down. He suddenly got out of bed and grabbed the guardrail along the bed and jumped to the ground. He quickly took out the paper and pen from the drawer, thought of something, and threw it aside to open the computer.

The same thing, the second time, the mood is very different.

Chen’s fingers tapped on the keyboard, and before the mental illness was not serious enough to be suppressed, he combed the memory in his mind and recorded it again.

This is not a mission world. The system can't intervene. Just write it down, even if it is forgotten, chaotic, unintentionally discovering this, and perhaps awakening something.

Zheng Shuai listened to the keyboard sound of the smashing, thinking that it was still in the Internet cafe, until he felt that the two legs could be straightened and would not be uncomfortable, he reacted. This is the dormitory, he is lying in bed.

After yawning, Zheng Shuai grabbed his hair. When he just woke up, he would become a double eyelid. Slowly, he would change back to a single eyelid. It was amazing. "Pomelo, what are you busy?"

The people behind him leaned over, and Chen’s fingers were on, and he opened a web page. “You can’t sleep, get up and play.”

"I still play? You really do, I don't know how much energy comes from."

Not much to see, Zheng Shuai went to the balcony of the pool, engaged in toothpaste and toothbrush, washed three or two times, "I go to the cafeteria to buy food, what do you want to bring?"

Chen said that he did not want to eat.

Zheng Shuai put the towel on the shelf, lost love = bad appetite = do not want to eat, understand, he put on the sneakers, "Do you want to bring you a corn, two tea eggs, a pancake? Can put In the afternoon, you can eat when you are hungry."

Chen said, "Shuai, thank you."

Zheng Shuai’s face is black, and he suspects that his ears are wrong. He is usually called a handsome guy. Is it called a double tone today? "What do you call me?"

Chen did not answer and asked, "Are you not handsome?"

Zheng Shuai raised his eyebrows, "I am handsome."

Chen added, "You think you are handsome, I also think you are handsome, plus two are handsome, so I call you handsome."

Zheng Shuai gave a thumbs up. "Great."

He grabbed the change and opened the door, and Chen said that he might be late and asked the fellow to say something.

Chen does not care, it is really not hungry.

The deafening grunt comes from the bed near the toilet, Wang Yao is still asleep, he is the fattest, the body is also the most virtual, a night person will not work, you must sleep all day to slow down.

No one bothered, Chen continued to knock on the keyboard. When he stopped, his fingers were a little cramped. The time was long, and he kept a very fast frequency.

After thinking about it, Chen went to a cloud disk and threw eight texts in. After he finished, he still didn't feel relieved, and saved screenshots. His previous eyes were big and sloppy. For this matter, he was very careful.

The summer is really hot. When Chen got up from the chair, the fart|| shares were dripping. He took the bathing things to the bathroom. Just as soon as he entered, there was something that could not adapt to this kind of space.

A shower nozzle, plus a pitted toilet, if you did not pay attention when taking a bath, slipped, bad luck, the face can fall into the pit.

The water heater is not a school, it is a dormitory to buy money, according to the wishes, students, can have a few dollars, not as much as the Pang Yilong family, when Chen and they discussed several times before they decided to engage in a water heater, water It costs electricity and costs money.

Summer is ok, winter troubles.

However, Chen found that he was a small change. After the state, he would not take a bath in the dormitory in winter, even if he was braving the wind and snow, he would go to the bathhouse.

Stopping the cranky thoughts, Chen flushed under the shower head. When the sound of Zheng Shuai came, he found that he had been flushing, and the shower gel was not wiped. He used to get the man to wipe him.

"Look, you have made me a thing, you have to be responsible."

Chen muttered to the air. "Tell me to walk with me. Don't let me wait too long. I will graduate from college at the latest. It's too late. I am afraid that I will forget you. Even if I still remember, Dad is forced to force. I am married."

"You don't know Dad. He is more difficult to fix than my mom. It's a lot of fame. If you don't move, you will come to one or two, and the reason will never be said."

He looked up and let the warm water wash down, blurring his eyebrows.

When he was wearing clothes, Chen looked at the cinnabar on the wrists on both sides of the eye. He was somewhat worried. He was cold and put on long sleeves. Both marks were covered, and the head began to hurt again.

