MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 654 sassy, ​​go forward

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  Chapter 654 Sassy, ​​walk forward

  After the weekend, the timing enters March.

  On Monday, at Toyosaki Gakuen, the gymnasium was full.

  The sun in early spring is pouring from the windows, and the climate is obviously starting to warm up.

  In the solemn air, there were uncontrollable sobs from time to time.

  The people who appeared here were wearing formal clothes and uniforms based on black.

  《Graduation Certificate Presentation Ceremony》

  If you ignore the eight characters hanging high on the stage, the scene probably looks more like a funeral.

  The teachers were dressed in neat suits, and the expressions on their faces were more kind than usual, mixed with emotion.

  The students in the front row wore corsages, which added some color to the scene and told people that this was an occasion worth celebrating.

  The girls stood shoulder to shoulder with their friends, held hands, exhaled lightly, and endured not to cry, as if it was the prelude to parting.

  Since he was reluctant to part with his youth in three years of high school, he naturally exuded a similar atmosphere.

  Affected by this atmosphere, the students in the lower grades couldn't help but feel a little heavy, fidgeting on the folding chairs.

   This year, next year, the year after.

  One day, the protagonist will be his turn.

  Once you graduate from high school, it's like being deprived of the privilege of being able to sway your youth.

  Even if most of the people present will continue to study and delay re-entering the society for a few years, the time belonging to high school cannot come back.

  —“Time is limited.”

  In such an occasion, even the most rebellious students can clearly understand this at this moment, and can no longer maintain a casual mentality that has nothing to do with them.

  A congressman from a certain party gave a serious speech on the stage, looking like he was more concerned about their future than the students.

  If you ignore the little things like "teachers and parents are natural ticket warehouses", it would be touching.

  According to the difference between male left and female right, students in each class are arranged neatly.

  Yusuke Kato sat quietly in the class line, feeling calm.

  At this time, Shan Kou, who was sitting on the left, came over and whispered.

   "Kato, regarding the class placement in the new semester, have you chosen liberal arts and science?"

   "Well, I chose liberal arts."

   "Okay, I, Takei and Kako have also chosen liberal arts, I hope everyone can be in the same class this year."

   Kato Yusuke nodded, and responded simply with this movement.

   "You move slowly, and be careful not to be noticed."

   "By whom?"

   "Those big men and teachers."

  Yamaguchi glanced at the MP who was speaking on the stage, and curled his lips disapprovingly.

   "Hey, those big shots are busy trying to win votes for themselves, so they won't care about these insignificant things."

   "You can't seem to calm down?"

   "Because I'm very free... I feel bored when I think that this boring ceremony will last for two hours. Ah, can't you hurry up and finish the graduation certificate and end it earlier?"

   "Be patient, just treat it as practice in advance, sooner or later it will be our turn to graduate."

   Kato Yusuke lightly shrugged, trying to end the topic, but Yamaguchi refused to shut up.

   "Speaking of which..."

  The other party winked narrowly.

   "That Kasumigaoka-senpai is one grade higher than us. No matter how reluctant you are, you have to watch her graduate with your own eyes, and you will be sad when the time comes."

  Hearing this, Kato Yusuke instinctively looked towards the second grade team, and soon found the target.

  Looking at the icy beauty who seemed to be dozing with her head down, with smooth black hair and a small snow-white face, he couldn't help showing a gentle look in his eyes.

   "...ah, that's true."

   "Isn't it? Even you would cry in that kind of situation, right?"

  Facing Yamaguchi's ridicule, Kato Yusuke responded calmly.

   "However, Xiaoshi basically comes to the studio every day, and the only opportunity we lack to meet is the school part."


  Yamaguchi's smile froze on his face, and he immediately made an international gesture to him, "Damn it now, let me die."

   Kato Yusuke raised his brows cooperatively and gave him a provocative smile.

   While the two were passing the time, the congressmen on the stage finally finished their speeches.

  He returned to the guest seat from the stage, bowed respectfully to a middle-aged man who was not angry and pretentious, and finally sat down stiffly in the lower seat.

  The middle-aged man was wearing a black kimono and had long hair. He was sitting in the front row of the guest seat, surrounded by the principal and several councilors.

   "Did you see that? That is the real big shot. Compared with others, the one who spoke just now is just a nobody."

"…you know?"

   "Huh? Kind of like..."

  Yamaguchi narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned his head to look meaningfully, and smiled.

   "If you want to say, that person has a very close relationship with an acquaintance of yours."


  Yusuke Kato couldn't help frowning, his gaze stayed on the middle-aged man in the guest seat for a moment, and he asked tentatively, "...Nakano-senpai's family?"

   "That's right~"

  Yamaguchi grinned and explained for him.

