MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 161 You have to understand me

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Bai Yihan and Mu Jingyuan carefully studied the dialogue with him and concluded that he is not interested in other things except writing, has low requirements on material and quality of life, and has low emotional intelligence and passive personality. It is not like a person who will be desperate and unscrupulous for love. The more he contacts, the more certain Bai Yihan is. The crimes of the past lives that are detained on him must be tricky.

Chen Hong’s work was very efficient. On the third night, the information of Nanshan was sent over.

It turns out that Nanshan is the illegitimate son of Chujiachu Fangming. Although Chu can't compare with the five people in Huacheng, it is also a big family. Chu Fangming is the second child of Chu, because he married the daughter of Qijia. With the help of Qi family, he squeezed out his big brother and became a homeowner. Nanshan’s mother was an orphan girl named Xu Jinwei. When her parents went abroad to work, they died because of a plane crash. They both gave her a house and a large insurance. Kim, she is a school tyrant, majoring in literature, looks sweet and sweet, and people are intellectual. When Chu Fangming was young, she fell in love with her at first sight and enthusiastically pursued her. In the end, she was moved to the warmth of her, and she was beautiful, but unfortunately it was not good. Xu Jinyi thought that she was talking about a love for marriage, but Chu Fangming just wanted to talk about a relationship. This relationship ended in the party with Chu Fangming.

After the two broke up, Xu Jinxi, who was immersed in sad despair, found herself pregnant. She wanted to kill the child who was not in expectation. But she needed a relative so much, and eventually chose to leave him, this child. It is Nanshan.

After the child was born, Xu Jinyi named him Xu Youran and took the meaning of “looking at Nanshan”. Because she was afraid of being discovered by Chu Fangming, she was not public when she was born. The character of the New Moon that was invited in the morning was not good. Once she was secretly discovered by her on the spot, she dismissed her. After that, she did not ask for a new moon. Xu Jinyi was going to take care of the child alone in the month, and with the thoughts and depression, she did not care. When Xu is very young, her body is already very bad. When he was fifteen years old, Xu Jin’s hand was gone.

In fact, Xu Jinxi is still too naive. She thought that she had hidden her children very well. In fact, Chu Fangming knew it in the early days, but she was afraid that the trouble would not be known. Even he was ready to take the child with him. When he came to the door, how to fight it, what surprised him was that Xu Jin did not go to see him again when he died, but he often remembered this beautiful and intellectual woman.

Xu Youran’s looks, Xiao Mu, is beautiful and beautiful, but she always looks very melancholy. She doesn’t like to talk. She has no friends. He lives alone in the house left by his mother. He started writing books when he was in college. The pen was named "Nanshan". After graduation, he lived on codewords and rarely went out. His life experience was very simple and clear at a glance. The only thing that was not simple was that he had a mysterious boyfriend who often came to him but did not People know the identity of the person, only to find that they have been in contact for a long time, since the Xu Youran university period has begun.

Bai Yihan put down the information: "This mysterious man is probably the wife of the woman."

Mu Jingyuan leaned back on the back of the sofa and peeled the orange on his hand. He said, "I just don't know if Nanshan knows that this person has a family."

Bai Yihan said: "How can you not know? Do you suspect that person lied to him?"

Mu Jingyuan peeled off the orange petals, carefully removed the white silk from the top, and handed it to Bai Yiming. "It is very likely that you look at his life. This person is silent, solitary, and often the more The more people like this are eager for warmth and care, just like his mother. At this time, there is a person who appears to be a little better for him. When he speaks a few words of love, it is easy for him to fall in love. He is passive in character, except for purchasing daily necessities. I almost didn't go out. When the two met, the man came to him. If the man said that he was single, would you say that Nanshan would believe?"

Bai Yihan ate the orange, took another flap, and nodded: "You are talking about the opposite, to Nanshan's great growth experience, if you know that the man has a family, he will not be with him, think about it. In the future, he found that his boyfriend who thought he had been in love for many years had a family, and he was said to be a junior. He was exposed to personal information and was ruined by a man’s wife.

How can he bear this series of blows? No wonder he will choose to die. ”

He stuffed the orange into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it. He grabbed Mu Jingyuan’s hand: "No wood, my little heart is so smashed, we must not let Nanshan greatly Such an encounter! I want to defend the idol! Let's be together, step on the dead man!"

Mu Jingyuan reluctantly licked his hair and held his hand in his hand: "The **** man will step on the scum man, but you will chew the orange and swallow it, not afraid of squatting."

Bai Yihan spit out his tongue and said, "I don't have you here? Not afraid."

Mu Jingyuan said: "What use is it for me? I can't help you, I am not guilty of yourself."

Bai Yihan said: "You can save me anyway!"

Mu Jingyuan only said: "Well, I have a way, there are ways."

Bai Yihan looks positive and clenches his fist: "First of all, we must find out the identity and background of this man, know ourselves and know each other, and be able to win every battle!"

Mu Jingyuan smiled and said: "Well, learn to know yourself and know how to win. I am relieved. I have let Chen Hong send people to monitor the residence of Nanshan 24 hours a day. As soon as the man appears, he can take photos and send them back. As long as we determine who this person is, we can find out if our guess is true or not, so we can arrange the next step."

He picked up a petal of orange and stuffed it into the mouth of Bai Yihan. He smiled and said: "Take me the identity of the man and give me the task."

Bai Yihan chewed the orange and was sitting in danger.

Mu Jingyuan went on to say: "You should try to make a good relationship with Nanshan. If necessary, give him support. He needs a friend, and when we find the identity of a man, if our guess is true, this thing will still be You guided him to discover a little bit, even though he was euphemistic and advised him to get out as soon as possible, the damage must be there, but we should try to minimize it. Only Nanshan retreats, we can let go of the scum, of course, if we Wrong, you have to persuade him to let go, the man married his wife and still with men, presumably not a good thing."

Bai Yihan nodded heavily and said: "Do not worry, guarantee the completion of the task."

Mu Jingyuan also said: "The most important point."

Bai Yihan looked at him with sorrow.

Mu Jingyuan said seriously: "The most important point is that support is support, comfort is comfort, don't let him fall in love with you! This is the most important!"

Bai Yihan: "..., rest assured, your fiance is not so big..."

Mu Jingyuan is still serious: "You can be wrong in this way. It is absolutely possible. In short, you should be careful. If he is worried about you, I will kill him by hand."

Bai Yihan squatted his forehead and said: "Do you think that everyone is blindfolded to find an object like you? It is a flower, but you have to like cow dung..."

Mu Jingyuan took his hand and looked at his eyes deeply: "I have read a sentence and feel that it is suitable for returning to you: even if I am a flower, it is an old flower that is about to wither. Even if you are cow dung, it is also a freshly baked calf dung. Besides, the flowers can only be inserted better on the cow dung. There is no more matching combination of flowers and cow dung..."

Bai Yihan laughed and smiled and said: "What are you talking about? How are you so much?"

Mu Jingyuan kissed his lips and said vaguely: "It is not a reason, it is right."

Bai Yihan slowly closed his eyes with a deep smile and opened his mouth.

After a kiss, Mu Jingyuan chuckled a few times, Bai Yihan whispered: "What?"

Mu Jingyuan licked his lips and smiled lowly: "Orange taste."

Bai Yihan’s face was red, and the brain shy into anger: “I love to eat oranges, full of orange flavor, and smoke you!”

Mu Jingyuan picked him up and walked to the bed while licking his lips: "It’s a coincidence, I also love oranges, there is a big orange to eat, it’s great..."

Mu Mumu struggled overnight. The next morning, Bai Yihan, who had a soft back and soft eyes, was closed and his eyes were dressed by Mu Jingyuan. He packed up and took it to the company. He was taken by Mu Jingyuan. Anyway, he has already lost his face in front of several people in Mu Zhai, and he is not afraid of losing it. He can get off the bus. In front of Mu's staff, his face still needs to be obtained. He tries to straighten his waist. I walked down in a sullen way. When I entered the elevator, I fell down. Mu Jingyuan slammed him and supported his body with his arms. He said: "You are uncomfortable, why are you coming? Rest at home for a long time, waiting for you. I have enough sleep, can I pick you up again?"

Bai Yihan said: "There is no conscience, I am not looking at you alone. It’s too pitiful to go out with you. Just come with you? You don’t appreciate it!"

Mu Jingyuan said: "How can I not appreciate it? I am really touched, it is to hurt you."

Bai Yihan whispered: "I asked you how late last night you would not stop, even if you are slow, you dare to say that you are distressed..."

Mu Jingyuan: "Hey..., cough, culvert, this is really slow, can't stop, you have to understand me."

Bai Yihan gave him a white eye: "How do you understand?"

Mu Jingyuan said with deep affection: "I love you, I can't help you when I see you, let alone the situation, you...

Seeing that the elevator door is going to open, Bai Yihan’s face is red, and he grabs his mouth and says, “Don’t say it!”

Chen Hongwei lowered his head, his eyes fixed on the ground, and solemnly said: "White three less, Mu total."