MTL - Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths-Chapter 239 Su Hui's promotion

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Restart Wolf Life: I can see the promotion of Su Hui in Chapter 239 of the evolutionary route

Spitting out a mouthful of blood in pain, the monitor lizard shivered and bowed, frowning, and collapsed on top of the magma.

The overturning in the abdomen made it difficult to move for a while, let alone standing up, even the ability to move half a point was very reluctant.

The monitor lizard paid a painful price for his arrogance, and if he could survive, it would be remembered for a lifetime.

Fortunately, monitor lizards are still king-level creatures after all. They have enough wisdom and reason to think about the current situation without being completely buried by pain.

It forcibly restrained the trembling of its body, tried to forget the pain from its abdomen, stood up, and looked at the scene in front of it, without putting itself at an absolute disadvantage.

The monitor lizard's line of sight was close to Mohu Lake, and there were even multiple double images. This was due to the abdominal pain caused by the previous fierce impact, which caused its consciousness to fall into a coma in an instant.

Fortunately, with the spiritual will of the king's rank, it was supported and gradually recovered.

In the final analysis, apart from the fact that the monitor lizard is too underestimated, there is also the reason why it is rarely attacked by other creatures, which has led to the current situation.

Since the mutation, the monitor lizard, which has been at the top of the food chain, has never had such a painful blow as it is today, so it took a lot of effort to recover from the consciousness that it was close to Mohu.

If it had been attacked several times, it would not have been so embarrassed before, and the reaction would have been faster, leaving no chance for the enemy to pursue the victory.

After the swift charge broke out, Su Ming immediately stopped, without even looking at the monitor lizard's position to confirm the damage it caused.

He turned around quickly and ran towards the position of the opponent's clone.

The time was tight and there was no spare time to let him do too many things. He had to beat the opponent before they could break through the defenses of Ling and Su Yi to prevent them from interfering with Su Hui's advancement.

This is also a part of Su Ming's battle plan, using the arrogance of the monitor lizard to expose its weaknesses, which can cause a large amount of damage and give Su Ming the opportunity to get close to the clone.

It's just that Su Ming's front feet were just about to step forward, and a strange and familiar aura suddenly emanated from the position in front of him, sweeping in all directions.

Suddenly, Su Ming stopped and looked at the positions of Su Yi and Ling in surprise. If he added that his perception was correct, it meant that...

In the front area, facing the invasion of the monitor lizard clones, Su Yi and Ling wolves were still struggling to support them. They were at risk of being injured, and they were fighting for a chance to advance for Su Hui at the back.

Su Yi kept manipulating its only shadow blade, slashing at the monitor lizard's body, trying to cause some trouble for it.

"Lonely Step into a Fairy"

However, it had little effect. Every time it was successfully blocked by the opponent's lava armor, it could only cause a few cracks.

As the clone of the monitor lizard, it not only possesses half of the strength of the main body, but also inherits those abilities.

Fearlessly blocking the shadow blade from above, the monitor lizard clone brewed the flames in its mouth, swooped toward the position of the two giant wolves, and breathed away.

All of a sudden, a large swath of flames enveloped Su Yi and Ling's positions and quickly invaded them.

Su Yi quickly retracted the shadow blade, stepped back a little, stayed in the frost circle of sister-in-law, and Ling on the other side stepped forward quickly, released the [Frost Breath] from the exit, and fought with the flames coming from the front. together.

The confrontation between the frost and the flames produced a large amount of water vapor, which continued to drift away into the sky, and could not help but make the line of sight between the two sides of the battle a little hindered.

In the end, Frost, who belonged to Ling, was still unable to hand over the fiery flames, and after consuming most of the flame's potential energy, it dissipated.

The remaining flames, and then attacked forward, until they hit the top of the frost protection layer, which was completely extinguished.

The monitor lizard clone easily crossed, and the hot water vapor in front looked at the enemy on the opposite side, and the two wolves, whether it was Su Yi or Ling, consumed a lot of energy, both physical and mental and physical strength have reached the limit, I am afraid that How long can it last.

The extremely intelligent clones naturally noticed their situation, so they did not give the two wolves too many opportunities to rest, and immediately launched the next round of offensive.

It quickly crawled above the magma and approached the two wolves at a very fast speed.

Before they could react, they raised their bodies, waved their fiery claws, and slapped the head of the shadow wolf on the right, as if they wanted to completely solve the opponent.

The rapid consumption of physical and mental strength made Su Yi's reaction a beat slower than that of the monitor lizard clone.

Seeing that the claws were about to fall, Su Yi's eyes showed a look of despair. The Shadow Blade beside her just twitched back and was about to attack, but it seemed that she couldn't catch up.

Ling, who was beside him, was also quite anxious. However, it consumed too much, much more than Su Yi. Even if he wanted to help, he was not helpless and could only watch his partner suffer heavy blows.

At such a critical juncture, a blazing high temperature was approaching at such a speed that even the three present were not aware of it.

Like the incarnation of blazing flames, it raised its wolf claws and easily blocked the sharp claws that were about to attack Su Yi.

Facing the startled expression of the monitor lizard clone, Su Hui quickly retracted the wolf's claws, tightened his hind legs, and then released them suddenly, like a sharp arrow rushing straight into the sky, rushing forward.

Under the blessing of fierce power, Su Hui's fiery wolf claws pierced into the magma scale armor of the clone in an instant.

In front of Su Hui, the hard armor that could continuously block the Shadow Blade's attack was as weak as a piece of paper, and it was easily broken through.

As the strength of the claws increased, countless cracks emerged near the gaps in the armor, and continued to spread around until they reached the peak moment of being endured. Above, it gradually melted away.

The armor that lost its defense, this powerful impact, slammed into the abdomen of the monitor lizard clone, knocked it into the distance, and fell heavily into the depths of the magma, splashing a large number of sparks.

The clone, who had withstood such a fierce blow, collapsed on top of the magma, twitched slightly, blood spurted out of his mouth, and failed to stand up in time for a long time.

Ling and Su Yi, who were standing on the spot, looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. The two wolves never imagined that Su Hui could come to reinforce them in such a timely manner.

But, soon, when they came back to their senses, the expressions in the eyes of the two wolves quickly changed from shock to joy. They were happy for Su Hui's smooth promotion, and they were also happy that the wolf pack could add a new king's combat power. Happy, this will be a great help for the next battle.

In the distance, the monitor lizard, who had just stood firm, had not yet fully recovered when he heard a loud noise from the right side.

It heard the sound and looked, but saw the scene of its clone smashing the magma, and felt a moment of surprise, and it immediately realized the situation.

Obviously, if there are only two giant wolves in the elite rank, it is impossible to defeat the clone and fly it to such a long distance.

There is only one situation in which the current situation will occur, and that is the scarlet giant wolf has completed the advancement.

Thinking of this, the monitor lizard hurriedly crossed the white wolf and looked at the distant rear position.

Sure enough, it immediately noticed a different giant wolf, and the opponent's whole body was blazing with orange-red flames, exuding a strong sense of power, which made the monitor lizard clearly feel a little threat.

Can't go wrong!

The monitor lizard secretly thought that it was definitely the breath of the same rank as itself, which was the symbol of reaching the rank of king.


! "

Just as he was thinking, the clone who fell to the side let out a heart-piercing roar.

Withstanding the full blow of the king's rank, its body has long been fragmented, and even the first-rank of the king is far from its acceptable range.

The strong impact smashed all its internal organs, making its abdominal cavity turn into a sea of ​​blood, losing the means to maintain its vitality, and it only lasted for less than a few seconds before it was on the verge of death.

With the sound of this roar, the mimetic image on the monitor lizard's clone gradually subsided, until it lost its appearance at all, turning into a pool of hot magma and returning to the magma sea.

The death of the clone is undoubtedly a second blow to the monitor lizard, and it also proves that its conjecture is correct.

The monitor lizard controlled its entire body so that it no longer continued to tremble. It felt that the abdominal cramps had gradually weakened. It forcibly braced itself and looked at the white wolf ahead and the scarlet giant wolf in the distance.

Looking back at the life of the monitor lizard, it has never had the experience of fighting multiple king opponents, and even its "old friends" have come to fight one by one, and there has never been a moment to jointly deal with the monitor lizard.

