MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 37 nightmare

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Suddenly, Wei Chongrong heard someone calling him, not "Wei Chongrong" but "Yi Yin".

He was still wondering, how could someone call him "Yi Yin" if his father had already changed his name, he felt like someone tapped him on the shoulder behind him.

Wei Chongrong turned his head and saw Wei Yang standing in front of him, smiling and saying, "Ayin, I called you so many times, why didn't you answer? Are you angry with me?"

"Weichen dare not." Wei Chongrong bowed down subconsciously, he followed him in self-defense when Yang ascended the throne, and his obedience to him was almost instinctive.

Immediately, Wei Chongrong reacted, no, isn't he dead? After his death, he returned to his childhood and returned to Wei Zhao's side. The two fled back to Yujing together. Wei Yang should not have been born at that time, and he slept with his father...

What about dad? where is daddy? Wei Chongrong looked around in a panic, but saw that there was no one around, and there was still Wei Zhao. When he looked at himself again, he was clearly an adult, not a baby in Wei Zhao's arms.

When he was at a loss, Wei Yang's voice sounded again, he was still laughing, but his smile made Wei Chongrong feel a chill, as if it was seeping from his bones, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Ayin, I know you are the best. Even if everyone betrays me and leaves me, you won't, right?" Wei Yang walked up to Wei Chongrong at some point and pressed his cheek, Say it word by word.

Wei Chongrong nodded silently. He did say something like this to Wei Yang. He said that no matter what Wei Yang did, he would never hate him or betray him. No matter what Wei Yang wanted, he would help him, even if he paid the price of life.

Because in his dark and lonely boyhood, Wei Yang was the only light beam that came in. Even if the light was weak, it was enough to make him yearn, like a moth fighting a fire, never regretting it.

Wei Yang smiled even more, but also colder, he said in an unwavering tone: "Shangguan's family has collapsed, King Yong'an and Duke Qi have been replaced, and the general has been disarmed and returned to the field, and there is only one person left in my confidant's troubles. A Yin, are you willing to help me get rid of him?"

"Who do you want me to kill?" After tearing off the mask that used to be affectionate, Wei Chongrong found that his meaning to Wei Yang was a sharp blade. If you meet a Buddha to kill a Buddha, and if you meet a **** to kill a god, you don't need to have an independent Will exists.

Wei Yang smiled and sighed reluctantly: "Ayin, do you know how much I miss you? Without you, it would be very inconvenient for me to do a lot of things in the future. But I can't help but do this, I have no choice, do you understand?"

Wei Yang's tone was very flat, but it revealed a cold killing intent, which made Wei Chongrong tremble. He could feel that the killing intent was coming at him.

Wei Chongrong didn't have the habit of resisting Wei Yang. His subconscious reaction was to want to escape, but he was so weak that he couldn't move.

Wei Chongrong was stunned for a moment, then thought about it. Last night, Wei Yang asked him to drink at Dinghu Palace, and he put the medicine in the wine, so his internal energy could not be condensed at all, and he could only be slaughtered by others.

Wei Yang gently pushed Wei Chongrong, and he fell back to the ground, his eyes fixed on Wei Yang. Wei Yang squatted down and held a jasper wine bottle in his hand. The wine bottle was crystal clear, and the liquid in the bottle was radiant.

"Is it 'Qingjiao'?" Wei Chongrong blinked and said in surprise, with disbelief written in his eyes.

The nectar is a fine wine secretly made by the palace of Changning. The brewing process is extremely complicated, only two or three jars a year. After Ji Xin's death, the secret recipe for brewing nectar was lost, and more than ten altars of nectar remained in the world, and they became a masterpiece.

Wei Yang was willing to use the nectar to send himself on the road, and he was not too thin. Wei Chongrong laughed at himself and reached out to take the Jasper wine bottle.

Wei Yang avoided his gaze and smiled indifferently: "'No Hui' is colorless and tasteless, and there will be no pain..." His voice became softer and softer, and the back was even more inaudible. What Chongrong listened to, he was still talking to himself.

Before Wei Yang could finish his words, Wei Chongrong picked up the wine bottle and drank it all at once. He had to admit that the nectarine was the best wine he had ever drunk, and if possible, he wanted Weiyang to have another drink.

Wei Yang didn't seem to expect that Wei Chongrong drank the wine so quickly, his expression changed, he suddenly knelt on the ground, and muttered: "A Yin, don't blame me, I don't want to do this, but... you are The sons of the Fourth Emperor, whether it is King Yongan, Duke Qi, or even General Huo Da... Each of them will help you. I want to deal with the Shangguan family. They are all standing on the sidelines. As soon as you come forward, you will change your attitude... I know that they despise me, that my mother is of low birth, and that I am not a descendant of the Ji family... A Yin, if one day, you also betray me, what should I do, you are also a descendant of the Wei family, You have the blood of the Ji family on you, will they abolish me and let you ascend to the throne..."

