MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 108

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I had been living in the countryside before, and had six or seven servants. They were from ordinary people, and I did everything by myself. It was very convenient to have two servants, Astragalus and Licorice, to help with some things at home.

Occasionally Wuzi would come back to do some heavy work, and then the farm laborers would come and send some young girls and boys over. The couple felt that the existing servants were more than enough to take care of the children, clean the house, cook and so on. Well organized.

When I was in the village, I was already a big family beyond the reach of the original landlord, and no one dared to disrespect them, but when I came to the city, these servants seemed lonely, and I still bought two companions when I came back. .

It is no wonder that the landlords in their village have not moved to the city for many years in Jijiu Village. There are so many disputes, and they have to deal with it again. familiar old place.

Zhang Fangyuan didn't think about these things at first, and he focused on his children's education. Now he thinks that the folks in the village respect their family, not only because the house is big, there are servants who can call and drink, but also One is that their Zhang family has a lot of strength, and there is not a single family in the village who can compete with them.

Now in the city, there are only servants who do housework, no strong guards to guard the house, and no clan men to help.

Even when he was hanging around in the city in the past, even if he brought someone to collect debts, he had to look at the number of people in the other party's family before making a targeted move.

Zhang Fangyuan thought that he still had to buy a strong servant.

"Strong strength is always hard to find. Good hands and feet and strength, if it is not because of a big accident, or by selling your strength, you can earn a living. Few people are willing to sell themselves as slaves. There is little strength in the Yahang, the price is high, and it is difficult to buy."

Xu He immediately thought about it, and felt that it was not appropriate to buy slaves. At the beginning of the year, Yahang was able to find a few men, but now they have been picked out by others, and the cheapness has long been deserted. They said they bought one or two. It's okay to say strong strength, but it's difficult to have more.

"Why don't you go to the village and hire some long-term workers?"

"Long-term workers have to sign for a three-year or five-year contract. I'm afraid there are few farmers who are willing." Zhang Fangyuan took a breath: "Forget it, I'll think of another way. You are good to take care of Ruijin Ruicarp these two days .”

Two days later, Zhang Fangyuan went back to the village again, and he called Zhuang Qi over from the inn.

The two haven't had any contact since Zhang Fangyuan went to the city to fool around, but their friendship still exists when they went up to the mountains to hunt together when they were children, and went down to the river to fish.

"We haven't sat at the same table for a drink in years."

Zhang Fangyuan held the lamb wine and poured a glass of wine to the man sitting in front of him who was strong and fit, and his physique was not inferior to him. He was a short man in the past, but now he is a tall and strong man. There is a time of emotion, and now I can't help but sigh that the time is too short.

Zhuang Qi is very tall, but his temperament is still the same as when he was a child. Without saying much, Zhang Fangyuan poured wine for him. The same as when fooling around in the village.

The boy couldn't hold his fart for a long time, but he was braver than anyone else. In the past, Zhang Fangyuan flaunted his might in the village and led a group of boys up and down the river to catch snakes and drink wine. The group of boys would brag about how brave they were. No way, I ran into a venomous snake the size of a wrist, except for Zhang Fangyuan, everyone was frightened and silent, and dared not go forward to catch it.

When he was a child, Zhang Fangyuan had a lot of eyes. He took advantage of this matter to suppress the children in the village and encouraged the boys in the village to go forward, but none of them dared to move. It was the young Zhuang Qi who came from a group of tall boys. The taller child squeezed out, quickly grasped the snake's neck, pulled the thing up, and the snake body was wrapped around Zhuang Qi's arm, but the boy had no fear at all.

This matter is very deep in Zhang Fangyuan's memory. If he wants to say that people don't talk too much, it should be Zhuang Qi.

Although they are all adults, Zhuang Qi is still the same as when he was a child. He put down his wine glass and called out: "Brother Zhang."

Zhang Fangyuan raised his eyebrows: "Still so respectful?"

"I yelled after everyone when I was a child, but now I yell after Xiaomao."

