MTL - Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead-Chapter 180 The real world (19)

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Chen did not remember the acknowledgment that Hu had prepared for himself.

He didn't think that he would hold the trophy nomination. It was the result that he wanted to break his head and couldn't think of it. So there was no expectation that the prize was so big that he was caught off guard by his head.

Chen is very dizzy.

I took a picture of myself and was photographed by the camera. The content of the headline tomorrow is estimated to be too exciting for the new movie, and I stunned a few times on the podium.

The host said something. The artists in the audience gave a laugh and Chen’s throat rolled down and swallowed. I knew that I wouldn’t tie my tie. I couldn’t breathe. He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

The handsome man and the host also spoke again. This time Chen’s ear snoring disappeared and he heard it very clearly. The two men said that he was nervous and with some good-natured teasing.

Of course, he is nervous, and nervous is dying.

Chen coughed twice and turned to look at an old play bone that gave him an award. It’s a word of mouth. "Mr. Wang, my dad likes you very much."

This is true, and there is absolutely no flattery.

Dad is a **** fan of the old actor. Every piece of work will be seen. He will also record the feeling of the post. The "again" in his name is inspired by one of the other works, showing how much he likes.

Teacher Wang smiled and smiled, and gave the trophy to Chen, and said that the future was awesome and continued to cheer.

Chen shook hands with him, and he hugged and hugged, and went home to marry in front of Dad.

After that, Chen’s thank-you moment, he looked at the camera and began to express his gratitude with the sentence. He said that he had forgotten one sentence and didn’t know what he said. When he finished speaking, he applauded.

Chen’s heart is no longer without undulations, but waves and ups and turns, one wave is higher than a wave, lying in the trough, there is a super big wrist to applaud me, and who, who, and the blasted figure, Clapping.

The only pity is that the idol is not there.

Going down the stage and returning to the seat, Chen’s heartbeat was still very fast, and he screamed. The hand with his trophy was shaking, and it was Parkinson’s state.

Hu patted Chen’s shoulder and silently encouraged him.

This title is a kind of affirmation, a kind of glory, but also a kind of spur, a kind of pressure, because it is a movie emperor, so it is necessary to follow the professionalism as an actor, and the professional attitude that should be.

The hand no longer shook, and Chen asked Hu Wei sideways. "Isn't it wrong?"

Hu Wei’s face twisted, "..."

Chen Youyi looked at the camera position, and he resisted the move of scratching his neck. "I am the value of this acting value?"

Hu Wei’s face twisted back and lowered his voice and said, “You must trust the professional level of the judges.”

Chen is hard to believe. He quietly digested for a while, and he began to smug. The prize in his hand was true. His weight was quite heavy, his hand was hard and cold, and hey, he became a movie emperor without paying attention. This is really...


I am beautiful, I am drunk, Chen sang in my heart, and my legs shook unconsciously. "You are coming out, look at it, I am a movie actor! Who said that I am acting?" No, know what is the movie master? That is the emperor of the film industry!"

Although he did not respond, Chen would still call the system, ask something, say something, and always think it will be heard.

The people around Zhou Zhaodi expressed their congratulations to Chen, including competitors. Regardless of whether there is any acid or not, the face should be done beautifully. The camera is watching. No one wants to be reported to say that the little belly is intestine, envy. Hate, can not accommodate new people.

The latter is the best supporting role for men and women. Chen followed the rhythm of the big guy. He laughed when he laughed. He applauded when he applauded. There was no anachronistic performance. Otherwise, he would be said by the people who had the heart to win the prize. .

The best screenwriter was awarded, and Chen went up again. He stayed on the stage and got an award. He walked in the air and tried to restrain himself.

Where is the trophy, bedside? study? living room? It’s not a good decision. Go back and think about it.

The celebration banquet was held in the famous high-end clubhouse. Many other artists from the **** company came here. The more famous ones are like a grand brother and sister meeting.

