MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 238 Weakness of monitor lizards

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Restarting the wolf life: I can see the weakness of the monitor lizard Chapter 238 of the evolutionary route

Facing the scene in front of him, Su Ming's heart was still unable to calm down for a long time, even if he knew the other party's abilities in advance.

After all, the description in the text is far from the amazing effect of actually seeing it. It can be said to be quite shocking to watch the monitor lizard turn from one to two.

Since the monitor lizard's attack strategy is not yet clear, Su Ming chose to respond to the new attack of the comer in a way that does not change.

Although it was mentioned in the previous panel, the magma-made clone has only half of the ability of the main body.

But even so, if it attacks with the main body, it can still cause a lot of trouble to Su Ming.

Tightening the muscles of the whole body, the battle lines on both sides lit up with a burst of blue light. Through the sharp sight of thunder, Su Ming closely observed the monitor lizard running fast in front.

Just as he was thinking to himself how the other party's avatar would trouble him at the moment, there was a new movement on the other side.

The magma clone that was almost the same as the monitor lizard, because the speed was far inferior to the main body, it gradually fell down a lot, and opened a long distance from the main body.

Maintaining sufficient vigilance, Su Ming continued to watch the actions of the monitor lizard and its clones to ensure that the countermeasures could be used as soon as possible.

However, what happened next was far beyond Su Ming's expectations.

The shape of the monitor lizard moved forward quickly, remained unchanged, and charged towards Su Ming's position with a swift offensive.

On the other side, the clone he formed earlier drove away, ignoring Su Ming who was in front of him.

Only at this moment did Su Ming clearly realize that their target was not him from the beginning, but the group partner behind him.

Damn it!

Secretly scolding in his heart, Su Ming quickly stared at the position of the lava clone, predicting its final target area.

Sure enough, as Su Ming guessed, its target was Su Hui, who was still in the advanced stage.

From this point of view, the monitor lizard had a good plan. After he was sure that he couldn't get rid of himself, he let the clone go to complete the goal, and its main body came to hold Su Ming.

Moreover, in order to prevent Su Ming from realizing its true purpose, it deliberately waited until it was close enough to the back before letting the two spread out.

When Su Ming felt the strangeness, the monitor lizard was already close to him, and he had no extra effort to stop the incident from happening.

Although there were two other wolves guarding Su Hui's side, the monitor lizard clone that was attacking was obviously not a vegetarian.

Although this person only has half the strength level of the main body, but the combat power is also at the top of the elite, even close to the level of the first-level king.

In terms of Su Yi and Ling, the two wolves only have elite sixth-order abilities, as well as completely restrained ice and dark attributes.

If they want to fully exert their true strength, it is difficult to defeat their opponents stronger than themselves.

tomato novel

Maybe the two wolves can clone from the monitor lizard and stalemate for a while, but there is absolutely no possibility of defeating each other.

This is also the reason why Su Ming is worried. Once Su Hui's advancement is broken, it will not only mean strong backlash, but also make the wolves lose the possibility of defeating the monitor lizards.

Regardless of the situation in front of him, Su Mingmeng loosened his tight hind legs and turned into a streamer, wanting to charge towards the distant clone position and intercept it.

However, Su Ming's actions had already been seen by the monitor lizard itself, and it immediately accelerated its pace, leaping to the front of the opponent, forcibly stopping the white wolf's action, and leaving the opponent in place.

Quickly soothing the restless emotions in his heart, Su Qingxin and Su Yi can support them for a short while.

During this period, he must get rid of the interference from the monitor lizard and quickly resolve the clone.

He took a deep breath, refocused his attention on the monitor lizard, condensed the thunder on the wolf's claws, and took the lead in breaking the confrontation and killing the opponent in front of him.

Compared to Su Ming, the monitor lizard on the opposite side was much more at ease. It showed the look of a successful plan, dodging the sharp claws from the white wolf.

Unconsciously, the identities of the two parties have changed. The monitor lizard uses its ability to change its passive situation into an active situation, while Su Ming is the opposite.

Taking advantage of the monitor lizard dodging, Su Ming should immediately change his movements, withdraw his sharp claws, mount his hind legs, and use his strength to leap towards the rear, in order to widen the distance between the two parties and rush to the clone position as soon as possible. , to support Ling and Su Yi.

In the face of the changes in the actions of the white wolf, the monitor lizard reacted very quickly. When it fell to the ground, it used all four of its limbs to quickly crawl on the magma, and stopped in front of the opponent again at a lightning-fast speed. .

Looking at Chi Chi's clone, Su Ming gritted his teeth, but had to stop.

He gradually slowed down his pace and tried to distance himself from the opponent as much as possible, so as to avoid being caught by the opportunity and causing serious injuries.

The monitor lizard on the opposite side no longer poses as catching turtles in the urn, but intends to go all out. Previously, due to its carelessness, it almost let the white wolf get close to the clone, almost destroying the plan.

It quickly retracted its neck, brewing flames in its mouth, and erupted forward.

He breathed out a sea of ​​blazing flames, and immediately enveloped the white wolf in it.

As an opponent who has fought many times, the monitor lizard also knows that its own flame breath can't help the opponent.

But its real goal is actually not to hurt the white wolf, but to force the opponent away, keep him away from the position of the clone, and set up a fence with the sea of ​​fire, so that the opponent cannot cross over and go to the other side. support.

With the sight of Thunder, Su Ming successfully predicted the attack of the monitor lizard, and smoothly retreated without a trace of flames.

At the same time, he realized the monitor lizard's fighting strategy, and immediately jumped to the right, trying to bypass the fire range and kill the clone from the side.

Obviously, the monitor lizard as its opponent will not let Su Ming continue to act.

It quickly passed through the sea of ​​​​fire and appeared in front of Su Ming. He raised his body and waved his flaming claws to intercept it.

In the face of such a huge offensive, Su Ming had to stop and step back to avoid it.



The monitor lizard's body weighing thousands of kilograms quickly fell to the surface of the magma, causing a wave of magma, which also caused a strong vibration on the ground.

Several support operations were repeatedly defeated by the opponent, which made Su Ming's impetuous heart become much calmer.

He already knew that the monitor lizard saw through its own plan and would definitely not let him pass easily.

Therefore, he also put away his thoughts of bypassing the opponent, concentrated his mind, gathered potential energy, and seriously responded to the enemy in front of him.

Stepping through the blazing flames all over, the monitor lizard came to Su Ming, and its expression was full of confidence, as if it had already decided that it would be him who would win in the end.

Looking at the monitor lizard in front of him, Su Ming did not rush to launch the offensive as before, but calmed down and thought about the weaknesses of the monitor lizard carefully.

There is no doubt that, as a creature at the top of the king, the perceived weakness of the alienated monitor lizard is almost negligible, close to none.

Especially when the [Flame Scale Armor] was activated, there were almost no loopholes in defense. Unless it was much stronger than it, it would not be able to break its armor at all.

Fortunately, Su Ming has a unique ability, thunder sight, which is injected into his eyes through thunder potential energy.

Not only does it have the possibility of predicting the future, but it can also see the distant scene more clearly, and gain insight into the movements of living things.

From the previous confrontations, it is clear that when the monitor lizard raised its body and made a sharp claws attack, it was difficult to make a timely response to any situation on the outside.

This is not only because it is difficult to change its body shape when it falls, but more because its overweight body makes it swing a lot, even if the consciousness responds, but the body cannot follow.

Su Ming believes that he may be able to use the opponent's physical problems to create an unexpected offensive.

Especially in a situation where this monitor lizard is so confident in his own strength, ever since he let his clone attack Su Hui, the other side has always kept the feeling of eating him in the face of Su Ming's attitude.

This excessive self-confidence may also be the source of Su Ming's borrowing.

After finishing the storm of thoughts in his mind, Su Ming looked back at the monitor lizard in front of him again. The other party didn't seem to be in a hurry to shoot, but stood above the magma in the distance, waiting for his next move.

The monitor lizard wanted to see, in the face of such a predicament, what means did the giant wolf in front of him have not resorted to.

Detecting the overconfident attitude of the monitor lizard, instead of despair, Su Ming felt a burst of joy.

The more the other side despised him, the more advantageous he would have for his next plan.

The thunder potential energy in the body was released, condensed in the claws and the child's hole, and a burst of blue light lit up on both sides of Su Ming.

He jumped up and turned into a burst of blue streamer, blasting the lava behind him and killing the monitor lizard.

