MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 972 Should rob teenager

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If fighting is like a mentality is a resourcefulness, it is an intrigue that is calculated by the authorities, not a high-level mana. If you are really arrogant, Yan Fang can at least rank in the top three in the world.

She was originally a high-spirited man. She regarded the man in the world as nothing. She only favored Wang Yuanshan’s lonely woman. In the end, her fate turned her into a dark corner all day, and she was always on the lookout for planning and planning. .

Yan Fang is not only strong-minded, but also alert and intelligent, has a sense of urgency, has strategies, and is a gift of cultivation. She is definitely not under Wang Yuanshan. Unfortunately, because of the word love, she finally gave up her own body and lurked into the fox door. To carry out subversive calculations, and ultimately make their repairs greatly backward.

Although her practice has fallen greatly, she is far less than the sleek and sleek sneak peek in a foreign country, but this does not mean that her vision is also behind the hollow.

When Yan Fang first saw that the hollow appeared in front of his own eyes, he knew that he had been stared by the Xuan Tianpai golden master. It was hard to be good.

The master of the Yangshen encounters the golden master is like seeing the natural enemies. Almost no yang masters take the initiative to challenge the golden master, because this is a dead behavior.

It is natural to know this, so he dared to face the Yan.

In the face of absolute strength and overwhelming advantages, if there is no Deng Yu, Deng Jiao, and Li Yundong’s sneak attack, Yan Fang is smart again. It’s not possible to think of a short-term method, and even think about it. It is concluded that there is no way to implement it.

But she escaped, and the short-selling method of Yan Fang also gave her enough time to think and arrange.

Although the hollowing out has done enough homework and is ready to return to China, he has some understanding of the status quo of the Chinese practitioners. However, it is absolutely impossible for him to fully understand how terrible Yan Fang, who has been lurking in the fox gate for nine years, has become so terrible. Even if he knew that he was self-defeating and the insurmountable barrier of the **** of the sun, he did not look at Yan Fang.

Yan Fang also knows that there are many flaws in his layout and traps, and there are many loopholes, but where is the absolute perfect layout under the sun, where is the absolute trap? It is already her limit to be able to do this in a hurry.

She is expected to escape, and the short-selling will definitely show her means to stare at herself, and then go through herself to find the mirror.

Therefore, she went to the treasures of Qiankun Ruyi Mirror, and deliberately waited for a long time in the same place, until the return of Song Yuqiao.

Yan Fang knows that the hollow will not put Song Yuqiao in his eyes, and will never be wary of her little girl, and that she is alive or dead, it is entirely because this apprentice is able to save his life at a critical time.

As it turned out, the short-selling enemy, Yan Fang gambling won.

The consequence of the light enemy is that the hollowed-out body is broken and one arm is blown up and crushed.

In the hands of Song Yuqiao, a total of two symbols are five-legged Zhengfu, and one is a nine-yang explosion. It can erupt in a very small space with terrible lethality.

Song Yuqiao heard that his master had said the use of these two symbols, and listened to her saying that the power of this symbol, but after all, did not see it before, personally, so she put these two charms on the hollow arm She just stepped back two steps and did not run away in time.

When the thunder fell, she did not reach her. However, when the explosion of Jiuyang was exploding, she was shocked by a powerful shock wave. She crashed into the wall and fell into the yard. Among the chicken rings, they fainted without a word.

Yan Fang was also deeply hit by this time. The chest and lungs were pierced, and the blood was mad. There were only two choices left at this time. One was to immediately abandon the body and then find one, and the other was to treat immediately, otherwise it would die. undoubtedly.

Compared with Yan Fanglai, the injury suffered by the hollowing out was even more serious. He was initially smashed by Yan Fang with a smashing paper sword, and Yan Fang’s unique mixed yin and yang breath instantly poured into his body.

If he is not swayed by the five thunders, he can expel and even swallow this strange intrusion into his body, but he is stunned by the thunder and then his arm. It was smashed and smashed, and the body was also greatly traumatized.

In the moment of short-selling, the combat power dropped sharply. The whole person stumbled in the same place and only barely supported it.

He widened his eyes and looked at Yan Fang with great anger and anger. He couldn't believe that it was all true.

Yan Fang also showed no weakness in the darkness. She knew that she would only show a little weak color, and she would immediately rush to kill herself, and she had no resistance at this time. The knife of the old child can also kill her.

The two of them are like the two beasts encountered in the forest. They fight to die and live, and they break through the belly, but they still don’t give each other. Whoever gives up first will die first.

Yan Fang swears at the hollow, she gambles on the hollow will underestimate the enemy, but also gambling in the absolute advantage and victory under the sudden sudden such a severe blow, will lose the courage of the mind and fighting, will immediately escape.

However, Yan Fang won the bet before, and later... she lost the bet.

After squatting in Yan Fang for a while, suddenly he looked up and laughed. This laughter revealed an indescribable anger. At this time, like Yan Fang, there are only two choices, heal immediately, or immediately Yang. God escaped, but he was originally broken. If the gods fled, and found a suitable body, I was afraid that the golden world would have faded into a god, and it was a sure thing to cultivate it.

Yan Fang is also gambling, and he is willing to give up his cultivation. He will turn away and seek medical treatment.

However, after many years of short-selling in foreign countries and foreign sectarian forces to fight the fight, although the mentality of the strategy is not as good as Yan Fang, but his mental decision has long been tempered to become a steel.

He took the initiative and immediately went out, and the body was smashed into the pool of blood. He said to Yan Fang with a smile: "Good means, it’s really an eye-opener to go back to China!"

Yankong pointed to Yan Fang and said with a smile: "Well, Yan Fang, Yan Fang, I really look down on you! Yang Shen has a golden body and has such a victory. Throughout the ages, I am afraid that you are the first person, today. Presumably you are also dead!"

Open your hands and lift one hand, one hand toward the Kun Kunyi mirror, and the other hand toward Yan Fang, and sigh: "Dead!"

Yan Fang sighed in the heart, and the fierce eyes in her eyes disappeared. She slowly sighed and closed her eyes desperately.

But in the moment of the 乾 如 如 如 被 被 被 , , , , 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如

This sudden sudden change, shocked and shocked in the hollow, he violently turned his head and looked in the direction of the green mans, and sighed: "Who is this?"

There is no one in the air, and no one can answer his words.

The ancient alleys in Dongwu City are originally remote. Apart from the local residents, there are few people coming and going. The surrounding areas are mostly high-walled deep courtyards. The Tibetan army is not a problem, let alone a Tibetan practitioner.

The short-selling was originally a golden master. If you encounter a sneak attack, you are not afraid. However, he is now a big reduction. It is no longer a golden body. Where can you dare to be stubborn?

A single Yan Fang, he is naturally not afraid, but if the other side has reinforcements, then the short-selling is really scared, especially when he thinks about the hurricane that he encountered in Longhushan, the power is like The gun is like a master of guns, this is really a cold heart!

Looked at Yan Fang with a hollow look, he could poke her by raising one finger, and then glanced at the mirror on the ground, and he could smash the magic weapon with his own hands.

At this time, he did not dare to move, but he hated and stared at the Kun Kunyi mirror for a while. Suddenly, he screamed, and his body turned into countless blue light and fled in all directions.

When the hollowed out of the air, he knew that if he was greedy, he would surely die in this way, so he would escape without a trace without hesitation.

When Yan Fang heard the sound of Qing Mang’s empty voice, he opened his eyes and re-visited the hope of living. She widened her eyes and looked at the empty space to escape. She couldn’t help but ecstasy in her heart, struggling to move toward the mirror. Go.

But she was extremely hurt. Just two steps away, the blood rushed up, squirting a blood, and slamming it to the ground, motionless, fainted.

For a time, in the small courtyard of the ancient city, the two fell in a pool of blood, one person was unconscious, and the world’s most famous sacred magical sorrow was lying on the ground quietly, and there was no one outside, no one left. I know that there has been a thrilling battle here, except for one person.

Zhang Tianshi stood on the roof of the house and looked down at the horrible courtyard. The heart secretly sighed. Although Yan Fang was extremely talented, he was shocked, but at first he saw that she was short-lived, stubborn and easy to walk. Into the extreme, so I am not optimistic about her, it seems that, indeed, the leader of a generation of practitioners has fallen to such a end.

Zhang Tianshi couldn't help but shook his head. His eyes fell on the mirror of Yikun, and he smiled slightly. He was about to wave the volley of this magic weapon, but suddenly he saw several figures running in the far lane.

These are the local teenagers, the three teenagers chasing after them, chasing after them, screaming, screaming in a slap in the face; while another teenager is in front of the wolf, but wandering Not to be outdone, I kept turning back and groaning, my voice was very loud, and my mouth was full of foul language, and it was also a slap in the face of a small egg.

Zhang Tianshi glanced at the chased teenager, and suddenly he slammed his fingers and quickly counted his fingers.

Many people see Taoist or fortune tellers taking their fingers to count their lives. They feel that this kind of behavior is extremely ridiculous and very unreliable, but in fact, this is just a way to calculate the natural support.

In the Book of Changes, the interaction between the ten-day dry and the twelve earthly branches generally requires paper-and-pencil calculations, but the ancients did not have the opportunity to use paper and pencil when calculating the numerology. At this time, the ancients found that the human finger is divided into three sections, and the hand index is exactly ten fingers, corresponding to a fixed ten-day dry. When matching with the twelve ground branches, it is necessary to press the knuckles to the ground, so that the year can be calculated relatively quickly. Years and months of the sky.

It can be seen that the 掐 finger is actually the highest level of prediction in the Book of Changes. It is the algorithm of Qimen Armor. The ancients used the "Qiangan" and "Ground Branch" in the Qimen armor according to the time of question or the time of the incident. ", "Bagua", "Eight Gate", "Nine Palaces", "Nine Stars", "Nine Gods" and other information, calculus in the knuckles, the heart is silent, the fate of the world will be in the palm!

However, this study is too advanced. Not everyone can learn it. Not everyone can be 100% accurate. However, Zhang Tianshi is a teacher of Zhengyi. Since the beginning of cultivation, he has learned that he cannot achieve it. After the realm of Jinxian, he turned into a specialization of the "Book of Changes" and "Single Armor" and other ghosts.

He was good at these two kinds of spells. He has been focusing on research and research for many years. He is really fascinated by the practice of the gods. Although he can't count on the organs, there are some seven or eight.

Zhang Tianshi slammed his fingers for a while. Suddenly his face turned and he looked up. He looked at the boy incredulously. He couldn’t help but laughed and smiled. He said: "Xuanhu has been robbed, the king has been solved, and the demons have been robbed. But it is going to fall on this boy! I can go with confidence!"

Zhang Tianshi laughed and turned and walked away. He no longer looked at the Qiankun Yiyi mirror in this yard. He disappeared in the same place in a blink of an eye and disappeared.

Only these teenagers are getting closer and closer...