MTL - Rebirth of Wild Fire-Chapter 2619 Lu Xuan was born

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"I'm going to kill everything!" The demonized holy king was completely insane. After discovering Lu Yang and others, the nine heads simultaneously released the law and spells, but they disappeared without a trace as soon as they touched the flame door.

The entire planet of Vulcan is injecting energy into this cage, and the laws released by the Demonized Saint King and his eight Demon King heads cannot be shaken at all.


The demonized holy king was furious and punched on the cage. His arm was instantly burned to ashes by the flames. Under the severe pain, the demonized holy king retreated again and again, and then his arm grew out.

"This is the final thought of the Holy King." Malthus only had half of his body left beside Lu Yang and said, "He can recover indefinitely, and these eight demon kings will never be able to escape."

"Are you okay?" Lu Yang asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. The Book of Holy Light contains energy that can repair my body. This is left to me by the Holy King. Let's go. I need to study the Book of Holy Light." Malthus said excitedly.

Glittering gold.

Lu Yang, the Blazing Demon God, the First Prince and Zhuojiu were teleported back to the underground cave in the polar region.

"Come back so soon?" Xia Yuwei just settled everyone.

Lu Yang nodded, let out a long breath, and said, "I almost can't come back, how is my family?"

"The elemental storm outside is more violent. Li Mao and the others found that the surrounding fortresses have closed their city gates, and no longer accept and allow people outside the city to enter and leave." Xia Yuwei said.

"What about the others?" Lu Yang asked.

"All the non-elemental ones went to the Ancient Protoss to practice." Xia Yuwei said.

Lu Yang took out a large amount of Soul Orbs from the Demon Temple and handed them over to Xia Yuwei and said, "Let the brothers in the element system go to practice."

"Yeah." Xia Yuwei put away the Soul Pearl and left.

"I'm going to study the Book of Holy Light, don't look for the two of us in the short term." Malthus led the maiden to a separate cave.

Lu Yang stood alone and said with some emotion: "It seems that we can enjoy a period of time without foreign invasion."

"You should also accompany Lan Yu well, she is about to give birth to a child." Blazing Demon God said.

In the Demon Temple, Lan Yu had been pregnant for more than nine months. Seeing that the child was about to be born, Lu Yang nodded. He is an incompetent husband, and he has never had time to care about his child.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang returned to the Devil's Temple. For the next month, he accompanied Lan Yu until his child was born, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Son, choose a name." Lan Yu happily hugged the child in her arms.

The little guy didn't cry, but stared at Lu Yang, the Blazing Demon God and the eldest prince with two big bright eyes.

"The little guy has the courage to see that we are not afraid at all!" The Blazing Demon God said with a big laugh.

"I see what you are afraid of." The eldest prince said with a contemptuous smile.

Lu Yang laughed a little and said, "Let's call him Lu Xuan. Dad, I don't ask him to participate in the war when he grows up. I only hope that he will grow into a dignified man."

"Hey, that's not up to you." The Blazing Demon God transformed into a physical form, turned into an old man, took Lu Xuan from Lan Yu, and said dotingly, "This kid," this kid was born with my Blazing Flame The dual bloodlines of the Demon God and the Moon God, as well as the bloodline of the God Flame Demon God, were born in this polar region, and I am afraid that the strength in the future will far exceed yours. "

"Really?" Lu Yang shook his head with a smile.

"He's right, you won't be able to beat your son in the future." The eldest prince said rudely.

Lan Yu has always had a bad impression of the eldest prince. She feels that this person is always rude when he talks, but she feels that she likes to listen to what she said, and said with a smile: "Then let the two teach you, surpassing his father."

The first prince touched his chin and said, "This is quite interesting, I can try it."

"It must be taught by me." A ray of divine light emerged from the body of the Blazing Demon God and injected into Lu Xuan's body, and said, "My little apprentice, bless you for the master."

"And my blessing." A divine light emerged from the Moon God's body and injected it into Lu Xuan's body.

"And me." Malthus also injected a beam of holy light. Now Malthus can no longer be called a holy light elf. His body is becoming more and more substantial, and he is about to transform into a god.

The turbid wine has made rapid progress in this month, reaching the peak of the quasi-god, and it is only a matter of three or two days from breaking through to the next god.

"Although I don't have the ability to give blessings, I will give this child a weapon no less than the Divine Phoenix Warhammer when he is an adult." The eldest prince said with a smile.

"What weapon?" The Blazing Demon God asked.

"The weapon my father gave me," said the eldest prince.

"Damn it!" The Blazing Demon God rolled his eyes and said, "You're going too far. The weapon you gave him to the God King at the age of 16, can he take it?"

"It wasn't used when I was at my peak. UU Reading was given to me by my father when I was a young adult, and it was always hidden in the treasure house by me." The eldest prince rolled his eyes.

Lu Yang smiled silently as he watched the two fighting, and gently took the child in his arms and said softly, "I hope that when you grow up in the future, there will be no more wars in this world, and you will no longer have to experience this world. It's hard to cry."

Aigulie came over from a distance with a smile and said, "Let me also send a blessing, but the war will not stop."

A tan light entered Lu Xuan's body, and Aigulie said, "In the future, your child will be protected by the earth, and this world will not take the initiative to extract his power."

"Thank you." Lu Yang said gratefully, this is more valuable than any gift.

"Prepare to go out with me, maybe we have to face a new war." Aigulie said.

"An enemy is coming?" Lu Yang was a little surprised.

Aigulie was a little helpless and said: "There are several god-level void mother insects falling from the void, and they are not afraid of the power of the earth, and they go underground to continuously produce void sickle bugs. I am afraid we will face a fierce battle. already."

So far, the biggest psychological shadow area for Lu Yang is the Void Mother Insect. This thing is too weird. The insects produced are one order lower than their own. Void scythe bugs are all at the level of the upper gods, but what does not correspond to them is the number.

There are only so many high-level gods in the entire other world, and there are more high-level gods produced by a void mother worm than the entire other world.

"You can't let him give birth at will, you have to kill them." Lu Yang said, "I'll go see what's going on with you first."

"Let's go." Aigulie was also a little worried, and he didn't want to fight with the Void Mother Worm, it was too much of a disadvantage.

Read The Duke's Passion