There was a buzzing sound in the brain, and Chen almost slipped. He stabilized his body. "The fourth child, is that you?"

The mechanical voice said, "I am not 444."

Chen’s face changed, teasing me? "then who are you?"

The mechanical voice said, "You don't have to worry, I am here to tell you something, you just listen."

"The above has leaked an important machine||密,病|||大毒||入||invaded the main system, destroying all system code, the virus km escaped, the whereabouts of today is unknown, 444 due to work mistakes, he was The command retrieves it and completely removes it."

I don't know what happened, and Chen blurted out. "You, are you Mr. Wu?"

His feelings were weird and there was no basis, but at the moment it was the man in the gown.

Unfortunately, there is no more noise in my mind.

Chen’s emotional excitement, great sadness and great joy are all formed in a blink of an eye. His eyes are black and unconscious.

When I woke up, Chen was lying in the infirmary of the school. He turned his eyes, and the three treasures of the dormitory were there. A lot of them were very loyal.

At that time, Zheng Shuai made a haircut in front of the mirror. After hearing a bang, he went to the door. Then, the dead pig Wang Yao was woken up by the other party’s screams. The two men panicked and screamed, and they rushed to Pang Yilong. The phone said that the grapefruit was fainted and asked what to do.

As a result, Pang Yilong gave the two people a slap, and nonsense, of course, was sent to the infirmary. He also greeted his girlfriend and rushed back to school.

Chen’s head is the voice of Pang Yilong’s madness. “Rely, hypoglycemia, fainting, isn’t this happening to girls? Lao Zheng, grapefruit doesn’t eat, why don’t you talk to him? ”

"I said, I brought him food. I know that he will faint in the bathroom?"

"Yes, you don't know. When you have breakfast in the morning, when you sit down with the pharaoh, you are burying your head. The grapefruit only eats two buns. He didn't eat anything at noon. He could continue to eat all the time. Can he eat?"

"Quiet me? If you care about him so much, just be on his bed, don't go out and play with women."

"You||he||mother||What do you say in a mess? When we were a few worshippers, we said that we would be a brother for a lifetime, and that grapefruit should be a younger brother. You are amnesia, or you have a big brain in your mind|| Will it?"

Wang Yao yawned and didn't sleep enough. "I said, can you not bother?"

Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai are evil, "Shut up!"

Wang Yao took a mantra for a long time, "Is it wrong."

He wiped away the tears that yawned out. "Noisy, the nurse outside will come over soon, let us get out, and take the grapefruit by the way."

Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai instantly like the big male who was shackled around his neck||Chicken, not snoring.

The bed sounded, "I'm sorry."

Pang Yilong had a glimpse of them. They saw the teenager sitting up and his face was whiter than his white t-shirt.

"I am dead myself."

Chen grinned again. "I can't be wanted for a few days in a row. What I feel now is like ||纵||欲||过||度, 虚虚不."

He stretched out and grinned. "Go back, just let the other students in the class see it, and my hypoglycemic fainting spreads, affecting the image of my men."

Pang Yilong looked at each other. Their grapefruit was really good this time. It was still a hot little sun. There was no inexplicable depression and sorrow in the morning. It seemed to be fainting, his mind was clear, and he was gone from the hurt. come out.

Pang Yilong said, "Can you go? You can't let the old king back you."

Wang Yao, "...Yes, I am back."

Chen’s mouth was pumping and stood taller than Wang Yao. He patted the other’s shoulder. “Good buddy, go back to the dormitory and take me back. I don’t mind if I go half an hour to an hour.”

Wang Yao kicked the past, "You are beautiful."

Chen has escaped, hooked up with Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao, and hooked one. "I am doing this today, fully explaining that it is important to eat on time."

Pang Yilong walked behind and licked the cigarette in his mouth. "Oh, no, our grapefruit is going to lick the chicken soup, fast and fast, and applaud."

Chen’s eyes were drawn and his legs stretched back, leaving a shoe print on Pang Yilong’s pants.

Before I went to the dormitory, Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai had nothing to do. The buddies were open and there was something to say. When they finished, they should not rot, and the garbage should be dumped.

Chen had to go home and he didn’t have enough money. He asked Pang Yilong to borrow and get used to it.

Pang Yilong is also used to borrowing his money. If he doesn't say anything, he will flip the wallet. "Is it enough? If you don't have enough, take you to the cash machine and take a thousand."

Chen said that he couldn't use that much. He took out two hundred from Pang Yilong's wallet. "I will return you."

Pang Yilong had to go back to the dormitory. He didn't know which wind to smoke. He went back to catch up with Chen. He was going straight and went straight. He wouldn't make a fuss about it. It is harder to judge the euphemism than the fourth level.

"Pomelo, although the buddies are a few months older than you, but the buddy has a little girlfriend in junior high school, experience, emotions, pay attention to a feeling, a fate, do not force."

Chen’s eyes twitched. “Old Pang, go back and wash and sleep.”

Pang Yilong blinked, fucked, the ghost knows that Lao Tzu is so arrogant, how hard is it, do you have this attitude?

Chen knows what he thinks in his heart. "I am really fine."

Pang Yilong did not believe, "What about the pair of rings?"

Chen laughed again and his eyes were bent. "Of course I bought it for my future wife."

Pang Yilong screamed, "Your boy is quite romantic. I don't know the meaning of the ring. I talked about those girlfriends. They all want to buy a pair of shoes. I send necklaces to send earrings to send earrings. Anything to say is that the ring can't."

Chen Youxin said that it was because he knew it and bought it.

"The ring is the size of your finger's estimated size. It's not appropriate to put it on you."

Unconsciously speaking, Chen’s face changed. He glanced at Pang Yilong, but fortunately the other side was stunned and did not hear.

In the square of the community, the aunts were jumping over the little apples, and there was a tall middle-aged man. The position of the station was very high. The jump was very serious, and the length of the person was also tough. At first glance, it was the focus of the team. .

An aunt used to, "Lao Chen, I saw your home at the door of the community again."

When Chen Weidong listened, he didn’t jump anymore. He greeted the aunts and went home to open the door to his son.

Chen went to the door and saw the door open. He opened the door and went in. Looking at the middle-aged man who played with fruit in the living room, the nose suddenly became sour. "Dad."

The apple in the hand of Chen Weidong fell. He took it back to the fruit plate and turned his head and looked at his son. He found that the other person’s eyes were red. "What happened? Is this being bullied by the classmates at school?"

Chen shook his head and made a naive move to hug his father.

To tell the truth, Chen Weidong was a little scared. The son didn't like to cry. The grievances of this time, how do you think it is wrong, lost love? That's a pity, he didn't see anyone.

"And again, you suddenly came back from school, is it really okay?"

"Isn't this Saturday? There is no class tomorrow."

Chen replaced his sneakers and walked barefoot to the living room.

Chen Xiangdong, who was behind, quickly grabbed the slippers on the floor. "Put the shoes on, the floor tiles are cool."

Chen listened to the voice with his voice in his ear, and his heart was warm. When he was doing the task, he always thought about what was going on when he came back. He was afraid that he had been lying in the hospital for many years, and his father’s body was not good. old.

so far so good.

Wake up is in the Internet cafe, everything is fine.

Chen Weidong sat next to his son, fried like a cold meal, and turned over and said what he often said, "And again, the game is less, and there is time to get along with the classmates, especially female students."

Chen took a sip of the apple, and the old man who ran back from school was to let his ears look for abuse.

"Right, the huge dragon in your dormitory. When Dad went to your school last time, he saw him talking and laughing with a female classmate, not the one I saw last time."

Chen Weidong’s implication is that, hey, it’s all a dormitory. How do you get so much worse than others?

Son, do your best, even if you don't exceed others, you can't fall behind.

Chen’s voice is vague, “Dad, I am not married.”

Chen Weidong said, "Where to be a monk?"

Chen said no.

Chen Weidong said, "That is to think that your mother is lonely under the ground and ask your dad to accompany her."

Chen Zai, "..."

He put the apple on the coffee table. "Dad, I am serious."

Chen Weidong said, "Your father is also serious."

Chen has a headache, life has been so difficult, men are suffering from a man, he is born again, can not live according to the original track.

"Dad, you listen to me, I think so, graduated, I am looking for a job in this city, so respect your old man, so that you can dance square dance with your aunt every day."

