MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 169 The real world (8)

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The night is long. Super fast and stable update of the novel, this article by . . Starting

Stumbled, Chen stretched his legs and found that his hand was empty. He grasped the sternness and sternness. He reached into the quilt and touched it. He did not touch it, only the coolness of one hand.

Li is not in bed.

Chen yawned again, broke the quilt out of bed, found a man on the balcony, and was watching the moon in the smoke.

The one leg that he lifted was stiff in the air, like a TV suddenly popping up, the person on the rocking chair became blurred, and disappeared. He closed his eyes and opened it again. Well, this is not, it should be yourself. Did not wake up because of the reason.

Seeing the boy, sternly smashing the cigarette, the voice is murky, "You are not sleeping in the room, what are you doing?"

Chen also licked the cigarette butts on the ground. How much smoke did he smoke? He walked over and sat on the man's lap, looking back at the moon outside the window. "Mr. Li is not there, how can I sleep?"

Li Yan held the juvenile from behind, and his nose glared at his back. "There is something troubled."

Chen and Yan, ask what is going on, maybe he can help.

Li Yanmo||Looking at the waist of the boy, whispered, "I will be able to unlock soon."

Wen Yan, Chen did not ask again, he moved the fart | | shares, turned a direction, face the man, let go, oh, oh, all smoke, very strong, "less smoking, bad for the body ""

The concern in the boy's speech is true and true, not falsified, nor flattered. This is to please the stern, he will take people into his arms and press on the two soft lips.

Shake the chair and shake it, shake it, shake it all the time. | Shake for more than two hours.

After finishing the matter, the two of them embraced each other and sleeped. They all felt that it was dawn. They stayed at Chen’s home as usual, and left in the morning and three times.

A few days later, Chen received a phone call from Hu Wei, and he met him. The location was not strict, but the company.

Hu Wei’s glasses are hung on the bridge of the nose, with two dark circles on it, and the **** on the chin is not scratched. He usually pays attention to the image, and he is very particular about his head and feet. This time, his underwear is crumpled and his head is still oily. The hair is sticking to the scalp, and it is exhausted.

Chen grinned again, "Mr. Hu, are you okay?"

Not good, mom||, not good at all, Hu is wiping a bitter tears, not all of your family's harm.

Chen was inexplicably shackled, guessing that it might be related to strictness. "Mr. Li changed his mind and disagreed with me filming?"

Hu is swinging his hand and saying nothing, "Li Ge agrees."

Chen is relieved, then it will do.

Hu took off his glasses and started to make eyes||保||健||Fuck, for the sincerity, he went to the scriptwriter personally, and wanted two people to sit down and talk face to face about the script. The result is The leather shoes on the feet were drawn by the branches and stones, and the body was bitten by unknown insects. If it was not in time to go to the hospital, it might have been red all over the body.

Made into that miserable, even the tiles did not see, the ghost knows where the writer lived.

Hu Wei's brow wrinkles, the mountains and old forests are uninhabited, the birds are not going to pull ||屎, definitely the location of the horror film, but also the first place to throw || corpse | that person is not afraid to be eaten by the tiger wolf, if given It's not a fake address, it's a big heart, people are stupid.

There is no saying that God is opening a door to you, and will open a window for you. There is no perfect person, such as strict, not a serious mad person.

Chen shook his head in his heart, and the gold-plated screenwriter was too miserable. Isn’t it really lacking oil at home, especially with hair, self-sufficiency? "Mr. Hu, you have lost a few eyelashes."

Hu Wei didn't feel, "Is it?"

Chen nodded again. "I will get rid of you."

When he finished, he stood up from the chair on the table and reached over.

Hu Wei suddenly leaned back and looked scared. "Don't touch me, I am so angry, I don't want to spread anything."

Chen blinked. "He won't know."

Hu put on the glasses, "I am afraid of 10,000 if I am not afraid of 10,000."

Chen Zai, "..." is too nervous. He is nervous with him. The man is not air, but can he be everywhere?

The knocking of the button sounded, Hu shouted in, and then said to Chen, "Your woman is coming."

Chen’s arrogant face disappeared completely when he saw the woman who appeared. He stood up and was surprised. “Yu dance, how are you?”

The red lips of the dance are also awkward. "I didn't expect to cooperate with you."

She reached out and said, "Chen, I hope we can have a good cooperation in the next two months."

