MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 163 Real world (2)

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For Chen, the three coolest things in summer are drinking ice cola, eating cold drinks, and blowing air conditioners.

He paid the money, a hand-held herbal tea for his father, a small bottle of cola in one hand, and a cold and cold feeling that spread the entire arm from the palm of his hand, very comfortable.

Close to the hospital here, from time to time will see people who have rolled up the medical records together, some face passing, some face relaxed, call home to report peace, some frowning, some eyes confused, anxious.

Everyone has a life, these four words slammed out, Chen is unprepared, he looked up, choked a few mouthfuls of Coke, his head still hurts, and did not get any relief.

After passing through a pet shop, Chen stopped and walked for less than a minute in the same place. He took a foot and went to the store.

The inside is very big, not the small door face, the environment is very good, there is no turbid smell in the air, which is quite different from Chen’s shop where the cat and dog were found in the flower and bird market. It is very formal at first glance.

There are several clerk in the store, all of them are sisters, wearing a uniform red system | clothes, they heard the sound of opening the door, they stopped to chat sideways to see, the young boy who came in was tall and handsome, still very sunny.

Chen reopened his hand and the glass door automatically caught up. He smiled at the young ladies and showed a row of neat teeth. "I will look at the puppy."

The teenager laughed very warmly, and it was very clean. The tears in the corners of the eyes were shining, and several of the girls suddenly lost their ability to think and rushed to the top.

Why are you so enthusiastic, Chen’s mouth is pumping, he really just wants to come to see the puppy, there are more than 20 yuan left in his pocket, and he is not going to buy it for the time being.

However, if he sees a very close-eyed puppy, Chen will call his father and immediately buy the puppy and don't want to miss it.

The younger sisters asked the boy who wants to see which breed of dog, and by the way, he also said several popular breeds in the store.

Chen added, "Pure breed Chinese garden dogs."

The younger sisters stayed for a second, and they took the teenager to look inside. They were amazed by the fact that the dog was not enough. The number of the dogs was not enough. There were not many people in the store. Usually, no one asked, half sold an hour ago. The guest will be named again.

Is the market for garden dogs coming?

Chen followed a few young ladies and walked to a row of cages. There were several idyllic dogs in the house. They were black and white. They were either crouching or groaning, not afraid of life. He asked, "There is no yellow dog." ?"

A young lady said, "It’s a coincidence that the only yellow dog has just been bought."

Chen snorted, and it was difficult to disappoint.

His eyebrows were smashed, and it was really uncomfortable to be picked up by others.

Several young ladies face a variety of guests every day, who really like dogs, when the family cares, who is casually play and play, when the pet treats, can be distinguished at a glance, the teenager in front of the former belongs to the former.

"The Shiba Inu and the Akita Dog are similar to the Chinese Garden Dog. Do you want to look at it?"

Chen shook his head again. He was a very old-fashioned person. Other puppies were cute, beautiful, and didn't want to raise. They only liked the little yellow dog.

I don't know who was the only one who bought it. I hope I can take care of the little yellow dog.

Watching the teenager leave, several clerk couldn't help but chat on the counter.

"If I have such a handsome younger brother, I must buy him a lot of delicious food and take him everywhere."

"Forget it, don't think that we don't know what you think. You are looking at the boy. I hope to go out together. Someone treats you as a couple."

"Know it, let's say what you are doing, you are not like me."

"The two people who came to ask the garden dog today, one is the warm-blooded man, and the body is full of warmth, one is forbidden||I want to be cold, and refuse to be a thousand miles. It is really two extremes."

"Speaking, they have sputum on their faces, one in the corner of the eye, one on the cheek, close to the cheekbones, different looks."

Chen left the pet shop, wait a second, and graduated two years later. He must have a little yellow dog at the time. I hope that he is also a man, so that they can go out with a little yellow dog after work. Going to the countryside together for six weeks.

Just think about it, Chen’s mouth can’t hold back.

He saw the dad who was still on the steps, and the rising corner of his mouth slowly pressed down, silently sighing.

Hey, the second child policy||The policy is to come out early in the past ten years, Chen will have one more sister, or a younger brother, to start the foundation||佬 will not have a huge negative|| 罪||感感.

It’s hard to say that it’s selfish.

Chen Weidong is still immersed in his own thoughts. In any case, he can't accept reality. My son's good attitude has never been more optimistic than him. How can he get depression? God's eyes are confused by something.

A bottle of herbal tea was handed over, Chen Weidong looked up and saw his son. The childish face was reddened by the sun, his eyes were like his mother, and the end of his eyes was upturned. When he was not laughing, he felt like laughing. That cockroach, the position is almost the same.

And fucking, my son has depression, maybe the cause of adolescence, or the pressure of learning, you bless him in heaven, have time to talk to him in his dreams.

In the heart, Chen Weidong whispered to the lover who died, and reached out to pick up the herbal tea.

Chen Yizhen is next to his father.

None of the father and son spoke, one drinking herbal tea, one drinking Coke, and silently eating a car exhaust for ten minutes.

Chen Weidong stood up. "And again, time is not early, go back to school."

Chen put the empty Coke bottle in the trash bin in front and dropped it in. It was very accurate. He put his hand in his trouser pocket. "It’s not high school. I didn’t study at night, I will return tomorrow morning.”

Chen Weidong asked, "Is it too late?"

Chen added, "I am taking a taxi."

Chen Weidong looked at his son slyly. "You used to think that it is not cost-effective to take a taxi. If you have that money, you would rather make a game coin, or buy a snack."

Chen and Xiaoxiao laughed, "Occasionally, it’s better for yourself."

"Dad agrees, but," Chen Weidong said, "You are already very home. You don't have to go to class to play games in front of the computer. There are not many friends who know new friends, so Dad thinks that you can get to know by bus. Many people, especially female students, still have to seize this opportunity."

The latter part of the sentence is the focus, the three words of the female classmates are marked with a line.

"..." Chen scratched his face. "Yes, when I came back last night, I asked Pang Yilong to borrow money, two hundred."

Chen Weidong said, "In your next month's living expenses."

When he finished the same sentence as usual, he suddenly changed his face. His son now has depression. He can't come again. He needs more care and takes out the kind father's love.

"The cost of living next month will give you five hundred."

Chen brushed his head and looked at Dad with disbelief. He noticed what he was, the tears he touched, depression, I love you.

Go back to the bus, no female classmates, only the big sister aunt.

Chen sat behind with his dad. He lazily held his head and looked at the roads outside the window, buildings, pedestrians, vehicles, memories of the real world became clearer, and the memory of the mission world became increasingly blurred.

The development is not good.

Chen Weidong said, "And again, the last point of the bean curd was eaten by me last night. You will buy me another bottle and the brand. I will not eat other brands."

Chen Youh, "I have to tell me anything else, I will buy it online, cheaper than the supermarket, and there is a discount on the full amount."

"Then I think about it."

Chen Weidong said, "The last time you came back, the beef jerks that I brought, I ate well, and the red dates, the kind of porridge that you bought for me. I have recently put the family at home twice. The key fell in your aunt's shop, I thought about eating some walnuts to supplement the brain, I heard that six walnuts are OK, buy a box and drink and see."

Chen also counted, "beef jerky, red dates, walnuts, that's it?"

Chen Weidong said, "Others, you look at it."

"..." Chen rolled his eyes again. "Dad, I dare you to give me five more tickets next month. I am here waiting for me."

Chen Weidong said, "When you bring a female classmate back home, I can give you two thousand a month."

Chen added, "Can't a male student do it?"

Chen Weidong said, "No."

Chen also yelled and muttered. "Why do you have to be a female classmate? It is too stubborn and easy to grow white hair."

Chen Weidong heard it, and he just sighed. The depression was terrible. He couldn’t keep up with his son’s thoughts. What is a female classmate? Isn’t this something that normal people can understand?

"Right, your aunt Zhou a few days ago, I bought the honey you bought for me, and said that I also want to buy a can, you search the Internet, buy a few cans, I send people."

Chen twisted his neck and looked at his father with a weird look.

Chen Weidong is inexplicably guilty. "What are you looking at? Your father's body and mind are all your mother."

"is it?"

Chen said slowly and slowly, "When I go back to see you dancing in the small square, I am very close to the aunts of Auntie Li, and they are still close."

Chen Weidong did not have an old blush. "That is art."

Chen Youzhen, the ghost believes.

He took out a certain treasure on his mobile phone, poked all the things that his father needed into the shopping cart, and then went to see the men's socks in the summer. The two pairs of balconies were exposed to the big toes, and they did not buy new ones in the supermarket.

When the lover died, Chen Weidong’s attack was quite big. He had been depressed for a long time, and he was still in a bad mood when he came home from work one day. He almost got a car accident.

Since then, Chen Weidong has sold the car and took the bus to work.

The son of the first year, Chen Weidong look at the number on the passbook, estimated to estimate almost the same, just retired two years in advance, at home around the distraction, thinking that the latter half of life is no longer subject to leadership, too comfortable.

He used to work in a movie theater, and he was a director. There was no problem with the computer.

Until one time, the money on Chen Weidong’s card was deceived by nearly 100,000. He knew that he was old and confused. He couldn’t do anything. Over time, he had a dependence on his son. .

"And again, how much is the full discount you said?"

"Full 288, discount 50."

Chen is also feeling, Dad, fortunately, I am back. If my mission fails, I will become a ghost of ghosts. Pang Yilong, they saw me dying in the Internet cafe and informed you, how can you be alone?

Chen Weidong scraped it over. "Have you bought it?"

Chen said no, "There are less than one hundred left on the card, waiting for you to pay me."

Chen Weidong looked outside and called Chen and got off at the next stop to go to CCB to fight for money. "And again, as long as you have a girlfriend, you can take this card."

Chen is not reasonable.

It was very hot in the summer, and it was still stuffy and dry.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the father and son blow the fan in the living room, kill half a watermelon, and go back to each house.

Chen opened the phone again and found that there were six missed calls. They were all Pang Yilong. He called and asked if he would drink ||milk.

The giant baby Pang Yilong over there was accompanying his girlfriend to feed the mosquitoes. He was in a bad mood. "Drink a fart, remember that the flight attendant is not. The man will confess with you at the bottom of the dormitory." ”

"Wait, I will send you a video."

Chen soon saw the video, the film was not very clear, noisy, there was a tall, beautiful long-haired **** the screen, the white fluttering, holding a red rose in the hand, standing in the heart shape of the candle Shouting "Chen, I like you-"

Not only that, the girls still carry all the people in the class, when they shouted in unison, the volume, the effect, good, the balcony of the dormitory on both sides is full of people.

Chen's eyes were pumped, but fortunately he was not there, otherwise the other dorms would definitely break through the threshold and play, and he could be sprayed to death with a spit.

Pang Yilong screamed, "He||Mom||, I told the girl that you are not there, people just don't believe, they have been shouting, and they are particularly inflammatory, and you are busy talking about you as a grandson."

Chen added, "One dragon, I am gay."

The phone was quiet for a few seconds, it was the voice of Pang Yilong. "In fact, I am."

The next moment is a deafening laugh. "Hahahahaha, what are some jokes? Do you know what **** is? Next time you change the old man and the old king, maybe they can trust you for a few minutes."

Chen whispered, "Stupid||Forcing, I am really." Someone was known by you, and it was disgusting to be a roommate with a gay.

Ending the call, Chen deleted the video. He looked at the anime stickers on the wall in the room. It was a memory. I wouldn’t want to tear it off. Keep it, wait for the man to come, and then put a picture. The anime says to the other party to listen.

Pulling the chair open, Chen sat up again, lifted his legs, and went to the desk. He picked up the "nunchaku" in his mouth. "The smell of smoke in the rock shop is filled. Next door is the National Museum, the mother inside the store. Sang tea road has..."

"Chang Qin, don't blow on my neck, itchy."

He turned back, not to mention Chang Qin, the ghosts did not, but the electric fan blew his own hair, gently swiping on the neck, like a warm breath.


Chen smacked his face and gritted his teeth. "Mom||Forcing, I told you, my looks, characteristics, address, school name, I have been back for two days, why don't you come to me? It's all forgotten Yet?"

He made a small whimper, and he was very upset. "Chang Qin, if you forget me, when I die, become a ghost, I will not let you go, absolutely not."

In the room of more than ten square meters, the whistling of the electric fan continued, and Chen always felt someone talking in his ear, caresing||touching his body, pro||kiss||his lips, he could not tell It’s true or false, like a mentally ill person, a madman, a person talking to the air, talking and laughing, and making a hug.

Insanity is the most terrible than depression.

Chen couldn't stand it anymore. He licked his face and knocked at the door. "Dad, I want to sleep with you."

Inside, Chen Weidong’s voice was heard, and he didn’t sleep. “Come in.”

Chen lay down on the bamboo mat and grabbed the fan fan in his father's hand. "Why don't you turn on the electric fan?"

Chen Weidong threw a cold pillow. "After ten o'clock, this room is very cool. The electric fan does not remember to turn off, it is easy to catch cold."

Chen is cocking his legs. "Is it not time?"

Chen Weidong, "...forgot."

Chen added, "I am still surprised, how can I sometimes be like a mental retardation, now I find the reason."

"Bad boy, your dad is old!" Chen Weidong recalled the past, proud, and there was a bit of arrogance between the eyebrows. "I thought that your father was the first university student in the township. I don't know how many people are role models. Even your mother, see your dad’s face worship."

"Later, your dad went to practice Sanda. It was even worse. I know that the coach said nothing. He said that your father is a rare wizard who has been seen for a hundred years. It is born for Sanda..."

Chen shook his shoulders. "Wow, it’s amazing."

"That is," Chen Weidong also tilted his legs and shivered. "You don't look at it. Your face, this figure, is not all given by your father."

"Who knows that you will not use your own conditions, white this handsome look, sophomore, even a girlfriend has not talked, it is not happy to say."

Chen’s face is black, then don’t say it, really, I am not happy.

The room was quiet.

Chen Weidong said more, was sleepy, fell asleep for a while, did not sleep for a long time, he asked the son who turned over and over, "You have a sore on your back?"

Chen couldn’t remember how many times he turned over. "I still go back to my own house."

He moved the fan to the chair, adjusted the direction and then timed, and pulled his head away.

The lowest wind blew, Chen Weidong's hot sweat slowly dried, he did not sleep, his son's symptoms, not like depression.

Thinking about it for a while, Chen Weidong went to the study room, took out the glasses from the drawer, opened the computer to go online, and searched for problems that children in adolescence would encounter, and what should parents do.

He found that his son was up and down, and there were many examples of depression. Some had already moved the dangerous thoughts of suicide, and some had already suffered misfortunes. See the answers from doctors and netizens below, most of them are stress problems.

Chen Weidong took off his glasses and dropped two drops of eye drops. What pressure does the son have? The first year of the college entrance examination did not test well, the culture section was less than four hundred percent. The professional class was brushed down because of a crying drama. As a result, the other party came back to play the game, and there was no feeling of depression. He did not say a heavy word.

Not learning, what is it?

Chen Weidong closed his eyes and slowed down. He continued to move the mouse, and the page turned back and forth, and all the information points were seen.

Because there were four classes in the morning of the next morning, Chen counted the time from home to school traffic jam. He got up at five o'clock, and when he opened the door, he made a face-to-face interview with his father.

"Where, Dad, what did you go out last night?"

Chen Weidong, who is wearing two dark circles, waved his hand. "Don't mention it. I really don't know how you have been facing the computer for a long time. I spent a few hours, dizzy, and still weak."

Chen followed behind and sighed and said, "You are old."

He said strangely, "No, Dad, what do you look at with your computer at night? It’s a few hours, hey, I know, oh, my mom has been away for some years, understandable, I It’s also a man, but the action movie is still less good, it’s easy to kidney deficiency, really, believe me, especially if you can’t watch it at night, the next time you have a good look, I’ll call you, let’s watch together.”

Chen Weidong, "..."

Hastily made a breakfast for Dad, and Chen did not care about eating, he grabbed the backpack and went out.

At seven o'clock, Chen stood at the door of the dormitory. According to the usual time, the three treasures were still asleep. He was ready to take the key to open the door. He tried to make a small noise. He knew that the door was opened from the inside, and the three treasures stood inside. The eyes that look over are unbelievable, dignified, sympathetic, and pathetic.

In short, it is very complicated.

Chen’s eyes are sucking, and it’s not good. Dad must tell the three about his depression.

He doesn't know what to say. Depression can be troublesome for others, but it doesn't really matter to him.

The atmosphere in the dormitory is very strange.

Chen put his backpack on the table and squinted, "Why are you three, collective constipation?"

Pang Yilong took the lead and patted Chen’s shoulder without saying a word, followed by Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao.

Chen and black asked the face.

Lying in the trough, why? One by one, if Laozi is really depressed, then don’t you have to be so heavy? If you don't have depression, you can't think of breaking the floor and cutting your wrist to commit suicide.

"you guys……"

Pang Yilong went to get the book, and by the way, he took the book to Chen’s shelf. “Go, go to class, there are many people in the cafeteria late, and you can’t have breakfast.”

Zheng Shuai followed Wang Yao.

The four bought breakfast and sat in the last row of the lecture hall, full of scent.

Chen also held his forehead with one hand, biting|| drinking a cup of fragrant tea with a straw, thinking about something.

Pang Yilong three exchanged eyes, Wang Yao went out, handed a meat buns, "Pomelo, you eat."

Chen took another look at Wang Yao, and he was pouting, obviously not eating enough. "You eat, I have eaten at home, not hungry."

Wang Yao snorted, took back the meat buns, and screamed at the mouth.

He found that Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai were both looking at themselves, and shrugged innocently. You also saw that the grapefruit is not interested in meat, and I have no choice.

Chen opened his mouth and just asked if Dad had called. Pang Yilong said, "Pomelo, don't say anything, brother can understand."

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao also nodded and said, "We understand."

Chen has another blood in his throat, and he still drinks a few mouthfuls of milk tea.

At the door of the classroom, the female classmates’ laughter sounded. They saw the four boys in the room whispering. Some people even earlier than they came. They are not lovers. They are four men. Besides the little fat ones, the other three are good. Handsome.

They held a sneak peek for more than a dozen times. They recognized that the milk tea was the line of the travel management. After the incident last night, it will be the topic of the day and tomorrow.

Chen ignored the sights. "I saw a novel last night. The protagonist is like us. She is a sophomore. At the beginning, the protagonist is dying, binding to a system..."

Zheng Shuai interrupted, and his mouth was still stuffed with omelettes that he didn't eat. "When you wear it, the novels of that subject matter are gone, that is, the protagonist is a world and a world task, it is boring."

Chen Zai, "..."

Zheng Shuai grinned. "You said you said."

Chen continued, "The protagonist was taken to the first mission world, according to the requirements of the system to reach the target, to obtain the value of evil thoughts, followed by the second world, the third world, slowly, he found that the goals of the Raiders are... ..."

Specially, it was interrupted again, or Zheng Shuai, who is still awkward. "The same person, the author has made all the goals into the same one, and said what is fine, even more boring."

Chen was angry again, and he passed.

Pang Yilong, who never read the novel, listened to it. He grabbed Zheng Shuai’s mouth. "You shut up and let the grapefruit finish."

Wang Yao is also the idea. Although it is very common at present, there may be big moves in the back.

Chen also told his brothers about his own experience in the novel mode. It is another kind of confession. He feels that the backlog of things is a lot lighter. "Now the author has not finished writing, the content of the latest chapter is that. The protagonist returns to the real world in advance, and there is insanity, and it is impossible to distinguish between reality and fantasy. What do you think will be the end?"

Zheng Shuai got rid of Pang Yilong’s hand and stretched out a finger to scratch his chin. “With my years of experience, I usually only have two endings.”

Chen Youke asked the emotions, "Which two?"

Zheng Shuai said, "The first ending is that the heroine will come to the real world to find the male protagonist in various magical ways. They will meet again later, and they will rejoice and reunite. The second ending is not good, see the author's urine. It is very likely that there will be an egg, a reversal, or a god."

He is holding his arm. "Pomelo, don't you say that the actor has gotten mentally ill after returning to the real world? I think the author is quite mad at this setting."

Chen added, "It is very mad."

Zheng Shuai suddenly said, "If the heroine is a virus, ten * will be formatted."

Chen stunned, "Will?"

Formatting these words is no stranger to him. There is no such thing as a u disk. As soon as he is sure, nothing is gone. His temples are suddenly jumping. "You are handsome, you will continue."

Pang Yilong and Wang Yao, who listened to the fans, coughed and made a serious thought. "According to the author’s madness, the virus of the article, that is, the heroine is on the way to escape the main program, because of the data. Incomplete, code problems, lost all printed | remember, even if one day, she is face to face with the male lead, will not recognize it."

"And, the actor himself is mentally ill, and the memory of the mission world will certainly become more and more blurred, until he can't remember it completely, there is no sudden death, no mission, no system, no goal, no rebirth, he is just an ordinary College Students."

Chen sat still, and heard Zheng Shuai said, "In my own understanding, the author wants to reveal that if one day, the hero and hero who lost their memories can re-love each other, and each will regain their memory. If not They are just strangers, the heroine will be in their own field, and the actor will live his life."

His head hurts, and the pain of the heart is like a strong awl on the top of his head.

Don't think about it, these are just handsome and conjectures. There is no basis, but why doesn't Chang Qin still appear? If you don't remember...

"Don't worry, the author sets it up, it must be that the male and female protagonists can see you again, fall in love again, think of everything."

Listening to the last sentence of Zheng Shuai, Chen has a feeling of being redeemed. He discovered that he was sweating and his fingertips were shaking. Mom||Forcing|I knew it, I was scared to death. .

Zheng Shuai asked curiously, "Pomelo, which novel you just said, **** website? What is the name, I will go and see."

Chen wiped his face and wiped out those sweats. His face was not red and he said, "I don't look good, it wastes time."

Zheng Shuai smoked his face. "When are you still seeing the end?"

Chen Hehehe, "I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. When I look at the beginning, I want to see the ending."

Pang Yilong on the side asked Zheng Shuai to ask for a quick wear. He searched the Internet and found that after a few minutes, he had lost his mobile phone and had a spicy eye. "Nothing, what to write, when I read the novel, I have never done it." It's not true at all."

"For the first time, boys can't do it for a long time, and it's basically fast."

Pang Yilong glared at Chen and the three. "When you look at it, I have been far more mortal for the first time. How long has it been for half an hour?"

Zheng Shuai clap his hands, "Great."

Wang Yao thumbs up, "Niu."

Chen despised, "only half an hour..." Every time he went to a world, he and his man made the first time, the minimum was more than two hours.

Pang Yilong made a cry from his nose. "You see, how long are you?"

Chen laughed and said, "Say the longest, from the afternoon to the next morning."

Pang Yilong three people are when he is telling jokes, hahaha.

Chen Zai, "..."

Wang Yao also searched Pang Yilong’s novel, but it was a different reaction. He looked down and was lying in the trough. “Look at it!”

Not to mention Pang Yilong, that is, Chen You and Zheng Shuai, both think that Wang Yao is a small peasant who has never seen the world, a little | meat | | | foam only, as for a surprise?

Wang Yaozhen did not engage in it. He looked at it with relish. The mobile phone didn't leave his hand. After a class, he didn't lift his head, and he was silent in the classroom.

On both sides, Chen and Pang Yilong and Zheng Shuai were innocent.

At the end of the two classes, they changed classrooms, continued to read novels while reading novels, continued to sleep while sleeping, continued to be dazed in a daze, and continued to chat with girlfriends on WeChat.

After class, Chen also saw the girl in the flight attendant at the door of the classroom. The other party came to block him.

Oops, he is really handsome, and the girl he likes is never too little. He told his man that he didn’t believe it.

The tall girl stood there, long hair draped over her shoulders, melon face, big eyes, red lips and white teeth, wearing denim shorts, slim white t-shirt, two legs long and straight, very tall, girls in the class have to endure Do not live to see, not men like to see beautiful women, they also like.

Chen also put his hand in his pocket and his eyebrows were slight.

The tall girl saw him, the cold arrogance disappeared instantly, and a blush rose to the pretty face. "You really were not in the dormitory last night?"

Chen added, "Well, I am going home."

The tall girl bit her lip and was a little shy. "Someone in your dormitory should have told you?"

Chen nodded. "Tell, the video also looked, thank you for loving me."

He used Yu Guangkai to pretend to go first. In fact, Pang Yilong, who was eavesdropping, said to the girl, "I have someone I like."

It is said that the tall girls are taking a few steps and are almost stuck.

Chen another meter eight, the girl in front of a meter seven, when he looked down, can see each other's t-shirt neckline, this is not very good, after all, he is a base | | 佬, prefer to look at the block | chest | | muscle |.

Taking a step back, Chen and the girls opened the distance.

The girl's face was embarrassed, she was so active for the first time, and the other party did not eat this set.

"Chen, you don't have to use that excuse to reject me."

I said really, you don't believe, Chen is lazy to explain.

The tall girl looked straight at the tall boys in front of her. The boys who pursued her were more handsome than this, and their family was better, but they did not feel the feeling she wanted. It was not pure, this is the first time she saw her. I feel that it is a worthy person.

Probably there are no other thoughts in the eyes that are doped by other boys.

The tall girl said, "Can I kiss you?"

Chen did not hesitate, "No."

Don't tease, you don't die, you haven't done any tasks, and if you meet him, he won't agree.

This is not a play||flow||氓?

The girl’s eyes were bleak, and she was not willing to do it. She did not even impress this person with her own conditions. Even “I can’t hold it.”

Chen bent his mouth and smiled. Sorry, "The people I like are very small and don't allow me to do this with others."

There was a slight surprise in the eyes of the tall girl. She looked at the boy with a happy face and decided not to lie.

"I envy the person you like, can I know which department she is?"

Chen added, "You will see him if you have the chance."

After the tall girl left, Pang Yilong three people came up, oh |

"The flight attendant is very good. The leg is too long. If you hook it on your waist, you don't know what it feels like."

This is what Pang Yilong said, really shameless.

Zheng Shuai is concerned about another thing. "I have d, I just posted it to the grapefruit, grapefruit, your chest|| hurt? Is it pressed?"

Wang Yao did not speak, quietly hard.

He did not break this state in the morning and suffered from his own big brother.

Chen didn't want to go back, and the chest was really a little painful. Fortunately, his man was not there, otherwise the girl would be finished, and the entire teaching building could be vinegar-flavored.

Pang Yilong three people catch up, "Pomelo, who are you like?"

Chen is also fast in his footsteps. "I will dispel my curiosity early, I don't want to tell you."


Forget it, got depression, is the uncle.

There are only two classes in the afternoon. After the end, four people go to the streets to play. Pang Yilong Zheng Shuai Wang Yao thinks so. There are several kinds of people with depression. One is that the appearance is cheerful, the heart is unhappy, and the grapefruit may be that kind.

The treatment method is to go out and take a look, go to a crowded place, be infected by the lively atmosphere, there is no time to close yourself.

Pang Yilong also called his girlfriend, the other very considerate to bring the other three female students in the dormitory.

Four men and four women, in addition to the recognized pair, the other are single dogs, if you can pair, you can kiss the pro, this is the idea of ​​Pang Yilong and his girlfriend.

Obviously impossible.

Chen is the base||佬, Zheng Shuai’s vision is too high. As for Wang Yao, hey, although the fat man also has a certain market, some beautiful women like fat people. Unfortunately, the three girls don’t like it, and the eyes are all in Chen. Also with Zheng Shuai, sweeping and sweeping, there will be no stop.

Pang Yilong’s girlfriend is a hot girl, she is all hot, she is surrounded by Pang Yilong’s arm, and most of her body is up, greasy||

As a typical example of masculinity, Pang Yilong is good at this, easy to control, his girlfriend is independent, he does not like it.

The other three girls walked together and didn't know what to say.

Chen walked in the middle of Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao, and looked around at the whole process of protecting the law, for fear that he would become sick in the street.

In fact, it is really unnecessary, he is not a madman.

