MTL - Reborn as a Good Child-Chapter 162 Particularly sticky

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Mu Jingyuan pulled down Bai Yihan's hand and held it in the palm of his hand. He calmly said, "They walked out of the elevator side by side and entered the president's office."

In front of Bai Yihan’s exclusive sofa, he had already set up snacks and tablets, books and books. Waiting for Bai Yihan to sit down, Mu Jingyuan went to his position and sat down.

Chen Hong Mali began to report the work, and finally said: "There is one more thing, what you said, there was no abnormality last night, that person did not appear."

Mu Jingyuan said: "Well, this is an urgent matter, we can only wait, you should go out first."

Chen Hong responded and turned and went out.

Bai Yihan lay down on the sofa comfortably, picked up a book and turned it over: "When do you say that the scum man can appear?"

Mu Jingyuan said: "Don't worry, as long as he does not find an abnormality, it will appear soon. From the previous survey results, he will go to Nanshan twice at least once a week, although he rarely spends his night, but he The number of trips is also frequent."

Bai Yihan put the book back on the coffee table, and Shantou thought about it: "That is so, he is still very obsessed with Nanshan."

Mu Jingyuan sighed: "So, this person should be a GAY, even if it is bisexual, it must be more like a man. His identity should not be low, so he and his wife can be protected so well, and Nanshan... ..., when necessary, nature can only be sacrificed."

Bai Yihan sneered and said: "Maybe his wife is even higher? From the point of view of use, Nanshan can't naturally compare with her. This kind of person likes one person is also limited because they only love themselves, just like Chu Fangming.

Mu Jingyuan said: "You said it is good. If Nanshan really loves him, he will be in trouble. Once he knows the truth, he will not be able to stand it."

Bai Yihan’s cell phone, said: “This kind of man is too disgusting, not only to lie to marry, but also to harm others and deceive others’ feelings. It’s really a shame for men.”

Mu Jingyuan said: "There are not a few people like this. Many people dare not face the same vision, or choose to marry the opposite **** for other reasons."

Bai Yihan said: "Yes, I know that some people have to marry the opposite **** for family, for their loved ones, for some reason, this is no way, but for whatever reason, who is responsible for who you marry! But you look at this person, married and went to lie to Nanshan, foot on two boats, deceived the feelings of the two people, did not say, when the accident also gave up Nanshan, even let his wife to humiliate Nanshan greatly, he hid There is nothing like a person behind, there is no more disgusting person than him."

Mu Jingyuan said, "You are right, so we have to pick him up now, let him stay behind the scenes and save Nanshan from the bitter sea. Even if he is alone, he will be sacrificed than this kind of scum. Ok."

Bai Yihan said: "Woodwood you are right, as a fan, I will try to protect my idol! And as a fan family, of course, it is also obligatory! When necessary, I will unite Peipei, she is also Nanshan big Fans, what’s wrong, you said why Pei Pei, who is a fan in his dreams, didn’t make a big difference for Nanshan? I was powerless at the time, but she was the third lady of Yan’s family. If she shot, how could Nanshan not die? So miserable! Is she not in Huacheng not knowing? Hey, poor Nanshan."

Mu Jingyuan thought for a moment: "We don't know about this, but now you better not talk about it with Yan Pei."

Bai Yihan looked down and thought about it. Suddenly he said: "Do you suspect that Pei Pei himself is related to the scum?"

Mu Jingyuan said: "This is not necessarily, you don't want to think about it. We don't tell her, just in case, and we can do it ourselves. There is no need to unite with others, isn't it?"

Bai Yihan nodded and said: "Well, it's good, but Pei Pei shouldn't know. She has a kind of chivalrousness. If she knows, she will definitely save Nanshan."

He said, click on the QQ of Nanshan, the finger is fast and screaming: [The culvert of wood: What are you doing? I am bored, talk to me and talk. 】

There was a quick reply: [Leisure: I have nothing to talk about, what to talk about? 】

Bai Yihan said with a smile: "Nanshan is very interesting, he will not chat at all, he will only talk about the day."

Mu Jingyuan said with a black face: "Don't marry a man in front of me!"

Bai Yihan was surprised: "I didn't boast."

Mu Jingyuan said: "You said he is interesting."

Bai Yihan reluctantly said: "Can you be more unreasonable? Is this a boast? Again, there are more interesting people in this world, but I am only interested in you alone."

Mu Jingyuan snorted and slammed the file and did not speak.

Bai Yihan saw his eartips red with his strong eyesight. He laughed happily in his heart: ‘Small sample, flying vinegar can eat the horizon, but the skin is still thin, want to fight with me? Still tender! How is this arrogant look like this? ! He secretly grinned and quickly typed his words: [The culvert of Mumu: You said that Nanshan greatly can't make a new book? He is not serialized on the Internet. He wants to chase after there is no place to chase. He can only wait, and I have watched 'Blue Mountain' several times. 】

[You can't write a book so fast, and maybe he has something else, you can't use it every day]

[The culvert of wood: Yes, maybe he is married or is in love, want to give more time to his lover? 】

[Leisure: This... maybe, I don't know. 】

[The culvert of wood: Hey, I understand it when I say it. Just like my fiancé, we are almost inseparable every day. He also let me follow him when he goes to work, especially sticky. 】

[Leisure: You...fiancé? Are you not a man? 】

[The culvert of wood: Yes, can't a man have a fiancé? We are going to get married soon, do you hate homosexuality? 】

[Leo: No, I don't mean this, congratulations. 】

[The culvert of wood: Thank you, I am really afraid that you can't accept it. I can chat with you. I cherish this friend very much. I am afraid to scare you away. 】

[Leisure: How come? me too. 】

[Leo: I mean, I also cherish this friend, my friends are very few. 】

[The culvert of wood: That's great! It’s easy to get a thousand dollars, and it’s hard to ask a confidant! (handshake)

[Leisure: (Handshake)]

[Leo: Take the liberty to ask you one thing. 】

[The culvert of wood: You said. 】

[Leo: You and your lover... How do you usually get along? Have you been together? Does he not go home or do something else? 】

[The culvert of wood: We live together, we are lovers, of course we must always be together, he said, my place is his home, his family is gone, I will move out from home with him. Living together, I went to my house when I was at my own home. Anyway, he didn't want to be separated from me anymore. I don't want to let him alone at home, as for other things... he has to go to work. Ah, but he will take me with me. When you can't bring it, you can also call WeChat on the phone. You can do everything without it. It feels like you are still together. 】

[Leisure: This way, falling in love... are all like this? 】

[The culvert of wood: How to say it depends on the specific situation, and there are many things that don’t stick together all day. My family is too sticky, but it’s usually met every day, or in the daytime. Going to work, staying together at night, unless it is a different place, or there are other special circumstances, but there are many separate, so it is better to be together. 】

[Leisure: He won't... usually in his own home or do something else, then come to you like this every few days?] [The culvert of Mumu: How is this possible, we can never do this anyway? If there is no last resort, he will not be willing to go every other day. To be honest, even if he is willing, I will not accept it. 】

[The culvert of wood: Speaking to you secretly, if you have a friend's lover, then you should persuade him to be careful, that person may be married and have a home. 】

[The culvert of wood: leisurely? What about people? 】

[The culvert of wood: Is there something wrong? 】

Bai Yihan looked up and cried his face: "Wood, I may be in trouble."

Mu Jingyuan looked up from the file and said warmly: "What happened?"

Bai Yihan was frustrated: "I just chatted with Nanshan. I talked about the state of falling in love. I was too anxious. I might say something wrong. He didn't talk."

Mu Jingyuan said: "What did you say?"

Bai Yihan pushed the snack bag and stood up and walked over to show him the phone.

Mu Jingyuan read it again and said with a smile: "You have described me as something. Do you think I am very sticky?"

Bai Yihan said: "I am not here to let him see what the real love is like? It saves him to listen to the words of the scum man, thinking that their relationship is normal."

Mu Jingyuan looked down at his mobile phone and said: "Look at what he said, it should be like this. His emotional experience is very blank. Naturally, what the person said is what he is. In fact, he does not know how to fall in love. That person Instilled him with the wrong view of love and deceived him as a lover."

Bai Yihan angrily said: "This person is really disgusting! But now it is important that Nanshan greatly ignores me, what should I do?"

Mu Jingyuan said helplessly: "You are really too anxious. Now everything is just our speculation. It is too early to say it now."

Bai Yihan said: "But that person has a family. This is not speculation, and from the big words of Nanshan, our speculation is simply eighty-nine!"

Mu Jingyuan nodded: "It is true. You should not be impatient. Give him some time and slowly guide him to think, not too direct."

Bai Yihan squinted: "But I have already said it directly."