MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1063 what parts

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  Chapter 1063 What parts

  After finishing the matter, Zhang Lan didn't stay long, and hurried back to work in his father's car.

  As soon as she entered the office, a middle-aged lady sitting opposite her smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, I really made you guess. Not long after you finished calling just now, your guy called."

  Zhang Lan smiled bitterly.

   Sure enough, after last night's discount, she and Liu Aiguo are already in different dreams.

  Zhang Lan gave a dry laugh, and perfunctory with the elder sister.

   After sitting on the desk for a while, he reached out to pick up the phone and dialed it.


  The phone was connected, and Zhang Lan took a deep breath and said, "Patriotic, I ran an interview just now... Well, I know, that... You said that thing yesterday... I agreed..."

   At the same time, on Du Fei's side, after Zhang Lan left, Zhu Ting couldn't help feeling scared for a while.

   Fortunately, Zhang Lan was not stupid, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

  Du Fei comforted her a few words, but his heart was already murdered, but now is not the time.

   It's not him who is making the trade this time. From now on, his actions must cooperate with Zhu's father.

  Patting Zhu Ting's little hand, Du Fei got up and went to make a phone call: "Hey, Dad~ Zhang Lan came just now... yes... ok, I understand, don't worry..."

   Two minutes later, Du Fei pursed his lips and put down the phone.

  According to Du Fei's personality, in China, if you behave properly, I will behave accordingly.

   But if you don’t follow the rules, why don’t we all follow the rules.

  You can poison me, and I can do it without anyone noticing, so that these two rams don't know how to die.

  But Director Wen is also involved behind the scenes.

  Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, although Zhu's father didn't say what method to use, but it should be sure to see what it means.

  Du Fei must give priority to cooperating with Dad Zhu's actions.

   What Dad Zhu asked him to do now is to follow his plan and wait for the opportunity.

  As the old saying goes, if you want to destroy a person, you must first make him crazy.

  Based on Director Wen's foundation and position, if there are no major mistakes, even if Dad Zhu makes a move, it will be difficult to kill him in one blow.

   So, now have to wait until they make a bigger mistake.

  Du Fei had an intuition that this time Shen Bo would probably dig a big hole that pierced the sky.

   As for who was buried in the end, it's not what they say.

   A few days later, news spread that Zhu Ting and her child were sick and hospitalized.

  Du Fei was at work and rushed out immediately after receiving the call.

   The other people in the fire equipment company didn't know it, and really thought that something happened to Zhu Ting and Xiao Zhengze.

  Especially Zhu Li, believing it was true, rushed to the hospital with Du Fei.

  Sitting in the sidecar of the motorcycle, Zhu Li looked at Du Fei's profile with complicated eyes.

  No matter how annoyed I am, I have to admit that this man looks really energetic.

   Too bad it's a jerk.

  A few days ago, Zhu Li made an appointment with Yu Jiajia to make dumplings at home on Sunday.

  Yesterday was Sunday.

  She came to the door with a box of snacks that children love.

   This is Zhu Li's first visit to Yu Jiajia's residence, and it is not far from the courtyard where she lives.

   You don’t need to ride a bicycle, you can get there in just over ten minutes.

  However, Zhu Li didn't expect that when she entered the hospital, she saw an old enemy!

  On the sun field in the yard, Xiao Wu Nahuo was lazily basking in the sun with his eyes squinted.

  Julie didn't like furry things since she was a child. Later, she moved to Du Fei's original house. Xiao Wu regarded it as her own home, and went there every now and then.

   Zhu Li knew that after Zhu Ting became pregnant, Du Fei sent Xiao Wu to foster care.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be here with Jiajia!

   Zhu Li even suspected that the relationship between Du Fei and Yu Jiajia was unusual.

  When I saw Yu Jiajia and asked, I realized that Xiaowu was not raised by Yu Jiajia, but by Du Fei, the landlord here, Wang Yufen.

  Julie looked dazed, why is there another Wang Yufen?

  At this time, Wang Yufen came back from shopping.

  Yu Jiajia rarely asked her colleagues to come to her home, and Wang Yufen was quite enthusiastic.

  Knowing that I need to make dumplings, I went to buy beef and celery as soon as I got up in the morning.

  Come back from Xiangjiang this time, Ci Xin and Ding Sitian moved out from here.

  Wang Yufen and Yu Jiajia were left with the little grapes, and the people who came were also lively.

  However, Zhu Li's heart shuddered when she saw Wang Yufen.

  Wang Yufen actually felt similar to Zhu Ting and Qin Huairou.

  Julie was surprised, but couldn't help but wonder if she made a mistake.

  Du Fei has more than one woman outside?

   But if it was just a coincidence, how would Xiao Wu explain it?

  Thinking of this, Julie couldn't help but secretly gritted her teeth.

  Du Fei, who kills thousands of knives, why can any other woman do it, but she wants to take advantage of it, so she just pushes back?

   It's so deceiving!

  The more Zhu Li thought about it, the angrier she became, and she wished she could grab a **** and put it on Du Fei's face.

  But on the surface, he remained calm, and still had a little luck in his heart, what if he made a mistake~

   As a result, I started talking to Wang Yufen, and I didn't even get angry.

  You want both Qin Huai and Wang Yufen, if you co-author it, don’t treat yourself as a widow!

  Zhu Li resisted and spent most of the day with Wang Yufen and Yu Jiajia.

  Although she felt suffocated, after getting to know each other, she couldn't help but sympathize with Wang Yufen's experience.

