MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2350 How to love each other again

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Chapter 2350, how do you want to love each other again?

Do not leave?

Others may not be able to do it, but that is Bo Siqing.

Will he pity the jade?

Will he be kidnapped by the so-called old and old?


Bo Siqing knows better than anyone else. He has Bai Ximei in one hand and the old lady in the other with his hand. He directly "pleases" people out of the door!

As for Tang Jianguo, who is still standing in the yard, he saw that he did not need to use Wu Siqing to do it himself.

The villagers have never seen such a simple and rude operation, it is really scary.

Mrs. Tang and Bai Xiumei, who were slid out, were crying outside and shouting loudly that Tang Jianqing was too filial, a white-eyed wolf, etc., and it was hard to hear.

But does Bo Siqing care?

He doesn't care a word!

"Tot and go, help my father to press the water."

There is a self-pressing water well in the yard, and it only needs to press the handle up and down to release water.

Two small alternate rotations of water.

Bosi Qing did not hesitate to raise a large bucket of water and poured it directly out the door.

Dozens of Bai Xiumei and Mrs. Tang, who had been dodging, were splashed with water, and the screams almost broke through the eardrums!

Some of the villagers who watched the excitement were also splashed, but no one dared to say anything, but one of them pulled away from each other and hurryed away.

The excitement is good-looking, but Tang Jianqing is really uncomfortable.

Tang Jianqing was not convinced in the past, and he was able to find a job for the county transportation team himself. Can this be provoked?

Not to mention that he died again and died.

It is well known that Tang Jianqing was trying to protect the transportation team's vehicles and the property on the car, and he would be insured. The car was finally saved, and he fell off the cliff himself.

If you can save people, can the transport team not save?

That is to say, the terrain is too sinister, it is impossible to survive from the above, and the transportation team did not save people.

But who can think of it, Tang Jianqing actually came alive!

No, it should be said that Tang Jianqing’s nine deaths have been spelled down. This kind of person can be provoked?

Also, when he returned, he happened to catch up with Lin Yun's paintings and two dolls. He was kidnapped by the gangsters. The two babies were almost killed, or Tang Jianqing saved the two babies and his wife.

This kind of person can't afford it!

The people who watched the excitement all retreated.

The old lady of the Tang family and Bai Xiumei were soaked and drenched. Seeing Tang Jianqing’s attitude was so strong, they also stumbled and sneaked away.

This is the way to make the toot and the pockets close.

The two little guys looked at Bo Siqing with extremely admired eyes: "Dad, you are amazing!"

"Dad, you are great!"

The admiration in the eyes of the two little guys is already full.

Bosiqing touched two little guys: "In the case of absolutely crushing the strength of the other side, you can use this method. This is called a force to drop ten meetings. But if your strength is not enough, then you can't harden it. To learn to take the opportunity to understand, understand?"

"Dad, opportunistic is a shameful act, this is a derogatory term." Dudu said seriously.

Bo Siqing was dumbfounded. "It’s Dad’s misconduct, he should use his machine or go back. Little guy, learning very seriously.”

"It’s the mother who taught us, and the study must be serious.” Dudu said with a sullen face.

Bosi Qing smiled and nodded. "Your mother is right, it must be so serious in the future."


"Well, go play the top." Bosi Qing touched the heads of the two little guys and let them play.

He went into the house and went to see the clouds.

Cloud painting has been trying hard to clean up his emotions, but still can't control his inner excitement.

I thought it was...

I thought that I wouldn't see him in this life, and she didn't even know what happened to her.

She is really scared, afraid that her rebirth is a fake, he is also a fake when he is born again. Now it is more fake to go through here, then what is true?

But she never expected, he will come!

he came!

For cloud painting, as long as he comes, she does not want to care what is true or not, she just want to be with him! As long as there is him, what is the relationship between true and false?

Bo Siqing was shocked by the eyes of the cloud painting.

He is awkward.

In fact, he originally wanted to use amnesia as an excuse to avoid taking advantage of this Lin Zhiqing, but now it is not quite right.