Chen thought so again. The next moment, he violently smashed Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao, ran out insanely, grabbed the arm of a suit man, "Chang Qin!"

The man in the suit was on the phone and his arm was suddenly smashed. He went to see him and saw a strange boy, shouting his name.

Being shackled on the street, the suit man is very well-conceived, not immediately swiping, but asking for an eye.

Chen stared at death, no cockroaches, not a phoenix eye. There was no familiar feeling. The curvature of his mouth solidified, slowly disappeared, and forced out, and the voice was crying.

"Sorry, sir, I admit the wrong person."

The suit man said it doesn't matter.

Chen couldn't help but hang down. He just ran too fast. His heartbeat was very abnormal and he had to come out.

After a few moments, Chen couldn't stand and slammed into the ground, and a small piece of water appeared on the ground.

Pang Yilong's sports cells are the most developed and his legs are long. He is the fastest to run. He squats and holds Chen's shoulder and asks, "What is going on? Grapefruit?"

Hanging his head, Chen said nothing.

Pang Yilong looked at the back of the suit man and went to see the buddy. "What are you shaking? Who is that?"

No response, hehe.

Pang Yilong put Chen and a half into the Starbucks next to him. "Blow an air conditioner for a while, I will buy you a cup of drink."

Chen is white and like a ghost, his body is still shaking, he is holding his hair, his unconscious chanting in his mouth, no rules, almost mad.

"There is a cockroach, yes, there is a cockroach, I remember very clearly, which side is coming, left? Right, right, right..."

Chen held his hands together and calmed himself. Many things were blurred, and the people in the dream still remembered.

That must not be for no reason.

Chen shook his fist and held his head, recalling what Chang Qin reacted when he said his dream.

Excited, excited, and also engaged him.

Not wrong, the person in the dream is another Chang Qin, perhaps the true face.

Chen was sweating all over again, and fell back like a vain, kneeling on the sofa.

A few people who came in later sat down. You said that I was concerned about it. One girl said that it was heat stroke. As a result, Pang Yilong said that he would take Chen and go to the hospital.

Chen is swinging his hand and going to the hospital. He is the cause of emotional loss. "Slow down for a while."

He said that a few people are relieved, but they are still only students. In the face of such an unexpected situation, they are somewhat unable to cope, and people are also forced.

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao were still very shocked. At that time, Chen’s strength to knock them out was great, and people were crazy.

Is this still the case with depression?

They contacted Pang Yilong by text message before and after. After a short exchange, the three decided that as long as the girl asked the suit man, and asked Chen who he was, he immediately opened the topic.

The result was really asked, that is, Pang Yilong’s girlfriend, he glanced at each other with a warning.

No one ever touched this topic afterwards.

After drinking a cold drink, Chen kicked Zheng Shuai, "Go to the bathroom together."

For other people, Zheng Shuai refused, and it was not a girl. She went to the toilet to accompany her, but the grapefruit made this request. He can forgive, mainly used to it.

There are two people in the toilet, and there is a sound in the cubicle.

Zheng Shuai temporarily changed his mind and went to the cubicle, saying that he would wait for a while and let Chen not wait for himself.

Chen’s mouth was so pumping that I couldn’t wait, it’s too stinking.

He quickly smashed and finished, quickly pulled the zipper out, met a glasses man in the hallway, and the elite dressed up. When the other party looked over, the eyes behind the lens glowed.

The glasses men striding toward the meteor, and politely handed out a business card, "Hello classmates, I am the agent of the **** brokerage company, surnamed Hu."

Chen knows that this company is quite famous. Tian Wang is there, he blurted out, "Hu Shaoye?"

Glasses men push the glasses on the bridge of the nose, "No."

Chen Zai, "Hey."

The glasses man said, "This is the case. Now there is an advertisement that lacks two protagonists. Your image is in line with one of the protagonists. I don't know who you are..."

Chen said that he was not interested.

The glasses man said, "It is a public service advertisement."

Not long after, Chen sat with the glasses man in the coffee shop.

The glasses man took a sip of coffee and smiled. He said, "The content of the advertisement is the same || sexual subject, the purpose is to let the audience have this group..."

Chen got up and walked away.

Read The Duke's Passion