MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 179 The real world (18)

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"So, you changed the bad review, I sent you a box of t, how about the twelve?"

Listening to the sound of the ear, Chen lifted one foot and put it in the air. When I was about to pass, I saw a young girl pushing a small car to the tall young man. The gesture was close and his foot was put back.

After calculating the school grass, there is a beauty shop in the Crown store. It should be pretty good. He should not mix it in. I have never met it.

People and things in the mission world can't change anything in the real world.

Maybe the school grass is no longer a little wolf dog.

Chen also recalled the memory fragments of the world. He graduated from high school and did not go to school. The university did not report that he had a terrible genetic disease. He has been sleeping and sleeping in the back. He saw the school last time. Grass is on the street.

At that time, Chen sat in the car. He saw the grass and sisters shopping in the glass window across the car. From the door, they had no communication.

Later, Chen did not know, including why the school grass appeared here. Is he having a certain point like Xia Hong, so he will come over.

Chen is ready to press the phone. At that time, he has already pressed one step at a time. The tall young man and the young girl are picking up the noodles. It is faintly listening to the content that is very life-oriented. It is more cost-effective to send the cups.

Putting the phone back into the trouser pocket, Chen turned and said to the man who bought him the ham. "Go, go buy milk powder for you."

Strictly took a bag of corn intestines out of the cart and put them back on the shelf, replaced them with a pack of double sinks, and added a pack, "Do not drink milk powder."

Chen took the man's hand again. "If you want to drink, you are still growing up and drinking milk powder."

Look at him rigorously, "long high?"

Chen said yes, yeah, "You are still a child."

Strictly said, "I am not a child!"

Chen snorted again. "Well, you are not, I am, I am a child, I want to drink milk powder, and it must be longer than you."

Frown sharply, "You can't be taller than me."

Chen Zai, "..." What do you mean, how can I not be taller than you? It’s shameless.

To the shelf where the milk powder is sold, the milk powder is very aggressive, and the bagged jumps over and goes straight to the can, saying that he is stupid, sometimes he can’t really see it.

Chen quickly stopped the man who was throwing milk powder into the car. "Well, two cans are enough. It’s not the end of the world. What do you do with this stuff."

The sharp brow was still wrinkled, and did not stretch out. "I want to drink more and grow taller."

Chen ignored the two stunned young ladies on the side. Anyway, he wears a mask on his face. No one can see his face. "True."

After they left, the two young ladies began to talk about it. The tall man’s legs are so long, and the figure is good. Eighty percent is a model. The waist is slightly thinner. The eyes are even tearful. Sexy.

No way, they stand like this every day, tired, not bored, just pointing at this fun.

In the place where instant noodles are promoted, Xiao Wei finally decided to take two packs of family clothes, so that the bowl and the cup are all there, and there is no need to choose one.

He handed the ladies bag on the hand to the young girl. "Take your brother, take it with you."

Zhou Zhaodi’s disappointment muttered, and wrapped the bag on the white wrist, and asked casually, “Schoolmaster, which one did you call with? I heard you are angry at all.”

Xiao Wei pushed the car and turned. "A buyer, not a product problem, gave a few bad reviews directly. I negotiated with him and I knew that the kid was owing."

The bad review has an impact on the overall score of the store. It comes to six or seven at a time, and he doesn’t want to pay attention.

Zhou Zhaodi picked up Liu Mei. "How come there is such a person, too much. Master, you give me the buyer's contact information. I will tell the other person that the boys will have fewer prejudice against the girls."

Xiao Wei said, "Your voice is not soft and useless."

Zhou Zhaodi, "..."

She sighed. "My dad said that when I was a child, I especially liked to grab his teacup and drink tea. I could drink a big cup at a time and drink too much, so the scorpion would become thicker."

Xiao Wei said, "Your dad is comforting you."

Zhou Zhaodi said, "I know."

In fact, her voice is not as thick as the gender. It is just the four people in the dormitory. There are three voices that are awkward. When one opens, the bones of others are crisp. In contrast, she makes a sound. It seems to be rougher, giving people a rhythm of the next song that will make a table, chew betel nut, and sway the legs of a good man.

Without comparison, there is really no harm.

Zhou Zhaodi dialed the pony tail behind his shoulder. "Is that bad review?"

When Xiao Xiao went to sell toys, he pushed the car forward. "It's very difficult to get it. The other party is clearly thinking that the brain is not normal and wants to report."

Zhou Zhaodi gave him a move. "You can call three times a day in the morning, three nights, and the text message is OK. I think that the method is annoying to the buyer. He can't stand it. It will definitely..."

Xiao Wei said, "Complain me."

"..." Zhou Zhaodi said that it should not be. "I bought clothes before, I felt that the quality of the material was too bad. It was not worth the price. I gave two reviews. The seller was so right to me. Later I was annoyed and changed. It has been well received."

Xiao Yan’s eyebrows smashed, and the kid won’t, he can be sure that the intention of the other person to find things is quite obvious.

Zhou Zhaodi said, "You don't have to meet a professional bad reviewer."

Xiao Wei looked at the toys on the shelf. It was not a bad reviewer. He checked the number and was a high-consumption buyer. All the purchase evaluations were praised, except for him.

Seeing the young man holding a teddy bear, Zhou Zhaodi’s eyes flashed and he was looking forward to something.

After a while, the teddy bear was stuffed back to his little friend.

Zhou Zhaodi’s eyes faded for a moment, and she cheered. “Schoolmaster, what is sold in your store? Every time you ask, you don’t say it.”

Xiao Wei said that it is a boy's supplies.

Zhou Zhaodi asked if it was sports. He also said that a relative of her family had a supply of goods, and she might get a very low wholesale price. She asked her if she needed to ask.

Xiao Wei shook his head. The products he sold were indeed related to sports, but they were not sports, they were competitive, and they didn’t have one or two unique skills.

Leaving the toy area, Xiao Xiao saw the sale of small ornaments, his eyes stopped on a pink hairpin, solidified, and could not move.

Zhou Zhaodi discovered the abnormality of the youth. She looked at the pink hairpins, the girl’s stuff, and did not hear that the other had a younger sister.

"This hairpin is so cute, the senior, what do you say?"

Xiao Wei seems to be coming out of a certain state and said, "Okay."

Zhou Zhaodi took out the hairpin and smiled and said, "How is I wearing? Is it appropriate?"

Xiao Wei wants to smoke. He touches his pocket and touches the cigarette case, but finds that the occasion is wrong. His heart is more annoyed. "Not suitable, your skin is black and the powder is darker."

Zhou Zhaodi almost blew a blood out.

She pinched the hairpin, or bought it, not wearing it.

Xiao Wei said that she is a waste of money.

Zhou Zhaodi smiled, she was so big, she didn't wear a pink dress, let alone the hairpin, that is, the headline did not have that color, but this time she bought it, and later tried to try pink things.

Because this person likes it.

Zhou Zhaodi’s thoughts came back and found that the youth stopped and looked at one direction. She also looked at the past and saw two men buying milk candy. “Schoolmaster, do you know?”

Xiao Wei said that he did not know, his legs were uncontrollable, his steps were very big, and he quickly passed through the aisle.

Zhou Zhaodi reacted and ran to keep up.

Chen is also stuffing sugar into the bag and running into the event. If he misses it, he can't forgive himself. "Do you see if you like to eat?"

Staring at the people in front of me, "eat grapefruit."

Chen grabbed the sugar hand and shook the grapefruit. What are you doing in that tone? My **** is itchy. He clears his throat. "The fruit area is in the old front, and I will go later." ”

"Don't stand up, help me catch candy, as long as milk."

The palm of the hand is big, and the amount of one hand is very large. He said seriously, "It is not good for the teeth to eat sugar."

"..." Chen Youh, said that he knows, "So I won't eat more, I will eat two or three a day. Don't worry, I have a few."

Just then, the handsome man and the beautiful woman came over to the left.

Chen’s eyes were pumping, nothing, even if he took off his mask and showed his face, the school grass didn’t know that he was the summer of the world. When he thought about it, he was not nervous.

Xiao Wei stopped on one side, Zhou Zhaodi thought he wanted to buy sugar, and he gave him a bag. "Schoolmaster, I think these are all a price."

Senior? Chen has slowed down the speed of candy, is school grass still reading?

That's really embarrassing, others are still fascinated by haha, school grass is already the owner of the Crown store, has its own side in the field of supplies.

Xiao Wei didn't catch the sugar, didn't pick up the bag, just hung his head, and his eyes fell on a pile of milk sugar. I don't know what I was thinking.