Hu Wei was in the moment when Chen had to hold it up, and he pulled the people away in a quiet manner. The speed was so fast that it was unpredictable. "Come here, let's talk together."

Chen’s zipper was pulled apart, and he squinted and was not right.

Hu Wei rubbed the forehead, but it was stopped. The contract was written in black and white. If it was breach of contract, it would not be enough to lose money. But Chen is a big living person, not an object. What do you want to do? How can you return? Control, so why should he sign it?

No, chest pain.

Hu Wei squatted on his chest and leaned on the sofa slowly. It was probably too tired. He was asleep and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes, the other two had already chatted with each other, talking and laughing at the video, and from time to time, he used his hand to make a two-song song. He was very happy.

Hu Wei, "..."

Nothing, Chen is gay. It’s a big deal for this dance. It’s just a friend. He comforts himself.

Li Yan should check the dance, and also agreed to Chen also into the group, indicating that there will be no other suspicions, that is, jealous, puppies, a tree, a sofa, a piece of clothing vinegar are eaten.

After staying in the office for a while, Hu Wei went to take a shower, cleaned himself up, took Chen and danced to make a makeup photo, and used it for publicity.

There is only the voice of Hu Dabao in the shed, with a | exercise | | day | | **** | | ground | | **** | heart everyone like, lest their own baby was eaten a little tofu.

"Ren dance, you don't want to pull Chen's hand again." "Let's dance, you stand straight, don't swear on Chen's shoulder." "Don't dance, don't put lipstick on Chen's tie, "Let's dance..."

The photographer has cooperated with Hu Wei many times. He is an old acquaintance. He was bothered by the other side for the first time. He wanted to slam the camera. "Old Hu, what happened to you, I have never seen you so much before? You are like this. Engage, I can't shoot."

Hu took the cameraman to the corner and put it to his ear.

The cameraman hides behind him, his face is full of vigilance, and he has two hands on his chest, blocking two reds, not right, black diamonds. "You talk so well, what are you doing so close?"

Hu is turning his eyes. "What are you hiding? I am gay, but I only pick lean meat, you are too fat, oil|||||||||, I will not eat, afraid of indigestion."

Photographer, "..."

Hu Weizhen lived and said things. When the other party heard the name, he showed the expression of "My God" and asked nothing. The filming afterwards was even more tense than Hu Wei.

After the filming, Chen went home again.

He looked at the script on the bus. The play is called "The Fifth World". The name is very weird. It can evoke a person's curiosity. He can't help but wonder why it is the fifth world, not the first. What is the four worlds in front of you?

Perhaps the screenwriter is named, this is just a name that he casually thinks, or it is a mystery. In any case, the title and the stills are put on the network, and the public opinion has successfully covered several hot ips this year, attracting one. The attention of a large audience.

The momentum is very fierce, the two are the protagonists of the newcomers are different from those of the famous old bones, have not yet stereotyped, and are very malleable.

This hand is beautiful.

The bus stopped at the **** station, and a woman wearing sunglasses was very hot. Her appearance, like a fire, ignited the airflow inside the compartment, and the male compatriots brushed it to see. Many of them have quietly hardened, and many of them are present.

Chen was listening to the song while wearing headphones. There was a faint scent floating on the nose. He moved his nose and couldn’t remember where he smelled the scent.

The shoulder was photographed, and Chen turned his head again. He thought that there was something happening to the boy next to him. When he saw the dance, he slammed his head and smashed the earphones. The second time he was forced, it was because of the same woman.

The dancers grabbed the seat with one hand, and the upper body leaned forward slightly. This posture was called a lure||人.

The boys next to Chen and his two eyes were extremely stunned, his face was red, his breathing was short, and his voice was similarly "wow" in his throat. He was excited to faint.

Ren danced and said, "Students, can you give me this seat?"

The boy’s face is redder and stuttered. “Yes, yes.”

Ren Dance said thank you, sideways to the boys to let go, the boys with their legs crossed their backs, grabbed the top of the ring, in the car openly play | flow | | 氓 |, lesbians turned their heads, ears blush, 骂A shameless sentence.

The boy looks at the nose and nose and can't control anything else. He will go there. He has never seen such a big ball in this life. Not only him, but other male compatriots are also close to the ball at the visible pace. .

They can't control it, they can't control themselves.

Seeing this scene, Chen’s eyes are pumping. Pang Yilong is really confident. If he is not gay, if he is a girlfriend, he will go out and be a soldier. He is afraid of high-quality salted pigs and remembers his family’s ball.

On the other hand, the owner of the ball dances, a little bit of warfare||There is no awareness of the battle. It is very casual to hold two big **** on the bus. It is purely arbitrary. This simple attitude towards life is worth learning.

In the car, the sweet voice of the station was ringing, and the dance was stabilized. The bag was put on the leg. The black stockings and short skirts she wore were looming and life-saving.

Suffering from the envy of the compatriots, Chen wants to get off the bus, lying in the trough, you see, the gas field between Laozi and her is not good at all?

The compatriots are blind, and they are all wrong with the ball.

Ren danced to gather the hair, revealing two white ears, and also dialed a tassel earring. "Chen, what song are you listening to?"

Chen said that it is a new song of idols.

When he started dancing, he began to talk to him. He said that once he met an idol, he screamed with excitement from afar. He didn’t notice that there was water on the ground, and it slipped. It was very shameful, but the idol was completely undressed. Very kind, come over and ask if she has anything.

Chen likes this topic. The idol does not have a shelf. He talked a few words with the dance and thought of one thing. "Are you not leaving in advance?"

Ren dance said that she had dinner with a friend. When the other party had something on the way, she threw her near xx. She pulled the bag into the other car. She had a few dollars on her body and couldn’t get a car. She had to take the bus. Will run into Chen.

"Is this not your way back to school?"

Chen rolled up the headset line. "Well, I will go home and go back to school."

Ren said, "Listen to a dragon and mention your girlfriend, when will you come out, everyone have a meal together?"

"..." Chen and hehehe, "I have time to look again, he is very busy."

When I have a fart, I think it’s big. Dad is a little irritating now, otherwise it’s very dangerous. He still doesn’t know how to pass this level.

Pang Yilong, on the other side, if he knows that he is the same ||sex||love, usually invited to go to the bathroom is to satisfy his own changes, the brothers have not done.

Life, always in the qj Chen, completely resisted.

The car turned and the boy holding the pull ring leaned on the dance leg and let the dance go to Chen.

This is the inertia of the car. What can Chen do? Can not swear, can not push people away, he sneezed, the scent sucked into his mind, not smelling, can not tell what is floral, fruity, fragrant.

The boy arrived at the station and got out of the car. When he left, the Feng Shui treasure land became a place for other compatriots to compete for, so there was a rare phenomenon in the carriage. The front was very empty and the back was very crowded.

The tragedy is coming.

A rough man relies on his own muscles||The meat succeeds in defeating the opponent, standing on the feng shui treasure, and discovering that the beauty wants to get off the bus. He watched the ball roll under his own eyes and felt that he had missed a life change and refreshed the three views. Opportunity, pain does not want to live.

Many male compatriots in the car felt a pity, not enough.

The female compatriots are worried, there are many problems, and the walking will not be unstable? Can't run, it will be very difficult to sleep and turn over.

Chen jumped out of the car and found that the dance was behind him. He asked him.

Ren Dance said, "Don't ask me to go for a cup of tea?"

Chen and the expression of fascination, tease me.

I danced and laughed. "Cute you, I am coming down with you. I don't like the atmosphere in the car."

Chen Youxin said, I thought that your heart is bigger than the sky. It doesn't matter. He took out his wallet and gave him two hundred dances. "This place is good for a taxi."

Ren Dance took over the money. "Thank you, I will return you when I enter the group."

Looking at the teenager across the road, going to the community, letting the dance take the money to the nose to sniff, she closed her eyes, put a hundred in the palm of her hand, the other hand from the bottom up I touched it and smiled silently.

Chen Weidong read newspapers in the living room and practiced his brain. He was afraid that he could not speak any more, and he was sinned. He had just finished reading a report and his son came back.

When Chen went into the door, he checked and saw if Dad had carried anything he couldn’t eat. If he didn’t, he grinned and gave a reward. “Today’s performance is good. I will give you a minced egg in a while.”

Chen Weidong sighed and sighed. "Dad can manage himself. You don't run at both ends of the school every day, tired."

