MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 38 fall into the water

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As an outsider, Wei Chongrong could see clearly that the scourge of witchcraft could eventually bring down the East Palace, whether the Shangguan family and Zhao Ji behind the scenes, or Xue Rui and Su Wen in front of the stage, were just external factors. In essence, there was a problem between the emperor and the prince.

The emperor is getting older and the prince is young and strong. No matter how close the father-son relationship was, it will become very delicate at this time. If you open the history books, you will find that there are not a few crown princes who have lost their positions because of this.

There is obviously a similar problem between Wei Su and Wei Ming. Although it is not serious, it has already begun to emerge, and it will deepen with time.

In Wei Chongrong's view, his uncle, the crown prince, has done a good enough job. He supervises the administration of the country but does not authorize power without authorization. Denial, among the emperor's many children, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is the most filial one. Wei Ming's actions are all considered from the perspective of Jiangshan and Jiji. At the same time, he also sees his position very clearly, and never shows the slightest intention to try to meddle in imperial power.

But the king's heart is unpredictable, especially the old emperor. When he looks at his successor, he will be very picky, and if he is not careful, he will be regarded as misbehaving.

Under such a background, if there are more people with intentions to provoke from the side, the situation will become very difficult to clean up. Wei Ming was very unfortunate. He met more than one group of "concerned people", and his father and son relationship with Wei Su ceased to exist.

With Wei Ming's character, he was not driven to a dead end, how could he embark on the road of rebellion. He had to go against it, because if he didn't go against it, he would only have a dead end. If he went against it, he still had a chance to survive.

In the second year of Wei Ming's death, Wei Su came to his senses that his son had been wronged. So, he made his own edict, he meditated on the uterus, and Xue Rui, the initiator of the witch-gu incident of his family's extermination, even said "I don't have a son" in front of Wei Yang.

It was these words that made Wei Yang resentful for a lifetime and repeatedly mentioned it in front of Wei Chongrong. Wei Chongrong was shocked and angry when he heard the words. You know, when Wei Su said that he "has no son anymore", in addition to Wei Xu, who died young, Wei Xiao, Wei Shi, Wei Yang...

Even Wei Zhao, who was far away in Fuyu, was still alive, but the emperor said that he "has no more sons". It can be seen from this that in Wei Su's heart, all his sons combined are no better than Wei Ming.

It's a pity that the emperor's awakening came too late, and his prince was no longer there.

If Wei Ming hadn't died, Wei Chongrong didn't think Wei Su would really forgive him for his treason, and he could only wish to get rid of him. Only when Wei Ming died would Wei Su be devastated and remember how good he used to be.

The ultimate conflict between the emperor and the prince is unsolvable. Wei Chongrong knows very well that he can't influence Wei Su's thoughts, and neither can Wei Zhao, but the valet around Wei Su who are obviously unfavorable to the East Palace, if they have the opportunity, they can start.

Up to now, the emperor has no tendency to distrust the prince - even if their father and son often confront each other due to different political opinions - otherwise, when he left the capital, Wei Su would not be so free and easy, and his defense against the prince came entirely from the emperor. instinct.

Wei Ming was born a crown prince—although he was not canonized at birth, but Ji Wan was already destined to be the crown prince after he was conferred because of his birth—since elementary school, the royal way was orthodox, and what he wanted was often Without opening his mouth, the emperor will have people ready and send it to him, asking for such a thing, the crown prince has never experienced it. Wei Ming has a gentle temperament, treats people kindly, and treats palace maids and maids. He will never put on a high air, and will never deliberately get close to or please someone. He does not have this awareness.

For other people in the palace, Wei Ming's attitude is no problem, but the people of Zichen Palace, because of the emperor's intentional selection, are rarely close to the East Palace, and because they have been serving the emperor for a long time, they always seem to be superior. Other nobles, who met them, were not polite, only the Crown Prince had an attitude that was too cold and obviously did not take them seriously.

It doesn't matter if this is the case alone. Who can hold a grudge against His Royal Highness because he is not polite to him. He is the prince and the future emperor. With this qualification, they don't need to think so far.

The same is true for Huangmenling Su Wen. Although he does not like the prince, he has not thought about what to do with him. Until his nephew committed an accident and fell into the hands of Luo Fu, Yin of Jingzhao House, and this Lord Luo, who happened to be the original Prince Shaozhan, had an excellent relationship with Wei Ming.

When Su Wen was young, his family was poor, his elder brother could not get a betrothal gift when he got married, and his widowed mother had no choice but to send him to the palace. Later, Su Wen's mother and brother died one after another, and his sister-in-law remarried, leaving behind a nephew. He always treated him as his own son. Because he had some face in front of the emperor, and his nephew was spoiled again, it was inevitable that some trouble would come out. In the past, those people looked at Su Wen's face and ignored his nephew, but Luo Fu was a stubborn one.