Think about it and know that the king creatures themselves are the existence of the overlord. With their arrogant characters, how could it be possible to unite together to solve the enemy?

Only the wolves, which were originally gregarious creatures and were from the same clan, would choose to join forces to deal with opponents stronger than themselves.

Considering that he was still injured, the monitor lizard, who was still full of confidence, had a little doubt about whether he could solve the two giant wolves of the same rank.

In particular, the fierce blow that Su Ming gave it earlier made it even more uncertain whether it could defeat the two.

A sense of urgency surged into his heart, and it could even detect the speeding up of its own heartbeat. Facing a battle that might be lost, the monitor lizard actually had the thought of running away.

Suddenly, it shook its head quickly, denying the new idea, as the supreme creature in the volcanic area, how could it escape like this.

Whether it is its arrogant self-esteem, or the status that it has always enjoyed, even the alienated plants that grow in situ, the monitor lizard does not want to leave it alone.

To the inside of the nasal cavity, it exhaled a white breath, and the monitor lizard straightened its body and strengthened its own thoughts.

"Tread, step, step."

Su Hui walked lightly through the magma on the ground, carrying the huge flame potential energy, and quickly walked to the side of the elder brother Su Ming, facing the position of the monitor lizard together.

Feeling the potential energy transmitted from the younger brother's body, Su Ming's confidence increased greatly, and he looked at the monitor lizard in front of him, and it was bound to be completely solved.

Without hesitating for a moment, the thunder potential energy in his body was stimulated, and Su Ming turned into a streamer, killing the monitor lizard ahead at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Su Hui, who was covered in blazing flames, also erupted, attacking the monitor lizard from the other side at a speed not inferior to that of the big brother.

Facing the attack of the two wolves, the monitor lizard on the opposite side also showed no signs of weakness. It first condensed a clone to appear, went to obstruct the action of the white wolf, and then stepped up, from its own body to the advanced one. The crimson giant wolves confronted each other.

Although this battle plan is not very good, it is remarkable. If this can damage the red giant wolf before the white wolf arrives, then the monitor lizard can be weakened, and the wolf pack's battle will be weakened. strength, thereby increasing your chances of victory.

Seeing his opponent running towards him, Su Hui didn't feel any fear. It changed its shape, raised its flaming wolf claws in a biting posture, and swung it towards the monitor lizard ahead.

With its high-speed movement ability and keen reflexes, the monitor lizard stopped abruptly, turned to one side quickly, and easily avoided the attack of the crimson giant wolf.

When the opponent crossed the side, it was difficult to move the timing, it turned its body again, opened its mouth, exposed the fangs above, and bit the red wolf's exposed back.

But what the monitor lizard didn't expect was that this giant wolf actually had a special When he saw the enemy gnawing at him, Su Hui turned his head in time, spraying the mouth to brew. For a long time, the flames rolled towards the huge mouth of the monitor lizard.



The sudden blow made the monitor lizard a little unable to react in time. Feeling the fiery heat from its mouth, it took a step back and opened the distance from the red wolf.

After a while, the monitor lizard completely digested the fiery giant flame in its mouth and turned it into its own potential energy.

Although the opponent's attack did not hurt the monitor lizard in the slightest, it suffered a big loss in the first confrontation, and also successfully blocked its offensive.

Such an excellent attack plan was also declared a failure.

When the monitor lizard came back to his senses, a white shadow had poured into its eyes, and it was actually a white giant wolf who had fought many times.

Through the corner of the eye, the monitor lizard saw the dissolving remains of the clone, took a deep breath, sighed at the limitations of the clone, and the gap between the elite and the king, it forcibly took down the sharp claws that hit its head.



Carrying a strong impact, the claws slammed on the top of the lava armor, causing a huge noise, and at the same time, a crack was made in the area above the monitor lizard's head.

Although the opponent's armor has not yet been broken, Su Ming believes that after several blows, he can completely shatter his armor along the crack.

Realizing that his situation was wrong and at a disadvantage, the monitor lizard planned to retreat first to avoid being attacked by the two wolves.

Unfortunately, in the next moment, its expectations became reality. +Bookmark+

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