Chen said nothing, he went to boil water, came back to his father to pinch his arms and legs, and by the way said that this drama is different from public service advertisements, not the same as ||zhi subjects, even after the filming is finished, rotten to die At the top of the neighborhood, I feel that the son of **** is not suitable for filming, and there will not be so many gossips.

Chen Weidong’s legs were numb and his feet sank. He looked at his son who was pinching his feet. “When you applied for the film school, Dad knew that you were eating the bowl of rice and would go back sooner or later. Go on that road."

Chen did not believe, "Really? You know then?"

Chen Weidong couldn’t hold an old face, and the kungfu’s kung fu was degraded. He was caught up by his son and couldn’t catch up. “Dad wants to say, do what you want to do, but don’t leave the girls, even if you don’t have time. WeChat phone must not be broken."

Chen coughed again, "know."

I also shot it last night.

Now he is like a fierce underground, Pang Yilong they thought he came back at night, Dad thought he was in the dormitory, when the two sides exchanged, then it is difficult, he is difficult to find an excuse to round.

Otherwise, let the strict into a woman, temporarily linger on the side of the father? Chen and the chicken skin are so horrible, don't scare yourself.

Moreover, whoever has seen a height of nearly one meter nine, strong and strong, palm wide, finger joints are clear, there is a scum, standing female students who pee?

Chen sighed and pressed his father a few times. He went to clean, dumped the garbage, and wiped the dust on the mother's photo frame. "Mom, what do you want to do? Why don't you tell me?" ”

The photo frame is black and white, the woman's eyebrows are eye-catching, the tail of the eye is upturned, and there is a cockroach in the corner of the eye. The raw is very beautiful.

Chen yelled, "Mom, really, you have been born for decades, and you will be spotted on the street. It will definitely be discovered by scouts. It will be a big hit, and it will not be completed. It will become a generation." The myth of extinction."

He shook the rag in the trash and continued to wipe the ash. "I, in fact, I didn't have much interest in the upgrade of the entertainment industry. It was the script that attracted me too much. It was very well written. I cried."

To be exact, it is the crying can not be self, dreaming and dreaming of the plot in the script, is the last shot.

When the execution is dead||in the sentence, the senior is tied to the bed, accepting the note||shooting, and then stop struggling in a blink of an eye and fall into sleep forever.

That piece of text automatically turned into a picture, played in Chen’s mind, and it was repeated, so he dreamed. After waking up, he was more determined to take the picture.

After staying at home in the evening, Chen left home and went back to school. He didn't worry about his father.

Chen Weidong, who was lying in bed, said that he was red, his eyes were red, his son was not long, and he was very sensible.

Chen saw a person in the bus stop opposite the community. He didn't see his face. He recognized the big red high heels first, but it was not the woman who met the third time today.

The other party seems to have not left at all.

Chen went over and asked for a question, "Let's dance?"

Sitting on the bench, the dance raised her head, her face was not very good, white, lips are also, "Chen, it is you, I finally saw an acquaintance."

Chen asked, "Are you okay?"

Ren Wu said that she was just a stomachache. She wanted to sit in a chair and take a break. She paused until now, and she slowly swallowed it up.

Chen didn't know what to say. He saw that the woman looked as if she was very uncomfortable. "Where is your home, I will send you back."

Ren said, "That is bothering you."

You also know the trouble, Lao Tzu is still afraid that Lao Pang misunderstood it. Really, the eyes saw it, and it was not good. Chen sent a text message to Pang Yilong, saying that Ren Dance was on his side and said the general situation.

Pang Yilong did not return, it is estimated that the mobile phone is not on the body, did not see.

Chen Yougang just wants to put his mobile phone in his pocket, and the mobile phone will ring. It is a strict phone call, he has to pick it up.

There was a step at the platform, and the dance stood in the same place. It was like getting instructions. The high heels stepping on the steps moved forward, and suddenly it was unsteady, and it was thrown to the ground.

The sound was very loud, and the other cars on the platform were scared. Chen listened to his ears and felt pain. He pressed the phone and thought about it later, then he slammed it. The dance of the pull up.

There is blood on the ground, and Chen’s eyelids jump. “There is a hospital nearby...”

Ren Dance interrupted him. "Nothing, don't go to the hospital. I can go back and lie down."

Chen's mouth is pumping, lying, so arrogant? Big sister, you are bleeding on your legs. When you lie down, you can stop bleeding automatically.