As the boss, Lin Fuxing also dressed in formal attire, full of spring breeze, he is like that, the mood seems to be better than the award-winning Chen.

Chen went a little closer and smelled the smell of Lin Fuxing. He was unique to the person in love. His sight swept and found that there was a strawberry on the side of Lin Fuxing’s neckline. When he saw the size, he knew the party. Not a cherry mouth.

Lin Fuxing saw Chen and stared at himself. He was slightly unnatural. "How? What is the impression of the Emperor?"

Chen regained his gaze and told the truth, "It's just fine."

"Your boy, my heart has turned over, but don't show it all, just give one-third to the outside world, and the remaining two-thirds hide it."

Lin Fuxing said that there will be media interviews later, so that Chen can talk and pay attention to it. Before he comes out of his mouth, he will pass it in his mind.

Chen Han, "I have a manuscript."

After eating too much, he was very serious this time. He wrote down the interview draft prepared by Hu, not only that, but also reminded the assistant to remind him when he arrived.

Lin Fuxing asked, "Lie Ge? Why didn't you see him? He is the company's shareholder, and it is the object that you come out of the cabinet. If you show your face on this occasion, your heat will not be lost in the next week."

Chen nodded to an actor not far away and returned to Lin Fuxing. "He caught a cold, his head hurts a bit, lying in the room on the fourth floor, I didn't let him out."

Lin Fuxing asked if he should call a doctor.

Chen said no, "take medicine, I will go see it later."

He held a glass of wine, "Linda, congratulations."

Lin Fuxing’s face flashed a crack, and he laughed. “It’s not me who won the prize. I’m so happy, your kid is confused.”

Chen also cast a look at the "small sample".

When the eyelids jumped, Lin Fuxing drank a drink and made an excuse to leave. "I went there and something shouted."

Chen turned around and ran into a beautiful woman. The red wine sprinkled on the skirt and got a few red drinks, big and small. He was embarrassed to apologize and handed it to the paper towel.

The beautiful woman took the paper towel and wiped it. She said nothing, and began to talk to Chen.

She has special hooking skills, from the identity of the fans, first talk about the fifth world of the network drama, then this big man, the plot, costumes, props, everything pulled out, but also people do not feel Disgusting, abrupt.

Chen also stayed at the point of appreciation for the beauty, and looked at a picture, a dress, a fruit, and had no other thoughts. He walked for a while, seeing the beauty still there, and asked casually. Not the same company.

When the beauty is now, she laughs and says that she is a newcomer. It didn’t take long before she graduated. She was signed into the company for less than a month, and she was in the hands of Hu.

Chen snorted and turned out to be Hu Wei’s person.

He looked back again, and his appearance was better than that of Zhou Zhaodi. However, the face of Zhang Humeizi was long, and the traces of moving the knife were obvious. The whole had a kind of evil spirit. It was suitable for playing some three children, a vicious female match, and a arrogant and rude lady.

It is estimated that the future road will not be wide.

When Chen went to Hu Wei’s figure, he quickly took the opportunity to leave and said the beauty of the little sister.

Hu Wei is not surprised. "You are a movie actor at the age of twenty, and you still have the best screenwriter. It is normal for many people to remember the resources in their hands, especially with the company, and naturally will make good friends with you."

"The influence of the star dream is more than several times more than in the past. Now there are more and more students in the performance. Zhou Zhaodi’s conditions are at best passing. I can’t talk about how outstanding, and the appearance does not have the unique characteristics. She is completely fortunate. When you star in your work, you will have a better start in the entertainment industry than most people."

Chen wondered, "I have no resources in my hand."

Hu Wei said, "Others don't think that you can create a big man's work, it is enough to prove your talent, there will be works in the future, and people who have a good relationship with you will be dimmed."

Talented ghosts, I don’t know the two words. Chen turned his eyes again. The big man was not written by him. He used his own experience, but this can’t be said. It can only be a secret, and it will always be hidden in the heart.