"You just said, you are Bo Siqing." Cloud painting looked at him, his eyes deep in the sea.

Bo Siqin nodded. "This is my name."

"You said you found your biological parents?"

"...false." He still didn't lie to her. "I don't want to have anything to do with the Tang family."

Cloud painting licked his lips, "You..."

She stared at Bo Siqing for a while. It was her A Qing, her lover who lived and died, but now she is no different from a stranger.

But in any case, it can't change the fact that she believes in him!

There is no need to test too much.

The cloud painting slowly sat up and looked at him and said, "When you came, the 19th birthday has not yet passed."

Bo Siqing’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and the relaxation and peace that had previously been on his face were completely gone. Instead, he was vigilant and cautious. “What are you talking about?”

"You came here and became Tang Jianqing... But in fact, you are Bo Siqing, you are still under 19 years old, right?"

She whispered.

Because his 19th birthday was with her.

If he is 19, then they have already met.

Bo Siqing did not say anything.

Cloud painting is not in a hurry, whispered: "This summer will hold a meeting, propose to resume the college entrance examination, and officially announce the resumption of the college entrance examination in October. Then there is reform and opening up, a new era... TV telephone computer mobile phone..."

Bo Siqing thoroughly understands.

"You, too?" He stared at her.

Cloud painting gently nodded, "Tang Jianqing's wife is called Lin Yun painting, and I, called cloud painting, no, I should call to talk about painting, but the name cloud painting has been with me for too long, I am used to it."

"You..." The vigilance in the eyes of Bo Siqin did not fade. He still stared at her. "When did you come?"

"Last year. Shortly after Tang Jianqing was declared dead, I woke up and turned into Lin Yun."

"Then I may be a little later than you. Tang Jianqing did not die after falling off the cliff. It took a while to die because of infection and hunger. I came over at that time. I... the wilderness is more powerful and has a sigh of relief. Can hold it." Bo Siqing said softly.

After a moment, he asked her again, "Which year did you come when you came?"

Cloud painting knows what he is asking, she directly replies: "2018."

“2018?” Bo Siqing was quite surprised. “I was 2006.”


In 2006, they met for the first time.

He came before they met.

So in that world, will there be their encounter?

Cloud painting has been unclear about the timeline.

Now, perhaps only parallel time and space can be used to explain this problem.

She doesn't even know who she is.

"You used to know me?" asked thin board.

Because of her eyes, it is really some...

The tears of the cloud painting suddenly fell.

After so long, she for the first time indulged and wept.


We miraculously meet in another time, but you don't remember me.

The cloud painting stared at Bo Siqing for a long time and shook his head softly: "I don't know you."

"is it?"

Bo Siqing always felt a bit strange, but he couldn't think of anything strange.

When he came, the world was in 2006. If she really came from 2018, they would not know it.

"I am grateful for your trust and tell me this secret without reservation."

Bo Siqing said, "You can rest assured that I will take care of the two children. You can do whatever you want. In addition, ask for your opinion. I heard that you always wanted to go back to the city before we moved to the city. Ok?"

The clouds are coveted. "It’s Lin Yun’s paintings that I always want to return to the city."

Bosi Qing suddenly said, "I'm sorry. Then you, do you want to live in the city? Or do you like rural life?"

I don't like urban life, I don't like rural life, I just like to have your life.

"Do you want to bring two children to the city?" The cloud painting did not answer, and asked.

Bo Siqing nodded. "The rural environment is somewhat complicated. Now the policy has begun to relax. Afterwards, the business will gradually be released. The problem of money does not have to worry. Since I have taken up the body of Tang Jianqing, I will help him find his own biological parents. Also help him raise these two children. Of course, you are also my responsibility. I think city life will be better."

"Then go to the city."

Cloud painting smiled. "It is said that this era is full of gold. You know the future direction. It is much easier to make a career."

Bo Siqing smiled: "There is gold everywhere, and some people will be jealous. In fact, if you look closely at the future commercial predators, you will find that their lives are like predicting in advance. But they are indeed step by step. Come out. So, don’t underestimate those people, and don’t think that you can succeed casually.”

Cloud painted and laughed.

Still so sensible.

It seems that since she saw him, he has always been so sensible.

What did he look like when he was crazy?

When she was in a foreign mine, she was almost draining blood to him when she was born in Typhoon Day...

Cloud paintings don't dare to look at him again, for fear of revealing more emotions.

He is a 19-year-old Bo Siqing, his emotional experience is like a blank piece of paper, and he has never touched anyone.

And what about her?

According to the age of wearing back, she is already 25 years old.

At the beginning, he was 5 years older than her, and now she is 6 years older than him.

The emotional experience is completely different.

She is deeply affectionate, and he is as flat as new.

Is it possible for 19-year-old Bo Siqing to fall in love with her?

She can't bind him with the future. If she said that they used to love each other's lovers, they lived together and had several children. He would take care of her because of her responsibility, even with her.

But now he has no memories. He is not her husband at all.

How are they going together?

She can't kidnap him.


It is not so fast to go back to the city.

At least now, there is no money at hand, there is no way to go back to the city, and the policy of the college entrance examination has not yet come down. Bo Siqing has discussed with Yunzhu. The best way to get back to the city after leaving here is to take the college entrance examination and go to college. left.

In this era, the gold content of college students is many times more than that after the expansion.

With a college degree, it will be very smooth whether you are looking for a job or something else.

"The first time after the resumption of the college entrance examination is very simple, there should be no problem in mathematics and physics. The real problem should be language politics. I mean, do you understand?"

Cloud painting nodded. "I have already prepared. I went to the county to buy a book. You can see what is missing."

Because she knows that she is also a visitor in the future, it is not unexpected for her to prepare for the college entrance examination.

At any time, the college entrance examination is a very important shortcut to change your destiny.

Dudu and taking a look at Mom and Dad to study together, just sit down and learn together.

The two little guys in elementary school have already finished their studies. The mathematics and physics of junior high school are also taught. The two boys are especially smart and have a strong learning ability.

Especially in terms of mathematics and physics, they learn more easily.

It is the language that is really difficult for them.

Language needs to rely on accumulation, requires a lot of reading, and even contact in life, and can't come.

Cloud painting is afraid that the two little guys will learn fast, and they will learn to be unstable, but the two little guys can't wait to learn new knowledge, and she is helpless.

It is thin Siqing, and some are means to pack them both.

Give them a number of questions directly!

The thinking method of the Olympiad question will be very expandable, so that some senior middle school and even high school students will do the primary school mathematics questions, they will not necessarily do it.

Sure enough, Olympiad made the two little guys fascinated, and Bo Siqing gave them Sudoku again. Well, the two little guys finally stopped talking and said it was too boring.

"I didn't think of it." Cloud painting couldn't help but laugh.

Bosi squinted his eyes. "I came here when I was a kid."

Cloud paintings are laughing.

With Bo Siqing, cloud painting has been a lot easier in life.

This is a man who is very adaptable.

He will do all the farm work, even if some will not start at first, but you will do it if you look at it again, and you can do it well.

He will cook, he will clean up his housework, and he will not do the same thing as a shopkeeper. Instead, he will do as much chores as possible.

Dudu and darling can like this dad.

Another cloud painting also heard two children talking, now they have a father, this dad is great.

The former father was not bad for them, but he was too busy, often going to the county, they could not see him several times.

The calendar holiday is not very accurate.

There was no sanitary napkin in this year. The softer toilet paper was a luxury in the supply and marketing cooperatives. The rural people would not buy it at all. In this era, the rural people wiped their farts.

Cloud painting used an old-fashioned monthly event, and it really can't stand it. It must be bought with toilet paper.

The best toilet paper for the county township supply and marketing cooperatives is also inferior to the aunt's towel.

So every time I come to the holiday for two days, I have to collapse.

So when Bo Siqing gave her a sanitary napkin, the whole painting was smashed!

(End of this chapter)

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