Wei Yang's expression became more and more ferocious, and he was not as suave as usual. Wei Chongrong was not afraid, but felt that his heart was so empty. He never knew that Wei Yang thought of himself this way, that he actually regarded himself as his greatest threat, possible?

Ha ha…

Wei Chongrong heard his sneer.

Wei Su refused to give him the surname Wei, and he did not give him a jade plate. He was not even a clan of the Wei family, and he could threaten Wei Yang's throne. It was not a joke.

Didn't Wei Yang know that everything he had was given by him, and it was just a sentence to take it back. It is the help from Yong'an Prince's Mansion and Qi's Duke Mansion, not only because he is Wei Zhao's son, but also because he is working for Wei Yang.

Wei Yang's crown prince came in a hurry. He was canonized as crown prince three days before Wei Su died, and all the ceremonies were simplified.

However, in any case, he was the successor appointed by the previous emperor, the supreme emperor of Dayan, and Wei Chongrong did not understand where Wei Yang's gloom and doubts came from.

"Your Majesty, I don't hate you..." Perhaps, it was not Wei Yang who made the mistake, but himself. Mistaking Liu Ying for the Golden Crow, and praying to it for warmth that he does not possess, no wonder he fell utterly, because he saw the wrong person.

Wei Yang was stunned, as if he couldn't believe his ears. The expression on his face froze for a moment, half a smile but not a smile, and finally turned into nothingness, turned around and fled.

Wei Yang left, the hall was empty, Wei Chongrong lay on the cold ground, waiting for the arrival of the **** of death.

"Your Majesty's wish has been fulfilled, should Wei Chen say congratulations?" The **** of death did not come, but Jun Hua's ironic voice came from outside the hall.

"Why did Junqing come here? Are you going to send A Yin on the last trip?" Wei Yang's tone had long since returned to calm, "Unfortunately, until he died, all he thought about was me. Junqing is probably going to be disappointed?"

Junhua didn't answer, the heavy hall door was pushed open. Junhua stumbled in, looking a little funny.

Wei Chongrong turned his head to the side and looked at Jun Hua with apologetic eyes. He had reminded him long ago that Wei Yang would not trust anyone. He didn't listen, and he killed himself.

"Idiot!" Jun Hua coldly spat out two words. Wei Chongrong was shocked when he heard the words. Didn't he hear what Junhua said, how could he...

"It doesn't matter if you die, but I want you... revenge! What you owe me will not be repaid in the next life!" Jun Hua's tone was full of resentment, but his expression was the sadness in Wei Chongrong's memory.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed. Wei Chongrong saw Wei Yang vomit blood and fell on the imperial case...

Seeing the overwhelming whiteness, he knew that it was a national mourning...

The owner of the Zichen Palace was changed to Wei Chongrong's cousin, Wei Ruo, the eldest son of Lu Wang Weixiao...

Junhua was dressed in white, and stood on the tall palace wall with the new emperor in a black imperial robe...

"Your Majesty, you help me take revenge, and I help you seize the throne. Now that the goal has been achieved, we are both cleared!"

"Huaixi, can't you stay? I... I can't compare to..." Huai Xi, Jun Hua's word, Wei Su took it personally.

"You are better than him everywhere!" Jun Hua smiled charmingly, "But, you are not him!"

Saying that, he took a step forward. Wei Ruo stretched out his hand to pull, but didn't hold it, he was empty.

Wei Chongrong didn't care where he was, so he jumped up without hesitation, he couldn't just watch Junhua die.

It's a pity that he didn't catch Jun Hua either, their hands met in the air and staggered.

"Junhua!" Wei Chongrong shouted his name loudly and followed him into the void.

Opening his eyes again, Wei Chongrong found himself lying on the footrest in front of the bed, with severe back pain. The first thing that caught my eye was Wei Zhao's enlarged worried face.

In the middle of the night, Wei Zhao noticed that his son was sleeping very restlessly, kicking his hands and feet in disorder, guessing that he was having a nightmare, and wanted to wake him up. Unexpectedly, Wei Chongrong rolled out in a circle and rolled directly onto the bed, catching Wei Zhao by surprise.

He sat up hurriedly, picked up his son who had woken up, and asked repeatedly, "Rong Er, did you fall? Is there any pain? Tell daddy quickly..."

Wei Chongrong rubbed his eyes, and his mind was still a little sluggish. What he saw later was what happened after he died?

Wei Yang died, and Jun Hua avenged him; Wei Ruo ascended the throne, he cooperated with Jun Hua; Jun Hua fell from the palace wall, and no one held him...

Wei Chongrong shivered all over, plunged into Wei Zhao's arms, hugged his waist and refused to let go.

Wei Zhao only said that his son was frightened by the nightmare, and asked softly, "Rong'er, what did you dream about, tell Daddy about it." No matter how scary the nightmare is, it's okay to say it.

