MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 644 Why betray me?

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  Chapter 644 Why did you betray me?

   Drizzling drizzling, rustling, drizzling.

  After noon on Monday, the sky began to rain quietly.

  Although it will be March soon, the gloomy sky is as heavy as a typhoon landed, surrounding the campus heavily.

  The continuous raindrops set off layers of ripples on the classroom windows, covering the deserted playground with a soft translucent veil.

  Compared to the dark outdoor scene as if the night had come early, the classrooms illuminated by fluorescent lights were extremely bright, as if only this place was out of this world.

  The history teacher gave a monotonous lecture on the podium, and the tone without ups and downs made people drowsy.

  Xinjoxiang looked away from the window, secretly took out the portable mirror from the bag, and looked behind her.

  The scene in the back row of the classroom immediately appeared on the mirror.

  Takei sleeping soundly on the table, Yamaguchi yawning with his mouth open, Kako who doesn't know what he is doing, and Kei who carefully writes notes on the blackboard.

  —That scene is exactly the usual campus daily life.

  She adjusted the angle a little, tilted the mirror to the left, and finally saw the person in the corner.

  At this moment, Kato Yusuke is looking out of the window in a daze, his handsome side face looks very calm, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

  Xin Tiaoxiang half-closed her eyes, a faint trance flashed in her eyes, she just felt that everything that happened yesterday was like a hallucination.

  Since Kato Yusuke left her that sentence yesterday, there has been no news since then.

  Although Serizawa Yuu asked Shiwa and the others about the situation, all she got was an ambiguous answer of "Let's talk about it later".

   They don't know anything about Kato Yusuke's state and what happened after that.

  Xinjoxiang silently looked at the phantom in the mirror, and did not put it away until the end of the class.

  Rika and Chiyo, who had packed their schoolbags early, ran over and complained about the heavy rain.

   "Wow, it seems to be raining heavily, right?"

   "Too bad, I didn't bring an umbrella."

   "Should it be just a temporary rainstorm?"

   "Who knows, but it better be like that!"

   "By the way, didn't the weather forecast yesterday say that it will rain today? Xiaoqian, why don't you bring an umbrella?"

   "This...I talked on the phone with my boyfriend until late last night, and I accidentally forgot."

   "Wow~ What kind of likes and dislikes do you show your affection when you disagree!"

   "Too much!?"

  Xinjoxiang listened to their conversation, took out her folding umbrella from her schoolbag, and handed it over.

   "Xiao Qian, you can use this first."

   "Huh? But, I'm too sorry for that. And, Xiaoxiang, how are you going to go back?"

   Facing Chiyo's surprised and embarrassed expression, Shinjoka smiled slightly.

   "You're welcome, anyway, I'm not going home now, the president said he needs to find me, so I have to go to the student union first."

   "Since that's the case... thank you then? I'll return the umbrella to you tomorrow, Xiao Xiang." Chiyo happily took the umbrella with a grateful expression.


  Lixiang had an ambiguous expression on her face, jokingly said:

   "So that's how it is~ As long as you don't bring an umbrella, you can share an umbrella with President Kato, right? Xiaoxiang, you are so deceitful~~!"

   "Huh? Is what Xiaolixiang said true!? Xiaoxiang."

   "Xiao Qian, if you don't want to borrow the umbrella, you can return it to me."

   "Ah, I want to borrow, I want to borrow, I'm sorry~"

  Chiyo stuck out her tongue playfully, as if she was worried that she would go back on her word, she dragged Lixiang away quickly.

  Xinjoxiang looked back and found that the members of Kato's team were no longer in the classroom. So she also picked up her schoolbag and walked to the event building alone.

   Walk through the overhead corridor on the second floor and come to the event building.

  Under the weather where outdoor activities were not possible, students from cultural clubs became the protagonists instead, and many people were discussing the sudden rainstorm in the corridor.

  Xinjoxiang greeted people, walked up the stairs to the third floor, and arrived at the entrance of the student council room.

  She took out the portable mirror again, made weeping and pitiful expressions respectively, carefully confirmed the results of many times of practice last night, and then put away the mirror with satisfaction.

  ‘Behave obediently later~ Don’t talk back to the president, just admit your mistake directly. '

  She took a deep breath, raised her hand and knocked on the door twice, and opened the door after getting the response of "come in".

   There was no light on in the room, and it looked dim and deserted.

  Cold and damp air came in through the window with a finger slit, mixed with the smell of asphalt and dust, reminiscent of a summer field path.

  The room was filled with wordless silence, except for the rain falling outside the window.

  Yusuke Kato sat alone on the sofa, holding a collection of poems in his hand, and on the title page was Bei Dao's "Daydream".

  He lowered his head, and the silver hair on his forehead drooped naturally, half covering his dark and narrow eyes. His eyelashes were slightly long, and the ends of his eyes were raised and the tails of his eyes were slightly raised, which was the kind of cold and affectionate eyes.


  Xintiaoxiang called softly with a lovely voice, walked to the other side timidly, and stopped.

   As if he didn't hear her words, Kato Yusuke stared at the poetry collection in his hand, looking a little quiet.

   Xintiaoxiang glanced secretly and saw such a paragraph.

   "So we fell in love with the abyss, a day of remembrance, drinking the storms of the past, sinking with us.

  The wind took form in the keyhole, the memory of the dead, the knowledge of the night. "

   Without waiting for her to read more, the boy closed the poetry collection, and then slowly raised his head.

   "—Why did you betray me?"

  He asked softly and lowly, with a certain kind of depression in his cold voice.

   Xintiaoxiang's heart skipped a beat, and she knelt down with a plop, put her hands on her knees and lowered her head, saying in a soft voice:

   "...I'm sorry, President, I did something wrong, no matter how the President wants to punish me."

  She didn't look up, but she could feel the gaze falling on her head.

   Kato Yusuke paused for a moment, " already knew that she was the one who came to volunteer."

  Xinjoxiang's eyelids trembled, and she shrugged her shoulders and replied: "...Yes."

  —creak, chirp.

  In the field of vision directly ahead, the poetry collection was suddenly kneaded into a distorted shape. The other party's pale fingers creaked, and his breath suddenly became thicker.

   "That day... you made such a big detour with me just to pave the way for this matter?"

  Xin Tiaoxiang lowered her head, hesitated for a few seconds, and then forced herself to squeeze out a syllable.


   What followed was an indescribable depression, and the air was so thick that it was suffocating.

  Small area.

   "What was our original contract?" Kato Yusuke opened his lips word by word, his voice cold.

   Xintiaoxiang's chest tightened, her hands clenched the sleeves covering half of her palms, and she began to recite memories.

  "...I will not betray the president, I will be more obedient than Kasumigaoka-senpai, Kato-san, and Sawamura-san. As long as it is the president's request, I can do anything."

   "I will not cause trouble to the president, I am willing to be used by the president, and become the object of the president's boredom and resolution."

   "The president is my small wallet, and I am the exclusive item of the president. Hereby... the contract is established—"

   When she finished speaking, her voice trembled uncontrollably. Kato Yusuke sneered.

   "I remember it quite clearly."


   "Since you know, why did you invite her in?"

"This is…"

   "Since you know it, why did you keep it from me?"

"That is…"

   "Now that you know, why—you dare to contact her behind my back?"


  Yusuke Kato asked questions faster and faster each time, his words were not fierce, but calm after careful consideration.

  —But this makes people more scared!

  Xin Tiaoxiang would rather that he would be furious, beating, scolding, and punishing herself, but she would rather see him calm down.

  After all, the aggregate of human emotions, as long as they are properly vented, the anger will always dissipate. The most fearful thing is to choose to hold it in your heart...

   After a long silence, the young man in the high position whispered something.

   "Keep your head up."


  Xinjoxiang raised her head tremblingly, completely lost her usual tact and wit, and just looked at the other party anxiously.


  That was something she had never seen before, the calm anger gesture, like the calm before the storm, with a feeling of palpitation.

  The deep eyes that looked straight at them were full of indifference and indifference, as if going back to the past all of a sudden, as if they were telling each other about their future relationship.


  Xinjoxiang muttered, opened her lips, and squeezed out two words from her throat. She couldn't help but wanted to reach out and grab something, but the other party avoided it.

"-You did very well."

   Kato Yusuke took a deep look at her, nodded his head twice, then got up and left the room without saying a word.

   Click, snap.

  The sound of the door opening and closing sounded behind him.

   It wasn't until a long time later that Xinjoxiang regained consciousness.

   She withdrew her hand tremblingly, and looked around blankly. The room was finally no longer heavy, but it was so quiet that it made people crazy.

  She supported the sofa and stood up, picked up the seemingly abandoned "Northern Island Poetry Collection" and hugged it to her chest, then locked the door and left the activity building, all the way to the shoe cabinet in the school building.

   Mechanically took out the uniform shoes from the shoe cabinet and put them on, put the indoor shoes back and disposed of some confession letters.

  Walking under the eaves outside, the cool air came along with the noisy sound of rain.

   That rain, like old glass marbles.

  Xinjoxiang looked up at the sky under heavy rain, and stood there in a daze.

  The dark sky is heavy, oppressing the whole city.

   "Wow, it's raining so hard, will you get wet even if you hold an umbrella like this?"

   "It's okay, I'll just give you the coat."

  The flirtatious conversations and laughter of the students and lovers came to my ears, which was extremely noisy.

   "The president's book...can't get dirty..."

  Xinjoxiang muttered to herself, carefully put the book of poetry into the bottom layer of the schoolbag, and then carried the schoolbag on the front.

  Ah, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t have lent Xiao Qian’s umbrella.

   She thought indifferently as she stepped forward.

   Crash, crackle, crackle.

  The bean-sized rain slapped on the body suddenly, making people's cheeks hurt, and the hair and clothes were drenched in an instant.

   "Huh? That girl...isn't she—!?"

   There seemed to be a student's exclamation from behind, but she didn't bother to pay attention to it, just hugged her schoolbag and hurried on her way.

   It only takes about ten minutes to run from here to Toyosaki Station, and then you can take the tram home smoothly, take a comfortable hot bath, and handle the daily work for the president...

   Xintiaoxiang froze at this thought, bit her lip tightly, and then sped up again.

  In the dim sight, she smelled the fishy smell of rainwater and the smell of earth.

  The street lamps on both sides of the street gave off a faint light. The plastic bags and empty cans on the road were blown around by the wind, and the rainwater formed trap-like puddles on the ground.

  She stepped on it with a slap, and the splash of water flew up, wet her shoes, socks and dress.

  In the dark and misty scenery, it seems that only the sound of distant headlights and splashing water connects her with the world.

  She ran and ran and ran, and when she raised her head, she realized that she had unknowingly overrun and passed the station long ago.

  Xin Tiaoxiang looked around blankly, and complained in a low voice: "...What are you doing, it's really troublesome."

  The heavy rain hit her mercilessly, drilling down her neck. The sailor suit inside was wet and transparent, but fortunately no one passed by because of the weather.

   As if unable to sense the cold, Shinjoka squinted her eyes to identify the direction, and began to turn back towards the station.

  The wind direction here is against the wind, blowing her thin body totteringly.

   She wiped the rain off her face, and suddenly felt a little hot in the corners of her eyes. He raised his hand and rubbed his dry eyes, the stimulated lacrimal gland instinctively oozes tears.

  Looking up at the sky where the night has come in advance, the stars are dim and there is no light at this moment.

   "''s, there's...nothing...I'm such an idiot..."

  Xin Tiaoxiang laughed dryly, her lips turned white from being bitten, and then lowered her head again.

  The roaring strong wind drowned out all the sounds around her, the soaked clothes took away her body temperature, the moisture made her body heavy, and what she saw was blurred.

  In the torrential rain, she hugged her shoulders and staggered forward step by step.

  In the whole world, only she was left in this storm.


   "Xiaoxiang!? How did you get drenched like this—!?"

  When she finally returned to the apartment, Serizawa Yuu, who saw her miserable appearance, couldn't help screaming, and then immediately drove her into the bathroom.

   "In short, take off your clothes quickly and take a bath! I have put the hot water in, and I will help you prepare the clothes you need to change!"

  Xinjoxiang stood in front of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror, like seeing a drowned water ghost.

  Her hair was sticking to her face, her wet uniform was sticking to her skin, and there was no place on her body that was not dripping.

  The originally lovely face was very pale at the moment, and the light makeup painted before going out was also in a mess, like watercolor paints that melted with the water.

   " ugly."

  She lifted the hair on her forehead and laughed at herself: "The president doesn't like this kind of ugly girl~"

   Serizawa Yu hurried in with her pajamas in her arms, and when she saw her standing still, she urged her again.

   "Ah, Xiaoxiang, why don't you take off your clothes? You will definitely get sick like this! Hurry up!"

  Xinjoxiang didn't hold back on this, and consciously took off all the wet clothes and underwear, and put herself in the bathtub.

   Hot water at just the right temperature is wrapped up from all around, with a comfortable warmth, dispelling the chill in the body.


  Her brows relaxed, and she unconsciously said: " warm~"

   "Xiaoxiang, I'll put your uniform in the washing machine to wash it? I'll leave the pajamas I need to change on the lid of the washing machine, and dinner is almost ready. You should be able to eat after washing."

   "Ok~~~Thank you."

   "You're welcome~ Then I'll go out first, Xiaoxiang, wash slowly."

   Serizawa Yu left the bathroom after finishing speaking, with a smile on her face like a good wife and mother.

  Xinjoxiang took a handful of water and slapped it on her face, then buried her head under the water, blowing air through her nose, and slowly exhaled the air in her lungs.

   In this way, it seems that part of the emotions deposited in the chest have also escaped.


  The thing that sank at the bottom was still stuck there, motionless like a piece of lead.


   I have something to do today, so send it early.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion