MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2349 I am Bo Siqing.

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Chapter 2349 I am Bo Siqing

Bo Siqing is quite a headache.

It has been three days since the accident.

The symptom of this Lin Zhiqing concussion has eased a lot, and vomiting is no longer frequent. However, Lin Zhiqing looks at his eyes and makes him feel like he is scared. He always thinks that she will give him the next second. The raw swallowed and peeled off in general.

I think that his 19-year life of Bo Siqing, how come over, do not have to mention, but have not seen anything?

But now facing this Lin Zhiqing, he is really a little helpless.

I never thought that I still have such a day. I really don’t know what to do, I can only be silent, and I don’t even dare to look at her.

Regarding Tang Jianqing's affairs, Bo Siqing has made clear these days.

When everyone thought that Tang Jianqing died, the Lin Zhiqing and the Tang family made a clear distinction, and even the hukou had been independent, and the Tang family also made it clear that Tang Jianqing was not their own, but raised.

Bo Siqing did not feel anything, after all, he is not really Tang Jianqing.

In fact, he admired the Lin Zhiqing, so simple and neat treatment, this woman and Tang Jianqing's memory, it is really different.

"I am going to the county town tomorrow."

Bosi Qing thought about it, still told her about it, "I am coming back. In any case, I have to explain it to the transportation team."

Cloud painted nodded, "You go."

"... um." Bo Siqing really didn't know how to say it.

Just then, someone outside the yard shouted: "Is Jianqing not here?"

It is the voice of Tang’s boss Tang Jianguo.

Tang Jianqing still hasn’t snorted, and the one side of the bag has already hugged the arms of Bo Siqing. “Dad, they are bullying us and mother, don’t go back, don’t want us.”

In the heart of Bosi’s heart, he silently took his head. “Reassured, I will not want you...we.”

He walked over and opened the door.

Sure enough, the comers are Tang Jianguo and Bai Xiumei.

"Jianqing, you have been back for a few days, and my mother has been waiting for you to come to the door. Are you not going home?" Tang Jianguo scolded Tang Jianqing with a slap in the face. "Do you not even want to marry?"

Bai Xiumei is also helping the side: "Yes, Jianqing, I have always liked you most. I heard that you sacrificed, and my mother’s eyes will cry. Now that you are not dead, you don’t even go to see you. You are too unfilial!"

Tang Jianqing did not ask the two to enter the door. He said at the door: "I have seen Fushan Shu, Uncle Fushan said, I am not the father of Tang and the wife of Mrs. Tang. The two old people also clearly said that they should completely sever the relationship with us. I am very Thanks to the two old people for their many years of parenting, Fukuyama uncle also showed me that the two old men gave up all the documents related to me, and there were fingerprints on them, and Lin Zhiqing also paid for me. So now, I am not Tang Jianqing of the Tang family. Of course, I will go to see the old man anyway."

Tang Jianguo blinked his eyes in an instant, and he couldn’t believe it. "You know what you said! You really don’t want to marry you? You can be so embarrassed. When you first wanted to be separated, it’s not because you thought you passed away. However, your wife is not sensible and not arrogant, and this is not a way for her to marry. I am so hard to pull you up, do you care about them because of this little thing? It’s too filial!”

When Tang Jianguo and Bai Xiumei came over, the idlers in the village also rushed to the side.

After all, Tang Jianqing is still alive and returning. It is really rare, but there is no one. People are too embarrassed to talk about it. Together with Tang Jianqing, this time, there are people who can’t tell the truth. Do not dare to approach.

Everyone is also very curious. The old lady of the Tang family, who had both Lin Zhiqing and the two children, was expelled from the house. Now Tang Jianqing is back, what should I do?

All along, Tang Jianqing’s baby is very filial. If he is not filial, he will not honestly hand over his salary to his family. When Tang’s family left Lin Zhiqing out of the house last year, Lin Zhiqing was counted. In these years, Tang Jianqing The cost of living at home is several thousand!

Tang Jianqing was so filial, but this kind of thing happened in the family. The people in the village also wanted to know. What did he do in the end, was he re-recognizing the old man of Tang and Mrs. Tang, or did he have nothing to do with the Tang family?

Regardless of what he said, the old lady of the Tang family still raised a shackle of Tang Jianqing. This kind of parenting is not about playing.

However, after Tang Jianqing returned to the village, he went to find Chen Fushan, the village party secretary, and found the captain Tang Jianqiang. He did not return to the Tang family. It was three days, and there was no movement.

The villagers are waiting to see the excitement.

At this time, Tang Jianguo, the Tang’s boss, is going to look for Tang Jianqing. The villagers will not come.

The rural people watched the excitement and did not care so much, and they immediately went up.

Tang Jianguo did not think that Tang Jianqing’s attitude was so strong. He was too angry. He directly detained the big hat that was not filial. The voice was still very loud, as if he was afraid that the people around him would not hear.

Bai Xiumei also wiped his tears on the side. "Jianqing, the three brothers of the brothers hurt you the most, even if you are not a biological one, you also pull a large amount of urine to pull you up, not asking you to be wronged. I also found you a good job. You don’t want to be a mother now. You are conscience. You are eaten by a dog! Is this the idea of ​​Lin Zhiqing? At the beginning, she was going to be separated, otherwise Mother-in-law will divide you out! Call me to say that this kind of heart-warming woman, she should give her a break!"

Bosi Qing smiled, "Hugh? Big sister, Daqing has already died, now is a new era, equality between men and women, voluntary voluntary divorce, no one who has to take off."

"You shouted, you are a big sister, screaming big sister." Bai Xiumei said.

Boss Road said: "I am not a Tang family, and naturally I can't call you a big brother. Look at your older age and call you a big sister."

"You, you, you are all jealous, Tang Jianqing, this little rabbit scorpion is really filial, and he is not wanting to repay at all!" Bai Xiumei shouted at the scorpion.

Bo Siqing turned cold: "There is a branch of the papers in the village. I haven’t bothered to say it again. I haven’t been able to say a few thousand pieces. It’s not enough for your Tang family to sever our relationship with us. !"

"That's not... isn't that your daughter-in-law's trouble? If she doesn't make trouble, can she get you out?"

"Correct yours again, not to divide us out, it is to sever the relationship with us to get out of the house!" The voice of Bo Siqing is cold.

His eyes are too cold, Bai Xiumei and Tang Jianguo are shocked, and they don’t even know what to say.

At this moment, a more troublesome sound sounded like a magic sound.

"The third child! Jianqing! You are really not a mother! You have no conscience, if you are not pregnant, you will come back, you have already died of starvation and being eaten by wild dogs, you still have today? Who? I don’t want to raise a white-eyed wolf, but I don’t want to remember it for a few years.

Mrs. Tang squeezed in from the outside and lay on the ground as soon as she entered the door. It was amazing.

However, Tang Jianqing's face is more and more chilly.

"Mother, I will finally call you a mother. I will certainly not forget the kindness of my mother. Without you, I am dead. But do you raise me and have a difference with raising a farm?"

In the eyes of Bo Siqin, there is ridicule. "I don't remember the things before the age of three, but I can remember clearly later. Big brother coughed twice and you quickly took him to see the doctor. I have a high fever. You don't care. I also told me not to be annoying. From the age of 5, yak dung, pigweed, laundry, cooking, all my life. Later, my older brother can go to school, I secretly learn a word, you have to fan me... ...and the work I got when I got out of my life, do you want to do it at first? I want my brother to replace me! Unfortunately, people don’t want it! Let me hand over the salary..."

Murakami people whispered.

Originally, the rural children did not live, but this is too much, especially if a family has several brothers, even if it is a little eccentric, it will not be biased like this. This is a baby, this is really Raised a slave!

Mrs. Tang really lost her face.

But how can she admit defeat?

"Whether you say, if you are not, you have no life!" Mrs. Tang continued to cry. "Before you thought you were dead, we can only eat a dumb loss. Now you are not dead, you want to sever Relationship, you have to be our life-saving grace! Don't say much, you pay out three thousand dollars, and we will be completely irrelevant in the future!"

Bosi Qing really laughed.

He is often in danger, but he often only needs to speak with his fists. Now, in the face of this old lady who is arrogant and arrogant, he laughs.

Really think this kind of emotional card is useful to him?

Is moral kidnapping useful to him?

It’s strange.

Everything in Xiaheshu Village is meaningless to him. He will not swallow the old lady in order to maintain the neighboring relationship here.