  Marry a man who doesn't love her, and that man actually wants her life!

  Although Wang Yufen mentioned it, Zhu Li could guess that it was Du Fei who saved her.

  In comparison, she and Yu Jiajia are much luckier than Wang Yufen.

  Yu Jiajia's man is cheating, but at least he was chosen by himself, and he has loved him before.

   Not to mention Zhu Li and Liu Jingwen, if they hadn't had no children, they would never have separated.

   Waiting until the afternoon, Zhu Li left and came out, thinking as she walked home, she must ask Du Fei well tomorrow.

  Why is it that other women can do it, but she just pushes it back and forth.

  However, she didn't expect that when she arrived at work the next day, just as she was getting ready to find Du Fei, something happened to Zhu Ting.

  Sitting on the motorcycle, Julie could not help but sigh.

  It is obviously inappropriate to talk about her at this time, so I can only hold back for the time being.

  Du Fei and Zhu Li rushed to the hospital, and Zhu Ting was already hospitalized.

   is a single ward on the fourth floor, and Xiao Zhengze was also brought here.

   "Xiao Ting, are you all right?" Zhu Li didn't know, thinking that Zhu Ting and the child were really sick.

   But the voice fell, and Zhu Ting's face was rosy, and she didn't look like a patient at all.

  In addition, Du Fei was yelling anxiously in the unit just now, but he relaxed when he was in the ward.

  Julie sensed something was wrong, and her eyes lingered on the two of them.

  Zhu Ting chuckled: "Second Sister, I'm fine, I think you're in a hurry."

  Zhu Lisong breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the child on the crib next to him, and asked, "Is the baby okay?"

  Zhu Ting said: "Don't worry, everything is fine."

  Julie blinked her eyes, and said suspiciously: "Damn girl, where did you sing this? Do you know, I'm so anxious!"

  Zhu Ting glanced at Du Fei: "It's not my fault, it's all his bad idea."

   Du Fei curled his lips, thinking why didn't you say it was your father's meaning~

  No way, sometimes the father-in-law’s fault has to be the son-in-law’s fault.

  Du Fei chuckled and didn't explain.

  Julie still didn't understand, she was already angry in her heart, and she gave Du Fei a hard look: "Tell me, what's going on?"

  Du Fei said: "Second Sister, don't ask about the specifics. Anyway, you will treat Xiao Ting and his wife as sick. From now on, you will take care of them more. If anyone asks, just say it's serious."

  Julie's reaction was not slow, and she could hear something tricky here.

   But Du Fei didn't intend to say more, so he didn't ask any more questions.

   At the same time, in Liu Aiguo's office.

  His eyes could not contain the excitement.

   Just now, he just received the news that Zhu Ting was sent to the hospital.

   Immediately picked up the phone and dialed out: "Hey, brother Shen, it's done! Zhu Ting is hospitalized."

  Shen Bo on the phone frowned. He told Liu Aiguo earlier, don't call if you have nothing to do.

  In his eyes, Liu Aiguo has never been an equal partner, but cannon fodder that can be parted at any time.

  So he was very careful in contact with Liu Aiguo before.

   But at this moment, upon hearing that Zhu Ting was hospitalized, Shen Bo couldn't care less about anything else, and immediately stood up from his chair, shouted "Okay", and then said, "Let's go according to the original plan."

   Liu Aiguo responded immediately, and wanted to say a few more words, but Shen Bo hung up.

  Early the next morning, two unexpected guests came from the fire equipment company.

  Two middle-aged men wearing glasses and carrying briefcases came to the front yard of the company.

  Being stopped for interrogation, one of the elders pushed his eyes and said politely: "Hi, Comrade, I'm looking for you, Manager Du, and Comrade Wang Dongming introduced you."

   After a while, Zhang Wenzhong came out of the office.

   Now that Du Fei is not here, he is responsible for the reception.

  Zhang Wenzhong is an old fried dough stick, and he looks very enthusiastic: "Two comrades, I don't know what unit you work for?"

  The two men took out a letter of introduction: "Comrade, this is our letter of introduction. That's right, last time Comrade Wang Dongming commissioned your company to manufacture a batch of parts..."

  Zhang Wenzhong nodded, knowing this.

  The man continued: "We are here this time, just like last time, hoping to process a batch of parts..."

   Zhang Wenzhong frowned after listening.

  He has no right to decide this kind of thing, he must report it to Du Fei.

   "Two comrades, I'm very sorry. Our leaders are not at home today. I can't make up my mind about your matter. How go back first?"

  The two of them quit, saying many reasons and asking Zhang Wenzhong for help.

  Zhang Wenzhong looked embarrassed, and finally agreed to call to ask.

  Letting those two people wait in the reception room, Zhang Wenzhong quickly returned to the office to call Du Fei.

   After only two rings, Du Fei picked it up.

  Since Zhu Ting and his wife are ill, Du Fei will definitely take care of them in the hospital, not the fire equipment company.

   In fact, they are all deceiving ghosts.

  In the ward, Zhu Ting and Zhu Li were playing with the children.

  Not far from the hospital office, Du Fei waited for news by watching the phone.

  Since the distraction against him has been accomplished, the other party will definitely take the opportunity to do something wrong.

  After hearing what Zhang Wenzhong said, Du Fei was sure that these two people were sent by Shen Bo.

   I am also more curious, what kind of parts are they going to process, is it really that important?

  Let them feel that tampering with this can be a breakthrough to attack the Zhu family.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion