MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 107

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The two little milk babies had a fixed place every day. They went to the Luo Family Academy to study after eating breakfast at Chenshi, came back at noon for lunch, took a nap for half an hour, went back at Shenshi early in the afternoon, and returned home after class at Xushi.

In the first few days after entering the private school, the two baby boys were in good spirits, very novel, but it was Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He who were always worried about their children. Several times a day, I have to send the cub there in person, and after the whole day's lectures, I have to ask the two accompanying readers about today's study.

In the final analysis, brother Xiao Li is the one who is most worried. My brother is also steady and old at home. He is not afraid of causing trouble when he is out of the house. The most important thing is the naughty brother Xiao Li. My son is much more sensible, and he doesn't jump up and down like his family.

After a few days like this, the couple gradually got used to the fact that the child entered the school.

When I went out early, I could occasionally hear the sound of the three milk babies reading. Both Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He liked to stand at the door and listen for a while.

Now that they were on the right track, the couple took the time to go back to the village to look for some fields.

By early summer, the crops had already fallen to the ground, and the wilderness was green. This year's seedlings were planted late, and the growth was slower, but fortunately, there was no disaster or death.

When the couple went to Haitang Bay, the farm laborers were weeding the corn seedlings in the field. They were planted in the wasteland for the first year, and the growth of the crops was weaker than that of other villagers in the village. But even so, the farm laborers in the field are still very satisfied. Looking at the crops on the land, they can see hope. The owner also borrowed farm tools to cultivate, so they have no dissatisfaction.

As long as the wasteland is picked up well and carefully managed for a few years, it can be fertile even if there is no catastrophe.

When everyone saw Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He coming to the countryside, they greeted them politely.

Zhang Fangyuan called Wang Youlian, the elder of the director: "Is there any problem in farming?"

"It's good that everyone has seeds and fields."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "If there is any damage, you can go to the other side of the house to repair some."

Wang Youlian cheerfully agreed: "Okay."

Just as he was thinking of inviting his boss to his house for a cup of thin tea, Zhang Fangyuan saw Zhang Shicheng in the distance yelling and passed by.

"Uncle Si!"

Zhang Fangyuan looked at Zhang Shicheng who was walking on the ridge with his hands behind his back and his face sullen. He didn't even hear the couple talking here, so he had to catch up and greet him.

"Are you back? Ruijin Ruili has found a wife."

"It's all settled, come to the village to see the crops." Zhang Fangyuan tilted his head slightly: "What's wrong with you, Uncle Si, you have a sad face, but what happened?"

"Hey!" Zhang Shicheng originally wanted to speak, but seeing that the farmer next to him was there, he sighed instead, and said to Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He, "Go home and talk."

Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He looked at each other, not knowing why, Wang Youlian wisely said goodbye and went back to the field to sort out the crops.

Several people went back to the house. After Zhang Fangyuan and his husband and children moved to the city, Zhang Shicheng's family of three moved to the house. On the one hand, this side should be more spacious and comfortable, and on the other hand, it would be easier to manage. Farmers with crops.

The main house of the family is still reserved, and the couple can live there when they come back.

After not coming back for a while, Xu He felt that the house was dull when he entered. Mrs. He was spinning around in front of the eaves, and crying could be faintly heard in the house.

Seeing the couple come back, Mrs. He had a smile on his face and greeted them.

"What's the matter, I'm so anxious to die."

Zhang Fangyuan glanced at the room, and saw that Xiaomao was crying from the room where Xiaomao lived, and he felt even more anxious.

"Hey, I can't keep my little brother when he grows up." He frowned: "This kid doesn't listen at all."

It turned out that after Xiaomao and Ji, the people who came to ask for marriage were like crucian carp crossing the river. Zhang Shicheng and the He family also deliberately looked at the families who came to ask for marriage, but there were also families who were interested, but Xiaomao always refused to agree.

Zhang Shicheng and his wife are just a younger brother, and they have loved each other since they were young. The children don't want to get married so early, and the family can't afford it, so they are naturally happy. Moreover, the couple also intend to recruit a son-in-law, so they have never been tight this thing.

As a result, a while ago, I happened to see Xiaomao walking close to an Orion, so he kept an eye on it, and finally realized that the child had an unusual relationship with the Orion.

When Zhang Fangyuan heard it, he smiled and said, "The Orion is Zhuangqi?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him."

Zhang Fangyuan smacked him. He knew Zhuang Qi. He was a few years younger than him. He started hunting at a very young age. He used to be on the mountain with Wang Jiu, but after Wang Jiu got married, it became easier to go up the mountain. There are fewer and fewer hunters, and the Orion business has not been good in recent years.

That kid was very brave and courageous since he was a child. Although he was a few years younger than Zhang Fangyuan, he had played with Zhang Fangyuan's group of children, and Zhang Fangyuan was very impressed.

