MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 859 Habayashi Blood Eagle's Father

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"It really **** me off! Lilas followed you and didn't learn any good things, but you learned all the bad things pretty well!" The old magic stick said angrily, "My old man has taught so many students in his life. The two are the most troublesome, and they both have something to do with you, I don’t know where you have so many problems, you brat! These problems can be contagious!”

"Uh...all of this has something to do with me?" Habayashi Xueying was confused: "Why does it all have something to do with me?" Habayashi Xueying really didn't understand. He admitted it, but other than that, it seems that he has no one to bring to the old magic stick! Could it be that Aurelia is also a student of the old magic stick?

No way! Aurelia is so outstanding, even if she is a student of the old **** stick, she should be a student that makes the old **** stick proud! How could it give the old **** stick a headache? unless…

"Is Aurelia your student? Could it be that she was also very mischievous when she was a child?" Habayashi Bloodhawk said with a smile: "Then I know why Lilas is like this now, this is the inheritance of the Windrunner family !

None of the members of their Fengxing family are fuel-efficient lamps, and if none of them make trouble, the world will be in chaos! Not only Rilas, but also Aurelia, Vereesa, and Cirvanas! Anyway! It's not our fault that Lilas is like this now, it's just that the Windrunner family has returned to its roots! "

The old **** was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry: "What Windrunner family? Aurelia is not my student at all, and I have never taught Aurelia anything. The student who gave me a headache is your father!

Lilas is very smart, but he is too mischievous to cause headaches. Your father is too stupid, and he is too stupid to cause headaches! The two people you have a relationship with are two of the worst of all my students. One is the smartest, but the most mischievous, and the other is the stupidest, but the hardest, but no matter how hard you try, you can't learn much, so these two are the most troublesome for me.

But compared with the two of them, even though they both cause headaches, I still think they are much better than you! You brat is not good at anything else, but you can always come up with a reason to shirk responsibility. "

"My father? How is that possible?" Habayashi Xueying sneered.

I thought that Lao Tzu's father was still on Earth! Hey…! That's right, I came to the world of Azeroth this time in a daze, and I don't know what happened to my parents, brothers and sisters in that world now? Thinking of this, Habayashi Blood Eagle's mood became more and more depressed, and his mood suddenly sank down.

However, after Yulin Xueying said that sentence, he quickly realized who the father in the words of the old **** stick was, and this father was not that father! The father mentioned by the old magic stick must be the cheap father who Habayashi Blood Eagle here in Azeroth has never met, and it is also because of this father that he came out of Azeroth by himself. There is a fairly high social foundation.

If there is no intangible assets left by this cheap old man, even if he is such a little dick, even if he is the protagonist who traveled from the earth, if he really wants to climb to the current position, then I don’t know how much suffering he will have to suffer, or whether he can It's still an unknown.

It's just that Yubayashi Xueying's sudden depression now, in the eyes of the old **** stick, is the true expression of his missing this cheap old man who passed away. The old **** stick looked very relieved in his heart, and also felt that this kid was not so foolish on the surface, but that this kid was too good at hiding his emotions.

But no matter what, the old **** stick can never imagine, who is the current Habayashi Blood Eagle missing? Not only the old **** stick, but in fact, if he could only choose one to talk about, even Habayashi Xueying himself, he couldn't be sure which one he wanted more.

It is certain that I miss my parents and brothers before time travel, but I have been in Azeroth for a long time, and I have gradually integrated into this world! And in this world that pays attention to identity and lineage, the intangible assets left by the original father of this body to Habayashi Xueying are too important. Inheriting the aristocratic status of a hereditary baron is far more important than external wealth such as gold and silver. There are too many important things!

So sometimes Habayashi Xueying also thinks, what kind of person is the original father of this body? The longer he stayed in Azeroth, the more Xueying Habayashi wanted to explore the details of his original father's life, and Xueying Habayashi gradually regarded him as his father subconsciously.

"What kind of person is he?" Habayashi Xueying asked slowly.

The old magic stick knew who Habayashi Xueying was asking: "He! Your father is a very traditional and upright person!

When he was young, he always had a strong sense of justice. Although he was only born as a commoner, when he could, he would always try his best to help ordinary commoners in need. For this reason, he also offended many young dignitaries in Quel'Thalas, so in Quel'Thalas Those young nobles in the small noble circles in the country always wanted to make trouble for him.

However, his infinite loyalty to the kingdom made him a low-ranking officer in the Royal Guards. This status made those young dignitaries who had been trying to trouble him somewhat scruples, so nothing happened until one day, The king is out to inspect the front lines of Zul'Aman..."

The old magic stick hesitated for a moment, and then said: "After returning, he was posthumously made a baron!"

Yubayashi Xueying knew that the time he went out was also the time when his cheap father died. UU reading www.uukanshu. com But Habayashi didn't ask the old magic stick what happened when the king went on inspection at that time, and why he was posthumously made a baron afterwards.

"People in Quel'Thalas say that he died to protect the king!" Habayashi Xueying said sadly.

"Protect the king? Hehe..." The old magic stick didn't continue, but his tone was full of sarcasm and ridicule.

"Isn't it?" Habayashi Xueying thought of a possibility.

"Do you still care?" The old magic stick looked at Yubayashi Xueying and said, "My child, forget about it! Life is still going on, and some things are better not to know than to know, and there is no need to distinguish so clearly, yes It’s all wrong, that thing has passed!”

...Habayashi Blood Eagle fell silent!

Yes! Do you care about yourself? After coming to Azeroth for so many years, why have I ever explored this matter? Can such a self care? If yes, then even Habayashi Xueying himself couldn't convince himself! But do you really not care at all? Habayashi Xueying asked himself, but felt a little irritable for no reason!


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