MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 973 Account after the fall

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Early in the morning, the pedestrian street in Tiannan City had not had time to get busy. Feng Na came to the Sanxian early, although the Sanxian shop has not been officially allowed to open, and other employees have dispersed, some back. When I got home, some went back to school, and some went to Longhushan with Li Yundong to make a big noise.

But Feng Na did not. She was different from other people. Cheng Cheng could freely jump out of her love for Li Yundong. Other students could look up at Li Yundong with a very pure admiration.

But she can't.

From the first sight of her at school, Li Yundong was like a stupid teenager who smashed into the Taekwondo Society with Su Shi. She knew that her fate was entangled with this boy. Maybe she would not be inseparable from his life. Part of it, but as it is now, quietly staying aside and trying to give him to his own industry, she has already realized that she is very happy.

However, Feng Na consciously faced Li Yundong's, Li Yundong handed the three immortals to his hands, but at the end of the day, Liu Dashao, who suddenly emerged, forced the closure of the door. And it is almost a month to close the door!

Feng Na came to the door of the Sanxian, opened the copper lock at the door, and pushed the door open by one person.

The door of this hollow carved door is divided into two sides, painted with brown and black paint, carved with the image of Chinese classical fairy, antique.

When Feng Na opened the door, she saw the hollow of the teahouse. The tea set on the tea table was placed as usual. The upstairs and downstairs were silent and silent, and there was no such thing as a lively scene.

Although Di Sanxian opened a branch, but the head and face people still like to pursue this old shop in Tiannan City Pedestrian Street, so in the past, there is no door open, the luxury car and the luxury car dealers are full. Near the parking lot, as soon as you open the door, you will be overcrowded immediately.

In the restaurant on weekdays, although there is no sound of people, the scene of Zhen Zhentian, but the upstairs and downstairs are full of friends, and the scene of the crown and the roof is indeed giving people a feeling of flowers and flowers.

At this time, the door can be ridiculous, and there are no half-person shadows in the store. Only the shallow dust on the tea table is cold and lonely.

Feng Na sighed and looked back, but she saw that the Zhao’s tea house had been dismantled and scattered. There was a shed on the outside. The decoration workers were busy at the door early, and they slammed into a piece. .

When the Sanxian was first opened, they once saw Zhao’s tea house in a short period of one or two hours, from the perspective of “looking at him, seeing his feast, seeing his building collapsed”. But Feng Na did not expect that she would go through such a process.

People can easily adapt to changes in the environment when they are full of flowers, but suddenly they fall from a height, but not everyone has suffered such a change.

But Feng Na is a girl who can bear the temper.

When everyone left the Sanxian, she went to the Sanxian on time every day, silently guarding the restaurant, and every day she carefully cleaned everything in the restaurant. From the tea table to the tea set, from the top of the spider web to the dust on the floor, she managed to clean it.

Feng Na took the basin and wiped the dust on the table. Tiannan City developed very fast in the past few years. The number of cars and factories increased sharply, and the air quality dropped seriously. After only one night, the desktop was dusty.

She is tall and graceful. She bends and rubs the table quietly. Although she is doing rough work, she can reflect a quiet and gentle figure under the sunlight outside the door, and her violent jumping spirit in her usual day. It does not match.

Feng Na wiped the table, washed the rag in the basin and then picked it up, but when she was about to bend down, she found that there was another figure.

This figure stands slanting beside him and is very familiar.

Feng Na couldn't help but look back, but saw a man standing at the door, carrying his light, and his figure was like a silhouette.

The morning sun was very clear, and Feng Na looked at it at a glance. Although some could not see the difference, she could clearly see the man with a smile on his lips and a pair of bright eyes looking at himself gently.

At this time, there was a crisp voice coming out of the door: "Yeah, is the land sanxian not closed? How is it still open today?" The voice of the speech is crisp and moving. After a while, a girl appears at the door, and the shop is pretty. Inside, it seems that the lips are red and white, and the alum is very good. There are thousands of styles in the middle of the autumn wave. It is Su Shi.

Feng Na stared at Li Yundong and Su Shi at the door, and forgot to say hello.

Before Li Yundong started the students of Tiannan University, they went to Longhushan to make a fuss. Xiaotoutou Susie had wanted to go along with it, but Li Yundong did not allow her to go.

Now that the Xuanhu turmoil has just subsided, Su Shi is extremely sensitive. It is really not suitable for appearances in the Longhushan area. Therefore, after being persuaded by Li Yundong, Xiao Shantou’s own choice to stay in Tiannan City. At home.

Only when Li Yundong returned from Longhushan and began to turn around and prepare to clean up the backyard where he was ignited, Su Shi could no longer stay, and Li Yundong would come with him.

After staying at home for a while, the little girl gradually recovered from the turmoil and grief. Although she matured a lot, she would not be able to change the lively jump of the little girl in the past, but the nature is difficult to change. Youthful and lovely vitality and beauty.

This quiet tea house was originally deserted like a black and white ink painting, but when the little girl came, the picture would have a color, and it would be vivid and bright.

Su Shi saw Feng Na standing in the store and staring at Li Yundong. Her eyes waved, and it was very cleverly retracted. She licked Li Yundong’s waist with her fingers, blinking his eyes and blinking.

Li Yundong nodded with a smile and went forward to laugh at Feng Na: "Feng Na, these days... I have worked hard, you have been wronged."

When Feng Na heard this, she suddenly felt soft and tears almost rushed out. She turned and quickly wiped the tears in her eyes with her hands. When she turned around, she smiled again: "No, I These days can be considered a long vacation, is this a paid vacation?"

Li Yundong knows that Feng Na is a good face, so it is easy to write freely, but in fact, he does not know how many times he has cried and how much pressure he has endured.

He reached out and patted him on the shoulder of Feng Na, sat down and said, "Nothing, I am coming back, don't be afraid, tell me something in detail."

Feng Na smiled and looked at Li Yundong. The smile was full of warmth. It seems that as long as the boy is next to him, there is nothing he can't solve under the sun.

After Feng Na sat down and said something to Li Yundong, he looked at Li Yundong with concern and asked: "The other party seems to have a strong background. Would you like to find Zhou Qin to help, or ask Shen to help?"

Li Yundong laughed and said: "Jumping the clown, where do you need them to come out?"

Feng Na looked at Li Yundong with some doubts. She knew that Li Yundong was definitely not an ordinary person. But if this kind of secular dispute, if he does not use the official power to settle, can he do it?

Li Yundong smiled and nodded to Feng Na and said: "You first call other people, let them all come back to work, and after so many days of rest, the event is also active. Let's go to this store again. I am afraid I will be a worm."

Feng Na grinned and saw Li Yundong say firm, and she also let her heart down. She nodded hard and said, "Okay, I will contact them. What about you? What are you going to do next?"

Li Yundong smiled and said: "Of course, it is calculated with some people, and I will spit it out sooner or later."

Feng Na squinted her eyes and said, "Is it Liu Dashao? His background is very hard, you are a little leisurely."

Li Yundong smiled and said: "I know, you can rest assured."

Feng Na saw Li Yundong sitting at the tea table. She suddenly realized that she got up and said, "Hey, I forgot to make tea for you." She turned her head and looked upstairs and said, "I have recently come to a few new teas, but it is The taste is very good, you..."

Feng Na turned her head again, but Li Yundong, who was next to him, had disappeared from the crowd, and even Su Shi at the door disappeared, as if he had never seen it before.

Feng Na stayed in the same place for a while, and after a while, she sighed and sat down, a pretty face lost.

Li Yundong and Su Shi out of the land of three immortals, Su Shi holding Li Yundong's arm, smiled and asked: "Yundong, you know where Liu Dashao live?"

Li Yundong shook his head with a smile: "I don't know." During the speech, he closed his eyes, and the golden body of the body suddenly dislocated from his feet, and his eyes turned into countless avatars and spread out in all directions.

Li Yundong closed his eyes for only a little while, and he opened his eyes again and smiled and said to Su Shi: "Now I know."

At this time, Su Shi was repaired as the magical true element of the mysterious fox. The cultivation was terrible, but she was less than the mysterious fox, but it was less than the rich experience of the mysterious fox. Superbly talented, so I did not expect Li Yundong to search for the existence of the other through his own method of harmony between man and nature.

Su Shi looked at Li Yundong with a sigh of worship and said, "Are you going to find him now?"

Li Yundong laughed happily: "I have already found him!"

Su Shi was shocked and widened his eyes: "Ah? You are just not here? Ah, you are looking for him through the sun god? What do you say? What did he say?"

Li Yundong smiled slightly, quite mysteriously said: "I gave him a little lesson."

Su Shi was quite stunned and smiled and said: "Quickly say!"

=========================================================== Yesterday, I rushed to the draft, and I wrote that it is a bit of a card now~~~

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