"I remember that he doesn't like chatting with others very much, and he doesn't talk much, but he is very loyal and good-natured." Zhang Fangyuan said: "Actually, the most important thing in this marriage depends on a person's character."

Zhang Shicheng knew what Zhang Fangyuan meant, Zhuang Qi's personality was good, and he had friendship with Xiaomao, so it was a good marriage. He is also a farmer. Although the Zhang family has improved a lot now, it is only because of the light of his nephew Zhang Fangyuan that the lintel has been raised accordingly.

"Your fourth aunt and I are not the kind of people who dislike the poor and love the rich. They think that the Zhuang family is not rich and so they don't agree to be together. Zhuang Qi is from our village, and everyone grew up watching him. What? He looks like he knows it in his heart, he is not an idler, but also a craftsman who can eat his fill, so there is nothing wrong with it."

Zhang Shicheng said: "I told you earlier that I wanted to recruit a son-in-law at home. The people who came to ask for marriage were either rich or educated. I expected that this kind of family would not let their son marry. I have a good relationship with your aunt. Knowing that Mao is interested in Zhuangqi, thinking that the dealer is just an ordinary peasant family, and his family background is not very good, it is better to ask, but before he even opened his mouth, the dealer refused."

Zhang Fangyuan frowned slightly, and only then did he realize what was going on in the family. It turned out that his fourth uncle still agreed to the marriage, but the family members of the Zhuang family were from a poor family among the people who came to ask for marriage. Uncle doesn't need to look at his in-laws' family business, but he wants Zhuang Qi to come to his door.

"It's reasonable. Xiaomao is also one of the best little brothers in our village. It seems that the husband and son-in-law can't do the same thing and follow others in everything."

Xu He was a little puzzled. In fact, it seemed that many ordinary people in their village knew that his fourth uncle's family had only one younger brother, and they intended to recruit a son-in-law. Many of them were willing. After all, everyone knew that Xiao Mao had a landlord cousin , the cousin is the only child, and among the first cousins, Xiaomao is the one who cherishes the most. If the two families get married, they will definitely help them in the future.

Besides, his fourth uncle has moved into the house again. Although he didn't say anything to the outside world, but watching Zhang Shicheng take care of the Zhang family's affairs, supervise the farm labor and so on, anyone with eyes knows that Zhang Fangyuan is handing over the affairs of the village house. Leave it to Zhang Shicheng.

If she can marry Zhang Xiaomao, she will naturally gain a lot of advantages.

People from other villages came to ask for marriage because of Xiaomao's good looks, and because they saw his beauty, so there were not a few people who came to ask for marriage before, so it made sense to marry Xiao'e.

"The Hu family is not an only child. Apart from Zhuang Qi, they have other sons. Why don't they want Zhuang Qi to be their son-in-law?" Xu He asked, "Is it Zhuang Qi's intention or his family's intention?"

"Zhuang Qi is willing, but his family members do not agree."

He pressed his temple with a headache: "At first, your fourth uncle went to inquire about it. He thought that the Zhuang family already knew that Zhuang Qi and Mao Geer had a relationship, so they used this matter to raise a price and refused to come to the door. Son-in-law, I want to ask for more benefits. Later I heard that Mrs. Zhuang's natal family has a cousin sister who often visits, and there is a daughter under her hand who is very lively and admires Zhuang Qi."

"Ms. Zhuang likes that little niece, and our family is recruiting a door-to-door son-in-law. If both sides are combined, we are more inclined to the cousin's one."

"Zhuang Qi is a man of few words. He left it early in the morning to say that he wanted Brother Mao, and the lady Zhuang was crying at home. She was dying, and her brothers and sisters went to persuade Zhuang Qi. Although there is no result yet, who knows what will happen?" How about it." He sighed: "I tried to persuade Brother Mao and then refused to listen, that is also a sin."

"It's been a long time, why the fourth uncle didn't send someone to the city to say something."

Zhang Shicheng shook his head: "I know that the two of you are busy with Ruijin Ruili's affairs before moving to the city. There are so many things going on. I didn't inform the family about this matter, thinking that it would be impossible. It didn't take long for it to subside, but I didn't expect it to still be noisy."

Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He also sounded a bit in trouble, this family disagreed, and it was even more difficult if it was the other party's family, if Zhang Shicheng and the He family could persuade them, how could other people's family affairs be easily intervened. If the banker is completely greedy for money, then it's easy to deal with, the worst is to give some more dowry, and bring some oil and water, just like the Xu family in the past, they can solve it with money.

It's just that it's not just a matter of money, so it's hard to deal with. Zhuang Qi can't be allowed to stay with Xiaomao regardless of his mother's life or death. If so, wouldn't it be against filial piety? There is resentment in my heart.

The best thing is to let go of this marriage, and from then on the bridge will return to the bridge and the road will return. Zuo Xiaomao is also a man of etiquette. Another marriage is not a hindrance.

It's a pity...Xu He glanced at the room, and the little brother was sad and couldn't let go.

"Don't worry about this matter, you two, just wait and see, as long as you don't make things worse, it's fine. It's not like Brother Mao can't get married."

Zhang Fangyuan nodded: "Fourth Uncle, don't worry too much. Here, the family members are always troubled by the important matters of marriage. At first, Xiao'e's marriage was said to be harmonious and smooth, but it took a lot of twists and turns to make it happen. .”

"Your aunt and I still have a clear understanding of the truth, no problem." Zhang Shicheng laughed: "Fortunately, there is only one in the family, and you only need to worry about it once, but there are two in your family. It's still to come."

"It will be more than ten years later, and I won't keep it in my heart in advance."

The family hadn't been together for a long time, so they had a meal together at noon, and in the afternoon they went to the tea shed and guest house to check the accounts before returning to the city.

It turned out that it was still early to leave, and I could catch up with picking up the two children from school when I went back. I didn't expect that the road in the city was blocked by traffic and horses, which delayed me for some time. When I got home, it was already past the time for the children to leave school.

Xu He got off the carriage and went straight to the house. Usually, if something happened and he didn't wait for the two cubs to finish school at home, Brother Li likes to watch at the door and wait for the adults to go back. Play near the gate.

It's strange now, Xu He never saw the children all the way in, if Licorice hadn't come to report in a hurry, he would have thought that the two cubs had been sent to the Master's Study Abroad School.

"Young Master Rui Li was startled and fell at the door, and he is applying medicine in the bedroom."

Before Licorice could finish speaking, Xu He heard that brother Li had fallen, and hurried straight to the bedroom, asking anxiously, "Isn't it crying hard!"

"Hoo hoo ~ Brother, it won't hurt anymore after blowing it."

"But it still hurts, brother Li is in pain, can you not go to Master's tomorrow?"

"If you don't go to the school, you won't be able to see Brother Xiao Xing. Brother Xiao Li really won't go there?"

When Xu He ran to the gate, he saw two small groups in the room discussing not to go to school. He was relieved to hear Xiao Li's coquettish tone.

Rui Li sat on a high stool, his trousers were rolled up high, revealing a section of Bai Shengsheng's legs, his elder brother was next to him, burying his head and whistling for him, and on one side was a maid, applying ointment to the younger brother. Brother Li wiped the wound.


As soon as Brother Xiaoli looked up, he saw Xu He who came in. He was a little bit overwhelmed after not seeing his father for a day, and when he fell back, there was no adult at home, so he was even more aggrieved, but fortunately he had a brother, so he didn't cry.

When Xu He went over, he saw a lump of bruise on the little guy's knee. Although the skin hadn't been broken, his fair complexion made him look a little dazzling.

Since he was a child, he has been a baby held in the palm of his hand, and his oily skin has never been broken. Xu He felt a pain in his heart when he looked at it.

He picked up Brother Li from the stool, put him in his arms, took the ointment from the servant girl's hand and rubbed it on the child: "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah." Brother Xiaoli lay in daddy's arms, he didn't feel so wronged at first, but with someone protecting him, he became soft all of a sudden.

Xu He first praised the child for being sensible and not crying, and then his father rushed in after hearing the news, and then asked what happened.

"After school, I picked up the young master and went out. I happened to meet the young master of the Qu family in the alley, leading the big dog at home for a walk. The young master took a second look at the freshness. I didn't know it was the young master of the Qu family. It was true that the dog leash was not pulled properly or it was intentional, the big dog rushed over and threw the young master to the ground, which hurt his knee."

"The servant originally wanted to come forward to argue, but it was unreasonable for the strong men of the Naqu family to hold their arms and look aggressive. The servant thought that there was no strong person accompanying him, so he did not dare to conflict rashly, so he had to bring the young master and The young master went back to the house first."

"You did a good job. There are many people on the other side. If there is a conflict, I might hurt the child." Zhang Fangyuan had to scold angrily again: "The child didn't pull the dog well. Maybe the servant can't hold the dog. If it is Unintentional is far-fetched."

He had seen that little fat kid from the Qu family in the alley. The family had invited a husband to teach him. He was mischievous and cooperating with his servant to humiliate him. Only then did he leave in anger.

The boy was only about five years old, with a chubby belly and a fat head and big ears like his father. I heard that there was a casino in the family, and there were many servants and family members in the family, and he was dragged like two to five to eighty thousand. Many people are scared.

Later, when the sun is westward and the weather is cool, I like to be surrounded by a pole of servants. When I go out to pull a dog, sometimes I pull several dogs. I don’t care whether to scare passers-by, so I just walk around here.

"I've never provoked the Qu family before, but it's such an unreasonable bully." Xu He scolded, "It's just that there are so many people, so it's so unreasonable."

"Families with a prosperous population and many heirs in the village are walking sideways, let alone in the city, there are more bullying people."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "Our family's available manpower is indeed a little thin."

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