He is ungrateful and guilty. If he is not filial, he is too lazy to manage.

Lin Zhiqing wants to return to the city, he will send her back to the city, the responsibility of the two children will also bear, take the children to the city to live, away from the Tang family of these crazy dogs.

Therefore, Mrs. Tang’s attempt to use his opinion to press him down is a dream.

"It’s really shameless! At the beginning, the Tang family said that Tang Jianqing was not a biological one. When he wanted to sever the relationship and drive out Lin Zhiqing’s mother, he never thought about whether it was a family! At this time, Tang Jianqing came back and began to climb the relationship. You really have a little face!"

After seeing the cloud painting, the educated youth Wu Aiqi suddenly jumped out and pointed at the nose of Mrs. Tang.

Wu Aiqi’s character was pungent. The last time Yao Jiajia was beaten by her family, she also stood up.

"Give you three thousand pieces to break the relationship? Really who you are! Don't want a little face." Wu Aiqi sneered, "The grace of life-saving, the goodness of Tang Jianqing to your family, enough to save ten A baby! And the face is called to repay your life-saving grace, the tree must face the skin, you are no face and no skin!"

"Which scallions you are, go away, this is what you talk about!" Tang Jianguo said on the side.

Wu Aiqi straightened his waist. "I said it, you are bullying to the head of the educated youth. You are also asked to scatter here. The big guys listen. The face of this family is really thicker than the city wall. !"

Mrs. Tang was almost angry with her anger.

Wu Aiqi also shouted: "Do you not manage the Tang family? Let her call her Tang family?"

The Murakami Tang family is a big surname, and it is all on a genealogy. There are still a lot of relationships.

The countryside is very pedigree. If you don’t have five clothes, it’s a family. Anything is going to help.

Although Mrs. Tang is very embarrassing at this time, they can't help themselves.

"Jianqing, you will recognize a mistake with your sister-in-law. My mother has a hard time to raise you so much. There is no merit and hard work. Can you not recognize it if you can't say it?" Someone began to say fair words.

Bo Siqing has been too lazy to talk to them again.

"I have already said clearly what I have just said, and you have little reason in front of me. How did my mother raise me to such a big one, I know better than anyone. After I died, how did my mother treat me? ...the daughter-in-law, all of you can see clearly, I am more clear."

Speaking of my wife's three words, Bo Siqing is still a bit awkward, but let's not twist it, it will be smooth.

Bo Siqing looked extremely indifferent. "The severance of the relationship documents was written. The daughter-in-law who paid the maintenance fee was paid for me. I have no relationship with the Tang family. In addition, this time, I also found my own life. My parents were home. They didn't deliberately leave me because they had a problem. I was taken away by the traffickers. I was wronged by the Tang family. Later, don't call me Tang Jianqing, my name is thin. Si Qing!"

The people who watch the bustle outside are noisy.

The cloud painting on the bed in the house, the whole person's eyes widened and the tears flowed.

Bo Siqing!

He said it.

He actually said it was exported.

Even though she had been able to identify him as Bo Siqing, not Tang Jianqing, she still had no courage to ask him. Now, he actually said it!

Cloud paintings don't know how excited they are.

Of course, excited and excited, she is more concerned about why he does not remember her.

In the yard.

Whether it is the Tang family or the people in the village, probably did not think that Bo Siqing would be so just, there is no compromise at all.

People can't help but talk.

The villagers of course agreed with the words of Bo Siqing. The two old Tang family members regarded Yang Jianqing as a farm animal. It can be said that the old couple saved Tang Jianqing and gave him a meal. He raised him so much. Must be reported.

Of course, the Tang family and the old couple are very excessive, but Tang Jianqing is too unfortunate.

Many people pity Tang Jianqing, but they do not support Tang Jianqing. I feel that Tang Jianqing’s attitude is too unrelenting today. There is really no human touch.

"My daughter-in-law is still sick, so I will not leave you with tea. Please come back."

Bo Siqing directly wants to drive people away.

Where can I get there.

Seeing the excitement is just retreating from the yard to the yard, and the Tang family old lady and Tang Jianguo Bai Xiumei, but in the same way as the dog skin plaster, stay in the yard, do not die!

(End of this chapter)

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