MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2618 Meet the Holy King

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Pushing open the purple-gold door, an upward and a downward staircase appeared in front of him. Lu Yang was a little unsure.

"Up or down?" Lu Yang asked.

Malthus said: "According to the planning method of the palace, the library should be in the area near the top floor. Go to the top floor to see where we are."

"Agree." Blazing Demon God and the First Prince said together.

Lu Yang nodded. He also wanted to see where he was. He ran up the spiral staircase quickly. After a while, he came to the top of the building. Looking down, he was with the turbid wine, the blazing devil and the others. All sighed.

Their location is in the middle of the palace. If they jumped down and ran on the grass, it would be no different from running on the street without clothes on. If the Holy King looked out from above, he could see Lu Yang, a conspicuous man. Target.

Everyone was a little confused, and no one knew what to do, but Lu Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Trust me, let's fight once, the chance of survival from jumping from here must be greater than the chance of walking inside. "

"Why?" The three gods were a little curious.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I'll bet that the mirror formation I just experienced should be the easiest formation here, but it should be the most difficult for other god-king orders or main **** orders. In other words, that formation is actually the last formation to protect the privacy of the Holy King, everyone agrees."

The crowd nodded.

Lu Yang went on to say: "Since this formation is the strongest formation for the god-king rank, then each of the previous formations will not be below the god-king rank, let me face other god-king rank. I can't pass the formation."

The Blazing Demon God said: "Since walking through the passage is inevitable, the only way to survive is the one in front of you, isn't it?"

"Then let's go, it's better than dying in the formation. At least one glance at the Holy King, knowing what happened to him is not a waste of death." The eldest prince said.

"Agree." Malthus said together with the maiden wine.

Lu Yang and Zhuojiu jumped and jumped to the platform under the minaret, followed by two consecutive jumps, and landed on the grass. The two of them looked left and right, but did not find the existence of the Holy King or any other creatures, so they trotted all the way. Came to the entrance of the palace.

In front of a huge pool, on a sacred platform with a height of about two meters, the two saw the Book of Holy Light.

"Go and get it back." Lu Yang said to the turbid wine beside him.

"Yeah." Turbid wine was a little excited and walked towards the Book of Holy Light, but just as he was about to touch it, a peaceful voice sounded.

"Young man, what are you going to do?" An old man walked out of the Holy Light and stood on the altar behind the Book of Holy Light with a smile, staring at the turbid wine.

"Holy King?!" Blazing Demon God, Malthus, and the eldest prince flew out at the same time, bowing respectfully to the old man in front of him!

No matter what era the powerhouse is, the legend of the holy king is worthy of their respect, not to mention the three people in front of them have all received some favors from the holy king.

"Magic God of Blazing Flames? I have heard your legend, First Prince, greet your father for me." The Holy King said to them both with a smile.

"You, you... sigh, we are both like this, and there is no such thing as a legend." Blazing Flame Demon God said with emotion.

"My father died in battle thousands of years ago." The eldest prince said with emotion.

The ancient gods have fallen one by one, and even the holy king who was admired by countless races has become what he is today.

The era that belongs to them seems to have really passed!

There was a trace of compassion on the face of the holy king, and he said: "We are originally an elves in this world. Under the guidance of unknown forces, we have bodies and minds. Now they return to the world, don't be sad, this is all we have. The end of life."

Everyone was a little stunned. Whoever said that the Holy King was enchanted, the words he said casually were the truth of heaven and earth, which was enough to heal the pain of many people.

"Holy King, why are you trapped in this place, what's the matter with you?" Malthus said excitedly. When he was a newly born Holy Light Spirit, he had been listening to the teachings of the Holy King, so, He is the most nervous.

The Holy King smiled and looked at Malthus, and said, "You are finally here. I have waited for you for thousands of years."

"Wait for me?" Malthus was a little confused.

The Holy King said: "To be precise, it is waiting for you and the people who are possessed by you. Only the two of you are qualified to inherit my mantle."

"You, what the **** is going on with you?" Malthus was even more confused.

The Holy King felt a little emotional. Just when he was about to say something, suddenly, bursts of black light appeared from his body, and the Holy King was dyed black.

"Holy King! Don't you surrender? You are born with eight evil thoughts. No matter how close you are to the Holy Light, you will always be the dark side of the light. You belong to us." Eight voices came out of the Holy King's body at the same time. out.

"No, the Holy King is going to be contaminated by evil thoughts." Blazing Flame Demon God said excitedly.

"Let's go, I'll stay." Malthus's body erupted with a blazing divine light, which was injected into the Holy King's body to fight against the black light.

Zhuojiu glanced at Lu Yang, and although he didn't say a word, Lu Yang already knew what he meant, nodded and said, "Do what you should do."

"Thank you, boss." Turbid wine walked to Malthus's side and said, "It is attached to my body, and we will fight together."

"Are you sure you're not leaving?" Malthus asked with a smile.

"Don't go, the warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood have never left their companions to escape alone." Muddy wine said solemnly.

"Okay, then let's die together, for the holy king!" Malthus ignited his body, and an unprecedented light burst into the body of the turbid wine, and then, with the body of the turbid wine as the center, shined on the holy king. body of.

"Malthus, you are crazy." Blazing Demon God said excitedly: "The damage you have suffered is irreversible. You are still an elemental body, and you haven't turned into a real **** yet."

"It doesn't matter, the Holy King has grace with me, and I must save him." Malthus continued to burst out the holy light and said, "Maybe I can't do it, but I did my best, not to mention that it is accompanied by turbid wine, which has With a noble moral character, I firmly believe that only such a person can resist the spiritual damage of the Eight Extraterrestrial Demon Kings."

While the violent holy light ignited Malthus' body, it also reflected the noble character of the maiden wine and injected it into the body of the Holy King.

"Ah! I don't believe that there are such creatures in this world, this is impossible!" The eight voices screamed and wailed at the same time, as if there was something restraining them. Crazy eating away at their bodies.

The black light was finally suppressed by the holy light and gradually retreated into the holy king's body. In the end, the light in the holy king's body also returned to gold, but the holy king's body trembled violently.

"Holy King, are you alright?" Malthus asked excitedly.

"Hurry up, take the Book of Holy Light and hurry up." The Holy King said excitedly.

"You, you..." Malthus was also in extreme weakness, but he still obeyed the order of the Holy King, walked to the altar with the turbid wine, and picked up the Book of Holy Light.

An extremely unstable golden teleportation formation appeared, as if it was about to collapse in the next second, Lu Yang hurriedly jumped in with the turbid wine.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang and Zhuojiu appeared outside the gate, and without hesitation, he pulled out the thorn and placed it in the Demon Temple.

"Roar!" The Holy King suddenly ran wild, and the whole person turned into a 100-meter-high ape-like monster. Eight extra heads grew out of his shoulders, each of which was so weird.

"Your Majesty, I wrongly blamed you, please forgive me." The Blazing Demon God bowed respectfully to the Holy King's demonic interest.

The first prince did the same, which made Lu Yang a little curious and asked, "What happened, tell me two, I'm so anxious."

The Blazing Demon God sighed and said, "Saint King Dayi, he has locked the souls of the eight great demon kings outside the realm in his body. From now on, the eight great demon kings can only live in his body and can't get out again."

"Hey!" Lu Yang sucked in a breath of cold air, and he bowed deeply to the Holy King. To be able to do this can only be said to be benevolent and righteous.