After being exiled for 3,000 miles, a few people can survive it, not to mention his pampered nephew, Su Wen, who wanted to reduce the sentence for his nephew, but unfortunately Luo Fu did not enter the oil and salt, and insisted on the original sentence.

Su Wen had no choice but to go to Wei Ming, hoping that he could say a few good words in front of Luo Fu, not to mention to avoid his nephew's punishment, at least move to a slightly closer place, and he can trust someone to take care of him.

Wei Ming is not someone who doesn't know the world. If the people around him are in trouble, as long as they are not out of line, he will definitely not ignore it. But Su Wen is Huangmenling and Wei Su's person. If he helps him, he will be suspected of attracting people. No matter how much his father trusts him, he will never hope that the people around him will all turn to the prince. Besides, Su Wen's nephew was only sentenced to five years in exile, which was not too long and his life was not in danger. With Luo Fu's dead brains, even if he greeted him, the sentence would not be reduced much, and it was meaningless, so he politely declined Su Wen. arts.

Su Wen couldn't ask for help, so he reluctantly sent his nephew on the road. His dissatisfaction with the prince naturally deepened. To make matters worse, in the second year of Su Wen's nephew's exile, the mine where he worked collapsed, and he was pinned down and died on the spot.

When the bad news came, Su Wen almost went crazy, that was the only seedling in his Su family. Since then, Su Wen has completely hated the prince. Whenever he has the opportunity, he will speak ill of the prince in front of the emperor, sometimes by himself, and sometimes by others.

The people in Zichen Palace are not close to the East Palace. In the past, no one took the lead, and everyone was scolded in their hearts. Now that Su Wen has started, the wind direction has gradually begun to change.

As the saying goes, everyone speaks of gold, and the accumulation of destruction destroys the bones. Wei Su has been away from the imperial city for a long time, and from time to time he can hear unfavorable statements about the prince. Even if he doesn't believe it, he will inevitably feel a little prickly in his heart.

Wei Chongrong is very familiar with the topography of Shanglin Garden. Every day in addition to studying and practicing martial arts, he wanders around the garden. Who makes Wei Su like to **** people from him, and calls Wei Zhao over to talk to him when he has something to do? People play with him.

As everyone knows, Su Wen and others are also very dissatisfied with this. In the past, the reason why they were able to call a deer a horse and confuse the public was because the prince and the emperor were far apart. What they said would never be passed on to the East Palace, and the prince didn't even have a chance to explain.

Now it is good, the emperor is catching Qin King in the study of Lin Guang Palace every day. They were servants and were not allowed to arbitrarily discuss political affairs, but the emperor's study was full of maps and sand tables. What he discussed with the King of Qin could be anything other than military affairs.

The biggest dispute between the emperor and the prince was the war in the north. The emperor fought the main battle and insisted on recovering all the lost land. The crown prince Zhuhe thought that Tie Le had retreated and that Fuyu was not a big threat. There were constant wars all year round, army conscription and tax increase were required. Neither of the two could convince the other, and when it came to war, they would freeze. Besides, family affairs and state affairs should not be confused, but the family affairs of the Tian family were not just state affairs. There were too many disputes, and it was impossible for them to have no effect on the relationship between father and son.

After all, the emperor said that "a son is not like a father". If the crown prince were to be replaced by someone else, it would be beneficial to them without any harm. would be worse.

The king of Qin was different from the crown prince. He used a knife and a gun since he was a child. He was thrown into the army camp by the emperor at the age of twelve. At the age of sixteen, he went to Fuyu and won the first battle. Although the story of being captured and giving birth to a child sounds unpleasant, the King of Qin and the Great Lord of Fuyu must have forged a relationship. He and the emperor have exactly the same views on the war in the north. It doesn't matter if they don't have a chance to speak ill of the prince again. King Qin's actions are to give the Donggong a good impression. Taking 10,000 steps back, he said that the King of Qin and the Crown Prince were not of one mind, or the Crown Prince was really dragged down by them. With the current degree of favor of the King of Qin, he would be the one who would be in the top position, not the fifth prince, Wei Shi, who had no mother and lost support. . In that case, these people are completely finished. The prince is gentle and will not settle personal grievances. The king of Qin is self-willed, and God knows what he will do.

After the emperor talked several times with King Qin Bingzhuye, Su Wen made a quick decision. He wanted to change his target and deal with King Qin first. However, Wei Zhao's kung fu is good and his temper is bad, he can't move, but his little wolf cub is easier to attack.

Wei Su didn't want to see Wei Chongrong. Everyone in the palace knew it. To what extent, he stayed with the King of Qin in Linguang Palace for dinner every day. For more than ten days in Shanglinyuan, he had not officially seen the emperor.

Moreover, Wei Chongrong is a mischievous person. He either climbs over walls or climbs trees all day long. He is not honest at all. Look for opportunities to be singled out.

There are many ponds in Shanglin Garden, more than a dozen large and small. Since it was built more than 200 years ago, many people have drowned. Winter is cold, the pool is slippery, and it is easy for children to slip and fall.

On this day, Wei Chongrong, wrapped in a white fox cloak, ran alone to the edge of the Kunming pond to look at the water. While watching and recalling, he and Junhua became familiar with this place.

Because Junhua hugged the puppy and got close to Wei Chongrong for the first time, he pushed him away. Wei Su was very angry and strictly forbid them to have any further contact. It was not until Wei Yang ascended the throne and Junhua became his companion that the two met again, and the relationship was not familiar.

Wei Yang was young and his power was down. He was not interested in living in Zichen Palace, so he often stayed in Shanglin Garden. Wei Chongrong and Junhua naturally followed him.

Wei Chongrong didn't know how Junhua fell into the water. Anyway, when he passed the Kunming Pool, he saw Junhua thumping hard in the water, and there was no one around. Without any hesitation, he took off his clothes and jumped down, knocking Junhua unconscious and scooping up.

At that time, Junhua was no longer conscious and could not breathe on his own. Wei Chongrong pressed his chest again, and helped him breathe in and out. After working for a long time, he woke him up.

As a result, Junhua woke up and gave him a palm, but fortunately it was soft and not too painful, then he hugged Wei Chongrong and started crying, crying very aggrieved.

How could Wei Chongrong coax people? He didn't know what to say when he hugged Jun Hua. Later, he found that his whole body was cold, so he came back to his senses, carried the soaked little guy back to his residence, boiled water, took a bath and changed his clothes.

For this reason, Junhua was still ill when he went back. After burning for three days, he had nightmares when he fell asleep. He desperately shouted "Daddy help", but he couldn't speak when he woke up, so he stared at Wei Chongrong with wet eyes. It looked like he was itchy.

Thinking of this, Wei Chongrong secretly made up his mind that when Junhua is born, he must teach him how to play with water, so that if he is thrown into the water again, he can save himself, and he doesn't have to struggle there in vain.

oh no...

The correct statement is that he must protect Junhua well and prevent him from being thrown into the water again. Of course, Fu Shui still had to learn, just in case, Wei Chongrong corrected the wrong idea in time.

Wei Chongrong has made up his mind and plans to continue shopping in another place. He has lived in Shanglin Garden for as long as in the palace, and there are countless places he has been to together with Junhua. Bring Junhua to play.

Although he was not sure that the last thing he saw in the dream was what happened after his death, but with Wei Chongrong's understanding of Junhua's character, this practice of burning jade and stone was in line with his style, and he could do such a thing .

In this way, he owes Junhua one more thing. More importantly, after he died, someone was willing to pay such a price to avenge him. In addition to being sad, Wei Chongrong was unspeakably proud. Maybe he really wasn't the most unlucky person.

Wei Chongrong was about to turn around and leave Kunming Chi when someone suddenly hugged him from behind. Then someone blindfolded his eyes and covered his mouth, and then lifted him up in the air one after the other. .

Just as Wei Chongrong was about to struggle, he heard the voice of the person behind him speak in confusion: "I don't know what Eunuch Su means, this little wild breed, he doesn't enter the eyes of His Majesty at all."

"Isn't that true..." The person in front echoed: "King Qin accompanies the driver every day, but he can't even see His Majesty's face. His Majesty left King Qin to eat, not to mention calling him, and he didn't even give him food. It's as if he doesn't exist, tsk tsk..."

Wei Chongrong's hands and feet were being held apart. He had to struggle, but he might not be able to break free, but after listening to the conversation between the two little eunuchs, his mind turned so fast that he didn't want to escape easily.

Eunuch Su, it should be Su Wen, when did he get in his way, and he was about to start so soon, and the two people who were carrying out the task, did they think he was dead and dare to say anything? Not afraid that he escaped to identify them...

Sure enough, the little **** in the back continued: "Let's go quickly and find a quiet corner to throw people down and finish things." After speaking, the two quickened their pace.

I saw them turn every three steps and every five steps, trying to find a route that no one saw, and soon turned to the back of a rockery. The two stopped, and one of them sighed: "Xiao Yezhong is really heavy, and it's exhausting."

Another hurriedly said: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and throw people out, this place is remote, he is calling for help, and no one can hear him." Said the two of them joined forces and threw Wei Chongrong out.

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