"You are really good at dating relatives." Zhang Fangyuan put the cup in his hand on the table with a thud: "It's just that your family is crazy, so don't call me brother after Xiaomao."

Zhuang Qi raised those sharp eyes that often look at the prey: "If Brother Zhang is here to be a lobbyist today, then I, Zhuang Qi, will not accompany you."

Both of them can be regarded as people who deal with livestock. Zhang Fangyuan has rolled around in the business field these years, and gradually concealed the stern edge of being a butcher in the past, and became sleek and sophisticated. With blood in their hearts, the two of them met each other's eyes, and neither was afraid of the other.

Zhuang Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around suddenly and wanted to leave.

Walking to the door, Zhang Fangyuan said: "Come back, I came to you today to solve Xiaomao's affairs, not the one who hits the mandarin ducks with a stick."

Zhuang Qi could bend and stretch, and sat back expressionlessly.

"When Xiao'e got married, my fourth uncle asked me to pay attention and asked me to choose a son-in-law for him. He meant that it had been decided early on."

"I know, I don't mind if I don't come."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "You don't mind, but your mother does. The world is turned upside down, and she is still obsessed with a little cousin."

"I won't marry my cousin, and now I have talked to my mother about the separation of the family. If she promises, she has to agree, and if she doesn't agree, she has to agree."

Zhang Fangyuan's eyebrows twitched slightly, what he wanted was Zhuang Qi's attitude, and he couldn't help but test: "You are not afraid that your uncles in your clan will scold you for being unfilial."

"The mother is kind and the son is filial. She makes her own opinions regardless of my wishes, and I am not afraid of what others will say."

Zhang Fangyuan looked at Zhuang Qi with a cold face, he was really stubborn.

"Come on, since you said that, I don't question it too much. I know your temper since I was a child, and you are not a person who can talk sweetly." Zhang Fangyuan said: "After my parents left, my fourth uncle treated me with you. Just like my own son, I must pay special attention to Xiaomao's affairs now."

"It's not nice for a son-in-law to come and talk about it. When a big man marries into someone else's house, outsiders will have to say a few words, and there is a lovely niece and daughter. It is common sense that your mother disagrees. But you and Xiaomao are sincere. I also have a husband, so I know how it feels, I came here today to tell you a solution."

Zhang Fangyuan said slowly: "After you and Xiaomao got married, you moved to live in the city. You are counted as the son-in-law of the Zhang family, but you will not live with your father-in-law and mother-in-law. This will save many people from talking, but it is also different from your parents. Let's live together, so that Xiaomao won't be harshly criticized in the past and have to fight with your little cousin."

"As long as Xiaomao is willing, that's fine." Zhuang Qi agreed very readily: "It's just that I'm a hunter, and my business is mostly in the countryside and forests. It may be hard for Xiaomao to move to the city."

"Since I asked you to go to the city, it is impossible to watch my cousin live a hard life, so I will definitely arrange a business with you."

Zhang Fangyuan said: "I remember that you have a lot of skills. At first, you wanted to participate in martial arts, but because of your brother's marriage and family difficulties, you gave up this way to make a living. With your fists, you can manage martial arts in the city. They trained people to serve as housekeepers for big households in the city.”

"I will pay for the opening of the museum. You just need to manage and train people. When you are on the right track, I will take 30% of the profits. You and Xiaomao will handle the rest by yourself. How about it?"

Zhuang Qi's eyebrows twitched, if he wasn't a fool, he would still be able to figure out the benefits. Some people contribute money to make a living, and they can jump from the countryside to the city. Many people have the opportunity that they never have in their lives. heartbeat.

"it is good!"

Zhang Fangyuan's eyes were sharp, and he lowered his voice: "I want an accurate answer within three days, and Mrs. Zhuang will come to ask for marriage."

Zhuang Qi didn't answer, but picked up the wine glass and touched Zhang Fangyuan.

"Will this thing be possible? Zhuang Qi is thinking that Xiaomao will be able to deal with everything. I'm only afraid that Mrs. Zhuang will be difficult."

Xu He only heard about Zhang Fangyuan's work when he returned to his hometown today, and he couldn't help feeling that his husband's brain is so good.

The most powerful places in the city are the wharf and the martial arts hall. Strong men like to eat with their hands, and many strong and strong people like to devote themselves to the martial arts hall to learn some hand and foot kung fu, and then they can be hired to earn commissions.

Their family has invited people from the martial arts gym a few times before, and the price varies according to the skill, but even the cheapest day costs tens of pennies. It's easier and more decent to do things in the martial arts hall if you are scolded at will.

For this reason, there are only martial arts halls that cannot be visited by strong strength, and there is no situation where martial arts halls cannot recruit people.

If their family had a martial arts gym under their control, they wouldn't have to worry about not having a caretaker, and it wouldn't be a problem to change a wave every day. When the neighbors know that this family has a martial arts gym, they will be afraid of it.

In this way, it not only solves the problem that there is no strong man in the family who is underestimated and oppressed by others, but also solves the troubles of the fourth uncle's family, and it can also make a profit externally, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Just because he knew the benefits, Xu He couldn't help worrying that the dealer would make a fool of himself.

Zhang Fangyuan smiled and said: "My silly little brother, this matter is already a matter of heaven for the dealer. The dealer is a peasant family and has no way of managing it. It is impossible to manage it in a lifetime Going out to a martial arts gym in the city, even if Mrs. Zhuang is a dull peasant woman, she still doesn't want to agree, but the clan brothers of the Zhuang family are all fools, so they can't see the benefits?"

Xu He thought about it, and felt that it was the same. If he had done such a good thing before, he would definitely not let it go, but his worry was that he didn't have the ability to take over the business, but Zhuang Qi had the ability. This is all pointing to his strengths.

That being the case, he calmly waited for the dealer to give the result.

As Zhang Fangyuan expected, the Zhuang family accepted the marriage, and before the three days expired, the Zhuang family invited the best matchmaker in the village to come to ask for a marriage. He is amiable and polite to Zhang Shicheng and his wife.

After the hatchback has settled on a marriage, they are waiting for the appointment.

Zhang Fangyuan and Xu He got the news in the evening of the next day. Zhang Shicheng went to the city to tell the couple the news after he was busy at home with the people who sent the dealer away.

"I heard that it was Mrs. Zhuang who was hesitant when she heard the good news. The niece and niece were crying and making trouble. Someone from the other side of her natal family came to persuade her. She was afraid that the Zhuang family would climb high, so Zhuang Qi kicked her out. The dealer's Seeing the situation, the uncle also stepped forward to persuade Mrs. Zhuang, so he finally made it clear. The people on the other side of Mrs. Zhuang's natal family and the people on the other side of her in-law's family almost had a fight. Mrs. Zhuang could clearly see the virtuous and gentle face of her cousin. .”

Zhang Fangyuan said: "It seems that it's not that you don't want to get in, and you don't love wealth at all." The previous refusal to agree was just because the offer was not enough.

"Although the marriage is settled, it's just too expensive for you two." While Zhang Shicheng was delighted, he felt very sorry, so he made a special trip to the city himself for this reason.

"What does the fourth uncle of the family do with these kind words? Besides, it's not a free money for Zhuang Qi. I have to raise 30% of the money in the martial arts hall. This is the condition that was agreed at the beginning. Besides, we really I need a martial arts gym, I really don’t have enough skills to manage it by myself, and I still have to rely on my fourth uncle’s son-in-law to do things for me.”

Zhang Shicheng smacked his mouth: "You kid, say some jokes."

Xu He was also very satisfied in his heart: "Fourth Uncle, you can rest assured that you and Auntie will handle Brother Mao's marriage. I think there is still enough manpower at home. We may not be able to help out in the village. We are busy here in the city. If you choose the martial arts school, you can let the couple come to the city as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, although you are busy, don't worry about the other end of the house."