MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 69 Galactic Federation (six)

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Chapter 69

Galactic Federation (six)

Shi Qing had accumulated a smoldering temper, because Qin Mo’s words gave him a shock.

Dizzy! If you don't help, you can forget it. Can you not add fuel to the fire!

So he turned his head and looked at his brother very hard.

The black scorpion of his brother was staring at him. When he was a gentleman, he quickly turned the 'hard-eye' look soft. By the way, he made a mouthful and shouted, so his brother’s eyes Not so scary, just snoring and turning around.

At the moment, it is not a good time to follow the hair. Shi Qing also knows that Ye Xin’s behavior is 80%.

To be honest, he is also very angry.

However, because of Ye Qing’s memory, he thought more.

Because the world is unfair to omega, he can more deeply understand the despair of Ye Xin.

Ye Laozi is a child, but even then, when he gave Ye Xin a marriage, he did not ask Ye Xin, but he found the most suitable, best match, and might be the best for him. He and his old comrades were set up in private, and this was informed by the same Ye Xin.

Ye Xin here, because the old man who is thinking about Lin Su can't agree, he has been trying to pretend to be a good boy these days, thinking that he is so sensible and obedient, he said something like Lin Su, he said It can also accept a higher degree.

But whoever thinks, but it is a counter-effect, Ye Laozi sees Ye Xin so embarrassed, feels that his son is sensible, so he is more careful to pick the 'female girl'.

When he told Ye Xin, this one gave Ye Xin a burst.

Ye Hao Ye Xin also knows that Ye Laozi is not as good as his current life. He did not have a seizure on the spot. He endured a few forbearances and left. In the evening, he ran into Ye Qing’s room and began to panic and unsuccessful.

Omega and alpha can be quite different. Alpha has the ability to have multiple omegas in a lifetime, but omega can only have one person in a lifetime. As long as it is marked, it will be a lifetime, and his body will always carry this alpha flavor. Even if he was abandoned, he was thrown away and lost. He was still marked as a person. He still belonged to the alpha that marked him until he died.

Ye Xin knows that the artist who Ye found him to give him the alpha, the character will certainly not be so bad, if he has no one in his heart, marrying and adapting to the days will be very good.

But this is no longer possible. He has people he likes. He likes Lin Su. For so many years, he has no way to put this feeling down. If you can't let go, you can only bring it, but it is an insult to the alpha to marry someone.

Alpha is born with pride. If you let him know that Ye Xin has another person in his heart, even if he wants to be good at Ye Xin at first, he will slowly become qualitative. And Ye Xin knows her own temper, and she is never a good person. When it is time, it is a dead end.

Not only did Ye Xin’s own life be ruined for the rest of his life, but it even affected the long-standing relationship between Ye Jia and Gu Jia.

Really fallen into that situation, both of them have committed evil, then he will certainly be driven out of the family, a marked omega has been abandoned, and even will flow to the dirty windy place...

On such a day, he only needs to think a little, and the scalp is numb.

Therefore, he will be bent on his death.

This is a situation that no alpha can understand, so Ye Mo will feel that he is timid and weak.

However, because Ye Qing has too many homework because of her hidden identity, she knows this tragedy very well. He knows that Ye Xin is really desperate.

Of course, it is not really impossible.

The authorities were fascinated by the observers. Ye Xin thought that Lin Su didn't want him, but he never thought about Lin Su's dead brains. He was completely plunged into a dead end, and he couldn't run out.

But now, I still have to wake up Ye Xin, the idiot.

When Shi Qing brewed it, first vented the fire in his stomach.

"Ye Xin, you are moving your brain, can you not die to live, evil is not disgusting? You can't look down on the weak omega. In the end, you are not this bear-like one? It's a bit of a prosperous!"

Ye Xin was still motionless, and a pair of narrow nephews stared at Ye Qing, and suddenly said: "Xiao Qing, I really envy you."

Shi Qing suddenly jumped in his heart and envied his fart! Laozi is a fake beta.

But now is not the time to entangle this, he luck, continue to swear: "I have said that you do not show this way, things have not yet reached the point where you can die, Lin Su that wood, you are the first day to know How many times have you hinted that he has not been hiding for the second time, how come you believe this time? Just give up?"

When I mentioned this, Ye Xin was not angry again: "You have seen it. He really doesn't like me. It's not at all. I used to be passionate about myself."

Seeing that Ye Xin had to drill the horns, Shi Qing quickly threw a heavy bomb: "You never thought about it, he just forbeared it for you?"

"Ah?" Ye Xin stunned.

When Shi Qing looked at the key points, he continued to work harder: "Lin Su absolutely likes you, I like you more than you think. You think about it. He has been in the past few decades because he can't find a suitable omega, but behind. In particular, in recent years, he has sealed the generals, and he has a high degree of weight. The countless family will send their own omega to him. He wants to really want one, not long ago. Single, for so many years, Why do you think he is?"

This point... Ye Xin has never really noticed, and a dead heart can not help but give birth to a glimmer of hope.

"Especially in the past few years, you think that you are sticking to Lin Su all day, but you didn't think about it. Lin Su really didn't mean to you. He is a big federation and will play with you all day long. Can't take care of a daughter-in-law, can't have a baby?"

"You don't want to think, the entire Galaxy Federation, there is no omega at the age of 50, and there isn't a child's alpha general at the age of 50?"

"Would he like someone in his heart, is he here to stay here?"

"Don't tell me that there are others in his heart. If there are others, with his current power status, who can't he catch up?"

"Unless, he can't bear it."

This remark for Ye Xin was tantamount to a slap in the face, and suddenly woke him up, letting his dead heart ignite hope, and came out from the dark fog.

The eyes of the phoenix are full of hope, and he strode forward: "Xiao Qing, I, I still have a chance?"

After that, he was excited to hold Ye Qing’s hand, but unfortunately he had not touched it, and he was beaten by his third brother.

Then, his third brother took Ye Qing's hand and was tight.

If it was usual, Ye Xin found that something was wrong, but now, he is in a mess, and he still cares about it.

Shi Qing was held in his hand, earned earned, did not make a profit, thinking that now Ye Xin’s brain is not flexible, and it is estimated that he will not think too much.

Keke... Not to mention, shaking hands between brothers is not awkward, ah haha... Of course they didn’t have any problems!

Seeing that Ye Xin was alive, Shi Qing said again: "Don't be too happy, what you want to do after a lifetime, and how to grind it. First of all, you have to pass the father's pass, then you have to get the forest. Big wood."

As a result, it was the first cold water, and Ye Xin was paralyzed again.

Going around and going back to the beginning.

I have been silent and I have been impatient, but I am also impatient, and I also hate Ye Xin.

Innocent and stupid, of course, the most important thing is to make his time worry so much.

If he didn't care about Ye Qing's thoughts, and in order to complete the task, he had already let him disappear directly.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo was unexpectedly stunned.

Shi Qing did not know the thoughts of the people around him, and still helped Ye Xin to make up his mind.

"I think it is not bad that you die once. If Lin Su can't figure it out, we will force him to figure it out."

At this time, Ye Xin’s IQ was also returned. He said, “What should I do? Can I live with him?”

Uh... This is a problem when it’s hard to be married. After all, Lin Su is not an ordinary person. If you don’t do anything, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold him... It’s so difficult!

Shi Qing couldn't figure out what to do, unconsciously stunned the people around him: "Brother, do you have any suggestions?"

Qin Mo is thinking about the true meaning of life. He was poked back to God. He rarely saw a trace of sorrow and asked, "What?"

Shi Qing is speechless, so you are still at a critical moment!

Helpless, Shi Qing had to repeat it again.

Qin Mo listened and said: "This is easy, just take a fake medicine."

Shi Qing and Ye Xin were shocked at the same time: "There is still such a thing."

There is only Shiqing in the eyes of Qin Mo. Because of the thoughts just now, his eyes can't help but soften a lot: "Well, yes."

This look is too straightforward. When Qing wants to receive it, it’s hard to get it. He jumped a few times in his heart. He was a little panicked. He quickly lowered his head, but he didn’t understand it. His brother... What happened to his brother? ?

Ye Xin’s early death radar finally resurrected, and finally I saw that something was wrong. I went, what is the look of this third brother? Sweet and dead!

Fortunately, the host is not an ordinary person, the attitude is second, the next moment will converge, look too lazy to look at Ye Xin, take out a pill and give Ye Xin, cold voice: "Take within ten minutes after zero crossing at night, do not Don't be late in advance, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

With such a strict request, Ye Xin couldn’t take care of the gossip, and quickly took the pill away and carefully remembered it.

Because of the temporary closure of the memory, Qin Qing can extract the things in the space by himself, in order to come up with this magical medicine.

Here, I just got Ye Xin, and there is a servant who came over. The low-browed and pleasing reminder: "Three young masters, the master said that you are going to visit Zijinyuan. Because of the family affairs, it is inconvenient for Li to come here. Have a meal outside."

Qin desert should have come down.

Shi Qing reacted for a long time, only to return to the taste, he has forgotten this matter! Is this a blind date for the father to find Ye Mo?

Is his brother going to blind date? !

Open... what a joke!

The author has something to say: cough, the next chapter will be a vinegar jar.

Well, I didn’t expect the sisters in the previous chapter to react so fiercely, and quickly put on the fire tea, and then served a small snack, suffocating and suffocating, and the life is full of different things... There are always people who have various shortcomings, it’s hard to be perfect. of.

By the way, some sisters said that letting Shiqing marry Qin Mo can complete the task. Let's not mention that Shi Qing is not a Qin Mo brother, even if he is a younger brother, they can't get married.

Qin Mo is a younger brother, but the mission is to marry his younger brother. This is a fair marriage. The world has not yet enlightened that the brothers can get the cards, so Shiqing can’t really marry him. Then, they can't complete the task, and they only have Ye Xin, a younger brother, so marry him.

In addition, abo's world setting does have a lot of helplessness. I wrote that I want to try to change this helplessness, try my best, I don't know if I can write it.

Yes, I have to go out tomorrow, but tomorrow’s update has been placed in the deposit box, and it will be updated on time at 11:11! We have to believe in the manuscript box, what? 2k novel reading network