MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 168 The real world (7)

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When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Chen followed the ambulance crew and looked at the dad on the stretcher. His arm was suddenly smashed. He couldn’t turn his head and could see who he was from the strength of his own. Read novels to the net

Li Yan and Chen went into the building together.

He called and several directors of the brain department came over from the house, including the dean. After several inspections, they determined that Chen Weidong had 40 ml of cerebral hemorrhage. After checking the relevant indicators, he gave the operating room.

Chen stood in the corridor, his young, flexible back bent down, and his broken hair was in front of his eyes. Most of his childish face was hidden in the shadows.

Severely frowning, raising his hand on the top of the teenager's hair, touched it, "Come on the chair and wait."

Chen Youzhen was pulled to the bench, his legs were close together, his hands resting on it, and the people seemed helpless and confused. "Mr. Li, my dad won't have anything?"

Li Yan said, "Nothing will happen."

The man’s reply has a wonderful effect. The string that Chen has pulled all the way in his mind is no longer shaking. He wiped his face and took out the information on the mobile phone to search for cerebral hemorrhage surgery. Can he recover and recover to what extent? The content given is relatively objective, saying that it is necessary to judge according to the patient's physical condition, as well as the amount of bleeding and the bleeding site.

The phone was taken away by one hand, accompanied by a voice, "Don't think about it."

Chen’s eyes fell on his fingers. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. When his mother didn’t, he left Dad. Before he was very good, he got up early every morning and went out to dance in the square at night. The amount of exercise is mostly, and it is faster than him when he walks. How can he have a sudden brain hemorrhage?

At this moment, Chen suddenly remembered one thing. At that time, the mother had not gone yet. One night, they were watching a certain company|||||||, which was put together because of lack of attention. The human tragedy, the host said, "Unexpected and tomorrow do not know which one will come first, so what we have to do is to live each day."

My mother looked at her eyes, and her eyes were red. She sighed that the current generation is no more than a generation. The standard of living is high, the environment is poor, people are black, and the food they wear can be mixed with health hazards. Things can't be compared with before.

She also said that to find a time before, go to the hospital with his father to do a full-body examination, can not give his son a hind legs.

Less than a week after that time, my mother fell ill and did not have time to do a full-body examination.

Chen made a cold war, subconsciously grabbed the man, grabbed the big hand tightly, and nailed it in.

The sharp brow wrinkled more tightly. He took the boy to the bathroom at the end of the corridor, closed the door with his backhand, silently held the man in his arms, and patted his back in a motionless manner.

Chen’s face was buried in the man’s chest, his hands were close to his shirt, his shoulders swaying gently, suppressing his inner panic and uneasiness.

The two of them did not speak, just quietly hugged together, one eager to rely on at this time, one willing to be dependent, they are like two semi-circles, they will be complete after spelling, even the gaps that are not in line There will be.

In the middle of the night, the lights in the operating room were extinguished, and the doctor said that the operation was very successful.

Chen thanked the omnipotent master in his heart, thanked God for his kindness, let go of his father, and said a few times to the doctors and nurses. If you don’t take it, he will go up excitedly and give the middle knife. Doctor.

The next morning, Chen Weidong’s consciousness was clear, but his eyes were closed and he could not speak.

Chen stood in front of the bed, and his hands did not dare to move. He was afraid to accidentally touch the pipes of his father. His eyes were full of red blood. "Dad, how are you feeling?"

Chen Weidong’s eyelids moved.

Only with such a reaction, Chen can be happy again. He went to the nurse and waited for the other party to check and said to his father, "Have you ever had a headache?"

Half-sounding, Chen Weidong’s head was a bit.

Chen and his eyebrows, blame him, did not pay careful attention, usually know that playing and noisy, or will definitely find out, his heart is not a taste, very uncomfortable, "Doctor said the operation is very smooth, Dad, you do not be afraid, I am Don't worry about the money, enough."

Chen Weidong still nodded.

After staying in the ward for a while, Chen opened the door and said to the man in the corridor, "Mr. Li, my dad woke up."

Strictly take out the hand in the pocket and pat the young man's arm.