Chen put the black-rimmed glasses up and helped him, didn't wear glasses, and was really not used to it. He had multiple weights on his nose, which was particularly uncomfortable. His afterglow glanced at the school grass and took another look.

Speaking of it, the current school grass is similar to the feeling that Chen has seen the last time. The green eyes between the eyebrows have faded and are covered by maturity. It is a more handsome young man and will get better and better.

After a while, Chen went to call the candy, and drove the car aside. He turned his head and the pair of phoenixes that were exposed outside were sharp and sharp, passing the cold light.

It is a warning from instinct that does not allow anyone to marry his own private property.

Xiao Yu’s eyebrows were twisted, and he was too suspicious. Even the faces of the people were not seen, and he ran over with silly, and almost shouted.

The man’s eyes are awkward and his body shape is very high. How could it be a small crying bag? It is impossible.

Zhou Zhaodi felt sadness from the youth. When she saw it, she didn’t understand what was going on. It’s always because she saw candy and thought of her childhood.

Xiao Wei bought a large bag of milk sugar without a word, and it was more than three pounds. It was enough for a long time.

Zhou Zhaodi pouted, if this situation changed to a boy, she would really think that candy was bought for her.

On the other hand, Chen took Li Yan to go to his dad and found someone in a wine-selling area. "Dad, just touch it twice."

Chen Weidong’s mouth has been here for a long time. “And again, this brand of wine is much cheaper than last year. Would you like to buy a bottle and go back, Dad will taste a bit of it every day?”

Chen couldn't say it, he couldn't agree, otherwise if there was a beginning, it would be hard to get behind.

Chen Weidong was not happy, and he made other ideas. "I want to drink it. I see a lot of bottles of wine in the wine cabinet in the living room."

Chen answered with sternness. "He used to drink. This is not stupid. I like to drink milk powder."

"What is good for milk powder? It affects brain development when it is drunk." Chen Weidong said, "A man doesn't drink some wine, how can he do it, listen to me, be strict, you buy two bottles and go back, this kind of Keep drinking a small cup every day, I promise you more energy."

Chen also cares about the previous sentence, "No, Dad, I have drunk more milk powder, has it become like this?"

Chen Weidong said, "That doesn't matter."

Chen rolled his eyes and couldn't go round. Dad, you can say that even the milk powder affects the development of the brain. It is really enough.

Chen Weidong wants to start from Li Yan and take up a light.

He said that for a long time, he did not make a sound, but went to see Chen and then shook his head and said, "Do not buy."

It is clear who is the master of the house.

Chen Weidong’s little abacus didn’t start, his face was dark. “If you don’t buy it, let’s go, what are you doing here? Really, you can’t drink a drink.”

Chen also calmly said, "Dad, you have to follow the doctor's advice, healthy and healthy, in order to see the day when the hope comes."

Chen Weidong snorted. "Your dad, I am looking forward to the big fat grandson. Can you give your dad a change?"

Chen said that he can't.

He thought, unless the little golden snake in the house turned into a fat doll.

The father and the son returned to the old question, and passed down the ancestors, the incense of the old Chen family. This matter was spread out several times, and it was not useful. As long as the road to the foundation was set, it would not be able to return.

Chen bought a sweater, a few pots of flowers, and bought a soymilk machine. He bought a lot of pieces. He asked his father to sit in a chair and wait for the big tail to go to the toilet. I drank a bottle of Coke on the road, and it took a long time to drip out.

This is a very bad habit, cherish life and stay away from urinating.

The ground in the bathroom was wet and dirty, and it was dirty and stinking. Chen stood in front of the urinal with Li Yan, and squatted side by side.

Looked at Chen again, "I want it."

Chen Youzhen, "Resist."

Severe breathing is heavy, "I can't help it."

Chen’s eyes are round and round, “That’s to endure!”

Mom, this is not a home, can you do anything casually? Also said that he is not stupid!

The door of the compartment was opened, a man ran out, and the door was called, and the shock was undecided. "Wow, I met a living metamorphosis in the toilet..."

Chen is in the direction of the door, buddy, you don’t wash your hands? Thank you for letting me see the highest level of water conservation.

When I came out, Chen met the school grass and the school girl at the sinks shared by men and women. What the two were talking about, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Chen listened to a few words, knowing that it was a confession, he was a student, and the place he chose was really special. Maybe it was in the toilet, letting go of the excess water, and suddenly became cheerful.

Zhou Zhaodi said with a blush, "Schoolmaster, as long as you are not married, I will not give up!"

Xiao Xiao squinted, "Just you." He said what he said, if he still obsessed, he could not do anything.

Zhou Zhaodi bites her lip. She originally planned to confess at the college graduation party. Whoever thought that she would just chat with her girlfriend, she would be seen by the other party.

Today is an accident, Zhou Zhaodi is caught off guard, can only slap the scalp to cater to the arrangement of God.

"I believe that for a long time, the seniors will definitely change my mind."

Xiao Xiao smiled and shook his head. There was a bit of pity in his eyes. He didn't know if he was giving Zhou Zhaodi, or who he was giving, stupid girl, like a person, not necessarily having results, sometimes it would be gone.

I noticed that some people were watching, Xiao Xiao turned his head, and the arrogance on the face became wrong and weird. "You..."

Chen and the mouth of the mouth after the mask twitching, will not be lying, can you recognize it?

The next moment, he heard the school grass said, "Man, your pants are wet and you have to go to the urine."

Chen looked down and saw that the trouser legs were really wet. The mother forced it. When he didn’t pay attention, he was so strict that the **** went up. He went to the man who was still tidying up his clothes, and his footsteps were fast. go away.

Xiao Wei was a little worried, and it took a while to return to God.

It’s not like what it is, but why is it so familiar?

On the 18th, the big man officially selected the actor, except for the default Xiahong, other characters were selected from the sea, starting from the sea election.

Zhang did not recommend other actors. He didn't care, and he didn't care about the profitability, especially after knowing that the play was still closely related.

Chen has a model to follow the director's selection. The auditiones are almost all students in the performance department. They are young and supportive, relying on their dreams to support themselves, dare to dare to do it, everyone has characteristics.

The director will ask Chen's opinion, Chen is also pretending to be forced to say that no one can understand it.

For the sake of world peace and social harmony, Chen added two important female characters to the play. One is the heroine, the other is the supporting actress, and the heroine’s candidate has been uncertain. He listened to the director. A good girl, arranged a retest.

When a girl walked to the table, Chen’s eyes stunned and she recognized the school girl who was the school grass.

He looked at the information in his hand. The school girl is a sophomore in the performance department. He will pull the erhu, play the piano, and also ballet. The talent is very good. The school grass should also be a performance, not a junior, or a big one. Fourth, why didn't you sign up together?

The producer said, "Chen screenwriter, I and Wang Dao think Zhou Zhaodi is good, what do you think?"

Who is Zhou Zhaodi, Chen has stunned a bit, and the name on the information is known to be the school girl of the school grass. What else can he say? It must be said, "The shape and temperament are very suitable."

In fact, it is not. He played a very dog ​​leg on Monday, and he was also sleek. Zhou Zhaodi is too pure and suitable for college students who are not deeply involved.

Chen is holding his chin, try it, maybe there are surprises.

The role of Qin Feng in the back could not find a suitable actor to pick up. Chen himself went up. He is not easy. The simple metamorphosis is that he came. Qin Dawei is still him.

But also, in addition to myself, that is what he knows best.

After more than a month, all the characters were selected and the crew selected a good day to boot.

Xia Hong is driving a sports car to the film and television city, followed by bodyguards, maids, assistants, agents, and gives him the luggage to the hotel.

The battle is very big.

Going to the studio, Xia Hong took off his sunglasses and looked around. He looked at the old fellows and talked to the director. He shook the script from time to time, and his face was serious. He couldn’t help but feel awkward. On Monday, Monday, you can always stand. I can't stand the height.

Fortunately, he is not a lover of love, and with the pains of previous life, he is more aware that it is most important to make his life better.

There was no air conditioning on the set. Chen wore a thick military coat with a black wool cap on his head. His neck was shrunk in the fur collar. He spoke with his own vibrato. Hu called him to the lounge and handed him a cup of milk tea.

Chen took a big mouth and warmed his stomach and said, "How can I start work in the morning?"

Hu Wei said almost, "Female No. 1 contacted, said that the bus was in a car accident, she was not injured, is on the way."

Chen is relieved, and people are fine.

Zhou Zhaodi did not enter the group until the afternoon. Her attitude of admitting mistakes was very good, and the staff did not deliberately embarrassed.

Chen is far away from the girl carrying a big bag, and giving the staff a salted egg to eat. He raised his mouth. It’s not bad. Although it was the first time to enter the group, he would be a man. He looked away.

That girl, the brother, the sister's call, and soon became familiar with the people around, if you want to play skills online, then there will be no difference in where to go.

Zhou Zhaodi knows that the man who plays with him is the screenwriter of this play. He is very young and well-known. The fifth world has chased their dormitory. I like it very much. Now I have developed the habit of watching when I eat. It is.

She was very polite to say hello when she was taken.

Chen sighed and wanted to pretend, "Go ahead, the golden scene is going to be filmed today."

Zhou Zhaodi, oh, she thought, this person who is smaller than herself does not like to laugh, and the face is a bit fierce.

After more than an hour, the conjecture was completely subverted.

This person is not laughing, it is a pistachio. When you don’t talk, your eyes are curved. The look of laughter is very beautiful. As long as the atmosphere of the studio is suppressed, the staff of the director are irritated. He can open the atmosphere and ease the atmosphere.

Like a sun, when the light shines, the darkness will disappear.

Xia Hong is very calm, and the character of the fellow has changed a lot. He knows it and has already adapted.

People, it’s still a good idea.

It’s too heavy to live, it’s hard to get out of the footsteps, it’s very hard to run, it’s slower than others, and it’s easy to get a big cut.

Chen also stretched his neck and looked at it. The school grass did not appear once. He tried Zhou Zhaodi and wanted to know if the other party had come together with the school grass, but found nothing.

Going back from the mall that day, Chen changed the bad review. The school grass found him on the Internet and said that he had given him 10 yuan. He wished him a happy life and happy every day.

After that, there was no communication.

Chen wants to buy something, let the school grass earn some living expenses, but the problem is that the school grass shop is full of heavy mouth, and the route is really not suitable for him.

The big shots were shot less than three months, and they were successfully smashed. The actors of the crew went to dinner after they got the job.

Zhou Zhaodi drank too much. She called her mobile phone. After a few minutes, a tall young man knocked on the door and entered the box.

Chen on the sofa looked up again, his eyes just hit the school grass.

Xiao Yan’s eyes were gone, but he did not go to Zhou’s younger brother, and he was in the direction of Chen.

Chen leaned back, I told you, don't come over, if you come over again, I might not do anything.

It is also a wicked door. The light in this box is yellowish and not bright at all. How did the school grass catch him? Smell on the nose?

Xiao Wei lowered his voice and said a word, "Who are you?"

Chen swallowed.

An actor joking on the side, "Chen, this handsome guy is your friend?"

Chen said that he did not know.

Xiao Yan’s brows are knotted. “Are you called Chen?”

Chen looked at him again. Brother’s reputation is not small. His face is not recognized, and the name has not been heard.

Xiao Wei doesn't chase the stars, he doesn't care about the people and things in the entertainment circle, so he doesn't know. He just saw a pair of eyes when he entered the door and was attracted. After the mall, the inexplicable familiarity appeared again. .

Maybe this is what the mall has seen.

Xiao Yan suddenly took out the mask he wore when he came over from his pocket. Pressing on Chen’s face, his face changed slightly and it was a person.

Everyone in the box is so aggressive.

Chen lifted his foot and kicked. "What are you doing?"

Xiao Wei did not hide, was kicked, and he held the foot, the complexion was incomprehensible.

Chen couldn't get rid of it. He tried his best to look at Zhou Zhaodi. Sister Xue, what do you want to do, don't you take your seniors away?

Probably the inside of the box was too obvious and lasted for a long time. Zhou Zhaodi finally received it. She stood up and staggered and walked over. "Schoolmaster, let's go."

Xiao Wei’s eyes are not away from Chen. “You go first.”

Chen Zai, "..."

Zhou Zhaodi’s wine woke up most of the time. She couldn’t understand the abnormality of this person. “Schoolmaster, what are you doing?”

Xiao Wei said, "Follow me."

He said, he went to Chen Chen, the table was hit, and the wine placed on it made a fierce collision.

Chen was squatted out and saw Hu’s bodyguards coming out of the door. He waved his hand and stopped.

In the corridor at the end of the corridor, the induction lights are on and off.

Xiao Yan touched the cigarette case and licked a cigarette in his mouth. He leaned against the cold wall and swallowed the darkness of the darkness.

Chen has a wrist and feels cool in the corridor.

With the smoke on his lips, Xiao Xiaoran said, "Summer."

Chen’s body shape was stuck, lying, and he didn’t want it, it was entirely instinct.

Xiao Wei’s eyes glimpsed, “Sheng Qing.”

Chen’s body shape has stopped, right, huh, huh, instinct, go to special, this is completely exposed.

Xiao Wei finally read his name.

He was still smoking, but his fingers had already shaken, and even the body of the cigarette was shaking. The ash twitched and fell, and the messy traces were found on the ground.

The airflow around it has changed dramatically.

Chen is low-lying. He didn't think about seeing people in this world. After all, it was a fantasy, and found that Xia Hong was unexpected. He had made up his mind not to shoot the world of the latter missions. Yes, it is to consider that there are other people coming here, do not want them to see the work, destroy the original life.

Only record the sound at most, save it yourself.

Why have you made a mistake?

Chen is gnashing his teeth, absolutely who is in the ghosts, but he is going to let him meet the people in the mission world.

Not the fourth, right?

It’s true that Chen is not prejudiced against the fourth. He feels that he is a master who likes to do things, but he can’t think of other people besides the other party.

Chen’s thoughts were hampered by a strong hug. Because of that force, his back hit the wall directly, and he wanted to marry his mother. “He is lying...”

Xiao Wei said, "It’s good to be alive."

He has nothing to think about, as long as this person is still alive.

God knows that when he learned from the mouth of Shengguang that this person has passed away for many years, it is a mood when he spends a lot of time standing in front of the tombstone.

Chen didn't talk, and the ear was the voice of the school grass. It was good to repeat it over and over again.

It’s time for him to be stupid.

After some old days, Xiao Wei’s emotions are still very excited and difficult to calm down. I am afraid that he will be in this state in the next week. I never thought about seeing this person again, thank God.

He took out his mobile phone and "give me your number."

Chen added, "You have."

Xiao Wei was half-sounding. "Have you bought something in my store?"

Chen is awkward.

What Xiao Xiao thought of, "Fuck, you won't be the one who owes it?"

Chen Hehehehe, "I am."

Xiao Yan’s face changed and changed, and a fist slammed on Chen’s shoulder and hugged him again.

Chen patted his back again. "Zhou Zhaodi is very good."

"This is the moment of reunion between us and the world. What do you do with her?" Xiao Wei's arm was loose, and he took a few steps to lick his hair. "I don't call her."

Chen turned over his eyelids. Is it important to have that stuff? He didn't think about it, and he didn't call with Li Yan, but he couldn't get it anyway.

Not long after, the two of you in the corridor, you smoke, I smoke a cigarette, talk about the high school period, those individuals, class teacher, sister, Sheng Guangsheng, sitting behind the little girl.

Chatting and chatting, Xiao Wei asked Chen why he did not report to the university.

Chen also said that after finishing the last class, he fainted and was found to have a genetic disease. It was similar to a waste person, and he might go to school.

Xiao Yu’s throat was a glimpse. He suspected this reason more than once. After years of hearing, it’s still very difficult. No one knows better than him. How did the little crying bag try to count from the class’s countdown to the first? The top 50 of the whole school, then enter the top 20, and finally admitted to the key universities.

Chen said that it has passed, it’s okay.

The phone in the pocket rang, it was an exclusive ringtone, and he told him to go home.

Chen stood up again and threw the unspent cigarette into the trash. "I have to go back."

Xiao Wei just brushed the phone and found out that the person came out of the news. He knew that the other party now has a lover, not Sheng Sheng, and knows that the other party has done a good job. The silver ring on the ring finger is still the one in the photo.

Going downstairs, Xiao Wei said, "I want to call you a little fairy again."

Chen yelled at him, "Not allowed!"

Xiao Xiaozui, "Little Fairy."

He shouted out the nickname he had given to this person in high school, and his face was especially bright, with a few pranks in his youth.

Chen’s nostrils smoked and said, “Wait, look back at me how to pack you!”

What Xiao Xiao wants is the word "next time". He unconsciously walks down the steps and chases a section of the road before he stops. He is in the same city as the little crying bag. He knows that the other person is an artist. There are many ways. It’s good to pay attention to his life.

"It seems that I have to go to the teacher and find a group to enter."

Xiao Xiao murmured, the entertainment circle said that the big is not big, the resources are so many, he went in, and later have the opportunity to cooperate with the little crying package.

Like the earliest, it is not bad to be a good buddy.

After the big man’s propaganda was finished, Xia Hong agreed to the doctor to replace his memory. He gave a book to Chen. "This is the life I wrote for myself. The doctor will give me these memories and replace them in gold. all."

Chen opened the book again, and he entered the pen. He still knew for the first time that Xia Hong’s words were very good. It said: My name is Xia Chen, I was born in xxx, I am 20 years old, my father is A worker, a mother is a farmer...

Very ordinary past.

Xia Hong said, "When I see you next time, it will be a brand new me."

Chen added, "Congratulations."

Xia Hong smiled. As long as he gritted his teeth and cut off the rotten and stinky meat, he would grow new meat slowly. Everything would be different. He didn’t feel sorry for those rotten meat. Ashes.

A person has an idea, Chen will not choose to eliminate the memory of the past, he is willing to recall.

On the first day of the release of the big man, Chen called the housekeeper, Dad, and went to the cinema to see it. He also sent a ticket to Zheng Shuai Wang Yaoxiao. They called for a call in the circle of friends and Weibo, and they took a lot of people to see. the film.

Chen looked at the comments on the Internet better than he thought.

There is a saying that makes sense, expecting to be too big, and often there will be surprises.

The big man was released for three weeks, and the box office was higher than Chen’s imagination. He turned out to be a dark horse and took the lead.

Hu Wei asked Chen and asked for several other scripts. Chen said that he would not shoot.

"The only ones I have behind are sound."

"Why? The first one has such good data, we should chase after victory."

Hu does not understand.

Chen did not intend to explain it to him in detail.

Hu went to find Lin Fuxing, let him tell Chen about the things in the circle, have a good script, and a good team is absolutely invincible.

Lin Fuxing was busy with blind date, and his head was going to be blown up. He was already forced by the family to go to the bar and pull the man out of the cabinet.

"Chen decided that he must have his own ideas and go with him."

Hu Wei, "..."

The boss is not on the heart, what can he do.

Because the theme of the big man reflects the dark side of human nature, the crew finally won several awards. Zhou Zhaodi starred in the first work and was recognized as the best actress.

Chen was also shortlisted for the best screenwriter, the best actor, he wore a suit and tie, hair waxed, and the dog-like waiting for admission, people are embarrassed.

Strictly waiting in the car, I will call Chen again after a while.

Chen was nervous about him, and the loose tie said, "I will come with my idol?" I want a signature.

Hu Wei said, "No."

Chen was disappointed, "...hey."

Hu Wei took out a piece of paper. "This is the acknowledgment that the company has prepared for you. If you take a look, there is a number in your heart."

Chen opened the paper and read it. "Thanks to the fans who support me, thank you to the whole crew of the big man. You made this movie, because you, I can have the opportunity to stand here, thank you."

He looked down. "At this moment, my heart..." No fluctuations, even want to laugh.

"Do you have to say so much?"

Hu Wei said, "This is a template. Although it is old-fashioned, it will not go wrong."

Chen returned the paper to Hu Wei. "If I am really lucky, I will win the best man, and my brain will have something ready. Don't worry."

Hu Weixin said, I really can't help.

Chen saw Hu Wei looking at one place. He also swept his eyes. It was Xia Hong, not right, it was Xia Chen.

Xia Chen came with another crew this time. He walked up to Chen and smiled and said congratulations and grace.

Chen added, "I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Xia Chen said that he also hopes so, "I am going there."

Chen looked at the back of his departure, sighed and felt pretty good. I hope that the school grass can also come out from the past and have a new beginning.

After entering the court, Chen sat with Hu Wei, and on the other side was Zhou Zhaodi.

Young is good, his face is collagen, wearing a simple white dress, it has pressed a lot of people.

Chen has seen this award ceremony. The host is ridiculous, the actors perform, and the host is guilty. The winners are incoherent and tearful, which is roughly the process.

To the best actress, the nominated works appeared one after another, followed by the voice of the host.

Zhou Zhaodi didn't win the prize, but she was still very happy, because the winner was her goddess, and she applauded the drums more than anyone else.

Chen took a breather and estimated that she would write her strong support tomorrow.

Behind the heroine is the male lead.

The host began to lengthen the tone again, "that is"

Chen’s ear was stunned, and he couldn’t hear who the host was calling. He was pushed up by Hu Wei and stood on the podium, his brain was blank.

I am a movie emperor?

False, Chen took a look at himself, it hurts.

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