  "Nakano Kohei, the school manager of our school who has never seen his head and tail, is also the current head of the famous Nakano family, and the father of that Nakano-senpai."

"…I see."

   Kato Yusuke looked at his friend in surprise, and didn't say much.

  On the stage, Katsushi Nakamura, who was the master of ceremonies, stood in front of the microphone and talked freely.

  Although they were all reading congratulatory messages from some other congressmen, they were enjoyable to listen to, and this boring part was passed smoothly. The charm of the handsome guy can be seen.

  "—Next, please give a farewell speech to the student representatives."


  Yusuke Kato got up from the folding chair, ignored Yamaguchi's teasing of "Come on, big man", walked onto the stage calmly, and took the place of Katsu Nakamura.

  He bowed to the classmates and teachers in the audience, then straightened his back, moved the microphone to a suitable position, and began to deliver a speech.

  "The harsh winter is over. Under the soft sunshine, we welcome the faintly fragrant spring."

  The deep and soothing voice diffused through the speakers, with a sense of coolness and distantness, and penetrated into people's ears, and the scene naturally quieted down.

  The boy was wearing a neat school uniform, with a golden rope decoration representing the student council president on the neckline, looking clean and decent.

  He has broad shoulders and a broad chest, a slender and tall figure, standing there calmly like a mountain, which is impressive.

  The refreshing short silver hair is neatly groomed, outlining the heroic eyebrows, and some soft broken hairs are exposed around the ears, spreading slightly outward.

  The deep and quiet eyes are like a dark starry sky, reflecting the shining lights on the stage, attracting everyone's attention like a magnet.

  “Here, we learned knowledge, gained friendship and love.

  We used to sweat **** the playground, study hard in the library, and explore unknown mysteries in the laboratory...

  All of these will become a shining part of our life path. "

  Yusuke Kato held the speech and read it calmly.

  The clear and warm voice is full of confidence and calmness, reflecting the image of the student council president that teachers and parents pursue.

  Under the stage, Shi Yu woke up at some point, her lazy eyes directly reflected the scene on the stage, proud and proud.

  Hui and Ying Lili were sitting in different places, while staring at the same figure at the same time, their eyes sparkling.

  Xinjoxiang stared intently at the stage, ignoring Lixiang who kept chanting "I will die, I will die" next to me.

  On the stage, Kato Yusuke continued to speak.

  “…Although we will go to our respective futures, we will always remember this place, the school motto and teachings here, and the friendship and preciousness here.

   "Therefore, this is not the end, but a new beginning of life. Here, I would like to share a passage with all the graduates here."

  He raised his head, looked around the students present without being humble, and said slowly under the eager eyes of everyone:

  "Youth always set sail fast, the road is blocked and long without turning."

  “It needs to be grand, splendid, and uproarious. It is necessary to use the ideal Titanic to hit the iceberg of reality.”

  “Be the wind that burns the Red Cliff, not the straw boat borrowing arrows.”

   "If you want to go to a sea, you are willing to climb thousands of mountains—"

  The sonorous and powerful words contain strength and firmness, making people listen carefully unconsciously, as if attracted to a boundless starry sky.

  At the guest table, Nakano Xinghei looked at the calm young man on the stage with some surprise, his eyes flashed with admiration.

  Gifted students with both civil and military skills.

  National track and field champion.

  The individual champion of the National Kyudo Conference.

  Creator of the hit shonen manga.

  Self-made entrepreneur and philanthropist.


  Let's not talk about the kind of flirtatious love.

  The more you look at it, the more you look like a qualified door-to-door son-in-law.

  He stroked the beautiful beard on his chin subconsciously, feeling a burst of satisfaction in his heart, and then thought of his only daughter who was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and let out a cold snort from his nose.

   At the same time, the farewell words also entered the final paragraph.

  Kato Yusuke put away the speech in his hand, paused for a while, then looked forward and smiled.

   “Finally, I would like to offer my congratulations.

  I wish all the seniors and sisters Dapeng to rise with the same wind one day and soar to 90,000 miles.

  Current student representative, Yusuke Kato. "

  In an instant, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

  And the party seemed to have just completed a performance naturally, bowed deeply to the crowd to end his speech, and then walked off the stage sassyly.

  Followed by everyone's eyes, Yusuke Kato returned to his seat. Yamaguchi immediately gave a thumbs up, and Takayama admired him.

   "Amazing, just radiant."

  Before he could speak, the other party answered in a fierce manner.

   "—Don't use this trick when the freshmen enter school. The cute school girl belongs to everyone, if you grab it again, I will kill you!"

  Yusuke Kato cast a disgusted look at him, and had nothing to say.

   The applause gradually died down.

   "Next, let the graduate representatives come to the stage to give a speech."

   Announced by Katsushi Nakamura, Ryoko Nakano stepped onto the stage gracefully.

  She saluted at the center and looked around the stage, as if she wanted to see every student.

  Then, she raised the corners of her mouth, showing a friendly and warm smile, and then began to read the answer with an ethereal and distant voice.

   "On this sunny day, we are finally saying goodbye to this campus..."

  Ryoko Nakano read aloud fluently, mentioning all kinds of happy memories of campus, clubs, classes, and group activities, and brought back the atmosphere that was about to go berserk just now.

   Anyway, today's protagonists are all graduates.

  Although Yusuke Kato didn't mean it that way, there was still some suspicion of usurping the host's role. Some people would inevitably feel uncomfortable because of this, but fortunately, Ryoko Nakano resolved it without a trace.

   Nakano Xinghei stared at his daughter, with admiration and melancholy in his eyes at the same time, and finally closed his eyes tiredly, feeling "if Ryoko was a boy" for the first time.

   Ryoko Nakano didn't know what his father was thinking, and continued to speak without distraction.

  “In the future, we will use our own feet to move forward step by step on our respective paths.”

  “Even if we encounter huge obstacles in the future, we will still regard the memories, knowledge, and glory we got from Toyosaki as the food of life, and move forward with strength. Thank you very much.”

   She paused here, showing a bright smile like a flower.

  Seeing that smile, many people instantly felt their noses hurt, their vision began to blur, and they let out a suppressed sob in their throats.

  Ryoko Nakano looked around the audience again, met Yusuke Kato's eyes at a certain moment, and lowered the corners of her eyes steadily.

   "...Then, I would also like to send you a congratulatory message based on Yu-kun's speech just now."

  She calmed down a bit, and then continued.

   "—I hope you will grow wings and turn into Beiming fish."

   "I would like to express my gratitude to all those who supported us...Graduate representative, Ryoko Nakano."

   After finishing speaking, Ryoko Nakano bowed deeply, maintaining her beautiful posture for a long time.

  During this period of silence, only the whimpering and exhalation of the audience could be heard.

   Then, all the attendees, including Kato Yusuke, gave thunderous applause to that awe-inspiring figure without hesitation.

   After a while, Ryoko Nakano slowly raised her head, showing her signature smile. There is a touch of loneliness in the maturity, which makes people feel kind but alienated.

  She walked off the stage gracefully, without a single tear, and her posture was quite beautiful.

   "...Woo, this side is also very fierce."

  Yamaguchi muttered indistinctly while wiping his nose with a paper towel, completely drawn into the sentimental atmosphere, and lost the previous sloppy look.

  Looking at his performance, Kato Yusuke wanted to laugh at him, but fell silent again, and finally just nodded in agreement.



   After the graduation certificates are issued, the ceremony officially ends.

  Everyone had a simple class meeting, and then school was over soon.

  Not only graduates, today is also a day of farewell for current students.

  People left the classroom in a hurry and ran to say goodbye to their familiar seniors, even Kato Yusuke.

  Aside from other people, he had to say goodbye to that Nakano-senpai who took good care of him so as not to be rude.

   I told everyone on LINE that I will be going to the studio later.

  He packed his schoolbag and left the classroom, and walked to the third floor where the graduates were. The corridor was full of students chatting and taking pictures.

  These students not only did not disband after taking the photo, but reluctantly chatted on the spot, and the corridor became crowded.

   But in days like today, even the teachers will choose to turn a blind eye and stop talking about those clichés.

  Yusuke Kato avoided the graduates and walked in the corridor. On the way, he saw someone cherishing the graduation album in his arms, looking around for someone to sign, trying to fill the last blank page of youth.

  When he finally arrived at Ryoko Nakano's class, he was told that he was not here, and he didn't know where he went.

   Kato Yusuke thought about it, and with the mentality of giving it a try, he turned to the Kyudo Department.

   slap —

  Melodious and melodious string sounds came from behind the door.

  Before seeing the person, hear the voice first.

  Yusuke Kato couldn't help smiling, knowing that he had found the right place, so he opened the door and walked in.

  In a quiet dojo, a girl with short hair stood. She was wearing a familiar kyudo uniform, a white robe and a black hakama skirt, which looked extraordinarily elegant.

  Her gaze was fixed on the front, holding an exquisite Japanese bow in her hand, and the bowstring swayed gently with the breeze, as if to say something.

  Kato Yusuke: "...Nakano-senpai?"


  As if startled by his voice, Nakano Ryoko suddenly turned her head, a rare trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and she was very surprised when she saw him.

   "You-kun? Why are you here..."

  Kato Yusuke sighed in confusion.

   "I went to the class to look for my senior, but you weren't there, so I came here to have a look. What are you doing, senior? Many people are looking for you."

   "Well, I'm being lazy."


   "That is to say, I don't want to be found by everyone, so I stay here. Can't I?"

   "...No, it's not impossible."

  Yusuke Kato hesitated and said: "Sorry, I don't know what Senior Sister means. I can leave first if I disturb you."

   "No, it's too impolite to drive away the guests who come to the door, so please sit with me, Yu-kun."

   "Well, actually, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. I just want to say goodbye to my senior sister and thank you for the care I have received all the time. No need..."



  Ryoko Nakano put the bow across the legs that were sitting close together, stretched out her palms forward, and made a gesture of invitation, "Sit down."

   "Ah, yes."

  Yusuke Kato immediately swallowed the rest of the words, knelt down on the opposite side with a correct attitude, and waited for instructions.

  Honestly speaking, he respects and fears the senior in front of him.

  The other party taught him archery, awarded him the honor of student council president, taught him meditation and practice, hit his head with a bamboo knife, and helped him deal with the association and Xiao Xi.

  The two don't have much contact with each other, but whenever he encounters a problem, the other party will lend a helping hand, revealing a feeling that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

  It's hard to describe the relationship between friends and seniors, but he is really grateful for the help of the other party, and he doesn't hate this way of getting along.


  Ryoko Nakano caressed the bow in her hand, her dignified temperament was like a quiet ancient beauty, full of aura.

   "The preparations for the graduation ceremony have worked **** you, and you did a great job. The speech was also great, amazing."

   "Thank you...? But the senior sister's words seem to coax a child..."

   "As well as the previous National Kyudo Conference, thank you, You Jun, for helping our club win the team competition. I like this Christmas gift very much."

   "Don't say that."

  Yusuke Kato shook his head, "Winning the team competition is the result of the joint efforts of senior sister and other members, and it cannot be regarded as my credit."

   "As a gift in return. If you don't mind, I hope you will accept this."

  The exquisite Japanese bow was held in both hands and handed over.

   "Huh—?? No, how can this work? Is this the bow of senior sister?"

   "—Please be sure to accept it."


  The resolute tone made Kato Yuusuke hesitate, and then nodded with a wry smile.

   "... I understand, thank you senior sister, I will cherish it."

  He sat upright and took a deep breath, solemnly stretched out his hands to take the bow, and began to observe.

   This is the Japanese bow that Nakano Ryoko used in the National Conference, and it is also the bow that the opponent cherishes most.

   This bow is crafted from the highest quality mahogany and teak. Vibrant in color with varying shades, it is like a secret hidden deep within the trunk.

  The bow body has graceful curves and good elasticity, soft to the touch and full of strength.

  The bow arm and bow string are made of special high-strength fiber and metal, which makes the bow stronger and more flexible.

  The bow and arrow rest on the bow head is made of bone with exquisite carvings.

  The bow grip on the bow tail is made of precious ivory, dark and steady, showing dignity and preciousness.

  The whole handle and bow exudes a unique atmosphere, as if it is a work of art full of aura. It not only has ornamental value, but also has excellent performance.

  Yusuke Kato stroked and bowed lightly, it was a little hard to describe its value, but he just felt it was very precious.


  Ryoko Nakano looked at him peacefully, bent over and bowed beautifully, "Toyosaki Student Union and Kyudo Club, I'll leave it to you from now on."

   Kato Yusuke was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately bent back to return the salute.

   "Yes, I'll take it... Please rest assured, senior."

   "Well, I'm relieved if you say so, Yu-kun."

  The girl straightened her body, smiled and said, "Except for the girls' affairs, you have done a good job in other areas."


  Yusuke Kato scratched his cheek, and said shyly, "...Sorry, I made my senior laugh."

   "I didn't mean that, Yu-kun, as long as you have a clear heart."

   “…with a clear conscience.”

   Kato Yusuke deliberated on the meaning of this sentence, and cast a questioning look at the opposite side.

  Nakano Ryoko didn't intend to answer. She looked around the dojo of the Kyudo Department lovingly, and said in a low voice, "That's good..."

  The breeze blew her hair, and the neat short black hair swayed gently, like black jade dotted with precious stones, making her look extraordinarily handsome.


   Kato Yusuke considered it again and again, but couldn't help asking: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

  Nakano Ryoko looked at him again, with a rare expression of loneliness, like a caged bird.

   After a while, the master shook his head slightly.

   "Thank you, but the current Yu-kun is probably not good enough...Maybe one day, I will ask You-kun for help."

   A short silence.

"…I see."

   Kato Yusuke straightened his back and looked directly at the senior, "No matter what, I will definitely help you when the time comes."

  Nakano Ryoko didn't say anything more, just smiled softly, and then nodded slightly.


  She stood up and stepped out.

   "Then it's almost time for me to say goodbye to everyone. Goodbye, Yu-kun, take care."

  She waved lightly, turned and left.


  (end of this chapter)

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