Chen saw a few blood marks on the man's hand. He was awkward. His face changed. "It's bleeding. When I yell at you, why don't you stop it?"

Slightly and faintly, "You don't hurt yourself."

Chen’s face was so hot that if Dad was lying at home, he slept, instead of doing surgery last night, just waking up, he heard the man say so, he would definitely have a good time to take a nap.

Going home from the hospital, Chen took the key and opened the door. He said to the man who came in, "Mr. Li is just sitting."

He said, he went into his father's room, took some washing clothes and daily necessities, including his own, the mother was gone, taking care of his father, he had to come alone, the summer vacation time is enough. Nothing to be busy.

The only hope now is that Dad can recover, just like before.

Go to the bathroom and see the teenager in the plastic basin, and there is a big bag on the side. "There are hospitals."

Hearing the sound, Chen is another, what is the basin? He didn't pay much attention to the equipment in the ward at the time, and his eyes were all on his father. "Is there a water bottle?"

Strictly said, "Yes."

Chen pulled it in the big bag, took out a red water bottle and put it back on the table. He unconsciously showed his dependence on the man. "What do I bring with me?"

The stern twilight was a little deep, a stalk, pinching the boy's face, leaning over the two dry lips, not too much plunder||, after a few moments, he retired, "close-fitting clothing, ID."

Chen added, "No?"

Strictly follow the boy's mouth. "I have already contacted your father with a care worker. They are very professional. You can rest assured."

Wen Yan, Chen looked at the man with grateful eyes, "Thank you."

From last night to the present, his mind is chaotic. Fortunately, this person is there, patiently appease him, and stays with him. Once he has anxious emotions, he will be immediately suppressed and adjusted.

Li Yan did not say anything, just kissed the boy.

Pour out the contents of the big bag, where to put it, Chen went to the kitchen, put the braised fish head in the pot, brushed the pot to wipe the chopping board, cleaned the pool, and relied on these trivial and real things. I calm down.

There are three carers, one woman and two men, all of whom are top-notch personnel in this field. They are very polite and know how to grasp the position and will not make any untimely moves.

In the beginning of the week, Chen Weidong’s emotions were very violent, and he was calmed by a calming agent.

Slowly, he no longer needs a tranquilizer, his eyes can be opened, but the language ability has not fully recovered, and no one can hear it.

Chen guessed, and occasionally guessed what Dad meant. "Dad, don't worry, take care of you in the hospital, wait until your health is good, and then dance with the Zhou Ayi."

Chen Weidong is anxious, his tongue is not listening, his brain is also, messy, every day is turned over by the care worker, taking the back, pulling ||屎||拉||尿||All in bed, is this not a waste person? He sometimes wants to lose his temper, but he still resists the thin son.

The son has depression. Hearing from the doctor, the impact can be big or small. The family must not transmit negative emotions. If he enters the coffin with one foot and kills his son, he will go back to the ground to see him. My wife, no face.

A month later, Chen Weidong's swallowing function was still optimistic, the number of vomiting decreased, and the situation began to get better.

Chen moved the chair to the bed and told the dad about the news of the day and sent the time.

After a short time, the door of the ward opened and went in.

Chen’s nerves are stretched, he rubs his palms, what to do, Dad can’t be stimulated at all.

Chen Weidong’s gaze moved over and saw that the people were dressed very well. There was also a kind of power of the superior. It was not an ordinary person. He turned his eyes back to his son’s direction and asked him.

Chen hurriedly said, "Dad, this is my boss."

Chen Weidong's eyebrows were screwed up. He couldn't help but doubt the place where his son worked. The boss had a killing atmosphere, and he was thicker than the coach. His hands were not clean, unlike a serious businessman.

Chen is also squinting at the eyebrows, some complain, why are you coming up, not talking to you, waiting for me under the hospital floor?

The stern face is heavy and the pressure on the body is extremely low.

Chen swallowed again, his eyes were cramping, and he took the black gas back and slumbered. Don't scare my dad. If you want to come out with me, listen to me!

Put the fruit basket and high-end gifts on the table, and openly sternly, "Chen Shushu, my surname is fierce and strict."

Chen Weidong pondered, this name is rare, he also said hello, saying hello, is the word is unclear.

Next is a brief silence.

Chen Weidong remembered it. He heard the voice outside in the past few days. He thought that he was dreaming. He was not afraid. The nurse’s object of discussion was the son’s boss, wearing a suit and tie, a high person, and a raw Jun. It is.

That being said, this person has been here before, I am afraid more than once or twice.

What are you doing? Who are you looking at? His old man? Or is it that the other party has a family member who is sick and lives on this floor? Chen Weidong could not help but explore.

It’s good to be father and son, and others can’t see through it. Chen can see through it. He saw the famous name from his father’s expression changes, and his heart mentioned the blind man’s eyes. “Dad, when I sent you to the hospital that night, The boss is also there. The time is tight. I don’t have anyone else to ask. I ask the boss, so he knows about you."

"The boss knows with the dean, often come here to find the other party to drink tea and chat, and there is that, the hospitalized money, I asked the boss to borrow."

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Hearing that the money was asked to borrow, Chen Weidong asked his son how much he borrowed.

Chen said a number in his ear and blinked his eyes. "I didn't find the passbook at home, and you didn't tell me that you have died. It's still early. I asked the boss, he said temporarily. If you are not in a hurry, you can take it back slowly. I will be internship soon. I will go to work there and pay with my salary."

Chen Weidong also blinked, his son had an idea, and he supported.

Chen got the father again, and saw that the man was still in the ward. If he didn't leave, he quickly smashed a "quick away" look.

A stern thin lip, "Uncle, I have something, I will see you next time."

Chen Weidong hurriedly groaned and couldn’t hear clearly, as if he wanted to take the gift away.

"It's gone, the boss has money, the gift is not expensive." The face is not red-hearted and does not jump, and Chen patted his father's heart. "Dad, you are coming, don't worry, easy to bite|| ”

Chen Weidong took a breather and forget it.

In the afternoon, Chen went out of the hospital and sat in a car waiting for a long time. He returned to the strict one.

The weather is hot, nothing is done, just a quiet exhalation, you can breathe hot on the back, all the senses are baked hot, not suitable for things.

Chen did not engage with Li Yan. He only ate the root purple corn. It took an hour and a half to eat. At the end of the meal, his mouth was boring. He took a shameful attitude and did not miss a corn.

On the bathroom, Chen lay on the floor, put his hands behind his head, and while blowing air conditioning, he went into a venting state.


There was a cry from the outside, and the little yellow dog stood at the door. When Chen looked over, he shook his tail hard and wanted to come in, but he didn't dare.

Chen held his elbows. "Oh, it’s a blessing. Is your dad a good heart today?"

He smiled and waved. "The air conditioner in the room is very cool. Come on, come on, come in with your brother, and your brother will be suffocated."

The little yellow dog did not enter the room immediately, but turned his head and looked at one direction. After confirming what was there, he snorted and ran to the juvenile cheerfully.

Outside the door, he squeezed the bridge of the nose. When he bought the puppy, he couldn’t figure out why. Later, he saw the boy and the puppy’s loved ones. He suddenly became cheerful and everything seemed to be arranged.

Pups, teenagers, will appear in his life, he buys a puppy, just to wait for the arrival of a teenager, it sounds amazing, but gives him a weird feeling of determination.

Strictly looking sideways, the teenager on the floor was holding the puppy's mane, the puppy broke away, and the young man rolled on, and he kept laughing.

This time I brought the puppy in. I wanted to solve the problem for the teenager. It seems that the effect is good.

The sun shone in, tilted and spread out in a fan-shaped pattern, passing over the big one and two shadows. The teenager and the little yellow dog squatted side by side on the floor, the claws straightened and the gods synchronized.

Chen yawned again. "Come on, why do you want people to experience illness and death?"

The eyes of the little yellow dog have become a seam.

Chen also blinked his eyes. "How can you not be good, always together?"

He asked himself, "Because the earth is so big, this is the rule of nature, you, me, your father, my dad, my mother, Pang Yilong, Zheng Shuai, Wang Yao, we all have to obey, God also Can't change it."

"This rule is a dog|| fart, not right, not as good as your fart."

The little yellow dog fell asleep, the hair on his body was soft and pressed, and the small body was slightly undulating, and the sleep was quite sweet.

Chen squinted his head, his face pressed against the cool floor, and face the little yellow dog. "Blessing, what do you want to do? I will talk to your dad, how can I confess with my dad, not to splatter On the spot, but with harmony, joy and joy reunion?"

"It's difficult, but it's harder. I don't want to break up with your dad. Can there be a way to do both?" I have to think about it..."

Muttered, Chen's volume went down and the breath became even.

The footsteps came from outside the door, and Li Yan was in front of the teenager. He raised an arm and touched his finger. He gently stroked the tears on the corner of the boy's eyes.

Chen had a dream. In his dream, he was in a strange room. What was weird was that he wore two rings on his ring finger.

When I woke up, Chen was dazed by the empty ring finger. How did he suddenly dream of the ring? Is it that he can't wait to marry him? No, he hasn't thought so far.

The little yellow dog squatted on a pair of slippers, and it was very energetic and very memorable.

Chen didn't bother to disturb the big things. He walked barefoot to the bathroom and brushed the phone while rubbing the toilet. It is said that these two things happen at the same time. There will be a tragedy, that is, hemorrhoids.

So far, Chen hasn't had it yet. Maybe he is a gift of talent? After all, even such a big deal can be tolerated.

The cell phone rang, it was Pang Yilong’s call, and asked Chen if there was no time to come out to eat and say that everyone went.

Chen said that he would go to the hospital later. "My dad had a cerebral hemorrhage last month. He was lying in the hospital and recovered very well. Well, he has been exercising all the time, his physical condition is good, and his mentality is OK."

Pang Yilong said that Chen is not interesting enough. He doesn't tell them a few things. "If you lack money, you can say it. I have it in my card."

Chen said that it is not needed, and the money is enough.

Pang Yilong did not say anything, let Chen have something to do not squat on his own, let the brothers share the burden, are all dad, by the way, greet his mysterious girlfriend.

Hang up the phone, Chen licks his mouth, has a chest | | muscle, abdomen | | muscle, 叼 super big girlfriend can?

Certainly not, until one day in a certain season, the three people and the father know the truth of the matter, the tears will not fall, he will, be beaten.

Three months later, the tail of the summer was invisible, the weather turned cold, and even a wind blew, no more fire snakes wrapped around ||winding, cool, but not cold.

The school’s Chen remembered the time and went to the hospital early to go to the hospital for the discharge procedure.

Chen Weidong is looking at the list of charges. The illness is two points. One, toss, two, spend money. He puts the books together in his pockets. He has no problem talking. He is good at the spirit. According to the doctor, he pays more attention in life. Note that there won't be much impact.

The father and son took a taxi back. When they arrived at the vegetable market, Chen Weidong asked his son, "Is there a pig's trotter at home?"

Chen said no.

Chen Weidong asked the driver to put them in the vegetable market. "And again, at noon, you will give your father a stew of pig's trotters, put more rock sugar, stew and stew, and Dad will fade out the birds in the hospital."

Chen also asked the driver to go directly to the **** community. "What kind of pig's trotters to eat? It's so oily. Have you forgotten what the doctor said?"

Chen Weidong, "..."

"Well, you just left the hospital, oil|||||||Is not suitable for eating, obedient." Chen and a child like, "at the noon to eat beef, not bought by the supermarket, I will do it for you."

Chen Weidong is embarrassed, "Go."

With his son's cooking, it is a plate of greens, it will not be difficult to eat.

Speaking of it, when the son did not test well in the college entrance examination, he went to the hotel to do miscellaneous work. In order to chase the girl, he worked hard to learn a hand. Fortunately, there is such a thing, or the family's pot can rust after the death of his wife.

The car stopped at the gate of the community. The driver said when he was changing. "Your son is very good to you. Unlike my son, I only give me a good face when I ask for money."

Chen Weidong took a change, and said, envy, my son is of course good, the best under the sun.

As a result, when he was eating at noon, Chen Weidong went to the old place to get the wine. No, he thought that he had made a mistake. He looked around and found it, but he still couldn't find it. This is a big problem.

"And again, my wine?"

Chen put the tableware on the table and "gives Uncle Liu."

Chen Weidong took advantage of his son, and when he thought of something, he quickly went to the room. He ran out and his eyes were bigger. "What about my cigarette? You won't give Liu uncle too?"

Chen and Xiaoxiao laughed, "Dad, you are so smart."

"..." Chen Weidong sat down at the table. "Dr. Liu is your father?"

Chen touched Mao again. "Oh, health first."

Chen Weidong sighed and sighed. If that is the case, don’t give it all at once. He said, "The old Liu is mad. His son brought him back to the bottle from the field and blew it in my ear. Moutai is so delicious, I didn’t give me a drink."

Chen pumped his mouth again, accompanied his father, and pinched the beef in his bowl. "Is it? The uncle Liu is really very angry. There is a Wuliangye in the cupboard that I didn't open. I didn't send it, it won't. Send him, give it to Aunt Zhou."

Chen Weidong suddenly lost the tableware and saw his son slowly look over. He grievances and pouted, and took the dishes to his hands and continued to eat.

After dinner, Chen returned to school.

There was no class in junior year, and I was busy with internships to find a job. When I had time, Chen came back to accompany Dad. He took him to the hospital for regular review, measured blood pressure, urged him to exercise every day, and insisted on low-salt and low-fat diet.

Chen Weidong is going to dance in the small square. Chen goes also, squatting on the next step, sending a text message to Li Yan and saying that he missed him.

The text message was sent out for less than a minute, and a strict phone call was made to let Chen go to the big ant in the community.

Chen went again and saw that the man was smoking against the ant sign. He licked his mouth for a second and smashed his feet and flew over.

Strictly annihilate the smoke, open your arms, and catch the teenager like a night wind.

Chen didn't expect the man to be in the community. His mood was more exciting than before. What was overflowing and oozing out, so that he shouted out unconsciously, "Chang Qin, I love you very much."

The atmosphere around us suddenly changed.

Li Yan took the juvenile out of his chest and there was a deep shadow in his eyebrows. "Who are you calling?"

Chen squinted innocently.

Li Yan stunned the blindfold, licking the juvenile's palm and let go, leaving without saying a word.

Chen stayed for a moment, seeing that the man’s figure was about to disappear into the field of vision, and he didn’t want to catch up with it, glaring at his sleeve. “Mr. Li, what happened?”

The stern voice is cold and cold, "loose hands."

Chen added, "Not loose."

Strictly stopped, he bowed his head and a pair of phoenixes lingered in the cold. "Then tell me, who is Chang Qin?"

Chen and Emei, Chang Qin? In the shortest possible time, he flipped through his memory at the fastest speed. Without that name, he made sure he didn't know. "I don't know."

"Good one doesn't know."

A stern lip and a hook, a stunned smile, he patted the boy's cheek and squeezed it. "Little liar, when do you want to lie to me, huh?"

Chen’s face was pinched and hurts. Do you really don’t know what Chang Qin is? "I didn't lie... oh..."

The neck was bitten.

After a while, the sharp lips | | teeth left, take away the hot blood and a touch of soap, his light and sharp, looking at the teenager, I don't know what I was thinking.

Chen touched his pocket, and on a mobile phone, he reached into the man's pocket and touched a piece of a sliver. He shook the wound around his neck. When he took it down, he saw the blood on it. I really don't know what to say. All right.

During this time, he was mostly at home, and the man returned to the state of using sedatives and drugs to suppress, and the situation was serious.

"Mr. Li, I really didn't hear the name Chang Qin, I didn't deceive you." Chen said seriously, "If I lie to you, let me..."

The words behind him were sealed by the lips of the man.

In the small square, Chen Weidong heard the neighbor's words and said that he saw his son stay with a man and hugged him. He was not serious. "It is very common for boys to take a shoulder and hold them."

The neighbor said, "Hold it all the time."

Chen Weidong’s face changed slightly, and he didn’t bother to dance. He went to the big ant and saw his son. He didn’t see any man.

Chen asked again, "Dad, are you not dancing, how come here?"

Chen Weidong did not answer and asked, "Are you not watching your dad dance? What do you do to the big ants?"

Chen said that he was walking on his legs and walked away.

Chen Weidong was stunned everywhere. The light in the evening was not good. He didn't show any pictures. "What about the man?"

Chen sighed again. "Hey, you said Daniel, I am a junior high school student. I haven't seen you for many years. Just when I was walking, I just saw him. It was quite unexpected."

Chen Weidong said, "And again, junior high school students have been in existence for several years. Can you recognize them in places where black lights are on fire?"

To die, it should be said that high school, Chen and hahaha, "Well, it is people who recognize your son, I have only thought of it for a long time, so I am so old."

Chen Weidong stared suspiciously at his son.

Chen's face is not the same, the heart has already sweated, lying in the trough, which is a small report? I won't show any flaws, right? No, no, if it is really exposed, Dad will definitely slap his sleeves.

Chen Weidong didn't see anything. "Are you still holding people together?"

"I am hugged, he hugged me, my classmates, I haven't seen it for a few years, excited." Chen said, "Dad, you are a Chinese New Year, you know."

Chen Weidong's face is pumping, your dad can't understand, big night, the two men have been holding a few meanings.

Speaking of it, my son’s depression has not happened.

"And again, have you not said that you like someone last time? How is the progress now?"

Chen is absent-minded, "Ah?"

Chen Weidong’s son’s arm, “What are you doing, stupid, dad asks you, have you chased the female classmates?”

After Yu Guang swept from somewhere, Chen inexplicably felt that the cold air was coming. He had a chill, "Dad, go back and talk."

Chen Weidong said, "What are you shaking in a few months? The body is not as good as your father."

Chen has nothing to say, really, Dad, did you forget the old man’s appearance in the hospital some time ago?

"Don't think about your dad, I talked to Pang Yilong on WeChat, you got better with the female classmate." Chen Weidong said, "If it weren't for Pang Yilong, I still don't know anything."

"My son is in love. I am a daddy. I have to inquire from others. Again, this is not the case. This is a good thing. You don't need to cover up. Two hundred percent of Dad support you physically. ""

Chen Zai, "..." Dad, let's go, you didn't find your son's legs shaking? What do you do, I am afraid that my boyfriend will be angry when he gets angry. He can’t beat it, he can’t run, he can only wait to die.

It may be just skipping the dance, the activity is open, and Chen Weidong’s spirit is very good. “When do you bring your female classmates to Dad to see, don’t look so good, just like your mom.”


When he heard that Dad had said that he had gone back, Chen sneaked out a sigh of relief and was half-dead. He reached out and waved his hand. He also texted quickly and explained the matter. What was added later?

Behind the big ant, he took a hard step. He took out his mobile phone and saw the text message. He put his hand in his pocket and stared at the direction in which the boy left. He had not recovered his eyes for a long time.

One morning, Pang Yilong took the call and registered on the first floor, leading the dance into the dormitory.

Chen is still washing his hair, Zheng Shuai is washing clothes, Wang Yao is mopping the floor, and the three are very busy. Pang Yilong’s kid didn’t say hello beforehand, and their quilts were not laid.

Ren Wu did not have a free hand, brought a large bag of snacks, all imported goods, she was beautiful, Chen and three people rose to her feelings, and instantly reached a girlfriend before Pang Yilong The height that can't be reached.

No way, a bag of snacks will buy three foods.

This dance is very simple, it is a denim skirt with a pair of pencil pants and high heels, but she is e, even if it is not exposed, it is still a shining landscape, especially for boys who have not eaten pork. In terms of it, it is a | 诱 | | | 惑 |.

Usually, there are not many doors to the door next door. Today, it is very frequent and it is almost shameless.

Pang Yilong smoked his legs and stalked the young master. He had a gesture of showing off good things. Come and come, just look around, don’t miss passing by, he is very proud, except for him, no one has seen this beautiful woman.撅||着|屁屁||Shares, squatting on the ground to learn dog barking, asking for a scene he is doing.

The dance always keeps smiling and gives Pang Yilong a face.

It’s so good, Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao sighed, I want to ask Lao Pang to ask for a trick in the toilet, such a good woman, where to hook up||

Chen is eating biscuits, and he has no time to do anything. He has the best and strictest, and no matter how good others are, it is not comparable.

Pang Yilong thought about it. "Right, grapefruit, you are the same as the idol of the dance. She also likes the song of the other party. On the 15th concert, she went to the scene and took a video. Do you want to see it? ”

Chen has a cookie in his mouth, and he said vaguely.

Let's take out the phone and pull out the video, "Here."

Chen moved the chair and looked closer. He saw the idol appear on the table, and he waved his arms excitedly.

Then there was such a scene, the handsome young boy and the beautiful woman's head together, the four eyes watching the video, singing the song, abnormally neat, like a person's mouth.

This is too much, right? It’s only the second time, obviously not love?

Zheng Shuai said, "Old Pang, your girlfriend and grapefruit seem to be exactly the same."

Wang Yao said, "It’s the female version of the grapefruit."

Pang Yilong couldn’t stand the arm of his arm. "This is listening, how is it so strange, can't it be a similar interest?"

He hardened it up and soon felt that the concert was very boring, unable to understand the enthusiasm of his girlfriend and his buddies. As a person who used to be an idol, he would not feel any admiration for others.

The agent of the dance has something to look for. When she left, she said that she had the signature cd of the idol and asked Chen if she wanted to.

Chen certainly wants it, he can't refuse it.

After waiting for the person to leave, Chen patted Pang Yilong’s shoulder and said from the heart, “Really, the girlfriend you talked about is better than any of the previous ones.”

Pang Yilong was teased by the buddies and couldn’t help but say, "So great, do you want to try?"

Chen is also joking. "Are you willing?"

Pang Yilong shrugged. "If it is you want, I will give it up."

Chen Zai, "..."

Zheng Shuai and Wang Yao have a lot of heart, this year, the scum male is rampant.

Chen climbed to the upper bunk and lay down the script from Hu’s under the pillow. He turned two pages and he put it in.

After Chen read the script again, he called Hu Wei and said that he wanted to pick up. To be exact, it was not a bit, it was too much thought.

This script is about the story of a senior and a school girl. Because of the misfortune of the family at an early age, the schoolmaster’s psychological darkness has begun to be reported for more than a decade.

After the schoolmaster met the school girl, at first it was holding the mind of the trick, and later it was questioning, hurting, prisoner||forbidden, slowly unable to let go, he moved the truth, he designed to let himself fall, pretend to be amnesia, escape Difficulties, go abroad with the school girl.

The final outcome is that Skynet is restored, the schoolmaster is sentenced||death||penalty, and the school girl raises the child alone.

Chen couldn’t tell what it was like when he was watching the script. He felt so surprised that he was not a senior, but a school girl.

However, this theme is also suitable for broadcasting on the Internet. If you want to lose the TV station, it will never pass the review.

On the other hand, Hu Wei and Chen went through the phone and went to Li Yan. What kind of activities should the class teacher have to do, and find the parents of the students to do ideological work, let the other party agree.

After listening to Hu Wei’s words, he did not speak.

The air pressure is really terrible, Hu said hard to the scalp, "Li Ge, he is not a kitten, there is a right to be a person."

Strict finger point script, "Who wrote it?"

Hu Wei said that he is a young screenwriter. "The character is a bit odd. He still lives in the mountains. He usually doesn't like to deal with people. This is what he sent to xxx. The other party contacted me and said that he would shoot this together."

The sharp eyes are drooping, and there is a flash of light in it. "Look for someone else."

This answer is in the expectation of Hu Wei. He picks up his hands and is sweaty. He doesn’t know why he wants to come to death. He is not willing to play with children. If he changes, then change, so many actors in the entertainment industry. , Hundred | | Grass bloom, not only Chen is suitable for this role.

The ghost knows why he lives and wants to catch Chen and not let it go. It is not evil. It is the brain that is disturbed by aliens and mixed in with other brain waves, so he will be so sick.

Hu is sighing. "Lie, I heard Chen for the first time in a so happy tone that he wants to pick up the show. He really likes it."

"Although I haven't talked about objects, I have seen a lot. I feel that letting the other party do what they like to do is also a kind of happiness."

The stern body leaned back, the back of the back leaned against the back of the chair, and the fingers of the fingers crossed and placed on the abdomen. He was silent and silently exuding the scent of Ling Xiao.

Hu is swallowing his mouth and sweating. It seems that this is no drama. Let Fu Xing say that if he still can't, he will let Chen come by himself. He will open his mouth and the attitude may change.

"That, Li Ge, I will..."

Severely, "Can you assure me that there is no physical contact?"

Hu was smacked by the sweaty face. "Yes."

Strictly said, "If you quit?"

Hu Wei took another draw, and he was still awkward than he had just pumped. He said in a deep voice, "I will withdraw from the circle of gold brokers."

Strictly pointed the finger at the armrest of the chair.

Hu Wei’s heart jumped a lot. For a moment, he heard a harsh voice, and the assistant came in and prepared a contract on the spot according to his verbal request.

After reading the contract, Hu Wei knew that he could not sign, but he could not control his hand and signed it.

Put the contract into the drawer and "go out."

Going out of the office, Hu is crying and laughing, fucking, what happened? No need? Go crazy, play so big, isn't it going to kill yourself?

The director and the investor said that it was the eccentric scriptwriter who was a bit troublesome. If he did not agree to change the script...

He helped the amount, and then there was some busy.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Yan waited until Chen returned from the school. The two used the meal and went to the building to rest.

After entering the room, Chen hangs on Li Yan and takes the initiative to kiss him. He knows that the other party agrees to film and is happy. Who knows that he has just been kissed for a while and is pushed away.

He rubbed his head with his hands, his brows were wrinkled together, his chin line was tight, and his mouth was low.

Chen was pushed back a few steps, a fart | | stocks fell to the bed, the man looked very wrong, more painful than the madness, he is depressed or want to run out to get a tranquilizer.

I was afraid that I had not ran to the door, but I was dragged back and slammed.

Strictly and quickly went to the bathroom and slammed the door.

Listening to the embarrassment in the bathroom, Chen was shocked and stunned. The beast that was irritated by something was numb, and his scalp was numb, and he took the opportunity to get the tranquilizer back.

After a few dozen minutes, Chen saw the man coming out. Both hands were bloody. His breathing was tight and he quickly went to get the medicine box.

Strictly, the teenager cleaned the wounds for himself. "Where have you been in contact with someone today?"

Chen added, "It's quite a lot."

Strictly ask who is there.

Chen thought for a moment. "Old Pang took my shoulder and hooked my neck. The coach pulled me, and Lao Wang, I have watched TV on his back."

The brows are knotted, and there is no abnormality in the harsh voice. "In addition to the three of your dorms, is there anyone else?"

Chen thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Let's dance."

When watching the video, he was very close to the other party. When he was excited, he touched it together, two or three times.

When he found out that the man was silent, Chen explained immediately that he was the girlfriend of Pang Yilong, and he also said everything in the dormitory during the day, including watching the video of the concert and eating snacks.

He slammed his eyes and he touched the boy's face. "Go bath, change clothes."

Chen added, "But the injury in your hand..."

Strictly patted his fart|| shares, "does not get in the way, obey."

Chen took the clothes to the bathroom and squinted at the bathroom. The walls were covered with blood, and there was blood in the pool. His stomach rolled and he suddenly vomited.

Close the door, and stand in the corridor to call Hu Wei, and ask the actress to decide.

Hu Wei said it was a singer, called the dance. When the audition was made, the makeup was very good. He asked, "Lie Ge, do you have other people recommend it?"

Strictly said no, "Ren dance is good, I heard Chen mention it, just like this."

Chen took a shower and saw that the man was packing up the medicine box. He didn't know if he was looking at the flowers. He felt that the man's look was pleasant, a bit like a angler, putting a long line and waiting for the big fish to hook.

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