MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 68 Galactic Federation (5)

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Galactic Federation (5)

A 30-year difference is indeed a maddening gap.

Although alpha is generally long-lived, it also has obvious aging. At the age of 18, until the age of 68, the strong alpha has begun to age. Although it is not seen from the outside, their fertility is nearing completion. Up to the age of seventy-three or fourteen, basically will not let any omega conceive.

Although many important leaders have been working until they are eighty-eight years old, some military personnel, due to years of practice, will retire sooner. Under normal circumstances, they will be aged at home.

Like Ye Laozi, now 78 years old, he has been honestly enjoying the crimes of his children at home.

Ye Xin is just 20 years old this year. It is the age of flowers. It is the best time, but Lin Su is 50 years old. His age is more than twice that of Ye Xin. He is jealous.

But Ye Xin actually liked Lin Su, which made Ye Hao’s temper really explode.

Although the alpha of the 50-year-old is also a strong and strong year, there is still much to be done. In particular, Lin Su has succeeded in the position of the general. The status and identity are among the best, but the age of him and Ye Xin is really too great! Completely challenged the fragile small nerve of Ye Laozi.

If Ye Xin is not a child of Ye Family, just an ordinary omega, then Lin Su is no exception to him. There are a lot of rumors in the outside world. Maybe more than half of them will envy and hate it - one is the old cow. One of the young grasses is flying on the branches and turning into the phoenix **** horse.

But Ye Xin is not an ordinary person! He is the four sons of Ye Family! It was Ye Jia who carefully cultivated the children who had been carefully cared for, arranged the best marriage for him, chose the excellent alpha, and the roads of the latter half of the life were stable and proper, but he was fainting to marry a Fifty-year-old man!

Ye Yezi only hates to shave his beard if he listens to his wife, or he can blow his beard and blink at this moment!

Speaking of it, Ye Hao will be so angry. There is another reason. Lin Su is going out from the Ye family. The poor boy has become a climate, and the generals have been eagerly agitated. It is the rising of the current Galaxy Federation and is famous. Very much.

Although Lin Su has been grateful, the feelings of Ye Hao’s knowledge are remembered and respected by him. It has always been polite and thoughtful.

However, Ye Hao has been alienated from him in recent years. The children of the Ye family have gone the most, and the rest are jerk, and they are watching the situation of decline. The millennial family, once quiet, and then look at the rise of the new expensive, posture is very high, Ye Hao is not a taste in the heart.

He can't wait to clear the boundaries with Lin Su, but who knows his son has gone down!

If they really let them go, what can the outside person say?

It’s nice to win the upstart, and the most fear is to sell a child for glory! Then he will simply find a coffin and die!

Besides, even if it doesn't matter, he can't push his son into the fire pit!

Therefore, he can't let Ye Xin go noisy anyway.

When Qin Mohe Shiqing came in, Ye Laozi had already licked his face and licked his face. Ye Xin’s temper could not be very good. He had been gentle to Lin Su in his life. In front of other people, he wanted him to show weakness, that is to kill him. It is.

Therefore, even if Ye’s father said that he would break the sky, he would say: “I am going to be with Lin Su!”

Ye Laozi was in a hurry and took out a sentence: "Let's die like this, but also look at people who want you!"

After that, Ye Xin’s little face was white, and the room suddenly slammed down.

Ye Hao also realized that he had said it. He said that these children are his heart. He didn’t really talk to anyone at all. It’s also crazy, and he’s so ridiculous. The words of the child.

After he finished, he regretted it, but Ye Xin was also tempered, and the ten cows that were smashed could not pull back. He was so white-faced and stiffened: "He doesn't want me, I will die."

This sentence completely blasted Ye Hao, let the regrets that had just come up patted the wings and flew away, shaking his finger at him, utterly speechless, only: " ”

When Shi Qing looked at it, he quickly stepped forward and said to his father, "Dad, don't be angry, be careful and ruin your body."

After a few breaths, I lost my old master, and I lived, but Shi Qing did not dare to let him stay here, and quickly helped him to go back to rest.

Ye Hao did not insist, just followed Shi Qing, went back to the house, lying on the bed, the father also sighed.

Shi Qing looked at him like this, and he was somewhat distressed when he told the truth. After all, he was a guilty heart. How could he be distressed by his son, especially when he looked at Ye Hao? He didn’t consciously think of his father, who waited for a while. More heart.

Was happy by the younger son, Ye Hao finally relaxed, I thought that I ignored the child before, but also slammed the head, can not help but softly said: "Good boy, Xiaoqing is a good boy."

Shi Qing was not very comfortable, he smiled.

Ye Hao said: "I am fine. You have always had a good relationship with the kid. You can persuade him to persuade him. Lin Su, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

Seeing that Ye Hao had a red face, Shi Qing quickly came down: "Well, I will go and tell him, you take a break."

After leaving, just after leaving the house, Shi Qing saw his third brother.

"Three..." Seeing that his look was wrong, Shiqing hurriedly changed his mouth. "Well... brother."

Qin Mo was satisfied, approached him, pulled up his hand and said: "Hungry? Eat."

Shi Qing also remembered Ye Xin, and could not help but say: "Four brother is still in the living room?"

Qin Mo slightly frowns, dissatisfied and said: "What does he do?"

Shi Qing: "..." It’s really speechless!

However, although this is a question, obviously it is not a question to answer, so Shi Qing said: "I will go see him."

Qin Mo originally wanted to stop it directly, but the thought seems to have thought of something again, saying: "Let's go, I am with you."

There was a distance from the bedroom to the living room. It seemed strange that the two men walked side by side, but they didn't seem to realize it.

After walking for a while, Qin Mo suddenly asked: "Do you want to help Ye Xin?"

Shi Qing stunned and didn't know what to answer.

And Qin Mo just looked at his look, and it was clear. He frowned and said: "In fact, let him marry Gu Yan faster."

Gu Yan is Ye Xin’s fiance.


"Well, I hope he can marry earlier." Ye Mo has two younger brothers, Ye Qing is Shi Qing, Qin Mo will not allow him to marry anyone, so he can only give Ye Xin if he wants to complete the task. sold.

Although Shi Qing could not fully understand his brother's brain circuit, he miraculously kept up with this **** rhythm: "Ye Xin will not marry Gu Yan."

"How?" Qin Mo is much more difficult to say, "I really want him to marry, there are many ways."

Shi Qing directly said the root: "He will die."

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows.

Shi Qing turned to look at Qin Mo, fixedly watching him, repeated: "He really will die." And a dead person can not marry.

Qin Mo’s eyes were deep and deep, and he immediately said, “I understand.”

Shi Qing was relieved, although he was somewhat confused, but he helped Ye Xin to pull a helper. Ye Xin, although he has some waywardness and bad mouth, his character is very straight. He is very good at treating himself, especially since he has been especially cared for. The cold-leading Ye Qing, Ye Qing and his relationship are good, Shi Qing naturally does not hate him.

He likes Lin Su, not a day or two. From the time when his 13-year-old feelings first sprouted, he plunged into it and never came out again. However, considering that Ye’s father was old, he dared not say it. Plus Lin Su has always regarded him as a child, he has not yet broken the piece of wood, naturally can not tell the world.

Who can think about it, this just graduated, Ye Laozi gave him a marriage, Ye Xin suddenly stunned, and ran to find Ye Qing that night, flustered and said that there was no clue overnight, the next day, He simply packed up and smuggled himself...

As for where to go, I didn't know it at the time, but there was something to follow. He is not stupid, knows that he is an omega. If the order is discovered, he can only squat on the street, so he has a very direct goal to go to Lin Su.

Ye Xin was also ruined, and went out, knowing Lin Su’s whereabouts, simply stopped the inhibitors, and wanted to actively lure Lin Su.

For an alpha, a delicious and pure omega that is sent to the door is completely without any resistance, not to mention that Ye Xin always believes that Lin Su likes himself.

Lin Su was indeed red-eyed and completely fascinated. He was almost swallowed up by the beast named ‘*’.

He likes Ye Xin, who likes it very much. He loves to be in the bones, but because of this strong feeling, he does not dare to take a step forward.

He was lonely in his early years, and later he worked for Ye Jia, stepping up step by step, his heart was tough, and his ability and ability were extraordinary. But he knew that he could have today, all of them are the appreciation of Ye Hao.

Therefore, he can't do this kind of wolf-hearted dog.

He and Ye Xin were all 30 years old. Although he had no companion in his early years because of his years of fighting, his life has already passed halfway. But Ye Xin is like a new born sun, and it is the best time.

He is not worthy of Ye Xin anyway, so he can't ruin Ye Xin because of his own desires.

What's more... He is already an adult, and Ye Xin is still small. He can't tell what is love. Love, just because he has been with Ye Xin, let him misunderstand, as long as he is far away, Ye Xin slowly forgot him.

With this strong belief, he actually defeated the instinct and perfectly guarded Ye Xin.

But he couldn't think of it, and his insistence made Ye Xin completely desperate.

Put down his dignity and let go of everything. He asked him for the squat, but Lin Su still pushed him away.

An alpha can't let go of a hairy omega unless it has a heart.

Ye Xin was sitting still, and my heart was cold.

Lin Su, indeed, don't want him.

He has no other way.

He once hated himself as an omega, but now he is willing to become an omega for Lin Su, but Lin Su does not need him at all.

It’s better to marry someone else than to live...

When Shi Qing and Qin Mo came in, they saw Ye Xin who was doing something stupid.

He rushed over with a thousand miles and quickly destroyed the weapon in his hand: "Ye Xin! You are sober!"

At this time, Qin Mo also came in. When he saw the sight in front of him, he raised his head slightly and his voice was cold: "Let him die."

The author has something to say: cough... These chapters will not be too **** ~ there will be dog blood behind, will it be embarrassing? Top pot cover running... 2k novel reading network