MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 643 end

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  Chapter 643 ends

   Kato Yusuke looked at the burly middle-aged man standing behind him, raised his left hand to hold the other's left hand on his right shoulder, and spit out two words with a sullen face.

   "— let go."

   "Yo ho?"

  The man raised his eyebrows, he was a little surprised that he didn't cry out, but he didn't take his words to heart, and said disapprovingly:

   "Patience is pretty good, what if I don't let go—huh!?"

   Before he finished speaking, a fast and ruthless turn and whip punch was aimed straight at his face.

  Mr. Lin was startled, and instinctively raised his right arm to block. When the fists and arms collided, there was a crisp sound of "bang!".

  This kid has so much strength—!

  Mr. Lin's arm went numb, as if he had been whipped by a steel rod. Before he had time to think about it, he caught a shadow from below in his peripheral vision.

  It was a leg kick, the buttocks pushed the calf to exert force, once it was too hard, there would be no good end!

  He hurriedly raised his knee to block, and at the same time turned his palm into a knife and stabbed at the opponent's throat, but the moment the opponent's elbow blocked him, he punched him in the abdomen with an inch punch.

   "—uh cough!"

  Mr. Lin could only bow his back in pain. Just as he stood firm, Yusuke Kato approached in time to catch up with a mid-range sweep, aiming at his head.

  He didn't care about other things, and immediately dodged on the ground.

  Yusuke Kato turned around, using his left foot as a fulcrum, his right foot kicked down like a dragon ascending to the sky, and kicked down.


  The thick boots stomped heavily on the ground, stirring up a small cloud of dust.

  Mr. Lin rolled and dodged dangerously, taking this opportunity to create a distance, his back was already covered in cold sweat.

  He stood up in a hurry, ignoring the dust-stained suit, and looked at the young man in the distance with apprehension.

   "...Good boy! He is still Lianjiazi!?"

  Yusuke Kato turned around and looked indifferently. His silver hair was fluttering in the wind, his eyes were like torches, and his body exuded a palpitating aura.

  Mr. Lin's breathing was slightly stagnant, and he suddenly felt that what he was facing was not a student who could be manipulated at will, but a more dangerous existence.

   At the same time, everyone on the sidelines also reacted.

  From the hasty confrontation between the two to the present, everything happened too fast and without warning. Everyone was stunned, their brains couldn't keep up with reality, and it was only at this moment that they finally realized what happened.

  They shouted and wanted to run up to stop them, but Kato Yusuke stopped them.

   "—Don't come here."

  As soon as the voice fell, Kato Yusuke rushed up without saying a word, and his right hand struck out horizontally like lightning. Mr. Lin was shocked and angry, but he responded immediately.


   Seeing his fist hit the opponent's elbow, Kato Yusuke immediately bent his left arm inward, moved forward with his feet to close the distance, swung his elbow and smashed Mr. Lin's cheek, his temper was unreasonably violent.

  Mr. Lin twisted his waist to avoid his elbow and wrestled with him. The two fists collided, their elbows leaned on each other, and there were several muffled bangs.

   Kato Yusuke's eyes showed coldness, and he hammered his nose, throat, and chest with fists and elbows one after another.

  Mr. Lin's burly body shook, only feeling that the hit part was completely numb, and couldn't help shouting angrily:

   "The brat's hands are black! You have to forgive others and forgive others—!"

  However, Kato Yusuke just stared at him without saying a word, his dark eyes were full of tyrannical ferocity, like a wild beast out of the cage.

  Mr. Lin didn't know it when he saw this. He happened to hit the opponent's gun, and became a way for the young man to vent his anger.

  Seeing that things could not get better, he no longer...or dare not keep his hand anymore.

   Kato Yusuke's strength is astonishing, coupled with his sharp and fierce shots, if he is not careful, he will be injured. The so-called boxing is afraid of the young, this is the truth.

  Mr. Lin immediately changed his strategy in a flash of thought, while responding to Kato Yusuke's attack with every trick, while waiting for the opportunity to find the opponent's flaws.

  When Kato Yusuke slashed at his neck with his palm, Mr. Lin immediately swayed to the left, with a look of cruelty in his eyes.

It's now-!

  He seized the opportunity immediately and kicked Kato Yusuke's ankle with his sweeping leg while touching the ground with one hand.

  In his mind, no matter how amazing the opponent's skill is, his footwork is definitely a weakness.

  Not to mention anything else, just looking at so many women around this kid, it is obvious that he is indulging in beauty.

  With this thought in mind, Mr. Lin's foot became a little bit harder, and he kicked Kato Yusuke hard.


   It was like kicking a stone, and a muffled sound came from under the feet of the two of them.

  Unexpectedly, Kato Yusuke only slightly shook his body, and immediately returned to normal.

   Not to mention being kicked to the ground by him, the opponent didn't even stagger, and those legs were as solid as a mountain as if they were rooted in the ground, without any looseness at all!

"This is impossible-!"

  Mr. Lin yelled out in horror, completely unable to understand how the other party was able to practice the lower hand to such an extent at such a young age.

   "The old thing is looking for death!"

   Kato Yusuke had a cold and fierce look in the corner of his eyes, he hugged his head with both hands, and directly faced the door with a fierce knee bump.



  Mr. Lin tilted his head back, a mouthful of blood spewed out into the sky, and his nose made a faint cracking sound.

  Yusuke Kato was unreasonable, and while spreading his feet apart, he twisted his hips and swung his arms, trying to make up for another blow to the opponent's face.

  His fist was fierce and domineering, blasting out like a tiger descending a mountain.

  Mr. Lin, who was confused, could even clearly feel the fierce wind attached to the fist, and he couldn't make any reaction at all.

   Just when he closed his eyes and was about to bear the punch, a loud cry suddenly came from a distance.

   "—Yusuke no! Please!"


  The sound of fists stopped abruptly.

  At this moment, time seems to stand still.

  Mr. Lin opened his eyelids with great effort, and what caught his eyes was a huge fist stopped in front of him with an inch or so away, and it was covered with bulging veins.


  He swallowed a mouthful of **** saliva with difficulty, and looked behind his fist.

   Kato Yusuke stared at him with a ferocious expression, then slowly withdrew his fist, warning word by word:

   "...Don't mess with me again, or you won't be so lucky next time."

  Mr. Lin let out a miserable laugh, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

  Sayu hurried up and squatted beside him, crying and wiped the blood on his face with a handkerchief, and tremblingly took out her mobile phone to call an ambulance.

   There was a full three breaths, and Sayu was the only voice on the scene.

  The girls were stunned, their throats seemed to be choked, and their round almond eyes stared at Kato Yusuke motionlessly, feeling that he was so strange at the moment.

   Kato Yusuke straightened up, wiped the blood sprayed on his fist by Mr. Lin with a handkerchief, and raised his eyes to look somewhere.

  Xinjoka panicked, shrunk her body and wanted to hide behind Serizawa Yuu, but it was all in vain.

   "—new article."

  The boy called her name.

   "...Ah, um, I'm here."

  Xinjoxiang didn't dare to continue hiding behind the crowd, and walked out with her hands behind her back, timidly looking at Kato Yusuke's cold face, still feeling a little lucky in her heart.

   But immediately, this luck was shattered.

   "—Tomorrow, the student union will find me, and come alone."


  Hearing Kato Yusuke's indifferent voice, Shinjoka's body trembled slightly, and she opened her lips to say something.

  However, Kato Yusuke did not give her this chance. After finishing speaking, he picked up the travel bag on the ground and walked firmly towards the studio.

   "Yu-chan, wait for me—!"

  Responding, Shiwa was the first to catch up, and the next person to catch up was Eri Rika and Megumi.

  Kanoko Renmi looked anxiously at the mess around her, and finally gritted her teeth and chased after her.

  The happy atmosphere half an hour ago has disappeared now.

  Xinjoxiang suddenly felt a little sad, her legs couldn't help but soften, and was supported by Serizawa Yu in time.

   "...Xiaoxiang! Are you okay?"

   "Hehe... don't you go to the president?"

   "This, this... because Brother Yu has already gone there, I think it shouldn't matter... So, it's better for me to stay here with you."


  Xin Tiaoxiang's nose was sour, and she forced a smile and said: "...Thank you, to be honest, I'm a little tired, Xiaoxi, can you take me home?"

   "Hmm...! Then I'll take you back."

  Serizawa Yuki nodded sadly, and finally took a look at Sayu and Asami who were surrounded by Mr. Lin, and then left with Shinjoka.

   As a result, there were only three people left on the scene.

  Looking at Mr. Lin, whose face was covered in blood and his nose was deformed, Mami, who is usually very bold, turned slightly blue.

  Sayu saw that she was unnatural, so she asked her to wait for the ambulance at the intersection on the grounds of helping, while she stayed where she was to take care of her.

   "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry... just hold on, the ambulance will come soon."

   "Don't cry, Sayu-chan...I'm fine."

   "But! You're hurt so badly, I'm's all my fault."

   "How could it be your problem... It was me who didn't know Taishan, and shot at that boy without authorization... Am I causing you trouble?"

  There were tears in Sayu's eyes, and they were falling down. She shook her head desperately but didn't speak.

  Although she is indeed sad and wants to continue chasing into the studio, but now is not the time to consider the relationship between her children.

  Mr. Lin saw what she was thinking, sat up from the ground with a wry smile, then took a deep breath, ignored Sayu's dissuasion, and straightened his nose with a "click".


   "Mr. Lin...!"

   "It hurts! Huh... okay, okay, this little thing is nothing, Xiao Sayu, you don't need to worry."


   "Compared to this, let me ask... What is the relationship between you and that little brother?"


   Seeing Sayu bit her lip and refused to answer, Mr. Lin continued on.

   "To be honest, I shouldn't have interrupted this matter, but... that person is too dangerous, Xiao Sayu, you should stay away from him in the future—"

   "Mr. Lin!"

  Sayu unconsciously raised her voice to interrupt him, then immediately lowered her voice, choked up and said:

   "Please, please don't say that kind of thing again... that is someone who is very, very important to me, his existence is more important than anything else, so... please don't say it..."

  Feeling the firmness in her tone, Mr. Lin couldn't help being a little stunned, and finally sighed desolately, and stopped talking.


   It is night, in a high-end apartment in Ariake District, Tokyo.

  In the dimly lit bedroom, light and heavy gasps intertwined, undulating in the air.

  The panting gradually changed from low to sharp, and finally ended with a satisfied sigh, and then fell into silence.

  Long time.

  A snow-white arm came out from under the quilt, and the slender palm groped in the darkness for a while before successfully finding the target.

   With a "snap", a desk lamp on the bedside table turned on.

   Dim and ambiguous warm light slightly illuminates the room.

  Hongsaka Zhuyin's face was bright red, her red hair was a little messy, and her clean collarbone was dripping with sweat.

  She picked up the goblet of red wine, raised her chin and drank it, slowly moistening her dry throat.

  At this moment, someone pulled her other hand.

  The man's deep voice sounded: "...Don't drink all of it, give me some."

   Benizaka Zhuyin flicked her long and curved eyelashes, frowned angrily, and then poured all the red wine in the glass into her mouth.

  She put down the goblet, turned over and pressed on someone, and passed the drink mouth to mouth. And the other party is not rejecting anyone who comes, gladly accepting gifts and absorbing moisture.

   Gulp, gulp, gulp...

   Swallowing sounds one after another.

   This movement lasted for several breaths before stopping.

  Benizaka Zhuyin opened her mouth, sprayed her fragrant breath on the other person's face, and asked, "...Is that enough? Boy."

   Kato Yusuke narrowed his eyes, then nodded slightly in affirmation.

   Benizaka Akane glanced at him charmingly, a pair of delicate red lips moved around his chin, cleaning up all the wine that was inadvertently missed.

  After that, she didn't bother to move, she just lay down comfortably, enjoying the aftertaste that hadn't completely dissipated.

   "So... why are you free to come to me today?"

   "I brought you a souvenir, Hot Spring Mantou."

"that's all?"

   "You don't like steamed buns?"

   Benizaka Zhuyin gently scratched his toned muscles with his fingernails, and asked lazily:

   "I'm talking about you making a special trip just because of this? Do you think I'm an adolescent girl? Would you believe this kind of nonsense?"

   "Not a little girl, but a little aunt?"


   Kato Yusuke put one hand behind his head, and caressed her smooth back lazily with the other.

   "Okay, I admit it, I just want to talk to you about theoretical mechanics, nothing else."

   Benizaka Akane curled her lips, unaware of such nonsense, she took out her phone from under the pillow, and checked her emails at work.

  Yusuke Kato didn't bother seeing this, or he was actually happy to be so, just quietly looking at the ceiling with deep eyes.

   "I said boy."

"What's up?"

   Benizaka Zhuyin asked casually: "When we were doing things just now, your phone seemed to vibrate several times. Don't you reply to messages?"

   Kato Yusuke was a little silent: "...I'll be back later."

   "Who sent them all?"


   "Again about women?"


   "Is there anything else around you?"

   "...What, are you jealous?"

   Benizaka Akane sneered, her honey-smeared mouth chattered like a machine gun.

   "Just for a mere stinky skin? Although the size is unique and amazing, but that kind of thing can be used when needed? What's there to be jealous of?"

  Yusuke Kato gasped, gritted his teeth and said, "...Your mouth is really poisonous."

  What does it mean to use it or not?

   When is he a professional tool man?

   "But—" Benizaka Zhuyin said again: "I haven't seen you like this for a while."


   "...Your current behavior feels similar to the day I smoked you. Did you get dumped?"

  Kato Yusuke was silent for a while, "When did you become so curious?"

   "I've been like this since the beginning, or you thought you'd have a chance to lie here—huh?"

   Akane Benizaka stopped here, a look of annoyance appeared on her frowning brows, so Kato Yusuke asked, "What's wrong?"

   "Huh... It's the cooperation intention of the overseas copyright of "Chain Saw Man". My people seem to have made a mistake and sent me the untranslated version."

"show me."

   "Huh? This is Spanish, do you understand?"

   Benizaka Akane asked amusedly, apparently not believing that he could understand.

  Yusuke Kato did not explain this, took the phone from her hand with a smile, and looked intently.

"I see…"

   "Why so?"

   "This is indeed a letter of intent for cooperation."

   "Oh~? It's quite pretentious."

"I am not kidding."

   "Really?" Benizaka Zhuyin asked with a smile, "Then why don't you tell me what's written on it?"

   Kato Yusuke glanced at her, "Is there any benefit from what I said?"

   "You can wait for me to take a bath."

   "Forget it, I'm too lazy to move, you can copy it to the Internet and find a machine to find it, the meaning is probably the same."

  Yusuke Kato let go, watching Akane Benizaka.

   "You're still out of breath if you say you're fat, otherwise what do you want?"

"want you?"

   "I'm yours, don't need it."

   Kato Yusuke looked at the little aunt in front of him with some surprise, and smiled: "Why do you think, I seem to be a little boy?"

   Benizaka Zhuyin's eyes rolled, and the corner of her mouth curled up, which meant—"Aren't you?"

   "Then..." Kato Yusuke murmured, "Let me see your tattoo."


  Hongsaka Zhuyin frowned slightly, "What's so interesting about that thing? But forget it, you can watch it if you want, can you translate it now?"

  Yusuke Kato nodded in agreement, dictating and starting the translation.

  This letter of intent for cooperation was sent by a company in Spain, with the purpose of purchasing the overseas copyright of the "Chain Saw Man" comics, and also hoping to buy the rights to broadcast future animations.

  At first, Akane Benizaka listened to him with the mood of watching a joke, and was going to expose his lie at some point, but as Kato Yusuke told more and more details, she couldn't laugh anymore.

   "...Stinky boy." She couldn't help asking curiously: "How do you know Spanish?"

   "Well... After all, the current social competition is fierce. I was afraid of being dumped by my little aunt, so I learned something." Kato Yusuke casually joked.

   "Where did you learn Spanish?"

   "The old man in the ring taught it."

   Benizaka Akane gave him a blank look, and was about to fulfill the promise to show him the tattoo, but was stopped by Kato Yusuke.

  He asked her to turn to show him, and he didn't allow her to turn off the light.

   After some struggles, Kato Yusuke got his wish to see the tattoo.

  Under the psychedelic light, a coquettish rose is blooming on the inner side of the right thigh, with an indescribable dark beauty.

  With nothing else to do, Hongsaka Zhuyin simply took a mint, lowered her head and ate it with relish.

   Kato Yusuke took a shallow breath, squinted his eyes to admire the rose, and at the same time gently stretched out his fingers to stroke it, feeling the lines on the tattoo carefully.

  He tried to empty his brain, but he couldn't calm down his upset mood, and it seemed that there was some kind of sticky black thing accumulated in his chest.

   "Um... yes, boy."

   Benizaka Zhuyin said: "I'm currently preparing for the animation of "Chain Saw Man", do you want to take a stake?"

   "Is the investment large?"

   "The initial budget is about 300 million yen. To make animations for a quarter, the average cost for each family is about 50 million."

   "No money, I'm sorry, pass." Kato Yusuke replied in seconds after hearing this number.

  Hongsaka Zhuyin sneered: "Don't you still have the royalties from the booklet? Isn't it enough?"

   "There are a lot of places to spend, and my game is not done yet, and..."

   Kato Yusuke patted her buttocks, and said in a deep voice: "Little auntie, don't talk while eating, you can't hear clearly."

  Kenizaka Zhuyin got annoyed, and simply spit out the mints, then returned to the bedside, lit a cigarette and smoked.

   Kato Yusuke looked at her smoky face, and suddenly noticed that her hands seemed to be trembling slightly, but upon closer inspection, there was nothing.

  He pinched his eyebrows, didn't think much, then put on his slippers and went down to the ground, hugging her up.

   "Huh...? What are you hugging me for?"

   Benizaka Zhuyin asked this question, but naturally put his arms around his neck.

   Kato Yusuke smiled at her, and just hugged her and walked outside, "Don't you want to take a bath? I'll take you there."

   Benizaka Akane slightly narrowed her eyes and smiled.


   (Due draft progress 9/9)

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion