MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 653 I only believe in man-made

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  Chapter 653 I only believe in artificial things

  The day after the three of Shiwa came to the house, Yusuke Kato accepted Megumi's invitation to buy.

   Like some kind of convention, the two went to the supermarket to buy a lot of ingredients as usual, and then returned to his apartment.

   At dusk, the sky has just darkened.

  The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled slightly, shining on the quiet residential area, laying out a hazy color, dyeing everything around in soft tones.

  At the door of the room, a slender figure was still sitting there quietly.

   Kato Yusuke stopped in his tracks, a look of complexity flashed in his eyes.

   "Welcome back, Yusuke."

  As if nothing happened yesterday, Sayu greeted him with a smile, and then turned her eyes to Kei who was aside.

   "Also, are you Miss Kato? Good evening."

   Slowly, Hui responded with his usual easy-going tone.

   " good evening, Ms. Ogiwara."

  In the quiet corridor, two girls looked at each other, their brown and black hair fluttering in the breeze.

   Today Sayu is wearing a loose white sweater, a pair of slim-fit jeans, the trouser legs are close to her slender ankles, and a pair of canvas shoes on her feet.

  She dresses up simply and casually, with clean and smooth hair and a lovely appearance, showing the youth and vitality of a girl, sweet and moving.

In contrast, Hui is wearing a light pink coat with a white shirt inside, a light gray pleated skirt on the lower body, slender and well-proportioned legs protruding from under the skirt, and a pair of fresh white sportswear on her feet shoe.

  She wears a ponytail, revealing a delicate neck, and a lady's brown leather bag is slung across her shoulders. The overall shape is warm, comfortable and stylish, making people feel very comfortable.

   Kato Yusuke looked at them, and after a long silence, he said, "...Okay, Megumi, let's go in."


  Megumi glanced at him first, then looked at Sayu again, and turned his head slightly in thought.

   "Well~ I always feel like this is not good. Otherwise, Miss Ogiwara, would you like to come in for a cup of tea?"

""Huh? ""

   Facing this speech, the two people made voices in unison.

   "Because, instead of letting Ms. Ogiwara sit outside, I think it would be better for you, Yusuke, to chat with her. If you don't want to talk anyway..."

  Hui pondered for a while and said, "Then how about drinking a cup of tea?"


   Kato Yusuke frowned, his lips squirmed, and finally dropped his shoulders in resignation, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

  Megumi showed him a gentle and slightly apologetic smile, then walked to the door of the room, and saluted Shadou who stood up involuntarily.

   "Then please wait a moment~ I will open the door now."


  Hearing this, Sayu, who was staring at Kato Yusuke in surprise, turned her head quickly.

   Then, she saw Kei take out a key case from the bag she was carrying, choose one of many keys and open the door directly.

   "Okay, then please come in~Miss Ogiwara." The other party said with a smile, and asked her to enter first modestly.

  However, Sayu just watched this scene dumbfounded, unable to calm down at all.

-Why? ?

  The brain started to rotate instinctively, and questions emerged one after another.

  Why, this girl has a key to Yusuke's house?

  Why, this girl can influence Yusuke's decision?

  Why, this girl can get something that others don't?

  Sayu stared closely at the inconspicuous key, her eyes moved for a while, and she frowned subconsciously.

  She has come here every day to welcome Kato Yusuke back home, and this is the first time she has seen someone own the key to his house.

   Judging from the opponent's familiar door opening action, it is obviously not the first time that such a thing has been done.

  In addition, the key was collected in a private key bag, so it was never obtained temporarily, but a spare key that belonged to this home that had been held for a long time.

  Sayu realized the difference in an instant, and unconsciously pursed her lips tightly, feeling an indescribable panic in her heart.

  Yesterday, she didn't care about Shi Yu's harsh words, but now she saw Kei who kindly invited her into the room, but felt a strong shock and shake.

  Yusuke Kato on the side never opened his mouth, as if he had completely handed over the right to choose and decide, even though it might allow the "excluded self" to enter the room.

  Sayu felt that she was facing an important decision, as if she had come to a crossroads in her life, her eyes were foggy, and she couldn’t see the road ahead clearly.

  She closed her eyes and took a slow, deep breath.

   In order not to make a wrong decision, I checked my heart again and again.

   An indecisive mood is like swaying water, slender and transparent.