Called a car, Chen also put the dance into the back seat, he sat in front, and quickly called Li Yan, when the fast pass, he gave up, most of the women are thoughtful, in case of being discovered by the dance, Then it is troublesome.

After careful consideration, Chen gave a text message to Li Yan, and added a new one.

When the two traffic lights passed, he received a rigorous reply, no.

With his eyes open, he read the two words one by one. Chen’s angry nose smoked, waiting, going back to see you?

Go to the destination and let Chen go up before sitting in the corridor.

Chen didn't go up, he didn't look for himself. He just called Pang Yilong after the elevator door was closed. This time he got through the game. "Old Pang, I sent you a text message to see no, dance." The leg is hurt, come over and see."

Pang Yilong quickly rushed over, "How?"

Chen added, "There is a lot of blood, she does not go to the hospital."

Pang Yilong grabbed Chen’s arm. “No, I am asking you, have you been injured?”

Chen added, "I don't have it. What hurts me? It is your girlfriend who went to the ground. I stood on the side. I didn't have time to help. You won't blame me?"

Pang Yilong spit out a breath, "That's good."

He showed a white tooth. "Don't think too much, I won't blame you."

Chen went to the apartment building behind him and said, "Don't you go up and see the dance?"

"She can walk into the house by herself, indicating that the injury on her leg is not serious," Pang Yilong said strangely. "She is not that simple."

Chen did not understand, "What do you mean?"

Pang Yilong and Chen’s hair, "I still can’t figure it out for a while, and I will tell you when I figure it out."

I still have a mystery. I said that I didn’t say it. Chen took his hand and **** it. Before he went out, he had a good time. Just to be beautiful in front of Li Yan, now it’s good, it’s a chicken nest. "It’s really bad to smell the perfume on the dance. You buy her something better."

Pang Yilong said eccentrically, "What perfume smell? I didn't smell it on her. I bought her a bottle. She said that she didn't need that stuff."

Chen’s heart flashed a bit of weirdness.

Lying in the dance, Pang Yilong lying, his nose lying, can only be one of these three situations.

Pang Yilong took Chen and said, "How is this car?"

Chen took a look at it, "Cool."

Pang Yilong pushed Chen back into the car, closed the door and went to the other side to sit in. "The key is still hot when you just got it in the afternoon. You are sitting outside the car except the exception."

Chen tied the seat belt. "That is my honor."

Pang Yilong laughed, "Let."

Le Mao, my man’s eyes are too small. I hang up a phone call. He doesn’t even talk to me. Now I don’t know how to go back. Chen is bothered. “Where?”

Pang Yilong said, "I took a bar with these years of lucky money and took you to see."

After walking, Chen, who has not received the lucky money, does not want to talk.

The bar is on the **** road. It is full of lights and greens. The people who are subwoofer are dizzy and look forward to the men and women who are relaxing. The business is very good.

Pang Yilong is the new boss. The posture is different from that of Chen and several buddies. Before he graduated, there is a fan of the social elite. In the end, it is the son of a big business, and he has been influenced by the rich family background.

He is handsome and handsome, and he is very unrestrained and hard-working. He is very popular among women. He has just started to play and he has stabilized the **** man’s throne.

Chen is lazy to say something, between the buddies, too much is not good, affecting the feelings of the brothers, he drank half a glass of wine, ate a little fruit and wanted to go, the heart caught with the cat, I really want to That man.

Pang Yilong opened a few sisters in the past, "Where are you going back to the dormitory?"

Chen said that he is going home.

Pang Yilong supported his head, his wrists forced, and he watched the wine glass circle in his hands. "Pomelo, all in the last year, I discovered that your technique of lying is first class."

Chen’s heart snorted, not good, Dad had a chat with Lao Pang.

So, is he exposed? !

Pang Yilong took out a box of t from his pocket, and a thousand words were here. "I use this brand, I trust it, there will be no leaks, you remember to use it."

Chen Zai, "..."

He swallowed and said, "Don't tell my dad."

Pang Yilong asked why, "Your dad is too happy to be there."

Chen said seriously, "He can't be too excited."

Pang Yilong put a glass on the bar, "Oh, I won't say it."

Chen and Chang Chang breathed a sigh of relief. "Then I am leaving."

Pang Yilong poked his finger on t, "this."

Chen grabbed his pocket and was stopped by Pang Yilong. "Opening a house is not a long-term solution, or renting a house is cost-effective. I need to tell me."

He turned his head and went out. "Old Pang, actually I am gay."

Pang Yilong didn't understand it. It was too noisy around. "What are you talking about?"

Clear and clear, Chen shouted, "I said I am gay!"

People nearby are looking at the past.

Pang Yilong snorted for a long time. He jumped out of the high chair and rushed to Chen in three or two steps. "...fuck, talk nonsense, hurry to find your girlfriend to play."

Chen sighed and sighed, hey, say it again, when it’s a joke, say it twice, still think so.

Is he straight || The image of the man has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

Chen took the bus and took a taxi. It was cheaper. He went to Li Yan, the housekeeper was waiting outside, and there were two servants on the side.

It’s strange.

When it was dark, the butler’s white hair was dazzling, and Chen asked again, “is it genetic?”

The housekeeper said, "Stained."

Oh, it’s funny, the hair that grows is white, how do you dye it? When I have not dyed my hair? Chen grinned again, "Hey, quite personality."

The housekeeper said that Mr. has not eaten yet.

Chen asked again, "Where is it? Have you eaten it?"

The housekeeper said no, "The dog food didn't move, and the blessing didn't like eating."

Chen let another taste, he went to see the blessing, and then went to the blessing father.

In the study, he looked at something in front of the computer and heard the knock on the door. He then shut the computer out.

As soon as the door opened, Chen extended his hands and grabbed the man's neck.

It was the scent of last night, and the sturdy figure was slightly stagnation. He bowed his head and kissed the boy. "Go down and wait for me."

Chen had just turned around and his hand was caught. He saw the man staring at his hand with a strange look, and he followed it and couldn’t help but be surprised.

There is blood on the edge of the little finger of the left hand, there is no wound on it, how to get it?

Chen added, "It may be a dance..."

When his words were not finished, the man took out the scorpion and wiped the blood from his hand and pushed him out the door.

Half an hour, an hour, two hours, the people in the study did not come out.

Chen casually ate a few meals and waited in the bedroom. He always felt that from last night, it was not right.

First, it was inexplicably mad, self-mutilated, **** in the bathroom, not sleeping in the middle of the night, lying on the balcony and smoking a large portion of the cigarette, and shutting himself to the study tonight.

"what happened……"

Chen is a little worried, will not be aggravated? complication? He hesitated to call Lin Fuxing, but the other is a pet doctor, not a kitten or a puppy.

Silently made a prayer, Chen went to open the notebook, and took it from the dormitory a few days ago. Everyone was casting a resume to find a job, and the game didn't have to play.

He usually does not tidy up the computer. If something goes wrong, he will reinstall the system. Several disks are not moving, and they don’t poke. They don’t know how many messy things are put.

After a dozen or so refreshes on the desktop, Chen did nothing, just open the post and brush it.

Brushing the eyelids, Chen still did not see the rigorous return, he fell asleep unconsciously, waking up on the next day, or on the table.

In other words, Li Yan did not return to the bedroom at night.

The sleeping position was wrong, and Chen was sore. He went to the door of the study and heard the butler say, "Mr. went out very early."


Chen grabbed his hair and did everything, hoping not to do anything.

In the following week, Chen did not see the strictness. Why, when people were on a business trip, there were no text messages, and it was appropriate to break up the rhythm.

Just in the uneasiness that felt like something was going to happen, "The Fifth World" started shooting.

Chen thinks this way. He is a newcomer and he is also a dancer. So the two are on the same starting line, jumping forward together, knowing that the other side can fly, pure and naughty, cute and melancholy, the director, director As soon as he shouted, he immediately entered the state, every time because he was ng.

The acting was completely abused and the old man was gone.

Hu has brought many artists, including the shadow emperor, and even after him, he even praised him. "Yuan Wu is an actor."

It should be said that every emotion is in the dance, it will correspond to a set of accurate data, she is very perfect, no deviation.

Chen added, "What about me?"

Hu Wei said, "You are born to be an individual."

Chen Zai, "..."

Hu is giving a good meal and giving a candy. "The current investor is Li Ge. He is not bad. As long as he invests, you are deducting a dozen or 20, and there is no problem. Don't worry."

Chen refused to eat this sugar, afraid of stuffing.