"that's not important."

There is light in Chen Weidong’s eyes. Hey, "Son, your father, me, everything else is better, I want to hold my grandson most."

I can't talk anymore.

Chen wisely grabbed the backpack. "This topic is temporarily over, and we will continue next time."

Chen Weidong ate the son to eat the rest of the apple, and the head followed the pain. When he came back, he would pull the topic. It would not be true that he would not want to get married, but that would not work.

The old Chen family is so unique, the incense can not be broken.

Chen Weidong went to the door of his son’s door and knocked on the door and said, “And, call your classmates and let them contact you.”

The answer came from the room, "Know it."

Lying in his room, Chen still can't sleep. He feels that he may have to take sleeping pills. It is impossible to sleep without sleeping.

His mind is very chaotic, but there are two things very clear, a pair of sharp and cold eyes, a facial features blurred, a long face.

Unconsciously, dawn.

Chen took out the two rings and opened his palms. In many novels, there will be a description of a powerful soul attached to the object. Chang Qin will not...

Fuck, mentally retarded Chen, you have not saved.

Chen has been sitting on the floor, thinking about it, thinking about everything, when he heard the movement outside, he got up and his legs were numb.

Chen Weidong outside thought that his son was still asleep, light-handed, and wanted his son to sleep more.

Chen opened the door again. "Dad, what do you want to eat? I will do it for you."

"Scallion noodles."

Chen Weidong was cleaning up and did not notice the change in his son's expression for a moment.

Chen went to the kitchen, unscrewed the faucet and put it in the water. It took about a minute to put the pot in the water. When the steaming was done, he went to cut the onions and seasoned.

Scallion with noodles, this is the most frequently done thing he has done, and he can do it with his eyes closed.

Chen’s attention could not be concentrated. He held his hands on the countertop and was going to die.

I don't know how long it took, and Chen Weidong on the balcony smelled the smell. "And again, it's a pot!"

Chen suddenly woke up, he looked at the black noodles, the water actually burned in front of himself, fucking, insanity and horror.

Put the pot in the blisters, and Chen has a whole mood. "Dad, let's go out and eat."

Chen Weidong took a look at his son. This is what I want to say. Don't spoil the noodles. I looked distressed.

The father and son went to the noodle restaurant outside the community and asked for two bowls.

Zhizi Mo Ruofu, Chen Weidong, from the time of a bowl of cockroaches, noticed the son's anomaly, not only strange things, but also strange things.

The more you think about it, the more you can't sit still, and you have to go to the hospital for examination and examination. Is it a complication caused by ADHD?

In the morning, Chen Weidong took Chen and went to see a doctor.

He heard the diagnosis from the doctor, and now he is going to get angry. What is his son's personality is so outgoing, people are cheerful, and all day, haha, how can there be depression? Isn't that a lie?

Chen also forced his father out of the clinic, and he was embarrassed to apologize to the doctor, but he couldn’t help it.

Out of the hospital, Chen sighed on the side of the road. "Dad, I may have depression."

Chen Weidong did not return to God for a long time. "Son, what are you talking about?"

Chen pulled the collar and rubbed it on the sweaty chin. "It’s what the doctor said."

Depression is the first thing he listens to, but it is the first time he has been on himself. He wouldn’t think that he would get it one day.

Life, that's how it works || eggs.

Death has died a long time, a depression will not let Chen panic, he knows where his cause is.

"Dad, depression is not that terrible."

"..." Chen Weidong waved his hand, and the tough body bent down. "Son, don't say it down, let you ease it."

Chen asked again, "How long is it going to take? Is it enough for half an hour?"

Chen Weidong did not speak.

That is not enough, Chen added, "I went to KFC to eat a burger."

Chen Weidong called his son, "It’s time, are you still in the mood to eat burgers?"

Chen is still pumping his mouth, otherwise, Dad, what can I do, I can't help it. Depression is really the life of your son. The drug can only be restrained. The man of your son does not appear. This disease is not good.

"Forget it, you still go to eat burgers, this time in front of my eyes, I am dizzy."

Chen Weidong squatted on the steps and looked very dignified.

Chen’s soles lingered on the grass. “Dad, I am going to buy you a cup of herbal tea.”

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy