MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 860 Habayashi Blood Eagle's Father (2)

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"You still say he is stupid!" Habayashi Xueying said again.

"He is very stupid! He is the stupidest person I have ever taught!" The old magic stick recalled: "When I first met your father, he was a child, much younger than Lilas now. I Passing by their village at that time, it was a festival, but it was already dark, so I had to spend the night at the villagers' homes. The village is very small, and at night, the adults and children in the village were enjoying the shade under a big fruit tree. The adults were chatting and the children were playing together.

During Quel'Thalas festivals, cities or larger villages will set off fireworks to celebrate, but their villages are too small and out of the way, fireworks are very expensive, and the road to buy fireworks in the city is far away. Adults generally don't make a special trip to buy them. But the children in the village are very envious of the gorgeous fireworks that can be seen during festivals in big cities.

So that night, I used magic as simulated fireworks to perform a few shows for the children in the village. The children were very happy, and I also felt very happy. The next day, when I was leaving, the children all came to see me off. Most of them sent me out of the village and then went back. Only one child followed me for a long distance silently.

I stopped and asked him why he followed me. He asked me if I would come this time next year. I lied to him, but he didn’t believe it, but he still gave me a pot of water. He said that he was in the well in the village this morning. I just took a taxi because I was afraid that I would be thirsty and have no water to drink on the way.

I took the well water he gave, and he was very happy, turned around and ran back without saying anything, turning his head to look at me from time to time while running..."

The old godstick had a smile on his face: "I know he really hopes that I will go to their village again next year. In order to thank the little guy for the pot of well water he prepared for me early in the morning, I smiled and shouted to him: "Next year today I will go to their village." I will come to your village again, and then I will live in your home!

From then on, I would go to their village on that day every year and live in his home, until one day, his parents told me that their child wanted to learn magic from me very much, and hoped that I could accept him as a student. I told his parents that the child's magic talent is very low, and it would be more suitable and more developed to be a ranger, but the child is too persistent and just wants to learn magic. In the end, I agreed to him and took him away from his village. "

"Then how did he become a ranger in the end?" Habayashi Xueying asked.

"I know he has no talent for magic. If he only learns magic, he will be mediocre in the future. He is kind-hearted, and I don't want him to be like that, so I found a ranger friend to teach him ranger skills! During training, I let the ranger friend Go train him, and when I'm not training, I'll teach him magic knowledge." The old magic stick laughed.

"You teacher is lazy!" Yubayashi Xueying also said with a smile: "But teaching students according to their aptitude is passable!"

The old magic stick ignored Habayashi Xueying's joking, and continued: "But after a long time, he also found that I only taught him magic knowledge but not how to use magic, so whenever he was free, he kept sneaking out to practice magic. He thought I didn't know, but I've been watching him all the time! It can be said that he hardly has any time for leisure and play."

The old magic stick smiled: "It's a pity... because his magic talent is so bad, even if he works hard and doesn't have any adventures, it is impossible for him to achieve anything! If he can use this dedication to magic to the Ranger In terms of training, his achievements will be much higher!"

"He's really a bit stupid!" Habayashi Xueying said: "It's thankless, and he's so persistent that he's so stupid!"

"But he is better than you!" The old magic stick suddenly changed his tone and scolded Yubayashi Xueying fiercely: "At least he is not as lazy as you!"

"Uh..." Habayashi Xueying touched his nose: "I don't seem to be very lazy!"

"You are not lazy, what is lazy?" The old magic stick said: "Your father wanted you to learn magic, and you said you liked being a ranger, so you fled to the human kingdom to play. Now the sisters Windrunner are training you as a ranger, and you push back three times. , this time you won't tell the Windrunner sisters that you like being a mage like before!"

"..." Habayashi Blood Eagle had nothing to say!

He wants to learn from demons! He also wants to be a mage! But where did he go to find a teacher then? Who wouldn't want to be Blizzard's own son! What I don't want to be is that the previous Habayashi Blood Eagle is not my Habayashi Blood Eagle. As for the ranger training of the Windrunner sisters... Needless to say, I was in tears when I said it. Do you think their training is something that everyone can bear? It's just inhumane!

I want to tell them, I don't want to be a ranger, I just want to be a mage, I just want to learn magic and not do ranger training! But...but do I dare to say this to the two of them? Don't even look at what kind of people the two of them are? How can I tell you this? Habayashi Xueying burst into tears of grievance.

"How did he get into the King's Guard?" Habayashi Xueying didn't want to entangle himself in whether he was lazy: "As far as I know, the King's Guard is very demanding, and it is usually served by noble children. , it is difficult for civilians to get in."

"Cut! It's just a king's guard!" The old **** said disdainfully: "Go in and go in. Is there any difficulty? I still feel that I have wronged my students!"

"Uh... this... so awesome?" Habayashi Xueying's eyes widened, as if he didn't know the old **** stick, and felt that the old **** stick's tone was a little too loud.

"Hmph! Although your father is not talented in magic and can't use any decent spells, few people can match his knowledge of magic. You think I taught him magic knowledge for nothing? That's why he entered The King’s Guards are more than enough.” The old magician seemed not very impressed with the King’s Guards: “Besides, he’s already a high-level ranger before he even entered! Just give it to such a petty official, UU Reading www. The royal family is not afraid of being too stingy and losing face."

Yulin Xueying couldn't help but secretly glanced up and down at the old **** stick suspiciously. He always suspected that the old guy was bragging and didn't write drafts, but he was blowing so much that he was blowing even more floaty than himself, because the old **** stick's tone It's too arrogant.

" father was able to enter the Imperial Guard through your relationship!" Habayashi Xueying asked uncertainly.

What about the senior ranger? Although high-level rangers can be considered quite strong, there are not too few Quel'Thalas kingdoms! If the King's Guards wanted to choose, wouldn't they pick ten and throw nine? As for magic... There are not many high-level magicians in the palace! Is the magician group just for show?

"Hmph! Anyway, you are not as good as him!" The old magic stick didn't answer Yubayashi Xueying directly, as if he just wanted to hold Yubayashi Xueying.

"You are also the reason why he has to become a baron?" Habayashi Xueying persevered.

The old **** stick frowned: "Stinky boy, don't guess or inquire about nothing!"


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