After half a month, the shooting progress progressed smoothly, and Chen did not have any physical contact with Ren Wu, and was about to greet a bed written in the script.

However, it was the lamp, that is, the two people lay on the bed, Chen turned over and pressed the dance, the quilt moved, the next shot was the curtains opened, and the day was bright.

Chen’s body is the student’s body, and the heart is the school girl who plays the dance. He can’t stop trying to figure out the character.

But also feel the same, do not know what the ghost.

Chen took off his shirt and trousers, and there was a black boxer on the whole body. Some staff members inhale, even if the woman is, what is the man doing?

He lay in the black line and lie in the quilt, let the dance go in, just a sling pajamas, white.

The scene is that the two sleep, there is no need to clear the field, so everyone is watching in every corner.

Chen turned over and held his elbows on both sides. He looked at the dance, and the fantasy was a background.

When the cameraman is looking for an angle and letting this shot air, it seems to be really pressed, and he gestures to the monitor more than ok.

Hu is sweating all over, OK, director, I am afraid to cut me.

The director is also afraid, let this article pass.

When the field service shouted, it was chaotic around, and the stools were drinking and talking, walking and dismantling snacks, and everything was there.

Chen sat down to the bed. Today, he still has two shots to shoot. One is to ask the president of the bicycle to go to the bicycle, and the other is to kill him||, no need to follow the dance, he is more relaxed. It is.

Any dance suddenly said, "Your size is good."

Chen was almost caught by the saliva.

Ren Wu said that he didn't tease him. "You seem to be a little absent-minded recently. Why, quarrel with your girlfriend?"

Chen added, "Noisy, no one can see, I don't know where to go."

The expression of Ren Wu seems to have changed. "Is it? Run away..."

When she saw the teenager looking at herself, she smiled awkwardly. "It must be that you have made people angry. You guys are nervous and can't notice."

Chen was unable to refute.

Didn't talk much, let the dance go to the make-up room to make up the makeup, and Chen put on his underwear and went to the little horse to hang out.

After a short time, Hu came over and handed the phone over. "Your cell phone rang, it was Li’s phone."

Chen immediately left Xiaomazha and found a quiet place. "Mr. Li, are you back?"

There was a horn on the head, and it was in the car. "I will go to the crew later."

Chen asked, "Is things busy?"

Strictly said, "Come on."

That is still not done, what Chen wants to say, he picked up a little red at the corner, and hung up the phone, no one.

The crew is wearing red clothes today, only dance?

Chen pressed the temple, his depression is not good or not, he feels nothing, the doctor said that he has something, must insist on taking medicine, with treatment, so that he can recover soon.

Now, Chen does not believe in himself.

On the other side, the dancers make up the makeup in the lounge. A line of code appears out of thin air on the mirror. Her lips move and the code becomes text: Hey, accept the version update?

Dance: Accept.

The word on the mirror disappears and becomes another line: 叮, the update is complete, add a one-click anti-virus function, and deep scan function.

Once the rest time has passed, you have to start working again. This time it is shot separately.

The car dealership is set up, like this, Chen used this scene, and the dance was going to the mobile phone hypermarket to sell mobile phones. It was the store that packaged a store on the first floor of the **** store.

"Chen, see you tomorrow."

Chen is also following the actor's words on the line, and casually said, "See you tomorrow."

The actor said that your young and young feelings are very good. I also said that I see a lot of common topics, who are fans of who.

In short, very gossip.

Chen laughed and laughed, uncle, can you do a good job on the lines? When he turned his head, he found that Hu was looking at himself, and that, his family came.

In the hallway, the dance was talking to the agent and there was some emotion. She seemed to be dissatisfied.

The agent said that while watching the ball, such a good condition, there is no reason not to fire, he can not figure out why the woman with this is not willing to rely on the body to bring heat.

This is real material, not post-processing, and with a little news, it will be red.

There are footsteps from far and near, a man coming over to face, a suit and a trousers, he has a single-handed pocket, no expression on his face, a strong body in his body, but not much blood on his lips, like a serious illness, has not healed.

The pace of the dance is stopped.

The agent saw the people, immediately put away all the emotions on his face, and shouted respectfully, "Mr. Li."

They did not stop, and they took long legs and passed them by.

Let the dance drop his eyes, do not move, do not know what is thinking, or ... what to do.

Read The Duke's Passion