   After a long time, Sayu opened his eyes.

  Meeting Hui's patient and calm eyes, she took a step back with light steps, showed a decent polite smile, and answered in a soft voice.

   "...Thank you, Miss Kato, but as expected, forget it."

"I see…?"

   "Well, that's not the place I should go in now. I'll go in and disturb you when it's special."

   "Special times..."

  Hui read this sentence softly, looked at her slightly pale but determined expression thoughtfully, and finally nodded slightly.

   "Well~~Since Ms. Ogiwara has said so, so be it. Yusuke, can you bring in the ingredients for me? I'm worried that the seafood's ice pack will melt and make the taste worse, so I want to put it in the refrigerator earlier."


  Yusuke Kato carried the plastic bag in his hand, and entered the entrance with Kei, without saying much.

  Sayu stood quietly on the spot, watched them close the door with a smile, and her mood became transparent.

  Although a certain person still had no expression on his face, she still caught a fleeting surprise in the other person's eyes at the moment she passed by her.

  Even though it was less than a second of eye contact, there was still an uncontrollable excitement in my heart.

"…poker face."

  Sayu muttered under her breath, and sat down on the ground with her knees hugged again.

  Actually, it's not that she doesn't want to enter the room behind her.

  But she wanted to wait for that person to personally allow her to go in, instead of being invited in by others for some unknown reason.

   This is a small thing, but the meaning behind it is very different.

  Even if some people say she is critical, she has no intention of changing.

   After all, when that person is willing to accept her back one day, she hopes that it is out of the other person's heartfelt emotion, not influenced by others.


  At a quarter past seven, Yusuke Kato was about to send Kei home.

   They packed up their things and went out, Sayu was still sitting outside the door.

   "Yusuke, can I have a word with you?"

  The girl stood up and said: "Just one sentence. If you don't want to talk to me alone, it doesn't matter if you let Ms. Kato stay with you."

  Mei: "That~ let me forget what I said. I'll wait for you downstairs first, Yusuke."

  Rejecting Sayu's proposal to observe, Kei went downstairs first, leaving space for the two of them.

  Then, Kato Yusuke heard such a passage.

  "—Yusuke, I'm going back to Hokkaido tomorrow, so I want to say goodbye to you. Having said that, I will move to live in Tokyo when the school season starts.

  I'm sorry for causing you a lot of trouble during this period... But I will probably still bother you in the future, I hope you can be patient as much as possible.

   If you can't bear it, you can consider dating me as soon as possible.

  On this basis, please be mentally prepared and take good care of your body. I will bring you many Hokkaido specialties next time.

at last-"

   Sayu took a deep breath and bowed.

   "Thank you for taking care of me during this time! Also, goodbye, Yusuke, we will meet later."


   Is this a sentence?

  This is a small composition!

  Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, and lowered his voice in a commonplace way: "Don't come again."

   Sayu answered in seconds.

   "Sorry, I can't do this."

   "Then don't come to my house."

   "Sorry, that can't be done either."

   "I have no feelings for you."

   "That kind of thing, you won't know until you try it."

   Kato Yusuke frowned, "I won't accept you."

   "About this." Sayu straightened her body and smiled like a flower blooming, "I only believe that things are man-made."

   Kato Yusuke put his hand in the pocket of the sweater, turned his head and left.

  Find Kei downstairs, walk to the station together, and briefly talk about the conversation with Sayu just now.

   Actually, there was no reason why he had to say anything, but when the other party came here to cook for him, it would be too embarrassing to hide it.

  In fact, after he sent Shi Yu home last night, he talked with Kei on the phone.

  That's why the girl knew all about what happened yesterday, so she wasn't so surprised when she saw Sayu.

   The two just walked and chatted.

  On the night at the end of February, there was a cool breath on the street.

  The dim light illuminates the block, reflecting light spots like fireflies on the ground, dotting the entire street.

   Occasionally, pedestrians walked past them, making leisurely conversations, warm and comfortable.

  At a certain moment, Hui suddenly said this.

   "By the way, Ms. Ogiwara is really persistent."


  Yusuke Kato's footsteps faltered slightly, and immediately returned to normal, "Sorry, I didn't expect her to come today, did it bother you?"

   "Well~~ I can't say it's troublesome, after all, I'm just a cook who comes to Yusuke's house to cook, and I'm not qualified to care about such things."

   "No...don't say that, I have been taken care of by Hui a lot, and I am the one who feels embarrassed."


  Hui responded casually, and then said as if remembering something:

   "By the way, Yusuke, in fact, I plan to go mountaineering recently, and I probably won't be able to come to your house to cook then, so I will tell you in advance."

   “…mountain climbing? Wouldn’t it be too sudden?”

   "Hey~~ Even if you say that, I should have told you before that I want to climb the mountain next time."

   This refers to the time when we went to live in Baihua Lake.

   Kato Yusuke nodded, "You have said it, but I didn't expect it to be so soon...Where are you going?"

   "Mt. Fuji."

"when to go?"

   "Well... I plan to go on the second weekend in March, but I haven't decided yet."

   "It's's a bit cold, isn't it?"


  Hui shook her head lightly, and the single ponytail behind her head swayed accordingly, and the silver-white light shone slightly on her black hair.

  She raised her hand and picked up a strand of hair that fell on the side of her face, and pushed it behind her small ears. A delicate smile appeared on her face, and she looked back.

   "It's already spring~? Yusuke."

  The night wind became stronger in an instant, blowing the girl's hair into a swaying posture.

   His figure was directly reflected in his pupils, which were as clear and peaceful as lake water, Kato Yusuke couldn't help being taken aback.

   "Is that so..."

  He was quiet for a while, looking for something to say: "Sounds very good, how many days do you plan to go?"

   "Well... because I want to see the sunrise, so it should be two days."

   "Oh, are you going with your family? Why haven't you decided yet?"



  Hui smiled and met his blank eyes, the corners of which showed a bit of shyness.

   "Well, although it may be a bit abrupt to ask this way, I haven't found a companion who can climb the mountain together...So, Yusuke, do you want to go together...? Just the two of us."

   Kato Yusuke paused for a moment, then lowered his head to think.

  The graduation ceremony is in the first week of March, the time is OK.

   My work schedule in mid-March... seems to be nothing special.

   The only problem is—

   "... Hui, how do you explain it to your family?"

   "Well~ Just like before, I would say that I went with the members of the studio." The girl replied calmly, as if she had been prepared for a long time.

   and members of the studio, but didn't say a few.

  Kato Yusuke seemed to realize something, and then hesitantly asked a question that he was very concerned about.

   "...Since it is said to be with the members of the studio, then I have to ask Shiba-senpai if they are interested?"

  Hui narrowed her eyes slightly, and was silent for a moment.

  "...Um~ how should I say it? If Yusuke wishes so much, I don't mind you asking everyone.

  By the way, when everyone made an appointment to come to your house yesterday, I didn’t seem to receive the notification, Yusuke, do you know what’s going on? "

   "No, I don't know."

   Kato Yusuke shook his head again and again, speechless.

  Although he had a vague guess in his heart, it was not something that could be said now.

   Fortunately, Hui didn't seem to care about this, but simply said a few words.

   "Then, Yusuke, do you think it will be boring to be with me? Do you have to ask everyone to come together?"

   "Actually, I don't hate being with everyone, I just feel a little bit left behind."

   "However, it should just be accidentally forgotten, right?"

   "After all, my sense of existence is very weak, so there is nothing I can do about it ~ Although I was in the gymnasium at the time, Kasumigaoka-senpai will inevitably be negligent."

   "Anyway, if Yusuke thinks it's better for everyone to be together, I'm okay? It's completely okay?"

  Yusuke Kato's cheeks twitched, and he felt a faint numbness in his scalp, so he said as if walking on thin ice:

   "Well...I see. If Kei doesn't mind just the two of us, I'd like to accompany you."

   "Okay~ then it's settled."

  Hui nodded his head briskly twice, thoughtfully said:

   "There is also the professional equipment used for mountain climbing, because I don't know much about it, so let's make an appointment to purchase it together?"


  Yusuke Kato had no reason to refuse, and agreed decisively.

   Just like that, he sent Megumi, who seemed to be in a better mood, to the station, and then turned back home alone.

   Halfway through the walk, he suddenly received a work message from Xiao Jia Nai on his mobile phone, reminding him that the day after tomorrow is the character's voice actor selection meeting, and reminding him to remember to be there.

  Yusuke Kato walked back to the old apartment while replying to the message.

  —The refreshing citrus fragrance has disappeared in front of the door.


  (end of this chapter)

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