Wei Chongrong rubbed his arms in his arms, raised his head and said, "I dreamed that the bad woman hit you..." He didn't want to lie to Wei Zhao, but no one could tell what he dreamed about tonight.

It turned out to be an old incident in Fuyu. Wei Zhao was relieved to hear the words. He stroked Wei Chongrong's back and said softly, "Rong'er is not afraid, we have already returned to Yujing, and no one can bully us anymore."

His voice was clear and melodious, Wei Chongrong listened, and he felt relieved unconsciously. The future had not happened, nor could it happen, so he didn't need to scare himself.

The palace maid who called the night watchman changed Wei Chongrong's sweat-soaked underwear, Wei Zhao carried him into the bed, and said with a chuckle, "Daddy is blocking the outside, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to roll on the ground. ."

Wei Chongrong smiled embarrassedly, leaning on Wei Zhao's arm and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, wanting to sleep but a little too afraid to sleep.

Wei Zhao turned to his side, looked at Wei Chongrong and said warmly, "Rong'er, go to sleep, Daddy is guarding by your side, nothing will happen."

Wei Chongrong closed his eyes and tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep, but he never had nightmares again. Wei Zhao didn't close his eyes again until his son slept soundly, and squinted for a while.

He didn't sleep well at night. In the early morning of the next day, Wei Chongrong got up a little later than usual, but Wei Zhao didn't blame him. He also said that in Shanglinyuan these days, he was given a vacation and let him have fun. If you have time, think about what Wei Ming said that day.

Who knew that Wei Chongrong had a very strange temper. Wei Zhao forced him to study. He seemed to have completed his task and dealt with things every day. Now that Wei Zhao is no longer forcing him, he is more focused. Not only does he take the initiative to review what Mr. has said, but he also consciously previews what he has not learned in the future. When he encounters something he doesn't understand, he asks Wei Zhao. The two big characters of the day were also added to the four by him, and they were written meticulously. Although the handwriting was a little immature, he could vaguely see the spirit of the future.

Seeing Wei Chongrong's behavior, Wei Zhao thought that it was Wei Ming's words that touched him. He was still thinking, Huang brother really knows how to teach children, look at his sons and daughters, except for the youngest Wei Maoshang, who is ignorant. It's not that he is knowledgeable and reasonable, humble and sensible, which is really enviable.

He didn't know that Wei Chongrong actually understood the truths Wei Ming said, but he just couldn't do it and lacked motivation. On the contrary, it was the nightmare that day that completely awakened Wei Chongrong. Their crisis has not been resolved. What right does he have to be proud and complacent.

When he was in Fuyu, Wei Chongrong was wholeheartedly thinking about protecting Wei Zhao. Even if he could not do much, his whole person's mental outlook was positive. A fleeting opportunity, and then change the fate.

Back in Dayan, due to Wei Zhao's return, Wei Chongrong faced a completely different situation from his previous life.

No matter what those people think in their hearts, in front of Wei Chongrong, who is not respectful to him, what if he is not welcome by the emperor, Wei Zhao is favored, and people don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, no one dares Treat him as coldly as before.

As a result, Wei Chongrong lived an unprecedentedly stable life with peace of mind, and before he knew it, he lost his original vigilance and self-motivation. He had a father in everything, so why should he worry about it.

He forgot that Wei Ming was the crown prince that Wei Su had been waiting for for many years. He had been the crown prince for more than 20 years. He was born smart and had a cautious personality. It is so profound that it should not be underestimated. Even if there is more Wei Zhao, you must be careful.

He also forgot that Concubine Xin Gui had been favored for many years and had once fought against the Queen in court. After Concubine Xin Gui, Wei Su's favorites were Concubine Yun and Zhao Ji, and these two women were inextricably linked to the Shangguan family, so they were able to grasp the emperor's mind so far. When did the layout of the Shangguan family begin? , as can be imagined. At present, Concubine Yun has gone, but Zhao Ji counts the time, and it is time to show her talents. Donggong doesn't know her relationship with the Shangguan family, so she despised her and paid a heavy price for it.

Wei Chongrong was able to learn these palace secrets, thanks to the reversal of Wei Yang and the Shangguan family. In order to avenge his mother, the little emperor turned things related to the Shangguan family upside down, but Wei Chongrong was cheap, allowing him to take advantage of the Shangguan family.

Now, the Shangguan family's plan has already begun. The East Palace and the Qin Palace are in danger. He doesn't want to turn the situation around, but he is delusional about the future.

Figured out this level, how dare Wei Chongrong not work hard, Wei Ming and Wei Zhao are brothers of the same mother, the East Palace and the Qin Palace are both prosperous and the other is lost, if the crown of Wei Ming is not guaranteed, waiting for the fate of him and Wei Zhao, Wei Chongrong couldn't bear to think about it at all.