In the face of such a strong offensive, the monitor lizard was still unmoved. Its keen eyes were enough to follow Su Ming's speed and respond calmly.

Seeing that the opponent was carrying the thunder claws and was about to shoot at his own position, the monitor lizard was a little disappointed at the same time as it relaxed. The white wolf's strategy did not change in any way, but it was a similar attack method to the previous one.

This is enough to show that the other party has no backhand, which makes the heart of the monitor lizard that was still looking forward to become a lot depressed in an instant.

Although the strength of the white giant wolf in front of him is not as strong as those of its 'old friends', it has a sense of evasion far surpassing theirs, and can subtly avoid its own offensive every time.

It was this unique highlight that caught the monitor's attention. Aside from fighting, it increasingly wanted to understand the capabilities of the opponent.

It's a pity that even the white wolf with the super-ranking combat power, finally gave it only this level of interest.

It's time to end this battle, the monitor lizard thought silently in his mind.

Through the corner of its sight, it has seen that its clone is about to break through the defensive range of the other two wolves and enter the side of the promoted scarlet giant wolf.

This also means that his battle plan is about to be completed, so there is no need to continue to stalemate with the white wolf.

Learning from the previous lessons, the monitor lizard has found an attack method that cannot be easily avoided, and it intends to deal a fatal blow to the white wolf and solve it completely.

Thinking about it, it first avoided the head-on attack from the sharp claws on the right.

On the right side of the cheek, the sharp claws were pressed tightly, and he could even feel the pressure of the wind carried above, so he seemed to dodge calmly but dangerously.

Perhaps the swing was too large, which caused the white wolf to be unable to control his body and continued to fall forward.

The monitor lizard, which had just avoided it, was very keenly aware of the opportunity in front of it. It did not hesitate for a moment, immediately raised its body, waved its flaming claws, and slapped towards the waist of the white wolf that had not yet landed.

Compared with the monitor lizard with [Flame Scale Armor], the white wolf has no means of defense at all. If this claw hits, I am afraid it will give the opponent a fatal blow, causing its abdominal cavity to rupture and a large number of internal organs. flow out, and eventually die in pain.

In the eyes of the monitor lizard, there is enough self-confidence, it never believes that the white wolf can still escape smoothly under this situation.

It was already in his mind, and he recalled the tragic appearance of the other party after his belly was cut open.

Thinking about it like this, the monitor lizard couldn't help but increase it even more. The strength of its own sharp claws and the wildness remaining in its body made its heart develop the habit of killing its prey.

It's a pity that what happened next didn't rehearse as it imagined.

Su Ming took advantage of the air twice and bounced to the left, avoiding the claws attack belonging to the monitor lizard.

The previously immobile appearance was just tricking the monitor lizard to attack itself.

Just like the monitor lizard used falsehood to deceive Su Ming also used the false scene he created to induce the monitor lizard to make a rush attack.

Seeing this scene, the monitor lizard's body trembled slightly, and there was an incredible look in his eyes, and he no longer had the feeling of winning as before.

Moments before the battle, it was still sighing that the opponent was exhausted and could not bring more interest to it.

What I didn't expect is that the white wolf's counterattack will come so soon, I'm afraid that the monitor lizard will never imagine in this life that it will be repaid in its own way, and this time the other party brought 'interesting' 'It will definitely be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Thunder emerged, the battle lines were stimulated, the blue light lit up, and the muscles of the whole body were tensed. Su Ming concentrated almost all of his strength on the top of his wolf claws.

Stepping on the bottom of the magma, he completely formed a flash of lightning, so fast that he could not see the figure, and in a nearly pounced way, he slammed into the abdomen of the monitor lizard in front.

Looking at the enemy approaching with embarrassment, but unable to take any action, despair emerged in the heart of the monitor lizard.

It didn't take long for him to think before the fierce impact hit, and with the help of the sharp claws, this violent force was completely vented on the belly of the monitor lizard.

The [Flame Plaster Scale Armor] that he was proud of, punched out a crack like spider silk, which was about to shatter.

The impact penetrated all the way through the armor and reached the soft and warm abdomen of the monitor lizard. Even though a lot of potential energy was absorbed by the armor on the outside, it still scrambled its abdomen into a ball, constantly turning the river and the sea.

The monitor lizard bowed its body in pain, lying on top of the magma, unable to recover for a long time. +Bookmark+

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