MTL - Rebirth of the Flying Era-Chapter 1064 There is an ambush

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  Chapter 1064 There is an ambush

  After talking on the phone with Du Fei, Zhang Wenzhong returned to the reception room, and perfunctory with those two people for a while, and finally took the blueprint they brought.

   At night, Du Fei received a call from Factory 8270 in the hospital.

   It was Director Yang who called: "Manager, I have confirmed is an important part of the Changzheng rocket!"

  Du Fei leaned on the chair and didn't respond for a long time.

  Although they had already guessed that Shen Bo and his gang failed to achieve their goals and did everything they could.

   But he still didn't expect to dare to fight for the Rockets.

   But counting the days, it seems to be right.

  In the first half of next year, the Changzheng-1 rocket will launch the first artificial satellite of Huahua into space.

  Shen Bo and his gang are really daring!

   "Manager?" Director Yang asked after waiting for a while.

  Du Fei came back to his senses: "I see, you don't want to startle the enemy in the factory, just process normally according to the drawings they gave... Keep an eye on the people who are working."

  Director Yang understood what Du Fei meant and immediately reassured him.

   Factory Manager Yang is very scheming. Although Du Fei didn't explain it to him, he can guess from Du Fei's arrangement that something is going on here.

   It is a matter of two bombs and one satellite, which is no small matter.

  Du Fei specially added a sentence at the end, asking him to stare at the workers, he didn't just say it casually.

  For Shen Bo's plan to succeed, he must have an insider.

  Now he has dug the hole big enough, but if he wants to kill Du Fei completely, he has to get involved even more, just this is not enough.

  He has to make a bigger **** bowl to buckle down.

   Du Fei stinks so badly that he can no longer stand up.

   Otherwise, even if the part is wrong, it is only a technical problem.

   This matter must be put on the line, vandalism, wolf ambition, will be more lethal.

   To do this, there must be the cooperation of the ghost.

   Ending the call, Du Fei's face was a little ugly. He picked up the receiver again and called Dad Zhu: "Hey, Dad, it's the Long March's been confirmed...I understand...I understand...OK..."

   After finishing the phone call, Du Fei let out a long breath.

   Lean on the back of the chair, close your eyes, and synchronize your vision.

  In the next moment, suddenly, a small hairy head appeared in Du Fei's field of vision, which was Xiao Hui who was arranged in Shen Bo's office.

  At this time, Xiaohui was lying on the ceiling, Du Fei thought to let it look down.

  Xiao Hui immediately came to a hole in the corner and probed down.

  Du Fei adjusted the angle of view, and Shen Bo below was quite comfortable, with a smile on his face, as if he was holding a winning ticket, standing by the window, pinching a freshly lit brown cigar, he seemed to be in a very comfortable mood at this time.

  Du Fei let out a "hum" and cut off his vision.

   got up and went to the ward not far away.

  Xiao Zhengze had just finished eating and was fast asleep.

   Zhu Ting and Zhu Li sat and chatted.

   Seeing Du Fei coming in, the two stopped.

  Zhu Ting called out "Xiaofei".

  Du Fei smiled and reassured them, and the next step was to wait patiently.

  Three days later, the parts processed by the 8270 factory were delivered, and the other party also left along with the drawings they had brought.

  But he didn't know that Du Fei had defended against him early and left the original blueprint, but only the copy was returned.

   Only one day later, Shen Bo started to do it.

  Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

  Shen Bo thinks he has a well-planned plan, but he doesn't know that his every move is under the surveillance of Du Fei.

  The night before, I tossed all night, gathered people, and made plans.

  Du Fei knew that he was going to attack today.

   It was less than eight o'clock, and Du Fei was already sitting in the office.

  There are also Wang Dacheng and Wang Bin in the room.

  Wang Dacheng had a smile on his face, although he tried his best to restrain himself, he still couldn't hide his excitement.

  Shen Bo was preparing last night, and Du Fei was also not idle.

  Call Wang Dacheng and Jiang Donglai.

   Now there is no need to hide it, tell them the situation directly, and ask the two of them if they dare to come.

  Wang Dacheng and Jiang Donglai are not stupid, this is a golden opportunity.

  This time, it's not just to help Du Fei, but there is a bigger situation behind it.

  After the matter is done, he will be the one to register in front of Dad Zhu.

  Du Fei said politely, and asked the two of them to help.

   In fact, it is to remind them.

  Jiang Donglai has been working in the security department of the rolling mill for so many years, and he has long been holding back his energy.

  Although he helped Du Fei do a few things in the past two years, they were all small and silent.

  This time he finally seized the opportunity, and immediately patted his chest to promise.

  In comparison, Wang Dacheng has a closer relationship with Du Fei, but he is not so excited.

  At this time, Jiang Donglaixing hurried in from the outside, and said with a smile, "Manager Du, all my people have arrived. There are thirty people in total, and they are all reliable. They will definitely dare to strike at critical times."

  Du Fei smiled, and said to Wang Bin next to him: "Old Wang, you and Lao Jiang shoot the gun."

  Wang Bin nodded. He and Du Fei are in a relationship that both prospers and harms each other.

  Du Fei is really going to collapse, there are no eggs under the overturned nest.

   Waiting for the two to go out, Wang Dacheng took out his pistol to check.

  He has a very important task today.

  Jiang Donglai and Wang Bin came out, called six people to the front yard, and then went to the warehouse in the back yard.

   This is a room that was just cleared out yesterday, and there are more than a dozen green wooden boxes stacked against the wall.

   It was just shipped from the 8270 factory yesterday. There are six in a box, brand new 56 automatic rifles.

  Wang Bin opened the box, and Jiang Donglai couldn't help but "Fuck" when he saw it.

  Du Fei asked him to get a gun. He thought he would be done with a few pistols, but he didn't expect it to be this one!

   But Wang Bin's words made him calm down immediately.

   "Old Jiang, the manager said, just in case, only guns are fired, but no bullets, and bayonets can be used when necessary."

  Jiang Donglai nodded, swallowing subconsciously.

   These guys are enough to bluff people, there is really no need to fire bullets.

  The people under him are good and bad, and it would be a bad thing if a gun goes off.

  As for an extreme situation, the military thorn hanging on the muzzle at close range is enough to solve the problem.

   Nine thirty in the morning.

  Two trucks with canvas sheds parked outside the gate one after the other.

  Many people jumped out of the car in a swarm.

  Shen Bo got down from the co-pilot of the first car with a serious face, his eyes are a bit dazzling today.

  He glanced up subconsciously, and a few crows circled around, making him frown slightly.

   Immediately looked at the gate a few meters away, without saying a word, just waved his hand and led people in.

  The usual guard was not there, and the courtyard was empty, and no one was seen.

  Shen Bo frowned, faintly feeling that something was wrong, why is there no one?

   But this kind of thought was just a flash, and he suppressed it.

  He thought he was sure of winning.

   That's what his uncle did at the beginning, but now he just repeats it.

  Holding the excuse in his hand, the next step is to grab Du Fei and discipline him so hard to speak.

  Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  However, the situation suddenly changed at the next moment.

  The door of the main room in the front yard suddenly opened.

  Du Fei was wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit and polished three-jointed leather shoes, making him look more mature and stable than his real age.

  Beside him are Wang Dacheng and Wang Bin.

  Beside him was Zhang Wenzhong, holding a broken iron basin in his hand, and threw it down the steps with a raised hand.

   There was a "bang" sound.

  In ancient times, there was a name of throwing a cup, but now there is a name of throwing a basin.

  Suddenly, the doors of the left and right wing rooms opened at the same time, and seven or eight ferocious men rushed out of each of them.

  More than a dozen people also poured out of the moon gate in the middle courtyard. Jiang Donglai personally led the team and stood in front of Du Fei, forming a three-sided encirclement.

  Shen Bo was stunned suddenly, and immediately realized that there was an ambush!

  His mind went blank, this situation was totally out of his plan.

  The group of people behind him also panicked.

  No one is blind. When they saw the group of people rushing out with guns in their hands, some of them immediately turned around and ran out.

  Unexpectedly, there was a sound of "bang", and there were actually two people hiding behind the door, they slammed the door shut and bolted it.

  The gang of mobs were only focused on rushing in, and no one paid attention to the way back.

   This time it really became a turtle in an urn.

  Du Fei stood on the steps in front of the house, looking down at Shen Bo from a high position, but he was somewhat dispirited.

  I thought he was a king, but he turned out to be a war scum.

  Shen Bo may be a passable conspirator.

  But the last blow created a row that was not even as good as Li Zhiming back then.

   Originally, Du Fei was going to say a few words, but now he didn't bother to waste his saliva, he waved his hand directly, and said indifferently: "Everyone else has been arrested, they picked quarrels and caused trouble, and sent them to the police station."

   "I see who would dare!" Shen Bo finally came back to his senses and screamed violently: "What are you trying to do! Are you rebelling? I am Feng..."

   Du Fei frowned, too lazy to listen to his croaking, and directly glanced at Wang Dacheng.

  Wang Dacheng understood immediately, he was ready for a long time, without hesitation, he drew his gun, took aim, and pulled the trigger, all in one go.

   There was a "bang" gunshot.

  Shen Bo let out a scream of "Oops", and immediately fell to the ground clutching his thigh.

   This is the greatest effect of Wang Dacheng's presence.

   Others can't shoot, but he can.

   To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, first capture the king.

   With one shot, the scene was calmed down, and the last bit of spirit of Shen Bo and his gang was knocked out.

  There is no suspense next, a few people came out with the hemp rope prepared in advance and tied the people into a string.

   Except for a few of Shen Bo's confidantes, everyone else was turned away to the police station.

   At this time, the overall situation was settled, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  Speaking of which, before the event, everyone except Du Fei was a little worried.

   After all, this matter is not trivial, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

  Including Wang Dacheng, Jiang Donglai, Zhang Wenzhong, Du Fei's diehards, were not as calm as they appeared.

  Especially Wang and Jiang, they are all ready to fight a tough battle.

  Jiang Donglai has been on the battlefield, and Wang Dacheng has also killed many criminals over the years, and he will definitely be able to kill at critical times.

  However, what they didn't expect was that the other party looked menacing, but it turned out to be a silver-like gunhead.

  The battle was over before it even started.

  At this time, someone lifted Shen Bo up, and he yelled "Ai Ai" in pain from the gunshot wound on his leg.

  Du Fei came down from the steps, glanced at the blood-stained trouser legs, and said to the side, "Stop the bleeding, don't die at our house."

  The voice fell, and someone immediately shouted: "Brother Du, I will stop the bleeding!"

  (end of this chapter)

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