"No work, I can't write it."

Hu Wei’s face is “I know you will say this.” “Let’s come, how old are you, I am still at the age of your school, still carrying guitars around the school.”

Chen added, "I want to hear your story."

Hu Wei’s face was spurred by the old man’s face. He was beaten by a pig knife. “Change the day, when is your brother, I am free, and tell you a few paragraphs.”

Chen suddenly said, "Linda has a good relationship."

Hu Wei did not show a surprised expression.

Chen thought of some possibility. He dared not open his eyes. "Isn't it you? You two..."

Hu immediately interrupted, "Fart, how can Laozi be with a guy who can't get up!"

Chen was stunned and confused, and he knew a terrible secret.

After Hu Wei knew that he had leaked his mouth, he whispered, but no one heard it around. "And, don't say it is what I told you."

Chen added, "Reassured, I won't say it, so I don't really want to ask Lin Big Brother? Is it natural? Psychological obstacles?"

Hu Weiban said, "You are a child, ask so much."

Chen was silent for a while. "Hu Big Brother, you are still a place."

Hu Wei’s face instantly turns from black to red, then from red to black.

The trough, actually, Chen repeatedly said, I did not expect it, he handed a glass of red wine to Hu Wei, the language is long and heavy, "Life is too short, timely pleasure is king, come on Hu Big Brother."

With one hand holding the glass, Hu is pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose. Hey, like their group, they can't see the light. There is too much to say about a love, and they are afraid, careful, and grassy, ​​lest they should be discovered by relatives and friends.

In the entertainment circle, there are people in the group. Once they are caught, they will not take Jinyi in private, or they will deny it. They use various means to cover things in the past. Few public figures choose to send high-profile cabinets to Chen. My own sexual orientation, and the optimistic attitude of "I am over, you are free", face insults, comments, pointing from the whole world, can still come over.

Hu is returning to God, just seeing the young man walking into the back of the elevator. He took the glass to his mouth and took a sip of wine. It is hard to say in the future, but with years of experience, the other party will be better and will open up in the entertainment circle. An extraordinary road.

Chen went upstairs to the room, hugged it with a stern, and his mouth was full of wine. He squatted and quit, saying, "Your mouth is hot, your tongue is also, lie down, I will give you a temperature." ”

Strictly not cooperate, put Chen in his arms and continue to kiss.

Chen grabbed his short hair, brother, and did not have the effect of fever. You are useless to do so.

Stupid and fierce, he is always overbearing. He just keeps on, and holds Chen again at the door.

Chen hangs on the man, the weight of the whole body is put on, the **** is empty, and there is no wind and cold. To be honest, he really can't estimate the strength of the other party. If he can't change it, he can't hold it up, and he can't hold it. Can only be back.

A person with a fever has a hot body temperature.

At this moment, Chen’s feeling, um, how to say it, is almost ironed by an iron, from head to toe, from inside to outside, then from outside to inside, the hair is burnt.

Unswervingly, he took the big iron and ironed it several times before he stopped.

Chen thought that he also had a fever. He sternly went out of the clubhouse, and a strong wind greeted him. The temperature on his body immediately went down.

There are quite a few cars parked outside the clubhouse, as well as bodyguards in black and black pants.

If the artist is going out, he still needs to pay attention to safety. If he encounters an over-excited mass, he will make a scorpion, and there will be a bodyguard, which will stop the accident.

Chen is about to get on the bus. His hand is on the door of the car. He blinks inadvertently, and the car next to it is shaking.


The car was Lin Fuxing, and Chen recognized it. He did not hurry to go, and he sat in the back seat, lowered the window, and blew the wind in a leisurely manner.

Strictly said, "Go home."

Chen said that after a while, he took a blanket from behind and put it on the man. "You are sleeping by me."

The sharp brow wrinkled and caught people.

The sick person is easy to be fragile. Understand, Chen’s fingers are in the man’s dark hair, and he gently combs him. He looks at his scalp and looks so handsome.


Chen couldn't help but grin. He couldn't understand how long his face was, and it fits perfectly with his ideals, just like he prepared for him.

I don't know how long it took, the door next to it opened, Lin Fuxing first came down, then a young man.

Chen and Yan, I did not expect that the old rabbit of Lin Fuxing actually ate the grass and went to the assistant.

As the saying goes, Lin Fuxing can't do it, and Lin Fuxing can't do it. He can't work hard. He can only be an assistant. The one who gets the most is him.

Chen did not pay careful attention before, he squatted in the past, the assistant's back was straight, the shoulders were wide enough, the legs were long enough, quite good, and looked stronger than Hu.

Hu Wei is a 0, proper, and I don’t know who can take him away.

Lin Fuxing had an old bone. He couldn’t stand the young man’s groaning. He snorted several times. He was squatting, and he was stunned with Chen in the car.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Chen licked his teeth and just prepared to raise his hand and say hello. He saw Lin Fuxing’s assistant turn around, his eyes were red, and he cried.

He looked awkward.

This is not right. Who is it who is who, who is it?

Assistant Gao Mada, surnamed Da, name, name and read together, is Daxie, to be honest, when Chen first knew it, he was drinking coffee and sprayed a table on the spot.

It’s no wonder that his thoughts are not simple, and everything is a mischief.

And ah, Chen thinks that the name should be given to his man. Lin Fuxing’s assistant cannot exceed it, it is impossible!

Strictly restless, Chen did not think about teasing Fu Fuxing. He smiled. "See you."

Then he let the driver drive.

After Chen’s car left, Lin Fuxing’s face was slightly hot and whispered to the youth. “How do I tell you that this is outside, not suitable for chaos, you have to continue, now it’s Chen I found that if other people, maybe how much news is going to come out."

He licked his pale lips. "Is Lin always saying that you want to..."

Lin Fuxing scolded him, his tone was even worse, and he took the boss's sternness to his subordinates. "Which ear did you hear me say?"

Daxie jerked his head up and bowed his head. His eyelashes fluttered and his face was crying and crying. "I'm sorry, I am not right. I didn't realize how much my behavior would affect Lin. I will be Will restrain, will not be close to Lin."

Lin Fu’s face is darker than the bottom of the pot. Mom, he was forced to kiss each other by the family. Those women were dangling in front of him. The smell of the perfume was so bad that he was going crazy. If you can't go to the bar, think about finding a pleasing and relaxing.

Otherwise, then, Lin Fuxing is afraid that he will carry out the single dog profession to the end, and spend a lifetime with the pet.

Who ever thought that Lin Fuxing did not find the prey in the bar, but unexpectedly felt that his assistant's low-browed and pleasing appearance was very comfortable. At that time, there was alcohol mixed with tobacco, which constantly stimulated the nerve endings. When he was impulsive, he took the person back to the apartment.

The latter thing is like that.

The assistant was the first time, relying on brute force. Lin Fuxing was guilty of the crime. The other party was a bit of a painful appearance. While he said sorry to him, he was engaged in him.

The next day, Lin Fuxing became ill. He was lying in the apartment for two days. The assistant took care of him for two days. He waited at the bed, fed the porridge to feed the water, washed a face and wiped his face. He didn't need him to say.

When the body was good, Lin Fuxing and his assistant did it again. Unlike the bar, he didn't drink alcohol, didn't smoke, and kissed the assistant.

The assistant is still like that, one by one, I am sorry, it seems that I feel that it is a sinister thing to do my own boss. However, I still have to do it, and I will send my boss to the sky with a red eye.

It’s even worse now, and I want to retire from the whole body. I haven’t done anything.

Lin Fuxing wanted to get more and more angry, and there was a fire in his chest. He kicked his foot on the young man's leg and did not hold it.

Da Yu was sullen and snorted, and he was affected by it.

Someone passed by, curiously looking at the side, the night was dark, not an acquaintance could not recognize it.

The two stood by the side of the car.

Lin Fuxing ordered a cigarette and spit a few smoke rings against the night sky. He slanted his assistant. "Let's try to be outside, no one can."

Daxie’s body was shocked, “Yes.”

Lin Fuxing said, "You don't give me this virtue, just like how much you receive."

Daxie said that his throat was sobbing. "Lin always looks at me, it is a gift from Tianda."

Lin Fuxing turned his eyes, and when you were engaged in me, the strength was similar to that of a mad cow. When the clothes were worn, it became a harmless young man, really.

He bombed the cigarette body, and Chen wouldn't be talking around, and he didn't see anything. At most, the car was slightly shocked. It was a problem with the car itself.

Lin Fuxing in the car did not know that the car was not a slight shock, but it was always shaking. Chen witnessed the whole process and sang two nunchakus.

Chen is not going to talk about it. He is not so broken. Besides, the boss is working with the assistant. This is not a strange thing.

Not yet at home, Xiao Wei’s call came and said that he saw the video of the award ceremony on the Internet and expressed his congratulations to Chen.

Chen and Xiao Xiao are lying, fart video, obviously the scene to see, he glimpsed, just not good to say hello, the media reporters are, afraid of what is involved.

However, Chen did not dismantle it.

Xiao Wei said, "The recruiter is also short-listed this time. We are very surprised and thank you."

Chen added, "It is Zhou Zhaodi’s own efforts. He is quite savvy."

He wondered, Xiao Xiao graduated next year, and did not know what plans, "Do you enter the art circle?"

Xiao Yan said, "I plan to sign the same company with Zhaodi."

Chen Youxin said, "Oh, my school grass is really full of confidence. There is no concern that I will not be signed. My condition is good enough. It is not the same. He is a little stunned. Zhou Zhaodi’s company is not his place. Company?

This is the rhythm of a family pro?

A dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded in the left ear. "Noisy."

Chen’s face was pumping.

Xiao Yan at the other end heard the man's voice. He paused. "I have two buyers here to consult, hung up, and talk again next time."

Chen put his mobile phone in his pocket and closed his eyes to think about things. He hoped that everyone around him could find his own life trajectory, and walk out the deep and shallow traces on it, and don't go wrong.

On the night of the night, the severe burning was severe, and the doctor came to the rain to hang him, and it was only after the dawn.

Chen didn't sleep very much. He made breakfast with Li Yan's porridge with two dark circles. He yawned after a while. He was tearful and almost reached his hand twice into the pot.

The butler who had a very short sleep time went in and out of the living room, and put his eyes on the kitchen from time to time, fearing that Mr.'s breakfast was a human paw.

He wants to tell the servant to do it, but the child does not agree and says that he is coming.

As a result, standing can fall asleep.

Chen did a good job of breakfast, shutting down the fire, but the butler and the servant were sweating. It was just alive to come out, otherwise there was something, and they had to be punished.

The apron was picked up on the back of the chair, and Chen went to knock on the door. "Dad, didn't you get up?"

The door opened from the inside, and Chen Weidong just finished washing. He saw his son and looked very awkward. "How come you are so early?"

Chen also yawned with his hand and said that he didn't sleep. "Have breakfast."

Chen Weidong frowned and said something to his son first. "And again, you have achieved such an achievement. It’s just a matter of time and good fortune. If you happen, don't be proud."

Walking can't go too fast. It's a step by step. It's not too good to be a person's fame. It's easy to be upset and suffering. Because his son started to pay attention to entertainment news, he knows something about this. There is a singer in his early years. Red burst, and later can not withstand the pressure of public opinion outside, afraid that he will not have better works, he suffered from depression and committed suicide.

Chen said that he knows, "Dad, you can rest assured, my mentality is very good, I don't think too much."

"You know what you are doing. Dad thinks that this society is not easy. The money is not so good, and it will not be earned in a short while. Don't force yourself too much."

Chen Weidong went to the living room, and the corner of his eye looked upstairs. "Who is that?"

Chen is still stupid, "Who?"

Chen Weidong said, "Don't talk to your dad."

Chen is very embarrassed. "I didn't rely on it. It's Dad. You are relying on it. People have names. Why do you say that? It's very bad."

Chen Weidong’s old face couldn’t be hanged, and he simply shifted the topic. “What about breakfast?”

Chen shook his head again, and he couldn’t help himself with his father. "Sit here and wait, I will go porridge."

In the morning, Chen Weidong brushed his mobile phone in the living room. The Internet was in a controversy. The competitor’s powder rushed to his son’s microblogging and bombarded him. He did not deliberately discredit his acting skills, nor did he take advantage of his qualifications. After the younger Shadow Emperor, it was the first work.

His family is again, mainly for the incident of the cabinet, saying that he is selfish, not filial to have three, no big afterwards.

Anyway, it is to hold a point, black in the dead.

Chen Weidong turned over some forums, and there were quite a few posts in which he couldn’t read the content. He was uneasy in his heart and endured it. He couldn’t help it. He directly registered a number of trumpet and argued with the people in the post. .

The son who is filial and filial, the one who has the most say is Chen Weidong, the father, what is the matter of others? He did not say anything. Why do those people stand at the highest point of morality and ruin his son?

Chen upstairs is also brushing. There are quite a few netizens standing on his side. Some of the comments that came out gave him a familiar feeling. Some of them can confirm that it is a school grass, some are old coaches, and some are pharaohs. It’s all his buddies, but he’s not sure.

There was a suspected object in his heart, and Chen went downstairs lightly and sneaked to the back of his father.

Seeing what Dad is doing, Chen is shocked again. "Dad, it really is you!"

Chen Weidong was shocked and the mobile phone was off the sofa. "What do you scare your dad?"

Chen saw that his father’s breathing was not smooth. He quickly went to help him. "I am not too surprised. I suspected you when I brushed the forum. I didn’t expect it to be true. Dad, you will play micro. Bo, do the trumpet."

Chen Weidong slowed down and said, "You Dad, I will have more."

He picked up his mobile phone again, brushed his comments, and his face was blue. "And again, who are on the Internet, right and wrong, one by one, they are all behind the lead, these people are irresponsible for their own remarks, It’s just nonsense!”

Chen and this party do not matter, while watching, while eating snacks, and occasionally see a few ambiguous ingenuity, the style is strange, he will be happy, and then go to a concern.

"Don't worry, let them go. The news is much better every day. When the headlines are changed, those people will not focus on me anymore. There will be other things to do."

When Chen Weidong saw his son, he really didn't put it in his heart. He didn't pretend it. He was relieved and admired. He replaced him for the rest of his life. He couldn't stand the distortion of black and white on the Internet. Mobile phone.

Chen reconciled his father and went upstairs to set the trophy. He finally decided to put it in the study.

When he was watching the movie, Chen took a look at the air. Good guys, there were five or six people fighting on the water. The figure kept staggering, and the waves of water and waves were mixed with swords and swords. Whoever wins and loses is yet to be determined.

It’s a wonderful and sultry confrontation.

The people who watched it were so excited that they couldn’t stand the exclamation and just wanted to clap their hands.

Chen went over again, his chin against the man's top, and his hand on his shoulder. "What movie, why haven't I seen it?"

Is it too much to collect movies, can't remember?

Strictly close the two legs, "this is above."

Chen saw the location of the mouse, only to find that the man opened a website, which is full of movies, all kinds of modern, ancient suspense of romance, he turned his eyes, "Where, when are you?" Going in, didn't download things? If you got in the virus..."

His words stopped, the word virus was not repulsive, "mouse to me."

Li Yan let go, touched Chen's back and watched the software scan of his open desktop.

Chen also warned the man, "To be honest, you forgot who had a high fever last night, and struggled when you pinned it?"

Hold Chen’s hand tightly and pinch his finger. “I will not get sick in the future.”

Chen Youzhen, "I know that it hurts." But the pain is painful. If you don't get sick, you can't control yourself. Poor silly.

Severely grinned, "I don't want you to feel bad."

Chen and Yan, half-sounding, "Who is uncomfortable? You are sick, it is you who are uncomfortable, not me."

Turned sharply and looked up at Chen and laughed.

Chen Youzhen, "Stupid."

He leaned over, his mouth stuck on the man's eyes, and the cockroach on the man's face, both of which made him feel impressed when he lost his memory and said, "Where have we seen it?" This sentence.

A month later, the pointer of the public opinion pointed to a first-line female artist. The demon and ghosts under Chen Weibo finally dispersed. He handed it over to the assistant management. He looked for Zheng Shuai Wang Yao to eat and asked Pang Yilong’s news. Still, the kid is there. Foreign countries may be arrogant.

Chen went to the street after drinking, brother, dad, lover, he has it, it’s good.

The customs of New Year in every place in the country are different. On the 30th, Chen Weidong said that he would go to the cemetery. Chen went with him, and he was also strict.

When they went, there were other people in the cemetery, but they still looked cold.

There was no snow in this winter. Chen’s eyes were stunned, and I didn’t expect it. The snow was not there, but it was colder than in previous years. It was kind of wet and cold, and the air was wet and answered. Every breath Once, I felt a wet tissue on my nose, which was uncomfortable.

Chen Weidong’s legs and feet were unfavorable. He slowly squatted in front of the tombstone, took a picture of his head and shouted his wife’s name, saying that he came with his son.

The photo is a woman in her twenties. Her eyebrows are beautiful, her eyes are awkward, and her position is almost the same as that of Chen. It is bigger, more obvious, and more charming.

Chen said in his heart, Mom, the man I am on the side is very strict, how is your daughter-in-law, very handsome.

Strictly did not speak, just hold Chen and put the hand outside, his hand is hot, Chen's hand is cold, just a glimpse.

After the sacrifice, Chen Weidong spit out a white gas. "And again, you are going to wait outside with Dad, let Dad talk to your mother."

Chen did as he did, and took it away.

Chen Weidong stayed in front of the tombstone for a long time. After he went back, his spirit was good. Zhang Luo was engaged in glutinous rice, and the sesame and sugar sugar packets were smashed, and the golden pot was fried.

In the past, the New Year's Eve was made by Chen and others. This year, Dad gave him a hand. He is not used to it. "Dad, I am asking you, you go to the living room and watch TV."

Chen Weidong glared at the corn. "I won't go. I will get angry when I see him."

"If it weren't for him, would you take this road?"

Chen felt that it was necessary to take down the pot on his man's head. "Dad, it's not very strict. Before I met him, I was."

Chen Weidong dumped the corn into the basket. "...Which bastard?"

Chen said that no one is himself.

Chen Weidong silently for a while, sighed aloud, "It seems to be God's will, God wants me to let my old Chen family break."

Chen is speechless for a moment. "Don't be dad, big New Year's, say what to do with such a heavy topic. If you don't go out, then let's talk about it easily. The hair on the body is much longer, a large group of furry, still There is a small gold, the length is stronger, and the relationship with the blessing is also better than before."

Chen Weidong’s thoughts were taken away. He began to say that it’s not a blessing. It’s like chasing things, hair is everywhere, not hygiene. It’s still a human sentiment. When it’s small, it’s really not right.

Chen took the coriander on a small stool, ah, in response, Dad said everything to listen.

The age is too big, and it’s awkward. For him, it’s completely acceptable.

After the meal, Chen fired fireworks on the open space outside.

Looking at the flowers blooming in the night sky, Chen remembered that the fireworks that the fourth year of last year said was poisonous. After listening to the number of times, he was engraved in his mind.

"The fourth child, happy new year, congratulations on making a fortune, there is a present year."

There was no response during the Chinese New Year.

Chen shook his head again. It was really not interesting. He leaned on the fierceness and watched the fireworks. He gave the school grass Zheng Shuai their New Year’s greetings and received an anonymous blessing. The content was four words: Happy New Year, grapefruit.

It was Pang Yilong, Chen went to fight, no one answered, obviously hiding, he pumped his mouth, did not fight again, but saved the number, remarks Lao Pang.

After returning, Chen squatted in the living room and watched the party with his dad. He saw the zero and greeted the new year.

Chen Weidong sent a red envelope to the housekeeper, not much, that is, the taste of the year, he also received a red envelope, quite big, put in the drawer.

In April, Chen went to the red carpet abroad and wore a certain brand of suits. After all, the youth of the student era faded. He grew up and is also moving into the field of successful people.

Signature, photo, debut, interview, greet the fans, Chen also cooperated in accordance with the workflow of an ordinary actor, to be honest, his fresh energy has passed, and the rest is persistence.

The entertainment industry is changing, who knows what will happen next.

On the second day after Chen returned to China, Chen Weidong practiced in the morning garden. He suddenly fainted. He was very lucky twice before. He stopped breathing on the way to the hospital and did not rescue him.

From the fainting of Chen Weidong to the death of the doctor, it was in a short time, the sun was still hanging high in the sky, and it was still early from sunset.

The flowers and plants in the corner of the west side of the garden are still waiting to drink water, and the watering people are gone.

Rolling in the grass of the blessing, Xiaojin was lying on the window sill and watching the scenery in the sun. They didn't know, and no one would take them out to bend in the future. When they said that they were disgusting, they cleaned up their nests every day. of.

Chen sat in the chair, motionless, and stunned.

Does man have a feeling before he dies? Dad told him some strange words a few days ago, and he always stared at him, as if he couldn’t see it anymore. It’s a glance.

Who came over, said something, who put his hand on his head, gently rubbed it, who took him into his arms, holding his head and told him not to cry.

Chen feels that he is dreaming. It is a nightmare. He screams desperately, screams, wants to wake up quickly, but he can't wake up.

Dad went to the ground to find his mother, not to him.

The funeral was simple, the news was not revealed, only a few insiders knew that the head here was Lin Fuxing and Hu Wei’s help.

Although not as strict as before, he knows that someone is dead. He is the family of his favorite person. He is saddened by the favorite person. He does not know what to say and stays with him.

There was a black and white photo in the living room, and Chen stood there watching. He looked at it and burst into tears.

Looking at Chen and crying, he held him in his arms and slammed his back awkwardly. "Don't cry."

Chen can't stop crying, how can he not cry, his father is gone.

The person in his arms was always crying. He was also red-eyed and confused. He only felt uncomfortable in his heart, still hurting, and hurting.

"I thought my dad could live another twenty or thirty years."

Chen cried and talked about the previous things, saying that Dad had practiced Sanda, his body was very good, and he said that he was not, he was incoherent, he said more, and he cried more.

The sturdy clothes were wet.

After the death of his loved ones, Chen was very calm these days. At this time, all the grief of the backlog was released.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that life is like this. After the joy, maybe it is a disaster, and it always makes people unprepared.

No one knows if tomorrow will come.

The mechanical sound suddenly came out and appeared in Chen’s mind.

Hey, congratulations to the system staff of No. 333, who finally completed the assessment. All three values ​​of love, affection, and friendship were met. All the data has been transmitted to the main system network, and after one verification, the conveyor belt has been opened.

Chen’s consciousness disappeared instantly. When he recovered, he was in front of a void, and an electronic sound was heard in his ear. “Congratulations on your promotion to the main system, please take your new work card and go left. The first one is Your office."